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原创 串口

1.驱动安装。usb转串口驱动 64位 https://www.fixdown.com/soft/1951.html已在win7上测试功能 正常。win10串口驱动:https://download.csdn.net/download/f907279313/96951612.串口软件。sscom 5.13 32位64位 https://www.fixdown.com/soft/...

2018-12-31 21:32:34 283

原创 U盘分成两个分区

1.下载DiskGenius破解版。DiskGenius4.9.6专业版注册版https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27278957/10697673?utm_source=bbsseo 关键点:要打开 DiskGen.exe 而不是 DiskGenius.exe.打开后360会提示权限。 2.先删除U盘。这个过程要等的时间...

2018-12-31 12:25:57 3446 2

原创 恢复误删数据

问题点:比如,不小心使用 diskpark clean 删除了整个硬盘。 1.下载DiskGenius破解版。DiskGenius4.9.6专业版注册版https://download.csdn.net/download/qq_27278957/10697673?utm_source=bbsseo 关键点:要打开 DiskGen.exe 而不是 DiskGenius.e...

2018-12-30 15:50:27 539

原创 【U盘ubuntu】ubuntu装到U盘上即插即用

总论:使用用VMwarep安装系统到U盘上。Note:ubuntu-18至少要8G的U盘。ubuntu-15至少需要7.6G的U盘,不然会提示不允许安装。(当然,如果不够,再加一个虚拟硬盘,是可以骗过ubuntu的。)1.因为自己电脑是USB 3.0,所以,虚拟机配置成 USB3.0如果U盘小于8.4G,则不移除掉硬盘,因为ubuntu安装时会检测是否大于8.4,否...

2018-12-30 11:35:44 2519

原创 [4412]Install ubuntu


2018-12-30 08:52:19 243

原创 [mini2440]mjpg-streamer

1.Download.In mini2440-20110421\友善之臂编写或整理的参考文档\通过网络浏览CMOS或USB摄像头\, could find the bin file, source code, and usage document.Note: The official Image is already install  mjpg-streamer, can use web ...

2018-12-29 16:57:11 247

原创 html language

1. hello world.<html><body><h1>My First Heading</h1><p>hell world.</p></body></html>Then save as "hello.html", using we

2018-12-29 09:40:33 428

原创 Boa Webserver

1.Go to official site http://www.boa.org/ download source code.2.compile: referce the official site document http://www.boa.org/documentation/boa-2.html(1)cd src, because configure flile is in src...

2018-12-28 11:30:16 504

原创 [mini2440]tftp download file to arm

1. Arm already had tftp client, because busybox include "tftp" command.2.Install tftp server in ubuntu, see appendix.3.Connect arm board to main computer network, such as connect to a same route...

2018-12-25 17:01:49 208

原创 [mini2440]mini2440 factory

1.Modify uboot1.Using vscode to view source code in win7.2. common --> cmd_menu.cvoid main_menu_usage(void) add code as below: printf("[0] TFTP default setting.\r\n"); printf("[1] X...

2018-12-24 17:32:41 188

原创 [x86 drive program]helloworld

Referce: https://www.cnblogs.com/amanlikethis/p/4914510.html1.Compile drive programAdd hello.c hellotest.c Makefile in a total directory. Then input "make"  to compile.2.Compile appication progr...

2018-12-21 16:15:07 161

原创 Auto generate Makefile

All steps below referce: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_19004627/article/details/790614571. Install software.Note: autoconf belong a part of "autotools" software.sudo apt install autoconf2.Generate...

2018-12-21 11:30:36 366

原创 Kernel book

 Linux Kernel Development by Robert Love http://www.beginnersheap.com/download-page/ and O'Reilly's Understanding The Linux Kernel  

2018-12-20 13:55:30 119

原创 [software]Visual studio 2008 English edition download


2018-12-19 16:48:22 515

原创 [python package]wxPython

Install method:Is install for python 2, then goto install path C:\Python27\Scripts, then input command pip2.7 install wxPython. Waiting until install succeed.Test if installed successfull. Input i...

2018-12-18 11:05:37 459

原创 [open source]pyOBD

1.Source codeHomepage http://www.obdtester.com/pyobd2. Change python 3 to 2.Because the source code only suppore python 2.3.Install wx-2.6.NOTE: The lastest version doen't execute success, b...

