



  1. 自定义一个interface,里面写上自定义的方法,当然,需要extends IFloodlightServcice.
  2. 自定义一个class,实现我们的那个interface,还需要实现IFloodlightModule。如果还需要处理OpenFlow消息还需要实现IOFMessageListener,其他类似;如果需要使用FL提供的线程池,那就需要添加改依赖。
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定义的interface : IMonitorBandwidthService

public interface IMonitorBandwidthService extends IFloodlightService {
    public Map<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth> getBandwidthMap();
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package aaa.net.floodlightcontroller.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IFloodlightProviderService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.IOFSwitchService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleException;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.statistics.IStatisticsService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.statistics.StatisticsCollector;
import net.floodlightcontroller.statistics.SwitchPortBandwidth;
import net.floodlightcontroller.threadpool.IThreadPoolService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.topology.NodePortTuple;

 * 带宽获取模块
 * @author xjtu
public class MonitorBandwidth implements IFloodlightModule,IMonitorBandwidthService{

    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatisticsCollector.class);
    protected static IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider;
    protected static IStatisticsService statisticsService;
    private static IThreadPoolService threadPoolService;
    //Future类,不明白的可以百度 Java现成future,其实C++11也有这个玩意了
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> portBandwidthCollector;
    private static IOFSwitchService switchService;
    private static Map<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth> bandwidth;
    private static final int portBandwidthInterval = 4;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices() {
        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;
    public Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls() {
        Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> m = new HashMap<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService>();
        m.put(IMonitorBandwidthService.class, this);
        return m;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies() {
        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;

    public void init(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {
        floodlightProvider = context.getServiceImpl(IFloodlightProviderService.class);
        statisticsService = context.getServiceImpl(IStatisticsService.class);
        switchService = context.getServiceImpl(IOFSwitchService.class);
        threadPoolService = context.getServiceImpl(IThreadPoolService.class);

    public void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {

    private synchronized void startCollectBandwidth(){
        portBandwidthCollector = threadPoolService.getScheduledExecutor().scheduleAtFixedRate(new GetBandwidthThread(), portBandwidthInterval, portBandwidthInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        log.warn("Statistics collection thread(s) started");

     * Single thread for collecting switch statistics and
     * containing the reply.
    private class GetBandwidthThread extends Thread implements Runnable  {
        private Map<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth> bandwidth;

        public Map<NodePortTuple, SwitchPortBandwidth> getBandwidth() {
            return bandwidth;

//      public void setBandwidth(Map<NodePortTuple, SwitchPortBandwidth> bandwidth) {
//          this.bandwidth = bandwidth;
//      }

        public void run() {
            System.out.println("GetBandwidthThread run()....");
            bandwidth =getBandwidthMap(); 

     * 获取带宽使用情况
     * 需要简单的换算 
        根据 switchPortBand.getBitsPerSecondRx().getValue()/(8*1024) + switchPortBand.getBitsPerSecondTx().getValue()/(8*1024)
    public Map<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth> getBandwidthMap(){
        bandwidth = statisticsService.getBandwidthConsumption();
//      for(NodePortTuple tuple:bandwidth.keySet()){
//          System.out.println(tuple.getNodeId().toString()+","+tuple.getPortId().getPortNumber());
//          System.out.println();
//      }
        Iterator<Entry<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth>> iter = bandwidth.entrySet().iterator();
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            Entry<NodePortTuple,SwitchPortBandwidth> entry = iter.next();
            NodePortTuple tuple  = entry.getKey();
            SwitchPortBandwidth switchPortBand = entry.getValue();
            System.out.println(switchPortBand.getBitsPerSecondRx().getValue()/(8*1024) + switchPortBand.getBitsPerSecondTx().getValue()/(8*1024));


        return bandwidth;


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import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService;

public interface IMonitorPkLossService extends IFloodlightService {
//  public Map<> getPkLoss(Object o1,Object o2);
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package aaa.net.floodlightcontroller.test;

import java.lang.Thread.State;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortStatsEntry;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsReply;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsRequest;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFStatsType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFVersion;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.match.Match;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.ver13.OFMeterSerializerVer13;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.DatapathId;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.OFPort;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.TableId;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.google.common.primitives.UnsignedLong;
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.ListenableFuture;

import net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IFloodlightProviderService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFMessageListener;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.IOFSwitchService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleException;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.statistics.IStatisticsService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.statistics.StatisticsCollector;
import net.floodlightcontroller.threadpool.IThreadPoolService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.topology.NodePortTuple;

