3DExperience CATIA 扫描给定 3DShape 的整个参数集中隐藏的布尔参数

'Scanning the Root Parameter Set  (3DExperience CATIA)
'Mission: This use case scans the hidden Boolean Parameters throughout a Parameter Set for a given 3DShape.
'  1. Creates 3DShape with a Parameter Set
'  2. Retrieves the Knowledge Service
'  3. Retrieves the Part Knowledge Collection
'  4. Retrieves the Created Parameter Set
'  5. Retrieves its Parameter Collection
'  6. Scans the Parameter list for the hidden Boolean Parameters 
'  7. Displays the list of the hidden Boolean Parameters 
Sub ScanningHiddenParameters()

  'Error Handling
  'On Error GoTo ErrorSub

    '1 - Creates 3DShape with a Parameter Set with hidden/shown Parameters
    Dim MyNewPart As Part
    Create3DShape MyNewPart
    '2 - Retrieves the Knowledge Service
    Dim oKnowledgeServices As KnowledgeServices
    Set oKnowledgeServices = CATIA.GetSessionService("KnowledgeServices")
    '3 - Retrieves the Part Knowledge Collection
    Dim oKnowledgeCollectionForPart As KnowledgeCollection
    Set oKnowledgeCollectionForPart = oKnowledgeServices.GetKnowledgeCollection(MyNewPart, kweParametersType)
    '4 -  Retrieves the Created Parameter Set
    Dim oParmsSetForMyParameterSet As ParmsSet
    Set oParmsSetForMyParameterSet = oKnowledgeCollectionForPart.Item(1)
    '5 - Retrieves its Parameter Collection
    Dim oKnowledgeCollection As KnowledgeCollection
    Set oKnowledgeCollection = oParmsSetForMyParameterSet.Collection
    Dim oParamCollection As KnowledgeCollection
    Set oParamCollection = oKnowledgeCollection.Find(kweParameterObjectType, True)
    Dim oParamString0 As String
    oParamString0 = "                            Name                                           Value                           Comment"
    Dim oParamString1 As String
    oParamString1 = "Here is the list of hidden parameters of type Boolean are" & vbCrLf & oParamString0
    '6 - Scans the Parameter list for the hidden Boolean Parameters
    ' Here we are scanning the hidden parameter list only for Boolean type of parameters.
    ' Tests whether the value returned by the hidden property of the Parameter is "True"
    ' Checks whether the type of the parameter belongs to "BoolParam" class object.
    ' Then increments the HiddenNumber variable.
    Dim i As Integer
    For i = 1 To oParamCollection.Count
        Dim oParam As Parameter
        Set oParam = oParamCollection.Item(i)
        Dim HiddenNumber As Integer
        If (oParam.Hidden) Then
            If TypeName(oParam) = "BoolParam" Then
                oParamString1 = oParamString1 & vbCrLf & oParam.Name & "                     " & oParam.Value & "                       " & "'" & oParam.Comment & "'": HiddenNumber = HiddenNumber + 1
            End If
        End If
    '7 - Displays the list of the hidden Boolean Parameters
    If (HiddenNumber > 0) Then
        MsgBox oParamString1
    End If
GoTo EndSub
Error Handeling
        MsgBox Str(Err.Number) + ":" + Err.Description
        GoTo EndSub

End Sub

'Creates 3DShape with Parameters
'  1. Creates a 3DShape
'  2. Creates Part with Parameters
'       2.1 - Retrieves the part from the Active Editor
'       2.2 - Retrieves KnowledgeObjects Object from Part
'       2.3 - Creates Parameters Set
'       2.4 - Creates Parameters beneath the Parameters feature
'       2.5 - Creates another Parameter Set beneath the Parameter Set
'       2.6 - Adds Parameters below newly created sub Parameter Set
'  3. Updates Part

Sub Create3DShape(oPart)

  'Error handling
  'On Error GoTo ErrorSub

    '1. Creates a 3DShape
    'Creates a new 3DShape Rep Ref
    Dim oNewService As PLMNewService
    Set oNewService = CATIA.GetSessionService("PLMNewService")
    Dim oEditor3DShape As Editor
    oNewService.PLMCreate "3DShape", oEditor3DShape
    '2. Creates Pad
    '2.1 - Retrieves the part from the Active Editor
    Set oPart = oEditor3DShape.ActiveObject
    '2.2 - Retrieve KnowledgeObjects Object from Part
    Dim oKnowledgeObjects As KnowledgeObjects
    Set oKnowledgeObjects = oPart.GetItem("KnowledgeObjects")
    '2.3 - Creates Parameters Set
    Dim oParams As ParmsSet
    Set oParams = oKnowledgeObjects.GetKnowledgeRootSet(True, kweParametersType)
    '2.4 - Creates parameters beneath the Parameters feature
    'Creates the parameters of type Boolean
    Dim oParamString1 As Parameter
    Set oParamString1 = oParams.Factory.CreateBoolean("TaskAsBoolean1", "True")
    Dim oParamString2 As Parameter
    Set oParamString2 = oParams.Factory.CreateBoolean("TaskAsBoolean2", "True")
    oParamString2.Hidden = True
    oParamString2.Comment = "HiddenParameter1"
    Dim oParamString3 As Parameter
    Set oParamString3 = oParams.Factory.CreateBoolean("TaskAsBoolean3", "False")
    oParamString3.Hidden = True
    oParamString3.Comment = "HiddenParameter2"
    'Creates the parameters of type String
    Dim oParamString4 As Parameter
    Set oParamString4 = oParams.Factory.CreateString("TaskAsString1", "String1")
    oParamString4.Hidden = True
    oParamString4.Comment = "HiddenParameter3"
    Dim oParamString5 As Parameter
    Set oParamString5 = oParams.Factory.CreateString("TaskAsString2", "String2")
    'Creates the parameter of type Integer
    Dim oParamString6 As Parameter
    Set oParamString6 = oParams.Factory.CreateInteger("TaskAsInteger1", 25)
    oParamString6.Hidden = True
    oParamString6.Comment = "HiddenParameter4"
    'Creates another Parameter Set beneath the Parameter Set
    Dim oSubParamSet As ParmsSet
    Set oSubParamSet = oParams.Factory.CreateParametersSet("Sub-ParameterSet")
    ' Adds Parameters below newly created sub Parameter Set
    'Creates the parameter of type Boolean
    Dim oParamString7 As Parameter
    Set oParamString7 = oSubParamSet.Factory.CreateBoolean("TaskAsBoolean4", "True")
    oParamString7.Hidden = True
    oParamString7.Comment = "HiddenParameter5"
    'Creates the parameter of type Integer
    Dim oParamString8 As Parameter
    Set oParamString8 = oSubParamSet.Factory.CreateString("TaskAsInteger2", 50)
    '3 - Updates Part
    GoTo EndSub
        MsgBox Str(Err.Number) + ":" + Err.Description
        GoTo EndSub

End Sub





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