《Java数据结构和算法》第二版 Robert lafore 编程作业 第十一章

《Java数据结构和算法》第二版 Robert lafore 编程作业 第十一章

 	11.1 修改hash.java程序(清单11.1),改用二次探测。
 	11.2 实现用一个线性探测哈希表存储字符串。需要一个把字符串转换成数组下标的
 	11.3 写一个哈希函数,实现数字折叠的方法(正如本章“哈希函数”一节描述的)。
 	11.4 为hash.java程序写一个rehash()方法。只要装填因子大于0.5,insert()方
 	11.5 使用二叉搜索树,而不是使用地址法中的链表解决冲突。即创建一个树的数组
package chap11;

// hash.java
// demonstrates hash table with linear probing
// to run this program: C:>java HashTableApp
import java.io.*;

class DataItem {                                // (could have more data)
	private int iData;               // data item (key)

	// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem(int ii)          // constructor
		iData = ii;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public int getKey() {
		return iData;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class DataItem
// //

class HashTable {
	private DataItem[] hashArray;    // array holds hash table
	private int arraySize;
	private DataItem nonItem;        // for deleted items
	private int number;				// DataItem数目

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public HashTable(int size)       // constructor
		arraySize = size;
		hashArray = new DataItem[arraySize];
		nonItem = new DataItem(-1);   // deleted item key is -1
		number = 0;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTable() {
		System.out.print("Table: ");
		for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) {
			if (hashArray[j] != null)
				System.out.print(hashArray[j].getKey() + " ");
				System.out.print("** ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int hashFunc(int key) {
		return key % arraySize;       // hash function

	// =====================================================
	// 编程作业 11.3
	public int hashFunc1(int key) {
		int hashVal = 0;
		int length = String.valueOf((arraySize - 1)).length(); // 分组的长度
		String skey = String.valueOf(key);
		int i = 0;
		for (; i + 2 < skey.length(); i += 2) {
			String str = skey.substring(i, i + 2);
			hashVal += Integer.valueOf(str).intValue();
		if (i < skey.length()) {
			String str = skey.substring(i);
			hashVal += Integer.valueOf(str).intValue();
		return hashVal % arraySize;

	// =====================================================
	// 编程作业 11.4
	public void rehash() {
		int resize = getPrime(arraySize * 2);
		HashTable ht = new HashTable(resize);
		for (int i = 0; i < arraySize; i++) {
			if (hashArray[i] != null && hashArray[i].getKey() != -1) {
		this.hashArray = ht.hashArray;
		this.arraySize = resize;

	// =====================================================
	private int getPrime(int min) {
		for (int j = min + 1; true; j++) {
			if (isPrime(j)) {
				return j;

	// =====================================================
	private boolean isPrime(int j) {
		for (int i = 2; i * i < j; i += 2) {
			if (j % i == 0) {
				return false;
		return true;

	// =====================================================

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void insert(DataItem item) // insert a DataItem
	// (assumes table not full)
		if (number / (float) arraySize > 0.5) {
		int key = item.getKey();      // extract key
		// int hashVal = hashFunc(key); // hash the key
		int hashVal = hashFunc1(key); // hash the key
		// until empty cell or -1,
		int i = 1, index = hashVal;
		while (hashArray[index] != null && hashArray[index].getKey() != -1) {
			// =================================
			// 编程作业 11.1
			index = hashVal + i * i;
			// =================================
			index %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		hashArray[index] = item;    // insert item
	}  // end insert()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem delete(int key)  // delete a DataItem
		// int hashVal = hashFunc(key); // hash the key
		int hashVal = hashFunc1(key); // hash the key

		int i = 1, index = hashVal;
		while (hashArray[index] != null)  // until empty cell,
		{                               // found the key?
			if (hashArray[index].getKey() == key) {
				DataItem temp = hashArray[index]; // save item
				hashArray[index] = nonItem;       // delete item
				return temp;                        // return item
			// =================================
			// 编程作业 11.1
			index = hashVal + i * i;
			// =================================
			index %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		return null;                  // can't find item
	}  // end delete()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem find(int key)    // find item with key
		// int hashVal = hashFunc(key); // hash the key
		int hashVal = hashFunc1(key); // hash the key

		int i = 1, index = hashVal;
		while (hashArray[index] != null)  // until empty cell,
		{                               // found the key?
			if (hashArray[index].getKey() == key)
				return hashArray[index];   // yes, return item

