
针对personal data
  1. What’s yourname?
  2. May I have yourname, please?
  3. Are youMr./Miss?
  4. What’s yoursurname?
  5. What is youfamily name?
  6. What’s your fullname?
  7. How do you spellyour last name?
  8. Please give meyour name.
  9. May I ask yourname?
  10. I believeyou’re Mr.…., aren’t you?
  11. Your name,please.
  12. How do you do,and you are…?

13. Miss... , I presume.
  14. Would you giveme your name?
  My name is …
  Yes, I’m…
  My surname is…
  My full name is…
  How do you do,I’m..
针对personal qualities
  1. What kind ofpersonalities do you think you have?
  2. What kind ofperson are you?
  3. What types ofpeople do like to work with?
  4. What types ofpeople don’t you like to work with?
  5. Do you think youare introverted or extroverted?
  6. Would you liketo describe yourself as what kind of person you are?
  7. Would you liketo tell me your weak points and strong points?
  8. What do youthink is the most important thing fo you to be happy?
  9. What basicprinciples do you apply to you work?
  10. What do youthink a job is?
  11. Are you more afollower or a leader?
  12. What attitudedo you take towards life?
  1. I think I’mhonest and reliable.
  2. I feel I’minitiative and aggressive, responsible in doing things.
  3. To tell you thetruth, I think I’m imaginative and creative.
  4. I like to workwith imaginative and creative persons.
  5. I don not liketo work with the introverted people.
  6. I believe I’mextroverted, easy to approach and friendly to everyone.
  7. Frankly, I thinkI’m quite outgoing and I enjoy mixing and doing things
with others.
  8. I wouldn’t callmyself introverted though some times I’m inclined to think
independently and enjoy staying all bymy self, often and often I like sharing
activities with others.
  9. I approachthings very enthusiastically and I can take on jobs that bother
other people and work at them slowlyuntil they get done.
  10. I think a jobis on the one hand a way of making a living, but on the
other hand, it is also a veryimportant way to self-fulfillment.
  11. . I think I ammore of a leader, but I am team-task minded too.
  12. I feel it isimportant to build a career. Seize the day, seize the hour.
Even if it’s hard at the time. I tryto get things done that day and not to let
them go.

  1. Do you have anyspecial interests other than your job?
  2. What are yourhobbies?
  3. What otherinterests do you have?
  4. What kind ofrecreations do you most enjoy?
  My chief interestis…
  Yes, …is my specialinterest.
  I like to readbooks. (mystery, novel, detective, fiction, non-fiction,
  I enjoy spots.
  I like dancing.
  5. What do you liketo do in your spare time?
  6. What do you dowhen you are not working?
  7. How do you spendyour free time?
  8. How do youentertain yourself after work?
  On weekends, Isometimes go mountain climbing with my colleagues or fishing.
  9. What’s your maritalstatus?
  10. Could you tellme something about your family?
  11. Do you spendmuch time staying with your family?
  I’m not married./I’m still a single.
  I’ve been marriedfor 10 years and have a daughter.
  I usually gettogether with my family on weekends because we are all busy.
Working Experience(有关工作经验方面的问题)
  Q: What isimportant to you in a job?
  A: For example,challenge, the feeling of accomplishment, and knowing that you
have made a contribution.
  Q: Please tell meyour present job.
  A: I am working ina garment factory. My present job is to inspect the quality
of products. comparatively speaking,quality control is rather simple. Although
I do my job well, I am looking for anew job which is more challenging.
  Q: Your resume saysyou have had some experience working in a foreign
representative office in Shanghai, mayI ask why you left?
  A: I worked in aforeign representative office for one year. However, I left
there two years ago because the workthey gave me was rather dull. I found
another job which is more interesting.
  Q: What kind ofjobs have you had?
  A: I worked as abusiness coordinator in a foreign representative office, then
I transferred to a joint venture as asales manager. So I am familiar with the
textile market in China.
  Q: Whatqualifications do you have that make you feel you will be successful
in your field?
  A: First, I thinkmy technical background is helpful. I have enough knowledge
to market the products to mycustomers. Secondly, I have studied for four months
in a Marketing Training Program withsatisfactory results. Finally, I have
mastered the English Language. Thesequalifications will make me successful in
my career.
  Q: What have youlearned from the jobs you have had?
  A: I have learned alot about business know-how and basic office skills. In
addition, I learned at my previousjobs how to cooperate with my colleagues.
  Q: What’s you majorweak point?
  A: I haven't beeninvolved in international business, so I don' t have any
experience, but I have studied thiscourse in an International Business Training
  Q: What are yougreatest weaknesses?
