直接通过ODBC API访问SQL数据库

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ODBC - Open DataBase Connectivity

Basic Steps

Connecting to the SQL Server DataBase for retrieving information from tables

The steps 1 - 3 are for connecting to the SQL Server Database

1. Allocate ODBC Environment Handle

If SQLAllocEnv(glEnv) <> 0 Then
  MsgBox "Unable to initialize ODBC API drivers!"
End If

2. Allocate ODBC Database Handle

Dim iStatus As Integer

If SQLAllocConnect(glEnv, glDbc) <> 0 Then
  MsgBox "Could not allocate memory for connection Handle!"
  ODBCInit = False

  ' Free the Environment
  iStatus = SQLFreeEnv(lEnv)

  If iStatus = SQL_ERROR Then
    MsgBox "Error Freeing Environment From ODBC Drivers"
  End If

  ' Quit the Application
End If

3. Connect using the sConnect string - SQLDriverConnect

Dim sResult As String
Dim iSize As Integer
Dim sConnect As String

sConnect = "DSN=" & gsDSN & ";UID=" & gsLoginID & ";PWD=" & gsPassword & ";APP=" & gsAppCode & ";DATABASE=" & gsDatabase

If SQLDriverConnect(glDbc, Screen.ActiveForm.hWnd, sConnect, Len(sConnect), sResult, Len(sResult), iSize, 0) <= 0 Then
  MsgBox "Could not establish connection to ODBC driver!"
End If

The steps 4 - 8 are for retrieving data from tables

4. Allocate ODBC Statement Handle

If SQLAllocStmt(glDbc, glStmt) <> 0 Then

   MsgBox "Could not allocate memory for a statement handle!"

End If

5. Execute ODBC Statement - SQLExecDirect

Dim lRet As Long, lErrNo As Long
Dim iLen As Integer
Dim sSQLState As String * MAX_DATA_BUFFER
Dim sErrorMsg As String * MAX_DATA_BUFFER
Dim sMsg As String

sSQL = "SELECT name, location FROM authors"

If SQLExecDirect(glStmt, sSQL, Len(sSQL)) <> SQL_SUCCESS Then
  ' Also Check for ODBC Error message - SQLError
  lRet = SQLError(glEnv, gldbc, glStmt, sSQLState, lErrNo, sErrorMsg, MAX_DATA_BUFFER, iLen)
  sMsg = "Error Executing SQL Statement" & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
  sMsg = sMsg & "ODBC State = " & Trim$(Left$(sSQLState, InStr(sSQLState, Chr$(0)) - 1)) & Chr$(13) & Chr$(10)
  sMsg = sMsg & "ODBC Error Message = " & Left$(sErrorMsg, iLen)
  MsgBox sMsg, vbInformation, "Execute Query"
End If

6. Fetch one row of results from executed ODBC Statement - SQLFetch

Code in Step 7.

7. Get the Data in each field of the Fetched row - SQLGetData

Dim bPerform As Integer, iStatus As Integer
Dim sData As String * MAX_DATA_BUFFER
Dim lOutLen As Long

bPerform = SQLFetch(glStmt)

Do While bPerform
  bPerform = SQLFetch(lStmt)     ' Get the next row of data
  If bPerform = SQL_SUCCESS Then    ‘ If rows of data available  
    bPerform = True

    ' Get Author Name - iColumn = 1 for first field i.e. name in sSQL
    iStatus = SQLGetData(glStmt, iColumn, 1, sData, MAX_DATA_BUFFER, lOutLen)

    ' lOutlen = length of the valid data in sData
    ' Data value will be = Left$(sData, lOutlen), lOutlen = -1 if no data or Null data

    ' Get Location - iColumn = 2 for second field i.e. location in sSQL
    iStatus = SQLGetData(glStmt, iColumn, 1, sData, MAX_DATA_BUFFER, lOutLen)

     ' Add the Field Data to Correponding Data Display Controls for this row
    bPerform = False  ' No more rows available
  End If

'Release the ODBC Statement Handle
bPerform = SQLFreeStmt(glStmt, SQL_DROP)

8. Release the ODBC Statement Handle - SQLFreeSTmt

Code in Step 7.

