工具接口标准(TIS)可执行链接格式(ELF)规范-卷III-附录A-Intel架构和System V Release 4依赖(三)

本文是对Tool Interface Standard (TIS) Executable and Linking Format (ELF) Specification Version 1.2的翻译
工具接口标准(TIS)可执行链接格式(ELF)规范版本 1.2


Dynamic Linking

Dynamic Section

Dynamic section entries giveinformation to the dynamic linker. Some of this information isprocessor-specific, including the interpretation of some entries in the dynamicstructure.



On the Intel architecture, this entry's d_ptr member gives the address of the first entry in the global offset table. 

As mentioned below, the first three global offset table entries are reserved, and two are used to hold procedure linkage table information.




Global Offset Table


Position-independent code cannot,in general, contain absolute virtual addresses. Global offset tables holdabsolute addresses in private data, thus making the addresses available withoutcompromising the position-independence and sharability of a program's text. Aprogram references its global offset table using position-independentaddressing and extracts absolute values, thus redirecting position-independentreferences to absolute locations.



Initially, the global offset tableholds information as required by its relocation entries [see "Relocation''in Chapter 1]. After the system creates memory segments for a loadable objectfile, the dynamic linker processes the relocation entries, some of which willbe type R_386_GLOB_DAT referring to the global offset table. The dynamic linkerdetermines the associated symbol values, calculates their absolute addresses,and sets the appropriate memory table entries to the proper values. Althoughthe absolute addresses are unknown when the link editor builds an object file,the dynamic linker knows the addresses of all memory segments and can thuscalculate the absolute addresses of the symbols contained therein.



If a program requires directaccess to the absolute address of a symbol, that symbol will have a globaloffset table entry. Because the executable file and shared objects haveseparate global offset tables, a symbol's address may appear in several tables.The dynamic linker processes all the global offset table relocations beforegiving control to any code in the process image, thus ensuring the absoluteaddresses are available during execution.



The table's entry zero is reservedto hold the address of the dynamic structure, referenced with the symbol_DYNAMIC. This allows a program, such as the dynamic linker, to find its owndynamic structure without having yet processed its relocation entries. This isespecially important for the dynamic linker, because it must initialize itselfwithout relying on other programs to relocate its memory image. On the Intelarchitecture, entries one and two in the global offset table also are reserved."Procedure Linkage Table'' below describes them.



The system may choose differentmemory segment addresses for the same shared object in different programs; itmay even choose different library addresses for different executions of thesame program. Nonetheless, memory segments do not change addresses once theprocess image is established. As long as a process exists, its memory segmentsreside at fixed virtual addresses.



A global offset table's format andinterpretation are processor-specific. For the Intel architecture, the symbol_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ may be used to access the table.



FigureA-8.  Global Offset Table


extern Elf32_Addr _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_[];


The symbol _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_may reside in the middle of the .got section, allowing both negative andnon-negative "subscripts'' into the array of addresses.



Function Addresses


References to the address of afunction from an executable file and the shared objects associated with itmight not resolve to the same value. References from within shared objects willnormally be resolved by the dynamic linker to the virtual address of thefunction itself. References from within the executable file to a functiondefined in a shared object will normally be resolved by the link editor to theaddress of the procedure linkage table entry for that function within theexecutable file.


To allow comparisons of functionaddresses to work as expected, if an executable file references a functiondefined in a shared object, the link editor will place the address of theprocedure linkage table entry for that function in its associated symbol tableentry. [See "Symbol Values'' in Chapter 1]. The dynamic linker treats suchsymbol table entries specially. If the dynamic linker is searching for asymbol, and encounters a symbol table entry for that symbol in the executablefile, it normally follows the rules below.

1. If the st_shndx member of thesymbol table entry is not SHN_UNDEF, the dynamic linker has found a definitionfor the symbol and uses its st_value member as the symbol's address.

2. If the st_shndx member isSHN_UNDEF and the symbol is of type STT_FUNC and the st_value member is notzero, the dynamic linker recognizes this entry as special and uses the st_valuemember as the symbol's address.

3. Otherwise, the dynamic linkerconsiders the symbol to be undefined within the executable file and continuesprocessing.





Some relocations are associated with procedure linkage table entries. These entries are used for direct function calls rather than for references to function addresses. These relocations are not treated in the special way described above because the dynamic linker must not redirect procedure linkage table entries to point to themselves.

