自动化测试数据 准备 (转载)


A couple of months ago, I wrote about database testing strategies. It covered the aspect that is entirely related to the execution of test cases. It was all about black-box testing of a database. There is another important aspect of DB testing activity which we will cover in this article.

As a tester, you have to test the ‘Examination Results’ module of the website of a university. Consider the whole application has been integrated and it is in ‘Ready for Testing’ state. ‘Examination Module’ is linked with ‘Registration’, ‘Courses’ and ‘Finance’ modules. Assume that you have adequate information of the application and you created a comprehensive list of test scenarios. Now you have to design, document and execute these test cases. In ‘Actions/Steps’ section of the test cases, you must mention the acceptable data as input for the test. The data mentioned in test cases must be selected properly. The accuracy of ‘Actual Results’ column of TC Document is primarily dependent upon the test data. So, step to prepare the input test data is significantly important. Thus, here is my rundown on “DB Testing – Test Data Preparation Strategies”.

Properties of Test Data:

DB testing

The test data should be selected precisely and it must possess the following four qualities:

1. Realistic: By realistic, it means the data should be accurate in the context of real life e.g. in order to test ‘Age’ field, all the values should be positive and 18 or above. It is quite obvious that the candidates for an admission in the university are usually 18 years old (this might be defined in requirements).

2. Practically valid: This is similar to realistic but not the same. This property is more related to the business logic of AUT e.g. value 60 is realistic in age field but practically invalid for a candidate of Graduation or even Masters Programs. In this case, a valid range would be 18-25 years (this might be defined in requirements).

3. Versatile to cover scenarios: There may be several subsequent conditions in a single scenario, so choose the data shrewdly to cover maximum aspects of a single scenario with minimum set of data, e.g. while creating test data for result module, do not only consider the case of regular students who are smoothly completing their program. Give attention to the students who are repeating the same course and belong to different semesters or even different programs. The data set may look like this:


There might be several other interesting and tricky sub-conditions. E.g. the limitation of years to complete a degree program, passing a prerequisite course for registering a course, maximum no. of courses a student may enroll in a single semester etc. etc. Make sure to cover all these scenarios wisely with finite set of data.

4. Exceptional data (if applicable/required): There may be certain exceptional scenarios that are less frequent but demand high importance when occur, e.g. disabled students related issues.

Test data preparation techniques:

We have briefly discussed the important properties of test data and it also elaborates how test data selection is important while database testing. Now let’s discuss the techniques to prepare test data.

There are only two ways to prepare test data:

Method 1. Insert New Data:

Get a clean DB and insert all the data as specified in your test cases. Once, all your required and desired data has been entered, start executing your test cases and fill ‘Pass/Fail’ columns by comparing the ‘Actual Output’ with ‘Expected Output’.  Sounds simple, right? But wait, it’s not that simple.

Few essential and critical concerns are as follows:

  1. Empty instance of database may not be available
  2. Inserted test data may be insufficient for testing some cases like performance and load testing.
  3. Inserting the required test data into blank DB is not an easy job due to the database table dependencies. Because of this inevitable restriction, data insertion can become difficult task for tester.
  4. Insertion of limited test data (just according to the test cases needs) may hide some issues that could be found only with the large data set.
  5. For data insertion, complex queries and/or procedures may be required, and for this sufficient assistance or help from the DB developer(s) would be necessary.

Above mentioned five issues are the most important and the most obvious drawbacks of this technique for test data preparation. But if there are some advantages as well:

  1. Execution of TCs becomes more efficient as the DB has the required data only.
  2. Bugs isolation requires no time as only the data specified in test cases present in the DB.
  3. Less time required for testing and results comparison.
  4. Clutter-free test process

Method 2. Choose sample data subset from actual DB data:

This is the feasible and more practical technique for test data preparation. However it requires sound technical skills and demands detailed knowledge of DB Schema and SQL. In this method you need to copy and use production data by replacing some field values by dummy values. This is the best data subset for your testing as it represents the production data.  But this may not be feasible all the time due to data security and privacy issues.

This strategy deserves one separate post which we’ll discuss in next article ‘Database gray-box testing’ and precautions to take while testing database.

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自动化测试数据分析系统是一个用于分析和管理自动化测试数据的系统。它的主要功能包括测试数据准备和规划、测试数据分类和整理、测试数据分析和报告等。对于测试数据准备,系统可以帮助用户将测试数据分为死数据和活数据,死数据是事先准备好的测试数据,而活数据是在测试过程中动态生成的数据。通过系统提供的接口和工具,用户可以方便地进行测试数据准备和管理,提高测试脚本的健壮性和可靠性。系统还可以对测试数据进行分类和整理,方便用户进行数据分析和统计。最后,系统可以生成详细的测试数据分析报告,帮助用户了解测试数据的质量和效果,为测试工作提供参考和指导。自动化测试数据分析系统的使用可以提高测试效率和质量,减少测试成本和工作量,是现代软件测试中不可或缺的一部分。<span class="em">1</span><span class="em">2</span><span class="em">3</span> #### 引用[.reference_title] - *1* *2* *3* [接口自动化测试实践指导(上):接口自动化需要哪些准备工作](https://blog.csdn.net/u010634066/article/details/126017996)[target="_blank" data-report-click={"spm":"1018.2226.3001.9630","extra":{"utm_source":"vip_chatgpt_common_search_pc_result","utm_medium":"distribute.pc_search_result.none-task-cask-2~all~insert_cask~default-1-null.142^v93^chatsearchT3_1"}}] [.reference_item style="max-width: 100%"] [ .reference_list ]


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