			// =================================
			// 编程作业 11.1
			index = hashVal + i * i;
			// =================================
			index %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		return null;                  // can't find item
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashTable
// //

public class HashTableApp {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		DataItem aDataItem;
		int aKey, size, n, keysPerCell;
		// get sizes
		System.out.print("Enter size of hash table: ");
		size = getInt();
		System.out.print("Enter initial number of items: ");
		n = getInt();
		keysPerCell = 10;
		// make table
		HashTable theHashTable = new HashTable(size);

		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) // insert data
			aKey = (int) (java.lang.Math.random() * keysPerCell * size);
			aDataItem = new DataItem(aKey);

		while (true)                   // interact with user
			System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
			System.out.print("show, insert, delete, or find: ");
			char choice = getChar();
			switch (choice) {
			case 's':
			case 'i':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to insert: ");
				aKey = getInt();
				aDataItem = new DataItem(aKey);
			case 'd':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to delete: ");
				aKey = getInt();
			case 'f':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to find: ");
				aKey = getInt();
				aDataItem = theHashTable.find(aKey);
				if (aDataItem != null) {
					System.out.println("Found " + aKey);
				} else
					System.out.println("Could not find " + aKey);
				System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
			}  // end switch
		}  // end while
	}  // end main()
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public static String getString() throws IOException {
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
		String s = br.readLine();
		return s;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public static char getChar() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return s.charAt(0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static int getInt() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return Integer.parseInt(s);
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashTableApp
// //


package chap11;

// hash.java
// demonstrates hash table with linear probing
// to run this program: C:>java HashTableApp
import java.io.*;

class DataItem1 {                                // (could have more data)
	private String sData;               // data item (key)

	// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem1(String str)          // constructor
		sData = str;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public String getKey() {
		return sData;
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class DataItem
// //

class HashTable1 {
	private DataItem1[] hashArray;    // array holds hash table
	private int arraySize;
	private DataItem1 nonItem;        // for deleted items

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public HashTable1(int size)       // constructor
		arraySize = size;
		hashArray = new DataItem1[arraySize];
		nonItem = new DataItem1("--");   // deleted item key is ""

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTable() {
		System.out.print("Table: ");
		for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) {
			if (hashArray[j] != null)
				System.out.print(hashArray[j].getKey() + " ");
				System.out.print("** ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	// =====================================================
	// 编程作业 11.2
	public int hashFunc(String key) {
		int hashVal = 0;
		for (int j = 0; j < key.length(); j++) {
			int letter = key.charAt(j);
			hashVal = (hashVal * 26 + letter) % arraySize;
		return hashVal;       // hash function

	// =====================================================

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void insert(DataItem1 item) // insert a DataItem
	// (assumes table not full)
		String key = item.getKey();      // extract key
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);  // hash the key
										// until empty cell or -1,
		while (hashArray[hashVal] != null
				&& !hashArray[hashVal].getKey().equals("--")) {
			++hashVal;                 // go to next cell
			hashVal %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		hashArray[hashVal] = item;    // insert item
	}  // end insert()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem1 delete(String key)  // delete a DataItem
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);  // hash the key

		while (hashArray[hashVal] != null)  // until empty cell,
		{                               // found the key?
			if (hashArray[hashVal].getKey().equals(key)) {
				DataItem1 temp = hashArray[hashVal]; // save item
				hashArray[hashVal] = nonItem;       // delete item
				return temp;                        // return item
			++hashVal;                 // go to next cell
			hashVal %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		return null;                  // can't find item
	}  // end delete()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public DataItem1 find(String key)    // find item with key
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);  // hash the key

		while (hashArray[hashVal] != null)  // until empty cell,
		{                               // found the key?
			if (hashArray[hashVal].getKey().equals(key))
				return hashArray[hashVal];   // yes, return item
			++hashVal;                 // go to next cell
			hashVal %= arraySize;      // wraparound if necessary
		return null;                  // can't find item
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashTable
// //

public class HashTable1App {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		DataItem1 aDataItem;
		int size, n, keysPerCell;
		String aKey;
		// get sizes
		System.out.print("Enter size of hash table: ");
		size = getInt();
		System.out.print("Enter initial number of items: ");
		n = getInt();
		keysPerCell = 10;
		// make table
		HashTable1 theHashTable = new HashTable1(size);

