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原创 Description Resource Path Location Type The project was not built since its build path is incomplete


2020-04-20 09:13:32 925

原创 "ActivityManager: Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front" 问题

运行安卓程序的时候提示这种错误ActivityManager: Warning: Activity not started, its current task has been brought to the front这不是一个错误消息,而是一个警告。系统试图告诉您的内容:设备上的应用程序与Eclipse中的应用程序相同。意思就是已经有程序在虚拟机上运行,并且此次运行的程序与已经运行的程序并无...

2020-04-15 17:34:46 1748

原创 【零基础学android】之Android TextView(六)


2020-04-15 16:56:09 142

原创 打开Eclipse的时候报错“error when loading the SDK”

废话不多说,直接说解决办法:复制 %PATH\sdk\tools\lib下的device.xml文件,去替换报错中的那个路径中的device.xml文件。然后关闭Eclipse,然后重新打开就OK啦。...

2020-04-14 15:33:38 137

原创 【零基础学android】之Android 单选按钮(五)


2020-04-10 15:55:41 436

原创 【零基础学android】之Android 多选按钮(四)


2020-04-08 18:20:36 706

原创 【零基础学android】之Android 按钮(三)

按钮(Button)在很多应用程序中都很常见,应该是用户交互中使用最多的组件。当用户单击按钮的时候,会有一定的响应动作。下面我们就来学一下这个按钮相关的内容。1,放置Button按钮对应的xml文件的内容是<Button android:id="@+id/button1" android:layout_width="wrap_content" android...

2020-04-08 16:41:48 106

原创 TextView cannot be cast to android.widget.CheckBox 错误解决


2020-04-08 16:13:52 319

原创 【零基础学android】之搭建Android开发环境(二)

我们有三种方式搭建Android开发环境: 1. JDK+SDK+Eclipse+ADT 2, JDK+ADT-bundle 3, JDK+Android Studio本次为了简单我们选择第二种1,Windows下布置好JDK,步骤详见上一篇JDK安装部署2,下载ADT-bundle32位操作系统:点击此处下载或者复制下面的链接到浏览器...

2020-04-03 18:25:54 132

原创 Android模拟器报错“Failed to allocate memory: 8”解决办法


2020-04-03 10:32:03 335

原创 【零基础学android】之部署JDK环境(一)


2020-04-02 18:12:20 185

原创 git-24_push error

When do push, there is following error:lving deltas: 100% (3/3)remote: Processing changes: refs: 1, done remote: remote: ERROR: In commit b3f23e56cb21a5fb58a8c47dd6d68566a5b6f849remote: ERROR: co...

2019-03-22 15:16:53 333

原创 git-23_pull failed

Can not pull: You have unstaged changestestgit@VM8:[~/ers](master)$ git pull --rebase Cannot pull with rebase: You have unstaged changes. Please commit or stash them.Reason: Some files have been ...

2019-03-22 15:15:17 225

原创 git-22_config git with colour

git config --global color.ui true

2019-03-22 15:11:10 113

原创 git-21_查看谁修改了code

git blame -L 160,+10 lhpackage.sh //Line 160 ~170

2019-03-22 15:10:27 179

原创 git-20_It's NOT the last commit that has been rejected

This case is a little trickier, but far from impossible! The story here is that you've been doing quite a bit of work, and it's spread on a couple of different commits. The task is finished and the wo...

2019-03-22 15:09:17 133

原创 git-19_Push with topic

Recent versions of Jenkins has a functionality to trigger specific tests based on "push-for-review" action and "topic". As example, you can push your code for review, but you want to trigger only clou...

2019-03-22 15:05:09 1308

原创 git-18_squash commit

-- WARNING: It is possible to loose local commits -> if there are local commits present then do this procedure in a local branch , so that if you need to you can just delete your branch and try aga...

2019-03-22 15:04:20 398

原创 git-17_查看要push的内容

testgit@embedded-cba-1:[/local/workspace/testgit/coremw/src/clmon](develop)$ git log --stat -1commit 9b203e343b8b0dba57f486335bca832b46aaf9eaAuthor: Allen Zhao Y <[email protected]>Da...

2019-03-22 15:02:03 3645

原创 git-16_local repository

Share a local repository$ cd comsa-source$ git init --shared=0771Make sure you have a branch that other developers can push to.Use a shared local repository• Example: development in mr27359 and ...

2019-03-22 15:00:05 146

原创 git-15_分支之间merge

First merge to private branch$git fetch –a #first get all latest config in repository$git branch –t core_llv origin/core_llv #create local branch $git checkout core_llv$git merge origin/master ...