The steps 9 - 11 are for Disconnecting from the SQL Server DataBase

9. Disconnect from ODBC Database - SQLDisconnect

iStatus = SQLDisconnect(glDbc)

10. Release the ODBC Database Handle - SQLFreeConnect

iStatus = SQLFreeConnect(glDbc)

11. Release the ODBC Environment Handle - SQLFreeEnv

iStatus = SQLFreeEnv(glEnv)

The following entries are required in the ODBCAPI module

' ODBC Variables and Constants
Global glEnv As Long
Global glDbc As Long
Global sSQL As String
Global Const MAX_DATA_BUFFER = 255
Global Const SQL_SUCCESS = 0
Global Const SQL_ERROR = -1
Global Const SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND = 100
Global Const SQL_CLOSE = 0
Global Const SQL_DROP = 1
Global Const SQL_CHAR = 1
Global Const SQL_NUMERIC = 2
Global Const SQL_DECIMAL = 3
Global Const SQL_INTEGER = 4
Global Const SQL_SMALLINT = 5
Global Const SQL_FLOAT = 6
Global Const SQL_REAL = 7
Global Const SQL_DOUBLE = 8
Global Const SQL_VARCHAR = 12
Global Const SQL_USER_NAME = 8

'ODBC Declarations
'The hWnd is a Long in Windows 95 & Windows NT

#If Win32 Then
  Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib "ODBC32.dll" (env As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLFreeEnv Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal env As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLAllocConnect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal env As Long, ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLConnect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal Server As String,ByVal serverlen As Integer, ByVal uid As String, ByVal   uidlen As Integer, ByVal pwd As String, ByVal pwdlen As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLDriverConnect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal szCSIn As String, ByVal cbCSIn As   Integer,ByVal szCSOut As String, ByVal cbCSMax As Integer, cbCSOut As Integer, ByVal f As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLFreeConnect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLDisconnect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLAllocStmt Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, lStmt As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLFreeStmt Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal EndOption As Integer) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLTables Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal q As Long, ByVal cbq As Integer, ByVal o As Long, ByVal cbo As Integer,   ByVal t As Long, ByVal cbt As Integer, ByVal tt As Long, ByVal cbtt As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLExecDirect Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal SQLString As String, ByVal SQLstrlen As Long) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLNumResultCols Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, NumCols As Integer) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLDescribeCol Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal colnum As Integer, ByVal colname As String, ByVal Buflen As   Integer, colnamelen As Integer, dtype As Integer, dl As Long, ds As Integer, n As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLFetch Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLGetData Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal col As Integer, ByVal wConvType As Integer, ByVal lpbBuf As String,   ByVal dwbuflen As Long, lpcbout As Long) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLGetInfo Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Long, ByVal szInfo As String, ByVal cbInfoMax As Integer,   cbInfoOut As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLError Lib "ODBC32.dll" (ByVal env As Long, ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal SQLState As String, NativeError As   Long, ByVal Buffer As String, ByVal Buflen As Integer, Outlen As Integer) As Integer


  Declare Function SQLAllocEnv Lib "ODBC.dll" (env As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLFreeEnv Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal env As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLAllocConnect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal env As Long, ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLConnect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal Server As String, ByVal serverlen As Integer, ByVal uid As String, ByVal   uidlen As Integer, ByVal pwd As String, ByVal pwdlen As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLDriverConnect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal szCSIn As String, ByVal cbCSIn As Integer,   ByVal szCSOut As String, ByVal cbCSMax As Integer, cbCSOut As Integer, ByVal f As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLFreeConnect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLDisconnect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLAllocStmt Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, lStmt As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLFreeStmt Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal EndOption As Integer) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLTables Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal q As Long, ByVal cbq As Integer, ByVal o As Long, ByVal cbo As Integer,   ByVal t As Long, ByVal cbt As Integer, ByVal tt As Long, ByVal cbtt As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLExecDirect Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal SQLString As String, ByVal SQLstrlen As Long) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLNumResultCols Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, NumCols As Integer) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLDescribeCol Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal colnum As Integer, ByVal colname As String, ByVal Buflen As Integer,   colnamelen As Integer, dtype As Integer, dl As Long, ds As Integer, n As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLFetch Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long) As Integer
  Declare Function SQLGetData Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal col As Integer, ByVal wConvType As Integer, ByVal lpbBuf As String, ByVal   dwbuflen As Long, lpcbout As Long) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLGetInfo Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal hWnd As Integer, ByVal szInfo As String, ByVal cbInfoMax As   Integer,cbInfoOut As Integer) As Integer

  Declare Function SQLError Lib "ODBC.dll" (ByVal env As Long, ByVal ldbc As Long, ByVal lStmt As Long, ByVal SQLState As String, NativeError As   Long, ByVal Buffer As String, ByVal Buflen As Integer, Outlen As Integer) As Integer

#End If

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