		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)        // insert data
			// =====================================================
			// 编程作业 11.2
			StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer();
			int length = (int) (java.lang.Math.random() * 5 + 1);
			for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
				sb.append((char) (java.lang.Math.random() * 26 + 97));
			aDataItem = new DataItem1(sb.toString());
			// =====================================================

		while (true)                   // interact with user
			System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
			System.out.print("show, insert, delete, or find: ");
			char choice = getChar();
			switch (choice) {
			case 's':
			case 'i':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to insert: ");
				aKey = getString();
				aDataItem = new DataItem1(aKey);
			case 'd':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to delete: ");
				aKey = getString();
			case 'f':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to find: ");
				aKey = getString();
				aDataItem = theHashTable.find(aKey);
				if (aDataItem != null) {
					System.out.println("Found " + aKey);
				} else
					System.out.println("Could not find " + aKey);
				System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
			}  // end switch
		}  // end while
	}  // end main()
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public static String getString() throws IOException {
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
		String s = br.readLine();
		return s;

	// --------------------------------------------------------------
	public static char getChar() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return s.charAt(0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static int getInt() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return Integer.parseInt(s);
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashTableApp
// //


package chap11;

// tree.java
// demonstrates binary tree
// to run this program: C>java TreeApp
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;               // for Stack class

class Node {
	public int iData;              // data item (key)
	public Node leftChild;         // this node's left child
	public Node rightChild;        // this node's right child

	public Node() {

	public Node(int key) {
		this.iData = key;

	public void displayNode()      // display ourself

	public int getKey() {
		return iData;
}  // end class Node
// //

class Tree {
	private Node root;             // first node of tree

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public Tree()                  // constructor
		root = null;
	}            // no nodes in tree yet

	// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public Node find(int key)      // find node with given key
	{                           // (assumes non-empty tree)
		if (root == null) {
			return null;
		Node current = root;               // start at root
		while (current.iData != key)        // while no match,
			if (key < current.iData)         // go left?
				current = current.leftChild;
				// or go right?
				current = current.rightChild;
			if (current == null)             // if no child,
				return null;                 // didn't find it
		return current;                    // found it
	}  // end find()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public void insert(int id) {
		Node newNode = new Node();    // make new node
		newNode.iData = id;           // insert data
		if (root == null)                // no node in root
			root = newNode;
		else                          // root occupied
			Node current = root;       // start at root
			Node parent;
			while (true)                // (exits internally)
				parent = current;
				if (id < current.iData)  // go left?
					current = current.leftChild;
					if (current == null)  // if end of the line,
					{                 // insert on left
						parent.leftChild = newNode;
				}  // end if go left
				else                    // or go right?
					current = current.rightChild;
					if (current == null)  // if end of the line
					{                 // insert on right
						parent.rightChild = newNode;
				}  // end else go right
			}  // end while
		}  // end else not root
	}  // end insert()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public boolean delete(int key) // delete node with given key
	{                           // (assumes non-empty list)
		Node current = root;
		Node parent = root;
		boolean isLeftChild = true;

		while (current.iData != key)        // search for node
			parent = current;
			if (key < current.iData)         // go left?
				isLeftChild = true;
				current = current.leftChild;
			} else                            // or go right?
				isLeftChild = false;
				current = current.rightChild;
			if (current == null)             // end of the line,
				return false;                // didn't find it
		}  // end while
			// found node to delete

		// if no children, simply delete it
		if (current.leftChild == null && current.rightChild == null) {
			if (current == root)             // if root,
				root = null;                 // tree is empty
			else if (isLeftChild)
				parent.leftChild = null;     // disconnect
				// from parent
				parent.rightChild = null;

		// if no right child, replace with left subtree
		else if (current.rightChild == null)
			if (current == root)
				root = current.leftChild;
			else if (isLeftChild)
				parent.leftChild = current.leftChild;
				parent.rightChild = current.leftChild;

		// if no left child, replace with right subtree
		else if (current.leftChild == null)
			if (current == root)
				root = current.rightChild;
			else if (isLeftChild)
				parent.leftChild = current.rightChild;
				parent.rightChild = current.rightChild;

		else  // two children, so replace with inorder successor
			// get successor of node to delete (current)
			Node successor = getSuccessor(current);