 * 获取丢包率模块
 * @author xjtu

public class MonitorPkLoss implements IMonitorPkLossService,IFloodlightModule,IOFMessageListener {
    private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StatisticsCollector.class);

    private static  HashMap<NodePortTuple, Long> DPID_PK_LOSS = new HashMap<NodePortTuple, Long>();

    protected static IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProvider;
    protected static IStatisticsService statisticsService;
    private static IOFSwitchService switchService;
    private static IThreadPoolService threadPoolService;
    private static ScheduledFuture<?> portStatsCollector;

    private static int portStatsInterval = 4;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices() {
        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;

    public Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls() {
        Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> m = new HashMap<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService>();
        m.put(IMonitorPkLossService.class, this);
        return m;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies() {
        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;

    public void init(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {
        floodlightProvider = context.getServiceImpl(IFloodlightProviderService.class);
        statisticsService = context.getServiceImpl(IStatisticsService.class);
        switchService = context.getServiceImpl(IOFSwitchService.class);
        threadPoolService = context.getServiceImpl(IThreadPoolService.class);


    public void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {
         floodlightProvider.addOFMessageListener(OFType.PACKET_IN, this);

    public String getName() {

        return "monitorpkloss";

    public boolean isCallbackOrderingPrereq(OFType type, String name) {

        return false;

    public boolean isCallbackOrderingPostreq(OFType type, String name) {

        return false;

    public Command receive(IOFSwitch sw, OFMessage msg,FloodlightContext cntx) {
//      Ethernet eth = IFloodlightProviderService.bcStore.get(cntx, IFloodlightProviderService.CONTEXT_PI_PAYLOAD);
//      Long sourceMACHash = eth.getSourceMACAddress().getLong();
//      OFFactory factory = sw.getOFFactory();
         * 获取丢包率
//      if(msg.getType() == OFType.STATS_REPLY){
//          OFStatsReply reply = (OFStatsReply) msg;
//          OFPortStatsReply psr = (OFPortStatsReply) reply;
//          OFPortStatsEntry pse = (OFPortStatsEntry) psr;
//          System.out.println("rx bytes:"+pse.getRxBytes().getValue());
//          System.out.println("rx_dropped bytes:"+pse.getRxDropped().getValue());
//          System.out.println("tx bytes:"+pse.getTxBytes().getValue());
//          System.out.println("tx_dropped bytes:"+pse.getTxDropped().getValue());
//      }

        return Command.CONTINUE;

     * Start all stats threads.
    private synchronized void startStatisticsCollection() {
        portStatsCollector = threadPoolService.getScheduledExecutor().scheduleAtFixedRate(new PortStatsCollector(), portStatsInterval, portStatsInterval, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        log.warn("Statistics collection thread(s) started");

     * Single thread for collecting switch statistics and
     * containing the reply.
    private class GetStatisticsThread extends Thread {
        private List<OFStatsReply> statsReply;
        private DatapathId switchId;
        private OFStatsType statType;

        public GetStatisticsThread(DatapathId switchId, OFStatsType statType) {
            this.switchId = switchId;
            this.statType = statType;
            this.statsReply = null;

        public List<OFStatsReply> getStatisticsReply() {
            return statsReply;

        public DatapathId getSwitchId() {
            return switchId;

        public void run() {
//          System.out.println("run............");
            statsReply = getSwitchStatistics(switchId, statType);

     * Get statistics from a switch.
     * @param switchId
     * @param statsType
     * @return
    protected List<OFStatsReply> getSwitchStatistics(DatapathId switchId, OFStatsType statsType) {
        IOFSwitch sw = switchService.getSwitch(switchId);
//      System.out.println("getSwitchStatistics............");
        ListenableFuture<?> future;
        List<OFStatsReply> values = null;
        Match match;
        if (sw != null) {
            OFStatsRequest<?> req = null;
            switch (statsType) {
            case FLOW:
                match = sw.getOFFactory().buildMatch().build();
                req = sw.getOFFactory().buildFlowStatsRequest()
            case AGGREGATE:
                match = sw.getOFFactory().buildMatch().build();
                req = sw.getOFFactory().buildAggregateStatsRequest()
            case PORT:
                req = sw.getOFFactory().buildPortStatsRequest()
            case QUEUE:
                req = sw.getOFFactory().buildQueueStatsRequest()
            case DESC:
                req = sw.getOFFactory().buildDescStatsRequest()
            case GROUP:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_10) > 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildGroupStatsRequest()                

