
组合模式(Composite Pattern)也称为部分整体模式(Part-Whole Pattern),结构型设计模式之一,组合模式比较简单,它将一组相似的对象看做一个对象处理,并根据一个树状结构来组合对象,然后提供一个统一的方法去访问相应的对象,以此忽略掉对象与对象集合之间的差别。













public abstract class ViewGroup extends implements ViewParent, ViewManager {
    ... ...
    ... ...


/** Interface to let you add and remove child views to an Activity. To get an instance
  * of this class, call {@link android.content.Context#getSystemService(java.lang.String) Context.getSystemService()}.
(要获取此类的实例,请调用{@link android.content.Context#getSystemService(java.lang.String)Context.getSystemService()})
public interface ViewManager
     * Assign the passed LayoutParams to the passed View and add the view to the window.(将传递的LayoutParams分配给传递的视图,并将视图添加到窗口。)
     * <p>Throws {@link android.view.WindowManager.BadTokenException} for certain programming
     * errors, such as adding a second view to a window without removing the first view.
(对于某些编程错误,抛出{@link android.view.WindowManager.BadTokenException},例如在不删除第一个视图的情况下向窗口添加第二个视图。)
     * <p>Throws {@link android.view.WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException} if the window is on a
     * secondary {@link Display} and the specified display can't be found
     * (see {@link}).
(如果窗口位于辅助{@link Display}上并且无法找到指定的显示,则抛出{@link android.view.WindowManager.InvalidDisplayException}(请参阅{@link})。)
     * @param view The view to be added to this window.
     * @param params The LayoutParams to assign to view.
    public void addView(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params);
    public void updateViewLayout(View view, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params);
    public void removeView(View view);

而ViewParent则定义了刷新容器的接口 requestLayout和其他一些焦点事件的处理的接口。


 * Defines the responsibilities for a class that will be a parent of a View.
 * This is the API that a view sees when it wants to interact with its parent.
 * (定义将成为View父级的类的职责。
public interface ViewParent {
     * Called when something has changed which has invalidated the layout of a
     * child of this view parent. This will schedule a layout pass of the view
     * tree.(当某些内容发生变化时调用,这会使该视图父项的子项布局无效。 这将安排视图树的布局传递。)
    public void requestLayout();

     * Indicates whether layout was requested on this view parent.
     * @return true if layout was requested, false otherwise
//是否已经请求布局 这里有一点需要注意 当我们调用requestLayout请求布局后,这一过程并非立即执行的,Android会将请求布局的操作以消息的形式发送给主线程的Handler并由其分发处理。
    public boolean isLayoutRequested();

(当孩子希望视图层次结构收集并向窗口合成器报告透明区域时调用。 在视图层次结构中“打孔”的视图(例如SurfaceView)可以使用此API来提高系统性能。 如果层次结构中不存在此类视图,则此不必要的优化可能会略微降低视图层次结构的性能。)
     * Called when a child wants the view hierarchy to gather and report
     * transparent regions to the window compositor. Views that "punch" holes in
     * the view hierarchy, such as SurfaceView can use this API to improve
     * performance of the system. When no such a view is present in the
     * hierarchy, this optimization in unnecessary and might slightly reduce the
     * view hierarchy performance.
     * @param child the view requesting the transparent region computation
    public void requestTransparentRegion(View child);

     * The target View has been invalidated, or has had a drawing property changed that
     * requires the hierarchy to re-render.
     * This method is called by the View hierarchy to signal ancestors that a View either needs to
     * re-record its drawing commands, or drawing properties have changed. This is how Views
     * schedule a drawing traversal.
     * This signal is generally only dispatched for attached Views, since only they need to draw.
     * @param child Direct child of this ViewParent containing target
     * @param target The view that needs to redraw
    default void onDescendantInvalidated(@NonNull View child, @NonNull View target) {
        if (getParent() != null) {
            // Note: should pass 'this' as default, but can't since we may not be a View
            getParent().onDescendantInvalidated(child, target);

     * All or part of a child is dirty and needs to be redrawn.
     * (全部或部分子View需要重新绘制。)
     * @param child The child which is dirty
     * @param r The area within the child that is invalid
     * @deprecated Use {@link #onDescendantInvalidated(View, View)} instead.
    public void invalidateChild(View child, Rect r);(无效子视图)

     * All or part of a child is dirty and needs to be redrawn.
     * <p>The location array is an array of two int values which respectively
     * define the left and the top position of the dirty child.</p>
     * <p>This method must return the parent of this ViewParent if the specified
     * rectangle must be invalidated in the parent. If the specified rectangle
     * does not require invalidation in the parent or if the parent does not
     * exist, this method must return null.</p>
     * <p>When this method returns a non-null value, the location array must
     * have been updated with the left and top coordinates of this ViewParent.</p>
     * @param location An array of 2 ints containing the left and top
     *        coordinates of the child to invalidate
     * @param r The area within the child that is invalid
     * @return the parent of this ViewParent or null
     * @deprecated Use {@link #onDescendantInvalidated(View, View)} instead.
    public ViewParent invalidateChildInParent(int[] location, Rect r);(无效子视图的部分或者全部区域)

     * Returns the parent if it exists, or null.
     * @return a ViewParent or null if this ViewParent does not have a parent
    public ViewParent getParent();