			// connect parent of current to successor instead
			if (current == root)
				root = successor;
			else if (isLeftChild)
				parent.leftChild = successor;
				parent.rightChild = successor;

			// connect successor to current's left child
			successor.leftChild = current.leftChild;
		}  // end else two children
			// (successor cannot have a left child)
		return true;                                // success
	}  // end delete()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------
		// returns node with next-highest value after delNode
		// goes to right child, then right child's left descendents

	private Node getSuccessor(Node delNode) {
		Node successorParent = delNode;
		Node successor = delNode;
		Node current = delNode.rightChild;   // go to right child
		while (current != null)               // until no more
		{                                 // left children,
			successorParent = successor;
			successor = current;
			current = current.leftChild;      // go to left child
		// if successor not
		if (successor != delNode.rightChild)  // right child,
		{                                 // make connections
			successorParent.leftChild = successor.rightChild;
			successor.rightChild = delNode.rightChild;
		return successor;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void traverse(int traverseType) {
		switch (traverseType) {
		case 1:
			System.out.print("\nPreorder traversal: ");
		case 2:
			System.out.print("\nInorder traversal:  ");
		case 3:
			System.out.print("\nPostorder traversal: ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	private void preOrder(Node localRoot) {
		if (localRoot != null) {
			System.out.print(localRoot.iData + " ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	private void inOrder(Node localRoot) {
		if (localRoot != null) {
			System.out.print(localRoot.iData + " ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	private void postOrder(Node localRoot) {
		if (localRoot != null) {
			System.out.print(localRoot.iData + " ");

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTree() {
	}  // end displayTree()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class Tree
// //


package chap11;

// hashChain.java
// demonstrates hash table with separate chaining
// to run this program: C:>java HashChainApp
import java.io.*;

// ====================================================================
// 编程作业 11.5

class HashChainTable {
	private Tree[] hashArray;   // array of lists
	private int arraySize;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public HashChainTable(int size)        // constructor
		arraySize = size;
		hashArray = new Tree[arraySize];  // create array
		for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++)
			// fill array
			hashArray[j] = new Tree();     // with lists

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void displayTable() {
		for (int j = 0; j < arraySize; j++) // for each cell,
			System.out.print(j + ". "); // display cell number
			hashArray[j].displayTree(); // display list

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public int hashFunc(int key)      // hash function
		return key % arraySize;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public void insert(int key)  // insert a link
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
		if (this.find(key) != null) {
		hashArray[hashVal].insert(key); // insert at hashVal
	}  // end insert()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public void delete(int key)       // delete a link
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
		hashArray[hashVal].delete(key); // delete link
	}  // end delete()
		// -------------------------------------------------------------

	public Node find(int key)         // find link
		int hashVal = hashFunc(key);   // hash the key
		Node theNode = hashArray[hashVal].find(key);  // get link
		return theNode;                // return link
	// -------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashTable
// ====================================================================
// //

public class HashChainApp {
	public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
		int aKey;
		Node aDataItem;
		int size, n, keysPerCell = 100;
		// get sizes
		System.out.print("Enter size of hash table: ");
		size = getInt();
		System.out.print("Enter initial number of items: ");
		n = getInt();
		// make table
		HashChainTable theHashTable = new HashChainTable(size);

		for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)         // insert data
			aKey = (int) (java.lang.Math.random() * keysPerCell * size);
		while (true)                    // interact with user
			System.out.print("Enter first letter of ");
			System.out.print("show, insert, delete, or find: ");
			char choice = getChar();
			switch (choice) {
			case 's':
			case 'i':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to insert: ");
				aKey = getInt();
			case 'd':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to delete: ");
				aKey = getInt();
			case 'f':
				System.out.print("Enter key value to find: ");
				aKey = getInt();
				aDataItem = theHashTable.find(aKey);
				if (aDataItem != null)
					System.out.println("Found " + aKey);
					System.out.println("Could not find " + aKey);
				System.out.print("Invalid entry\n");
			}  // end switch
		}  // end while
	}  // end main()
		// --------------------------------------------------------------

	public static String getString() throws IOException {
		InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(System.in);
		BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr);
		String s = br.readLine();
		return s;

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static char getChar() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return s.charAt(0);

	// -------------------------------------------------------------
	public static int getInt() throws IOException {
		String s = getString();
		return Integer.parseInt(s);
	// --------------------------------------------------------------
}  // end class HashChainApp
// //


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