            case METER:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildMeterStatsRequest()

            case GROUP_DESC:            
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_10) > 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildGroupDescStatsRequest()            

            case GROUP_FEATURES:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_10) > 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildGroupFeaturesStatsRequest()

            case METER_CONFIG:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildMeterConfigStatsRequest()

            case METER_FEATURES:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildMeterFeaturesStatsRequest()

            case TABLE:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_10) > 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildTableStatsRequest()

            case TABLE_FEATURES:    
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_10) > 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildTableFeaturesStatsRequest()
            case PORT_DESC:
                if (sw.getOFFactory().getVersion().compareTo(OFVersion.OF_13) >= 0) {
                    req = sw.getOFFactory().buildPortDescStatsRequest()
            case EXPERIMENTER:      
                log.error("Stats Request Type {} not implemented yet", statsType.name());
            try {
                if (req != null) {
                    future = sw.writeStatsRequest(req); 
                    values = (List<OFStatsReply>) future.get(portStatsInterval / 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Failure retrieving statistics from switch {}. {}", sw, e);
        return values;
     * Retrieve the statistics from all switches in parallel.
     * @param dpids
     * @param statsType
     * @return
    private Map<DatapathId, List<OFStatsReply>> getSwitchStatistics(Set<DatapathId> dpids, OFStatsType statsType) {
        HashMap<DatapathId, List<OFStatsReply>> model = new HashMap<DatapathId, List<OFStatsReply>>();

        List<GetStatisticsThread> activeThreads = new ArrayList<GetStatisticsThread>(dpids.size());
        List<GetStatisticsThread> pendingRemovalThreads = new ArrayList<GetStatisticsThread>();
        GetStatisticsThread t;
        for (DatapathId d : dpids) {
            t = new GetStatisticsThread(d, statsType);

        /* Join all the threads after the timeout. Set a hard timeout
         * of 12 seconds for the threads to finish. If the thread has not
         * finished the switch has not replied yet and therefore we won't
         * add the switch's stats to the reply.
        for (int iSleepCycles = 0; iSleepCycles < portStatsInterval; iSleepCycles++) {
            for (GetStatisticsThread curThread : activeThreads) {
                if (curThread.getState() == State.TERMINATED) {
                    model.put(curThread.getSwitchId(), curThread.getStatisticsReply());

            /* remove the threads that have completed the queries to the switches */
            for (GetStatisticsThread curThread : pendingRemovalThreads) {

            /* clear the list so we don't try to double remove them */

            /* if we are done finish early */
            if (activeThreads.isEmpty()) {

            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                log.error("Interrupted while waiting for statistics", e);

        return model;

     * Run periodically to collect all port statistics. This only collects
     * bandwidth stats right now, but it could be expanded to record other
     * information as well. The difference between the most recent and the
     * current RX/TX bytes is used to determine the "elapsed" bytes. A 
     * timestamp is saved each time stats results are saved to compute the
     * bits per second over the elapsed time. There isn't a better way to
     * compute the precise bandwidth unless the switch were to include a
     * timestamp in the stats reply message, which would be nice but isn't
     * likely to happen. It would be even better if the switch recorded 
     * bandwidth and reported bandwidth directly.
     * Stats are not reported unless at least two iterations have occurred
     * for a single switch's reply. This must happen to compare the byte 
     * counts and to get an elapsed time.
    private class PortStatsCollector implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
//          System.out.println("Runnable run()....");
            Map<DatapathId, List<OFStatsReply>> replies = getSwitchStatistics(switchService.getAllSwitchDpids(), OFStatsType.PORT);
//          System.out.println("replies.size():"+replies.size());
            for (Entry<DatapathId, List<OFStatsReply>> e : replies.entrySet()) {
                for (OFStatsReply r : e.getValue()) {
                    OFPortStatsReply psr = (OFPortStatsReply) r;
                    for (OFPortStatsEntry pse : psr.getEntries()) {
//                      System.out.println("dpid:"+e.getKey().toString());
//                      System.out.println("for (OFPortStatsEntry pse : psr.getEntries())");

