
所以我们有这个忍者在舞台上做滚轴溜冰,而这个虚拟世界,呼啦一下就崩溃了。我出来,我相信是史蒂夫,奥地亚,不是吗?他在那?啊,是你。史蒂夫.奥地亚。他真是反应机敏。我说,史蒂夫,抱歉,但你的世界已经崩溃了,我们要转到备用录像上。他拔出忍者剑说,我受辱了!哇!倒地! [掌声和笑声] ,所以我认为这是非常说明问题,10年来这一高科技课程中我最喜爱的时刻是一个出色的随机应变。然后当录像带放完,灯光回来,他躺在那跟死了一样,他的队友把他给拖下去! [笑] 那真的是一个美妙时刻。
And the course was all about bonding. People used to say, you know, what's going to make for a good world? I said, I can't tell you beforehand, but right before they present it I can tell you if the world's good just by the body language. If they’re standing close to each other, the world is good.


And BVW was a pioneering course [Randy puts on vest with arrows poking out of the back], and I won't bore you with all the details, but it wasn't easy to do, and I was given this when I stepped down from the ETC and I think it's emblematic. If you're going to do anything that pioneering you will get those arrows in the back, and you just have to put up with it. I mean everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But at the end of the day, a whole lot of people had a whole lot of fun. When you've had something for ten years that you hold so precious, it's the toughest thing in the world to hand it over. And the only advice I can give you is, find somebody better than you to hand it to. And that's what I did. There was this kid at the VR studios way back when, and you didn't have to spend very long in Jesse Schell's orbit to go, the force is strong in this one. And one of my greatest – my two greatest accomplishments I think for Carnegie Mellon was that I got Jessica Hodgins and Jesse Schell to come here and join our faculty. And I was thrilled when I could hand this over to Jesse, and to no one's surprise, he has really taken it up to the next notch. And the course is in more than good hands – it's in better hands. But it was just one course. And then we really took it up a notch. And we created what I would call the dream fulfillment factory. Don Marinelli and I got together and with the university's blessing and encouragement, we made this thing out of whole cloth that was absolutely insane. Should never have been tried. All the sane universities didn't go near this kind of stuff. Creating a tremendous opportunistic void.


建立虚拟世界是一个创业的课程 [兰迪穿上一件背心插满箭头的背心] ,我不会跟你们唠叨细节,但确实是不容易。当我从娱乐技术中心退下来时他们送给我这个,我觉得它特有象征意义。枪打出头鸟,你只能面对现实。我的意思是一切可能出问题的地方都出了问题。但回头看来,有很多人得到了很多乐趣。当你在你如此珍惜的事业上干了10年,把它交给别人真是难舍难分。我能给的唯一的忠告就是,把它交给比你更优秀的人。而那正是我所做的。很早以前,你在虚拟现实工作室的这个年轻人,杰西.谢尔,身边呆一会儿,就会觉得,天命非他莫属。我在卡内基梅隆的一个最大的--两个最大的成就,请到杰西卡.霍金斯和杰西.谢尔加入我们学院。我很高兴当我可以把这交给杰西,不出所料,这课程不但是后继有人,而且更上一层楼。但这仅仅是一门课程。然后我们真的把它上升一个档次。我们创立了我称为的“圆梦工厂“。唐.麦瑞乃里和我一起,在学校的支持和鼓励下,从零开始,化空白为神奇。这简直是异想天开。所有理智的大学都不去碰这种东西。而这创造了巨大的机会真空。
So the Entertainment Technology Center was all about artists and technologists working in small teams to make things. It was a two-year professional master's degree. And Don and I were two kindred spirits. We're very different – anybody who knows us knows that we are very different people. And we liked to do things in a new way, and the truth of the matter is that we are both a little uncomfortable in academia. I used to say that I am uncomfortable as an academic because I come from a long line of people who actually worked for a living, so. [Nervous laughter] I detect nervous laughter! And I want to stress, Carnegie Mellon is the only place in the world that the ETC could have happened. By far the only place. [Shows slide of Don in tye-dyed shirt, shades and an electric guitar, sitting on a desk next to Randy, wearing nerd glasses, button-up shirt, staring at a laptop. Above their heads were the labels “Right brain/Left brain”] [laughter] OK, this picture was Don's idea, OK? And we like to refer to this picture as Don Marinelli on guitar and Randy Pausch on keyboards. [laughter] But we really did play up the left brain, right brain and it worked out really well that way.


所谓娱乐技术中心是让艺术家和技术家组成小团队创作。这是一个为期两年的专业硕士学位。唐和我志同道合。我们非常不同 —任何了解我们的人都知道我们是非常不同的人。我们都喜欢用新方法做事,事实上,我们在学术界都有点不习惯。我曾说我不习惯做个学者是因为我来自一个靠实际打工为生的家庭背景,所以 [紧张的笑]我听见有紧张的笑声!我想强调的是卡内基梅隆大学是在世界上唯一的能让娱乐技术中心产生的地方。到目前为止是唯一的地方 [放幻灯片显示唐麦瑞乃里穿扎染衬衫,戴墨镜,抱电吉他,坐在兰迪旁的办公桌上,兰迪戴着学究眼镜,衬衫钮扣全系,盯着笔记本电脑。头上的标题是 "右脑/左脑" ] [笑]这张照

片可是唐的主意。我们把这张照片叫作吉他手唐麦瑞乃里和键盘手兰迪波许。 [笑] 但我们确实发挥了左脑,右脑的分工,而且合作的很好。
[Shows slide of Don looking intense] Don is an intense guy.......

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