The tcprstat User's Manual

tcprstat is a free, open-source TCP analysis tool that watches network traffic and computes the delay between requests and responses. From this it derives response-time statistics and prints them out. The output is similar to other Unix -stat tools such as vmstat, iostat, and mpstat. The tool can optionally watch traffic to only a specified port, which makes it practical for timing requests and responses to a single daemon process such as mysqld, httpd, memcached, or any of a variety of other server processes.

The advantages of tcprstat are as follows:

  • It is lightweight and unobtrusive. No bulky log files need be written and analyzed.
  • Requests and responses are timed with microsecond resolution.
  • The output is easy to import into spreadsheets, manipulate with command-line scripts, graph with gnuplot, and so on.
  • It is protocol-agnostic, and works well for a large variety of client-server protocols that have a simple request-response model.

tcprstat is related to the tcpstat tool, but it focuses on response time measurements, not on the amount and size of the network traffic. This makes it useful for response time analysis, which is needed for techniques such as Goal-Driven Performance Optimization .

tcprstat development is hosted on Launchpad . We are currently moving downloads and bug tracking from GitHub to Launchpad, so some links in this document may refer to GitHub until that process is complete.

Development Status

tcprstat is currently in Beta, although we consider it ready for production testing. Several C++ experts have reviewed the code, and it has been observed in high-stress production environments for many weeks with no apparent problems. Please test and review the code, and report any issues or suggestions you have. Please also review our roadmap and contribute your suggestions.

Synopsis and Sample Output

Here is a sample of tcprstat output, generated by watching traffic to a MySQL server on port 3306.

The output is generated a line at a time, one line per second, for five seconds. Each line is timestamped, and contains information about the response time of queries that ended that second. The columns include standard aggregations of the response times, in units of microseconds. There are groups of columns for the 95th percentile and 99th percentile, too. The exact meaning of each column is explained later in this manual.

Response times are computed by measuring the elapsed time from the last inbound packet to the first outbound packet. Certain types of packets containing only TCP control information are ignored.

Percentiles are computed by sorting the computed response times and ignoring the largest N percent of values. In the example just shown, during the first second the longest response time was 31221 microseconds, whereas 95% of response times were less than 411 microseconds and 99% were less than 3001 microseconds. Other types of statistics are computed similarly. For example, the 95th percentile average response time is obtained by taking the average of the values computed, except for the largest 5%.

Installing tcprstat

For portability and ease of use, we build a single statically linked binary, which can be downloaded and used as-is on 64-bit platforms. At present there is no installation mechanism, so to use tcprstat, you simply need to

There are currently no operating-system-specific packages for tcprstat, although in the future we plan to include it in our APT and YUM repositories. If you need to run tcprstat on 32-bit systems, you will need to build it from source.

Running tcprstat

tcprstat requires root permissions to execute. If you are not root, you should either become root with su , or execute tcprstat with sudo . The following examples assume you are root, and do not show the use of sudo .

Default Usage

The simplest functionality is to accept all defaults and simply execute the tool. By default, it will measure the TCP traffic for 10 seconds and print out a header, followed by a single line of statistics.

Basic, Useful Functionality

In practice, you will usually select a specific port to measure, set the tool to iterate infinitely, and possibly change the default 10-second interval. To accomplish this, use the following options:

  1. -p <port> selects a port
  2. -i <secs> sets the measurement interval, in seconds
  3. -n <iter> specifies the number of iterations to run; 0 means to run forever

For example, to watch Sphinx traffic in one-second intervals forever, execute # tcprstat -p 3312 -i 1 -n 0 .

Customizing The Output

tcprstat's output can be changed to include or omit various types of statistics on the traffic it measures. The default output includes columns that are useful for many purposes. The output is specified with %C format codes, where C is a single character. The following table documents the available format codes and their meaning.

Format Code Header Default? Meaning
%n count y Count of requests that completed during this iteration
%a avg y Average response time
%s sum y Sum of response times
%x sqs Sum of squares of response times
%m min y Minimum response time
%M max y Maximum response time
%h med y Median response time
%S stddev y Standard deviation of response times
%v var Variance of response times
%I iter# Iteration number
%t elapsed Seconds elapsed since the first iteration
%T timestamp y Unix timestamp
%% A literal %
/t A tab character
/n A newline character
95,99 Adds a prefix y A percentile indicator; see later in this section for more

You can change the tcprstat output format by customizing the -f option. For example, to print out the number of requests per second to a MySQL server on port 3306, execute the following:

You can also include a percentile indicator, to compute the statistics over the N th percentile of the response times. The tool currently supports only the 95th and 99th percentiles. To print out statistics for a given percentile, include the percentile number between the % character and the format code. The default column header will then include the percentile value. The following example prints the maximum, 95th percentile maximum, and 99th percentile maximum response times in microseconds:

Analyzing a pcap File

tcprstat has the ability not only to analyze traffic live as it is captured, but also to analyze traffic from a file created by tcpdump. This makes it possible to gather traffic on one machine and analyze it elsewhere at a different time. To save traffic for later analysis, execute tcpdump with the -w option and specify the file in which to store the resulting traffic. Use the -r option to tcprstat to read traffic from that file and analyze it.

tcprstat normally decides what traffic is incoming (a request) and what traffic is outbound (a response) by finding a list of IP addresses bound to the local network interfaces. However, this will not work correctly when traffic is analyzed from a file that was gathered on a different host. You can use the -l option to specify a list of local IP addresses in this case.

Command-Line Options

The following is a complete list of tcprstat's command-line options. You can always find a full list of the available command-line options and brief usage information by giving the --help option.

Option Name Short Name Type Default Value Meaning
--format -f string ”%T/t%n/t%M/t%m/t%a/t%h/t%S/t%95M/t%95a/t%95S/t%99M/t%99a/t%99S/n” A format string; see above.
--[no]header string Enabled If no argument is given, tcprstat auto-generates the header based on --format. If an argument is given, tcprstat uses that as the header instead. If --no-header is used, tcprstat will not print a header.
--help Shows program information and usage.
--interval -t integer 10 The number of seconds tcprstat waits between each successive line of output.
--iterations -n integer 1 How many iterations tcprstat should execute before exiting; 0 means infinity.
--local -l string Accepts a comma-separated list of IP addresses to consider as local IP addresses, instead of getting a list from the operating system.
--port -p integer Capture traffic only for the specified TCP port; if none, capture all traffic.
--read -r string Read the specified pcap file instead of capturing traffic from the network.
--version Shows version information.

Source Code

The tcprstat source code is hosted on Launchpad .

Getting Help and Support

Please use Launchpad's issue tracking system to report issues and request features. For general discussion, please use the Percona-Discussion Google Group . You can use the #percona IRC channel on FreeNode to chat with community members.

For commercial support, maintenance packages, or to sponsor features, please contact Percona Sales .


tcprstat was written by Ignacio Nin, based on ideas from Baron Schwartz and other Percona consultants. The code was reviewed by Oleg Tsarev, Sasha Pachev, and other members of the Percona development team.





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