2019-03-22 14:56:22 256

原创 git-14_Revert the HEAD

$git revert HEAD #回退到上一次提交的状态,按照某次的commit完全方向的进行一次commit$git revert HEAD^ #撤销前前一次commit$git revert commit 123434 #撤销指定的版本,撤销也会作为一次提交进行保存Note:reset 和revert的区别:revert也会作为一次提交进行保存.多了一次commit...

2019-03-21 17:41:52 147

原创 git-13_reset last commit

Reset command note:Reset 命令有3种方式:1) git reset –mixed #默认方式,不带任何参数的git reset 即为这种方式, 他回退到某个版本,只保留源码,回退comit和index信息。2) git reset –soft #回退到某个版本,只回退了commit的信息,不会恢复到index file一级。如果还要提交,直接commit即可。3) ...

2019-03-21 17:38:31 259

原创 git-12_check repo URL

git remote -v

2019-03-21 17:36:10 189

原创 git-11_clean workspace

Scenario: after compile, the workspace has some private files. We don’t need these files, and want to go back to the environment when we first clone the repo.$git clean -dfx # clean all files that a...

2019-03-21 17:34:35 231

原创 git-10_do tag

$git tag -a tag_test 1a85321 #tag one specific head $git tag -l #show all tags $git push origin tag_test #push tag to remote $git tag -d tag_test ...

2019-03-21 17:28:20 103

原创 git-9_delete branch

git branch -d <branch> #delete the branch <branch>; if the branch have a commit not push to remote, this command will fail with a warning.git branch -D <branch> #delete branch...

2019-03-21 17:24:56 156

原创 git-8_Push to Gerrit for review

$git push origin HEAD:refs/for/mastermodify review comments$git commit --amend #After you did some changes, commit using this command.Hook will update the change-id same with previous commit$git p...

2019-03-21 17:16:44 235

原创 git-8_Merge conflict resolve

test@etos20:[~/ers]((no branch))$merge conflict result enter no branch$git mergetool # run this command in VNC for merge conflict$git rebase –continue #after problem resolved$git rebase –skip ...

2019-03-21 17:15:25 394

原创 git-7_merge remote change

$git fetch #get remote repo change,local branch head will not change$git fetch –a #get all HEAD/Tag/Branch change from remote repo$git merge remotes/origin/build_llv #merge remote change ...

2019-03-21 17:12:34 512

原创 git-6_修改后提交(commit&change)

$git status #Check what's changed currently$git add $file #Add changed files to local git stage$git commit $file #Commit files, Input comments$git commit –a #commit all files not git-ad...

2019-03-19 13:47:27 845

原创 git-5_Git 环境建立(environment setup)

$git –version #check if the git is installed$git clone ssh://gerrit.ericsson.se:29418/ers/ers #create repo$cd ers$git checkout –b master remotes/origin/master or #create one branch$git branch -t m...

2019-03-19 13:45:02 215

原创 git-4_新建repo并添加到远程server

testgit@linux-0m25:[/local/workspace/testgit]$ mkdir testGittestgit@linux-0m25:[/local/workspace/testgit]$ cd testGit/testgit@linux-0m25:[/local/workspace/testgit/testGit]$ vi a.ctestgit@linux-0m25...

2019-03-19 13:43:23 662

原创 git-3_版本(tag)相关命令

查看版本:$ git tag创建版本:$ git tag [name]删除版本:$ git tag -d [name]创建远程版本(本地版本push到远程):$ git push origin [name]删除远程版本:$ git push origin :refs/tags/[name]合并远程仓库的tag到本地:$ git pull origin --tags上传本地tag到远程仓...

2019-03-19 13:39:19 145

原创 git-2_branch操作相关命令

查看本地分支:$ git branch查看远程分支:$ git branch -r创建本地分支:$ git branch [name] ----注意新分支创建后不会自动切换为当前分支切换分支:$ git checkout [name]创建新分支并立即切换到新分支:$ git checkout -b [name]删除分支:$ git branch -d [name] ---- -d选项只能...

2019-03-19 13:38:04 119

原创 git-1_远程仓库相关命令

检出仓库: $ git clone git://github.com/jquery/jquery.git查看远程仓库:$ git remote -v查看远程仓库信息: git remote show [remote-name] //git remote show origin(origin is alias name of the URL)删除本地库中已经不存在的分支: `$...

2019-03-19 13:36:46 295

原创 k8s

2019-03-19 13:31:04 141

原创 docker

2019-03-19 13:27:41 106

原创 BOB

2019-03-19 13:26:50 403

原创 RaaS基础

2019-03-19 13:25:18 338














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