  A: Identify one ortwo, such as the following:" I tend to drive myself too
hard", " I expect others toperform beyond their capacities", " I like to see a
job done quickly, and I'm critical ifit isn't." Note these weaknesses could
also be regarded as desirablequalities. The trick with this question is to
describe a weakness so that it couldalso be considered a virtue.
  Q: What are yourgreatest strengths?
  A: I know a lotabout how the Chinese economy works, and how business is done
here. Secondly, I speak Englishfluently. I have no difficulty with language.
And, I am a hard worker when I havesomething challenging to do.
  Q: Please tell meabout your working experience.
  A: I have fiveyears experience in the chemical industry since I graduated
  college. First ofall I worked as an assistant engineer in the××× Company.
Three years later I transferred to ×××Company. Now I am working in the Sale
Department of that company.
  Q: Where do youwant to be five years from now?
  A: In five years,I'd like to have my boss's job. (I’d like to be my own
  Q: What is yourcareer objective?
  A: I want to applymy experience and education to a position in personnel
administration in a Sino-America jointventure.
  I want to get aposition offering challenge an responsibility in the realm of
  Q: Would you talkabout some of your achievements at work?
  Q: Can you tell mesomething about your achievements?
  A: I have been×××for ABC Company for ×××years. Sales of the item for which I
have been responsible have increasedby 14% during the last four years.
  1. What do you do?
  2. What kind ofwork are you doing now?
  3. How long did youwork there?
  4. Where have youworked in the past?
  5. What kind ofwork were you doing at your previous employer’s?
  6. What did yourwork consist of exactly?
  7. What work wereyour responsible for at your previous employer’s?
  8. What did youmost like (dislike) about your previous job?
  9. What were yourresponsibilities as a ..?
  I’m a sales managerat ××× company.
  I have been …at..
  I was in charge of..
  I have been workingthere for ×××years.
  I was responsiblefor …
Educational Background (关于教育背景方面的问题)
  Q: what is yourmajor?
  A: My major isBusiness Administration. I am especially interested in
  Q: What are yourmajor and minor subjects?
  A: My major subjectis Physics and my minor subject is Practical Mathematics.
  Q: What subject didyou major in at university?
  A: I majored inEconomics.
  Q: Which universitydid you graduate from?
  A: I graduated from××× University.
  Q: When did yougraduate from university?
  A: I graduated fromShanghai Normal University in 1990.
  Q: Have youreceived any degrees?
  A: Yes. First, Ireceived my Bachelor of Arts degree in English Literature,
and then an MBA degree.
  Q: What course didyou like best?
  A: ProjectManagement. I was very interested in this course when I was a
student. And I think it's very usefulfor my present work.
  Q: How did you geton with your studies in college?
  A:I did well incollege. I was one of the top students in the class.
  Q: Do you feel thatyou have received a good general training?
  A; Yes, I havestudied in an English training program and a computer training
program since I graduated fromuniversity. I am currently studying Finance at a
training school.
  1. What’s youreducational background?
  2. What degrees doyou have?
  3. What about youreducation?
  4. Now tell mesomething about your professional education?
  5. What universitydid you graduate from?
  6. What’s yourspecialty?
  7. What researchhave you even done?
  8. What are yourmajor subject and minor subjects?
  9. How manylanguages can you speak?
  10. What foreignlanguages can you speak?
  11. Can you speak,write, and read English fluently?
  12. Can you manageEnglish conversations?
  13. How is yourEnglish proficiency?
  1. Three years agoI graduated from ×××University. I received a ×××degree
there. ××× is my major and English ismy foreign language.
  2. I have a masterof ×××
  3. my specialty is×××
  4. I like to dealwith…
  5. my major is
  Q: Why should weaccept you?
  A: Because firstlyI’ve received very good academic training, secondly, I’ve
obtained good job skills, and finallyI’m very enthusiastic about my MBA study.
  Q: What would youdo if....?
  A: This question isdesigned to test your response. For example: "What would
you do if your computer broke downduring an audit?" Your answer there isn't
nearly so important as your approachto the problem. And a calm approach is
best. Start by saying, "One thingI might do is ..." Then give several
alternative choices.
  Q: What do youthink is more important in getting a job, education background
or experience?
  A: Most jobadvertisements say that experience is needed or preferred, that is
to say, those with experience are morelikely to be hired.
  Q: What qualitiesare needed to get a promotion in a company?
  A: If an employeeis hard-working and loyal/well-experienced in his job,
creative and innovative/quick atdecision-making, he is likely to be promoted.
  Q: What qualitiesare the basic requirements for leading positions at all
levels in a company?