                        long pk_loss = 0;

                        if(e.getKey().toString().equals("") || e.getKey() == null){
//                          System.out.println("e.getKey() is null....");
//                      System.out.println("--------------------------------------------");
                        NodePortTuple npt = new NodePortTuple(e.getKey(), pse.getPortNo());
//                      System.out.println("--------------------------------------------");
//                      System.out.println(pse.getRxDropped().getValue() + pse.getTxDropped().getValue());
//                      System.out.println(pse.getRxBytes().getValue() + pse.getTxBytes().getValue());
                        if((pse.getRxBytes().getValue() + pse.getTxBytes().getValue()) != 0l){
                            pk_loss = (pse.getRxDropped().getValue() + pse.getTxDropped().getValue())/(pse.getRxBytes().getValue() + pse.getTxBytes().getValue()) ;
                            pk_loss = 0;

//                      System.out.println("PK_LOSS:"+pk_loss+",dpid:"+e.getKey().toString());
                        DPID_PK_LOSS.put(npt, pk_loss);


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public interface IMonitorDelayService extends IFloodlightService{
     * 获取链路之间的时间延迟
     * @return Map<MyEntry<NodePortTuple,NodePortTuple>,Integer> 链路:时延
//  public Map<MyEntry<NodePortTuple,NodePortTuple>,Integer> getLinkDelay(); 
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package aaa.net.floodlightcontroller.test;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;

import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFMessage;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFPortDesc;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.protocol.OFType;
import org.projectfloodlight.openflow.types.DatapathId;

import net.floodlightcontroller.core.FloodlightContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IFloodlightProviderService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFMessageListener;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitch;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.IOFSwitchListener;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.PortChangeType;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.internal.IOFSwitchService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleContext;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.FloodlightModuleException;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightModule;
import net.floodlightcontroller.core.module.IFloodlightService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.ILinkDiscoveryService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.linkdiscovery.internal.LinkInfo;
import net.floodlightcontroller.routing.Link;
import net.floodlightcontroller.threadpool.IThreadPoolService;
import net.floodlightcontroller.topology.NodePortTuple;

public class MonitorDelay implements IFloodlightModule, IOFMessageListener, IMonitorDelayService,IOFSwitchListener {

    private IThreadPoolService threadPoolServcie;
    private IOFSwitchService switchService;
    private ILinkDiscoveryService linkDiscoveryService;
    private IFloodlightProviderService floodlightProviderService;

    public String getName() {

        return "LinkDelay";

    public boolean isCallbackOrderingPrereq(OFType type, String name) {
        return false;

    public boolean isCallbackOrderingPostreq(OFType type, String name) {
        return false;

    public Command receive(IOFSwitch sw, OFMessage msg,
            FloodlightContext cntx) {

        return null;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleServices() {

        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;

    public Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> getServiceImpls() {
        Map<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>, IFloodlightService> l = new HashMap<>();
        l.put(IMonitorDelayService.class, this);
        return l;

    public Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> getModuleDependencies() {
        Collection<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>> l = new ArrayList<Class<? extends IFloodlightService>>();
        return l;

    public void init(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {
        floodlightProviderService = context.getServiceImpl(IFloodlightProviderService.class);
        switchService = context.getServiceImpl(IOFSwitchService.class);
        linkDiscoveryService = context.getServiceImpl(ILinkDiscoveryService.class);
        threadPoolServcie = context.getServiceImpl(IThreadPoolService.class);

    public void startUp(FloodlightModuleContext context) throws FloodlightModuleException {


    public void switchAdded(DatapathId switchId) {


    public void switchRemoved(DatapathId switchId) {


    public void switchActivated(DatapathId switchId) {


    public void switchPortChanged(DatapathId switchId, OFPortDesc port, PortChangeType type) {


    public void switchChanged(DatapathId switchId) {


    public void testFunc(){
        Map<Link,LinkInfo> linkInfo = linkDiscoveryService.getLinks();
        Iterator<Entry<Link, LinkInfo>> iter = linkInfo.entrySet().iterator();
            Entry<Link, LinkInfo> node = iter.next();

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评论 3




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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