     * Called when a child of this parent wants focus
     * (当这个父View的子View想要获取焦点时调用)
     * @param child The child of this ViewParent that wants focus. This view
     *        will contain the focused view. It is not necessarily the view that
     *        actually has focus.
     * @param focused The view that is a descendant of child that actually has
     *        focus
    public void requestChildFocus(View child, View focused);

     * Tell view hierarchy that the global view attributes need to be
     * re-evaluated.(告诉视图层次结构需要重新评估全局视图属性)
     * @param child View whose attributes have changed.
    public void recomputeViewAttributes(View child);
     * Called when a child of this parent is giving up focus
     * (当这个父View的子VIew放弃焦点时调用)
     * @param child The view that is giving up focus
    public void clearChildFocus(View child);

     * Compute the visible part of a rectangular region defined in terms of a child view's
     * coordinates.
     * <p>Returns the clipped visible part of the rectangle <code>r</code>, defined in the
     * <code>child</code>'s local coordinate system. <code>r</code> is modified by this method to
     * contain the result, expressed in the global (root) coordinate system.</p>
     * <p>The resulting rectangle is always axis aligned. If a rotation is applied to a node in the
     * View hierarchy, the result is the axis-aligned bounding box of the visible rectangle.</p>
     * @param child A child View, whose rectangular visible region we want to compute
     * @param r The input rectangle, defined in the child coordinate system. Will be overwritten to
     * contain the resulting visible rectangle, expressed in global (root) coordinates
     * @param offset The input coordinates of a point, defined in the child coordinate system.
     * As with the <code>r</code> parameter, this will be overwritten to contain the global (root)
     * coordinates of that point.
     * A <code>null</code> value is valid (in case you are not interested in this result)
     * @return true if the resulting rectangle is not empty, false otherwise
    public boolean getChildVisibleRect(View child, Rect r, offset);

     * Find the nearest view in the specified direction that wants to take focus
     * @param v The view that currently has focus
     * @param direction One of FOCUS_UP, FOCUS_DOWN, FOCUS_LEFT, and FOCUS_RIGHT
    public View focusSearch(View v, int direction);

     * Find the nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction.
     * This does not actually give focus to that cluster.
     * @param currentCluster The starting point of the search. Null means the current cluster is not
     *                       found yet
     * @param direction Direction to look
     * @return The nearest keyboard navigation cluster in the specified direction, or null if none
     *         can be found
    View keyboardNavigationClusterSearch(View currentCluster, int direction);

     * Change the z order of the child so it's on top of all other children.
     * This ordering change may affect layout, if this container
     * uses an order-dependent layout scheme (e.g., LinearLayout). Prior
     * to {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} this
     * method should be followed by calls to {@link #requestLayout()} and
     * {@link View#invalidate()} on this parent to force the parent to redraw
     * with the new child ordering.
     * @param child The child to bring to the top of the z order
    public void bringChildToFront(View child);

     * Tells the parent that a new focusable view has become available. This is
     * to handle transitions from the case where there are no focusable views to
     * the case where the first focusable view appears.
     * @param v The view that has become newly focusable
    public void focusableViewAvailable(View v);

     * Shows the context menu for the specified view or its ancestors.
     * <p>
     * In most cases, a subclass does not need to override this. However, if
     * the subclass is added directly to the window manager (for example,
     * {@link ViewManager#addView(View, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)})
     * then it should override this and show the context menu.
     * @param originalView the source view where the context menu was first
     *                     invoked
     * @return {@code true} if the context menu was shown, {@code false}
     *         otherwise
     * @see #showContextMenuForChild(View, float, float)
    public boolean showContextMenuForChild(View originalView);

     * Shows the context menu for the specified view or its ancestors anchored
     * to the specified view-relative coordinate.
     * <p>
     * In most cases, a subclass does not need to override this. However, if
     * the subclass is added directly to the window manager (for example,
     * {@link ViewManager#addView(View, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)})
     * then it should override this and show the context menu.
     * <p>
     * If a subclass overrides this method it should also override
     * {@link #showContextMenuForChild(View)}.
     * @param originalView the source view where the context menu was first
     *                     invoked
     * @param x the X coordinate in pixels relative to the original view to
     *          which the menu should be anchored, or {@link Float#NaN} to
     *          disable anchoring
     * @param y the Y coordinate in pixels relative to the original view to
     *          which the menu should be anchored, or {@link Float#NaN} to
     *          disable anchoring
     * @return {@code true} if the context menu was shown, {@code false}
     *         otherwise
    boolean showContextMenuForChild(View originalView, float x, float y);

     * Have the parent populate the specified context menu if it has anything to
     * add (and then recurse on its parent).
     * @param menu The menu to populate
    public void createContextMenu(ContextMenu menu);

     * Start an action mode for the specified view with the default type
     * {@link ActionMode#TYPE_PRIMARY}.
     * <p>In most cases, a subclass does not need to override this. However, if the
     * subclass is added directly to the window manager (for example,
     * {@link ViewManager#addView(View, android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams)})
     * then it should override this and start the action mode.</p>
     * @param originalView The source view where the action mode was first invoked
     * @param callback The callback that will handle lifecycle events for the action mode
     * @return The new action mode if it was started, null otherwise
     * @see #startActionModeForChild(View, android.view.ActionMode.Callback, int)
    public ActionMode startActionModeForChild(View originalView, ActionMode.Callback callback);

    ... ...




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