Procedure Linkage Table


Much as the global offset tableredirects position-independent address calculations to absolute locations, theprocedure linkage table redirects position-independent function calls toabsolute locations. The link editor cannot resolve execution transfers (such asfunction calls) from one executable or shared object to another. Consequently,the link editor arranges to have the program transfer control to entries in theprocedure linkage table. On the Intel architecture, procedure linkage tablesreside in shared text, but they use addresses in the private global offsettable. The dynamic linker determines the destinations' absolute addresses andmodifies the global offset table's memory image accordingly. The dynamic linkerthus can redirect the entries without compromising the position-independenceand sharability of the program's text.


Executable files and shared objectfiles have separate procedure linkage tables.


FigureA-9. Absolute Procedure Linkage Table


.PLT0:       pushl       got_plus_4

                   jmp          *got_plus_8

                  nop; nop

                  nop; nop

.PLT1:      jmp          *name1_in_GOT

                  pushl       $offset

                  jmp          .PLT0@PC

.PLT2:      jmp          *name2_in_GOT

                  pushl       $offset

                  jmp          .PLT0@PC



FigureA-10. Position-Independent Procedure Linkage Table


.PLT0:      pushl       4(%ebx)

                  jmp          *8(%ebx)

                  nop; nop

                  nop; nop

.PLT1:      jmp          *name1@GOT(%ebx)

                  pushl       $offset

                  jmp          .PLT0@PC

.PLT2:      jmp          *name2@GOT(%ebx)

                  pushl       $offset

                  jmp          .PLT0@PC



NOTE. As the figures show, theprocedure linkage table instructions use different operand addressing modes forabsolute code and for position-independent code. Nonetheless, their interfacesto the dynamic linker are the same.



Following the steps below, thedynamic linker and the program "cooperate'' to resolve symbolic referencesthrough the procedure linkage table and the global offset table.

1. When first creating the memoryimage of the program, the dynamic linker sets the second and the third entriesin the global offset table to special values. Steps below explain more aboutthese values.

2. If the procedure linkage tableis position-independent, the address of the global offset table must reside in%ebx. Each shared object file in the process image has its own procedurelinkage table, and control transfers to a procedure linkage table entry onlyfrom within the same object file. Consequently, the calling function isresponsible for setting the global offset table base register before callingthe procedure linkage table entry.

3. For illustration, assume theprogram calls name1, which transfers control to the label .PLT1.

4. The first instruction jumps tothe address in the global offset table entry for name1. Initially, the globaloffset table holds the address of the following pushl instruction, not the realaddress of name1.

5. Consequently, the programpushes a relocation offset (offset) on the stack. The relocation offset is a32-bit, non-negative byte offset into the relocation table. The designatedrelocation entry will have type R_386_JMP_SLOT, and its offset will specify theglobal offset table entry used in the previous jmp instruction. The relocationentry also contains a symbol table index, thus telling the dynamic linker whatsymbol is being referenced, name1 in this case.

6. After pushing the relocationoffset, the program then jumps to .PLT0, the first entry in the procedurelinkage table. The pushl instruction places the value of the second globaloffset table entry (got_plus_4 or 4(%ebx)) on the stack, thus giving thedynamic linker one word of identifying information. The program then jumps tothe address in the third global offset table entry (got_plus_8 or 8(%ebx)),which transfers control to the dynamic linker.

7. When the dynamic linkerreceives control, it unwinds the stack, looks at the designated relocationentry, finds the symbol's value, stores the "real'' address for name1 inits global offset table entry, and transfers control to the desireddestination.

8. Subsequent executions of theprocedure linkage table entry will transfer directly to name1, without callingthe dynamic linker a second time. That is, the jmp instruction at .PLT1 willtransfer to name1, instead of "falling through'' to the pushl instruction.











The LD_BIND_NOW environmentvariable can change dynamic linking behavior. If its value is non-null, thedynamic linker evaluates procedure linkage table entries before transferringcontrol to the program. That is, the dynamic linker processes relocationentries of type R_3862_JMP_SLOT during process initialization. Otherwise, thedynamic linker evaluates procedure linkage table entries lazily, delayingsymbol resolution and relocation until the first execution of a table entry.



NOTE. Lazy binding generallyimproves overall application performance, because unused symbols do not incurthe dynamic linking overhead. Nevertheless, two situations make lazy bindingundesirable for some applications. First, the initial reference to a sharedobject function takes longer than subsequent calls, because the dynamic linkerintercepts the call to resolve the symbol. Some applications cannot toleratethis unpredictability. Second, if an error occurs and the dynamic linker cannotresolve the symbol, the dynamic linker will terminate the program. Under lazybinding, this might occur at arbitrary times. Once again, some applicationscannot tolerate this unpredictability. By turning off lazy binding, the dynamiclinker forces the failure to occur during process initialization, before theapplication receives control.



Program Interpreter


There is one valid programinterpreter for programs conforming to the ELF specification for the Intelarchitecture: /usr/lib/libc.so.1





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