2018-12-13 20:22:47 300

原创 [c++ program]keyboard record

Download a program, such as 键盘日志记录程序-c++源码 https://download.csdn.net/download/tiankong_bear/9045359 Then create a new  C++ command line project, and copy the source code into the project, done....

2018-12-13 14:35:30 201

原创 gdb debug exe

1.Start debugOpen 2 windowns, one is use gdbserver to execute destnation execute, another is use gdb to remote debug.gdbserver windown:gdb windown:If you want to pause program, use 'Ctrl+C...

2018-12-12 16:13:47 145

原创 [open source]freediag

1.SourceDownload source code from official site.2.Compile in win-7Inatall cmake, then va cmake to generate an MinGW projeck, at last, input 'make' to compile.3.Debug resultWithout CAN protoc...

2018-12-12 15:54:28 169

原创 How to use CMAKE?

1.Environmentwin-7,Download install file from official site then install.2.UsageThen will generate a MinGW-GCC projectPS: freediag is using CMake to compile, and also can compile sucess ...

2018-12-12 15:02:58 291

原创 [python code]File check modify

import osdef IsModify(FileName) : ModificationTime = os.stat(FileName).st_mtime print(ModificationTime) global DictModifyTime for key in DictModifyTime : if key == FileName and DictModifyTime...

2018-12-12 08:53:42 147

原创 EOBD program

Protocal Document1.各种英文协议文档OBD完整协议 https://download.csdn.net/download/sqxsny/8356281 Open souce1.STM32的工程,有EOBD的完整代码,包括驱动层和应用层,而且有硬件原理图。EOBD诊断开发板代码stm32 obd协议-CSDN下载 ...

2018-12-06 20:09:41 263

原创 [python code]AT

 import serialdef SendReceiveString(CmdIn="AT@1\r\nAT@2\r\n", Timeout=0.5): listCmd = CmdIn.splitlines(False) for i in range(len(listCmd)) : CmdSend = listCmd[i] if CmdSend.find("ATZ")>=...

2018-12-06 14:37:58 234

原创 [python package]pyserial

refer: windows下使用python进行串口通讯 - NiYintang的博客 - CSDN博客 1.Add serial libpython-2.5 serialDownload pyserial-2.5.win32.exe, such as link https://pypi.org/project/pyserial/2.5/#files .Then click to...

2018-12-05 17:28:02 349

原创 ELM327 Comand Detail

copy form scan-master setting which protocol is 11-bit CAN 500K.ATZ // reset ELM327 v1.5..>ATWS // warm start ELM327 v1ATZ // reset ELM327 v1.5..>ATE0 //echo off OK..>ATL0 // line...

2018-12-05 14:17:08 709

原创 Software catch serial port communicaton data

1.DownloadUsing software "device monitoring studio" catch serial port communicaton data.Download a cract editon:  Device-Monitoring-Studio.7.25破解版-CSDN下载2.InstallFirst install next by next, th...

2018-12-05 10:56:54 189

FasLink X_1.1.8 安卓版APK

FasLink X_1.1.8 安卓版APK,非常专业的OBD诊断软件,可以测电池,烟雾传感器等。


USB HID 控制台最简例程 (Visual Studio 2019 C#).zip

USB HID 控制台最简例程 (Visual Studio 2019 C#) 编译环境是Visual Studio 2019,就用C#写的,里面仅包含了最基本的 USB HID 的初始化和读数据,写数据的功能,因而代码规范易懂,一眼就看明白。



haneWIN可用注册码及注册机。 架设NFS服务器。 1.下载安装 haneWin 下载链接 https://www.hanewin.net/nfs-e.htm 下载时有中文补丁,一起下载下来(补丁的安装方法就是直接复制进C:\Program Files\nfsd\languages)。 2.注册handwin。(新安装有30天的试用期)



最简串口工具(C++控制台), 里面只有CPP代码文件。直接拖进C++里编译就行。


mini2440串口工具(for windowns)



linux-0 .11-gcc5编译

linux0.11 GCC5 可编译版本,本人在ubuntukylin15.10 32位系统下使用 gcc-5.2成功编译通过,并在bochs2.6上运行正常。



强大的工具 -- Flashimg flashimg是一个由网友 Fabrice Jouhaud 开发的软件,可以很快捷地生成NAND或NOR镜像文



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