  A: In my view, abusiness leader should be able to build up appropriate and
effective interpersonal relationshipwith his/her employees and clients.
  Q: Why do somehonest and loyal employees remain unprompted after many years
of hard work?
  A: The position ofa leader asks for more than honesty, loyalty and industry.
  Q: Do you thinkEnglish is quite important in MBA study?
  A: Having anexcellent command of English in speaking, reading, listening, and
writing is critical to a MBA studentas long as he wants to become an
internationalized entrepreneur anddoesn’t want to miss the huge potential of
business opportunities in thecooperation with any company from English-speaking
  And since MBAprojects have been far more developed in US and European
countries than in China, an Englishproficiency will definitely be of a great
help to the understanding and learningof advanced theories and practices in
business administration.
  Q: Do you knowsomething about the development of China’s MBA projects? Can
you give any suggestions on the roomfor improvement of China’s MBA projects?
  A: China began toparticipate in MBA programs since the early 1980s’ mainly
through cooperation with US andEuropean business schools. And from 1990s’,
China began to establish the degree ofMBA projects.
Suggestions for improvement:
  Localization of MBAprojects, especially focus on the establishment of our
own case bank.
  Market-orientation.China is in great need of executives who are technically
sound in the fields of IT, finance,and accounting and who have a thorough
command of management theories andgood communication skills and strategic
  More attentionshould be drawn to the education of CTOs and CFOs besides the
traditional education of CEOs.
  In China, apartfrom CTOs, we are in great need for CFOs, those who knows
the operation of capital markets aswell as the general management knowledge
because the biggest challenges forenterprises in China are how to finance a
company and how to handle the riskycapital markets.
  Q: What is CFO andthe related responsibilities?
  CFO is theabbreviated form of Chief Financial Officer, who is the most
important and valuable position ofmanagement in modern enterprises besides CEO.
  Responsibilitiesfor CFO: handle various financial relations especially
relations with the investors(investment financing), with governments (taxation,
and bond supervision), and strategicbusiness planning, and human resources
  A CFO will directthe department of planning, department of finance,
department of operational management,department of ERP and department of H.R.
  In other words, CFOis responsible for all the departments except departments
of production and sales.
  We should lay moreemphasis on the education and training of CFO.
  Relationshipbetween CEO and CFO
  CEO is the one whomake decisions on the long-term objectives or missions for
a company, while CFO is the one whomake those ambitions and long-term planning
into concrete, operable strategiesespecially the financial strategies. And not
only that, CFO is the person whoactually assess the fulfillment of the
objectives. So the harmoniouscooperation between CEO and CFO in a company is
  Q: What is thedifference between MBA program at home and abroad?
  A: China’s MBAprojects are lagging behind their counterparts at abroad in the
following respects:
  Teachers andteaching facilities
  At abroad: Doctoraldegree is a must for teachers in universities, and for
those who teach in business schools.They have to have obtained professional
education in business and management,some with educational background in
economics and other pertinentsciences. And most of them have direct or indirect
experience of business administrationand they keep a close contact with
enterprises through consultingservices or research projects. So they can
combine those management theories withenterprise practices which is quite
advantageous to the MBA education.
  At home: We haveteachers without doctoral degrees at our business schools,
teachers without professional businessor management background, and teachers
lacking practical understanding of howan enterprise is actually operated.
  Source of students
  At abroad:basically, all students applying for MBA education come from
enterprises and they intend tocontinue their career in enterprises when they
finished their MBA study. They arepeople with highest potentials to become
excellent businessmen orbusinesswomen.
  At home: we have amore complex source of students. A large part of enrolled
students are not from enterpriseswhich means they have no former business
experience. Although some areexcellent people they simply need longer period to
become entrepreneurs. Some choose toenter governments and intuitions after
their MBA education which goes againstthe overall objectives of MBA programs.
  System of managingMBA education
 At abroad: businessschools have self-decision-making for their MBA projects,
such as the scale of recruitment,tuitions and way of hiring teachers. The high
autonomy enables them to develop fastand obtain special features of their own.
  At home:Universities have little independence and it’s even worse when it
comes to business schools. All theabove-mentioned decisions are made under a
planning system which consequentlyaffect the quality of MBA programs.
  Teaching methods
  At abroad: besidesthe traditional ways of teaching, that is lecture and case
study, there are many kinds ofdifferent ways of education for example, field
projects, group projects decision bycomputer simulation, guest speech , project
study, consulting reports , roleplays, discussions and seminars, action
learning, debates, internships, studytrips, student presentation, problem
solving and experiential exercises.
  At home : ourteaching methods are rather limited.





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