std::function and std::bind(find in FAQ)

std::function and std::bind

The  bind  and  function  standard function objects are defined in  <functional>  (together with a lot of other function objects); they are used to handle functions and function arguments.  bind  is used to take a function (or a function object or anything you can invoke using the  (...)  syntax) and produce a function object with one or more of the arguments of the argument function ``bound'' or rearranged. For example:

	int f(int,char,double);
	auto ff = bind(f,_1,'c',1.2);	// deduce return type
	int x = ff(7);			// f(7,'c',1.2);
This binding of arguments is usually called ``Currying.'' The  _1  is a place-holder object indicating where the first argument of  ff  is to go when  f  is called through ff . The first argument is called  _1 , the second  _2 , and so on. For example:

	int f(int,char,double);
	auto frev = bind(f,_3,_2,_1);	// reverse argument order
	int x = frev(1.2,'c',7);	// f(7,'c',1.2);
Note how  auto  saves us from having to specify the type of the result of  bind .

It is not possible to just bind arguments for an overloaded function, we have to explicitly state which version of an overloaded function we want to bind:

	int g(int);
	double g(double);	// g() is overloaded

	auto g1 = bind(g,_1);				// error: which g()?
	auto g2 = bind((double(*)(double))g,_1);	// ok (but ugly)

bind()  comes in two variants: the one shown above and a "legacy" version where you explicitly specify the return type:

	auto f2 = bind<int>(f,7,'c',_1);	// explicit return type
	int x = f2(1.2);			// f(7,'c',1.2);
This second version was necessary and is widely used because the first (and for a user simplest) version cannot be implemented in C++98.

function is a type that can hold a value of just about anything you can invoke using the (...) syntax. In particular, the result of bind can be assigned to afunctionfunction is very simple to use. For example:

	function<float (int x, int y)> f;	// make a function object

	struct int_div {			// take something you can call using ()
		float operator()(int x, int y) const { return ((float)x)/y; };

	f = int_div();				// assign
	cout << f(5, 3) << endl;		// call through the function object
	std::accumulate(b,e,1,f);		// passes beautifully
Member functions can be treated as free functions with an extra argument

	struct X {
		int foo(int);

	function<int (X*, int)> f;
	f = &X::foo;		// pointer to member

	X x;
	int v = f(&x, 5);	// call X::foo() for x with 5
	function<int (int)> ff = std::bind(f,&x,_1);	// first argument for f is &x
	v=ff(5); 		// call
function s are useful for callbacks, for passing operations as argument, etc. It can be seen as a replacement for the C++98 standard library function objects mem_fun_t pointer_to_unary_function , etc. Similarly,  bind()  can be seen as a replacement for  bind1()  and  bind2() .

See also:





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