android developer tiny share-20160812

今天分享PackageManager类提供的一整套query...()方法,如queryIntentActivities()queryIntentServices()queryBroadcastReceivers()等,这些方法会返回所有能够接受特定 Intent 的组件List。


Create an alarm
Create a timer
Add a calendar event
Capture a picture or video and return it
Select a contact
Compose an email with optional attachments
Retrieve a specific type of file
Show a location on a map
Play a media file
Create a note
Initiate a phone call
Search using a specific app
Open a specific section of Settings
Compose an SMS/MMS message with attachment
Load a web URL



通过 Intent 过滤器匹配 Intent,这不仅有助于发现要激活的目标组件,还有助于发现设备上组件集的相关信息。例如,主页应用通过使用指定 ACTION_MAIN 操作和 CATEGORY_LAUNCHER 类别的 Intent 过滤器查找所有 Activity,以此填充应用启动器。
您的应用可以采用类似的方式使用 Intent 匹配。PackageManager 提供了一整套 query...() 方法来返回所有能够接受特定 Intent 的组件。此外,它还提供了一系列类似的 resolve...() 方法来确定响应 Intent 的最佳组件。例如,queryIntentActivities() 将返回能够执行那些作为参数传递的 Intent 的所有 Activity 列表,而 queryIntentServices() 则可返回类似的服务列表。这两种方法均不会激活组件,而只是列出能够响应的组件。对于广播接收器,有一种类似的方法: queryBroadcastReceivers()。

Common Intents
An intent allows you to start an activity in another app by describing a simple action you'd like to perform (such as "view a map" or "take a picture") in an Intent object. This type of intent is called an implicit intent because it does not specify the app component to start, but instead specifies an action and provides some data with which to perform the action.

When you call startActivity() or startActivityForResult() and pass it an implicit intent, the system resolves the intent to an app that can handle the intent and starts its corresponding Activity. If there's more than one app that can handle the intent, the system presents the user with a dialog to pick which app to use.

This page describes several implicit intents that you can use to perform common actions, organized by the type of app that handles the intent. Each section also shows how you can create an intent filter to advertise your app's ability to perform the same action.

Caution: If there are no apps on the device that can receive the implicit intent, your app will crash when it calls startActivity(). To first verify that an app exists to receive the intent, call resolveActivity() on your Intent object. If the result is non-null, there is at least one app that can handle the intent and it's safe to call startActivity(). If the result is null, you should not use the intent and, if possible, you should disable the feature that invokes the intent.

If you're not familiar with how to create intents or intent filters, you should first read Intents and Intent Filters.
To learn how to fire the intents listed on this page from your development host, see Verify Intents with the Android Debug Bridge.

Google Now
Google Now fires some of the intents listed on this page in response to voice commands. For more information, see Intents Fired by Google Now.





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