use Net::SMTP;
use MIME::Base64;
# 自动签到脚本 #
$host = ''; #SMTP服务器地址
# $host: smtp服务器
# $auth: 邮件账户
# $password: 邮件账户密码
# $to: 要发送的目标
# $mail_body: 邮件内容
sub send_mail {
my($host, $auth, $password, $to, $mail_body) = @_;
my $smtp = Net::SMTP->new(
Host => $host,
Hello => $host,
Timeout => 30,
Debug => 1
$smtp->auth(substr($auth, 0, index($auth, '@')), $password);
$smtp->datasend("From:$auth \n");
$smtp->datasend("To:$to \n");
$smtp->datasend(encode_base64($mail_body,'')." \n");
if(@ARGV < 1) {
$conf_file = './mailusers.conf'; #默认配置文件
else {
$conf_file = $ARGV[0]; #获取配置文件名
open CONF_FILE, $conf_file or die "Open config file [$conf_file] failed! \n";
open LOG_FILE, '>>send.log' or die "Open send.log failed! $!\n";
while(<LOG_FILE>) {
if($_ =~ /^#+/) {
next; #跳过注释行
@line = split /\s+/, $_;
if(@line != 4) {
next; #跳过空行
send_mail($host, $line[0], $line[1], $line[2], $line[3]);
print LOG_FILE "[" . localtime() . "] send_mail($host, $line[0], $line[1], $line[2], $line[3]); \n";
close CONF_FILE;
close LOG_FILE;
use strict;
use Mail::Sender;
my $sender = new Mail::Sender{smtp => 'smtp.163.com', from => 'myname_1@163.com'};
$sender->OpenMultipart({to => 'myname_2@gmail.com',
subject => 'Send Attachment!',
auth => 'LOGIN',
authid => 'myname_1',
authpwd => 'mypasswd_1',});
{description => 'Perl module Mail::Sender.pm',
ctype => 'application/x-zip-encoded',
encoding => 'Base64',
disposition => 'attachment; filename="111.rar"; type="ZIP archive"',
file => '111.rar'
#### The following is to send just a text mail ####
# if ($sender->MailMsg({
# smtp => 'smtp.163.com',
# from => 'myname_1@163.com',
# to =>'myname_2@gmail.com',
# subject => 'Test Attachment',
# msg => "Hi, Attachment!",
# auth => 'LOGIN',
# authid => 'myname_1',
# authpwd => 'mypasswd_1',
# }) < 0) {
# die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
# }
print "Mail sent OK.";
use strict;
use Mail::Sender;
my $sender = new Mail::Sender{smtp => 'smtp.163.com', from => 'myname_1@163.com'};
$sender->OpenMultipart({to => 'myname_2@gmail.com',
subject => 'Send Attachment!',
auth => 'LOGIN',
authid => 'myname_1',
authpwd => 'mypasswd_1',});
{description => 'Perl module Mail::Sender.pm',
ctype => 'application/x-zip-encoded',
encoding => 'Base64',
disposition => 'attachment; filename="111.rar"; type="ZIP archive"',
file => '111.rar'
#### The following is to send just a text mail ####
# if ($sender->MailMsg({
# smtp => 'smtp.163.com',
# from => 'myname_1@163.com',
# to =>'myname_2@gmail.com',
# subject => 'Test Attachment',
# msg => "Hi, Attachment!",
# auth => 'LOGIN',
# authid => 'myname_1',
# authpwd => 'mypasswd_1',
# }) < 0) {
# die "$Mail::Sender::Error\n";
# }
print "Mail sent OK.";