Java Card 2.2 Specifications Overview @ JDJ

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  Ever since the Java Card 1.0 was introduced in 1996 it has been gradually maturing, and recently celebrated its fifth anniversary. American Express, Visa, and now the Department of Defense have all deployed solutions that utilize the Java Card specifications.

  This rather large movement proves that Java Card technology is a great system for data security and data mobility. At last count, American Express claimed over 4 million deployed Cards and Visa estimated over 7 million at the end of last year.

  Since September 11, 2001, there has been a lot of interest regarding Java-based smart Cards combined with biometrics (verifying the identity of a person through some physical characteristic). This has driven the Java Card specifications to the forefront, and more and more engineers (and managers) are scrambling to implement them.

  Currently, Java Card implementers use Java Card 2.1.x. Soon you'll be seeing Java Card 2.2 deployed into the marketplace. Those who have started to use the Java Card 2.1.x API are realizing that it's quite a hassle to do some basic things. For example, you can't utilize strings or other common primitive types found in Java because the Java Card processor has extremely limited resources. Most Cards offer a little less than 32K of memory for applets. (Note: Don't confuse applets with J2SE applets. Applets refer to applications that reside on the Java Card.) Another deterrent is that you have to deal with bytes! When was the last time you had to think in bytes and byte arrays?

  Java vs Java Card

  The Java Card contains a virtual machine that's tailored for it, the Java Card VM. Because of the limitations, the JCVM has some unsupported features such as:

  Dynamic class loading

  Garbage collection



  Default visibility override

  Package visible interface can't be extended to public visibility

  Int, double, float, and long are not supported

  Static instantiated classes aren't allowed

  The JCVM differs from standard JVMs in several ways:

  There's only one system class, the JavaCard.framework.JCSystem.

  Persistence and transience behavior are different from Java.

  Only single-dimensional arrays are allowed.

  Security management policy is implied in the JCVM and not an explicit class.

  The JCVM is a 16-bit system.

  With that said, there are some useful supported features such as:


  Virtual methods

  Interfaces, abstract classes, and exception handling


  The root class is of class Object

  Other limitations that should be mentioned include:

  A maximum of 256 instance fields per class

  Array size is limited to 32K

  Memory space is limited to 32K per package

  To communicate with a Card, use a Card Acceptance Device (CAD). This is usually a Card reader but can also refer to an ATM or point-of-sale terminal. Your communication isn't really to the Card itself - it's actually to the CAD, which then sends commands to your applet.

  To make engineering more complex, the structure of the applet code appears a bit backward: you use a large switch case block to process the commands you want. However, Java Card 2.2 makes all this a bit easier.

  Java Card Remote Method Invocation

  One thing that will make engineering easier is the use of Remote Method Invocation. An engineer will no longer have to spend a lot of time learning various APDU commands.

  Currently, you have to issue commands in the following format:

  CLA INS P1 P2 LC CData

  CLA: A class byte that can be an ISO 7816-4 such as 80, 84, or user-defined

  INS: An instruction byte that states which instruction to perform

  P1/P2: Parameter 1/2 that subdivides a command

  LC: Length of data to be transmitted

  CDATA: The data to be transmitted

  LE: Length of data to be returned from the applet

  Depending on the applet, it would have to switch case on each individual CLA, INS, and P1/P2 to process the necessary command. This method of transmitting data can be a tedious job and a maintenance nightmare. The Java Card RMI makes it easier to perform a command.

  More Algorithms

  For the implementation of security algorithms we must rely on the individual vendors. Some vendors implement Cards that contain just DES and Triple DES, while others implement DES, Triple DES, and RSA. For the implementation of RSA it's common to also include a crypto-coprocessor in the smart Card chip to help speed up the calculations.

  In Java Card 2.2, AES and elliptic curves are added. New key lengths are also available with these new algorithms. Of course, this can be a headache involving export restrictions, so check with your vendor to see what's actually implemented and what key lengths they support.

  You can still perform digital signature and random number generation on the Card as you did with Java Card 2.1.x.

  Applet/Package Deletion

  Applet/package deletion has been a hot topic since the first release of the Java Card. This feature of 2.2 will be up to individual vendors to support, utilizing their own implementation. But nonetheless, it's sure to be available since engineers and others will be requesting the functionality. Applets created using the Applet.register() methods exist until deleted by the applet deletion manager. This manager can be an applet provided by the vendor and is selectable by providing an application identifier, AID. Sun wanted to leave the implementation of the applet deletion manager up to the vendors and, because of that, the AID won't be standardized but it must be SELECTable. As long as the vendors provide a SELECTable behavior to the outside world, they can implement the applet deletion manager any way they see fit for their Java Cards.

  Memory Resource Management

  The JCSystem class offers two new methods: isGarbageCollectionSupported and requestGarbageCollection. These offer limited garbage collection support to query if a vendor has implemented garbage collection functionality and to request that the action be carried out. Garbage collection isn't a requirement, and once again it's up to the implementers. However, you can now query the amount of memory available to the applet, which wasn't available in 2.1.x.

  JCSystem.getAvailableMemory is a nicer way to query if memory is available before you allocate it. In 2.1.x, you cross your fingers and hope that the memory is available when you allocate it, otherwise you'll receive an exception.

  Logical Channels

  In Java Card 2.1.x your commands are processed by the currently selected applet. Java Card 2.2 allows up to four sessions to be open, one session per logical channel. Now applet instances can be selected on different logical channels. The applet can take advantage of multisession functionality and can be concurrently selected with another applet on a different logical channel. The applet can even be selected multiple times. There is a basic logical channel, logical channel 0, that is activated upon a Card reset. A Card reset can occur when the Card has been powered down via Card removal or electrical failure.

  Applets that are capable of being selected on multiple logical channels at the same time are called multiselectable applets. These will have the same security constraints as in Java Card 2.1.x with regard to active contexts. To forward APDU commands to a logical channel, the command will contain encoding in the header CLA byte to denote which channel. For example, CLA byte 0x02 could denote logical channel 2, and 0x00 could denote logical channel 0. The logical channel is of key importance for wireless support involving 3GPP, WAP, and ETSI.


  Java Card 2.2 includes support for contactless smart Cards. These Cards don't have the visible chip on them, but can be read if the Card is simply waved within a certain proximity of a contactless CAD. There has been movement to include some form of biometry in the Java Card API, and this technology will no doubt be appearing on the market soon.

  With the new Java Card specification, existing features, such as transaction processing (much like commit/rollback in a database), become more powerful.

  Personally, I'm excited about the RMI specification and memory management features that will make complex Java Card engineering a lot friendlier.

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