
Never give up. I didn't get into Brown University. I was on the wait list. I called them up and they eventually decided that it was getting really annoying to have me call everyday so they let me in. At Carnegie Mellon I didn't get into graduate school. Andy had mentored me. He said, go to graduate school, you're going to Carnegie Mellon. All my good students go to Carnegie Mellon. Yeah, you know what's coming. And so he said, you're going to go to Carnegie Mellon no problem. What he had kind of forgotten was that the difficulty of getting to the top Ph.D. program in the country had really gone up. And he also didn't know I was going to tank my GRE's because he believed in me. Which, based on my board scores was a really stupid idea. And so I didn't get into Carnegie Mellon. No one knows this. Til today Im telling the story. I was declined admission to Carnegie Mellon. And I was a bit of an obnoxious little kid. I went into Andy's office and I dropped the rejection letter on his desk. And I said, I just want you to know what your letter of recommendation goes for at Carnegie Mellon. [laughter] And before the letter had hit his desk, his hand was on the phone and he said, I will fix this. [Laughter] And I said, no no no, I don't want to do it that way. That's not the way I was raised. [In a sad voice] Maybe some other graduate schools will see fit to admit me. [Laughter] And he said, look, Carnegie Mellon's where you're going to be. He said, I'll tell you what, I'll make you a deal. Go visit the other schools. Because I did get into all the other schools. He said, go visit the other schools and if you really don't feel comfortable at any of them, then will you let me call Nico? Nico being Nico Habermann and I said, OK deal. I went to the other schools. Without naming them by name -- [in a coughing voice] Berkeley, Cornell. They managed to be so unwelcoming that I found myself saying to Andy, you know, I'm going to get a job. And he said, no, you're not. And he picked up the phone and he talked in Dutch. [laughter] And he hung up the phone and he said, Nico says if you're serious, be in his office tomorrow morning at eight a.m. And for those of you who know Nico, this is really scary. So I'm in Nico Habermann's office the next morning at eight a.m. and hes talking with me, and frankly I dont think hes that keen on this meeting. I don't think he's that keen at all. And he says, Randy, why are we here? And I said, because Andy phoned you? Heh. [laughter] And I said, well, since you admitted me, I have won a fellowship. The Office of Naval Research is a very prestigious fellowship. I've won this fellowship and that wasn't in my file when I applied. And Nico said, a fellowship, money, we have plenty of money. That was back then. He said, we have plenty of money. Why do you think having a fellowship makes any difference to us? And he looked at me. There are moments that change your life. And ten years later if you know in retrospect it was one of those moments, you're blessed. But to know it at the moment. With Nico staring through your soul. [laughter] And I said, I didn't mean to imply anything about the money. It's just that it was an honor. There were only 15 given nationwide. And I did think it was an honor that would be something that would be meritorious. And I apologize if that was presumptuous. And he smiled. And that was good.


永不放弃。我没有被布朗大学入取。我在候选名单上。我就给他们打电话,他们最终决定让我入学因为他们不想我天天打电话烦他们。在卡内基梅隆大学,我没有被研究生院入取。安迪是我的导师。他说,到研究生院,你去卡内基梅隆大学。我所有的好学生都到卡内基梅隆大学。嗯,你知道下面是什么。他说,你去卡内基梅隆大学没问题。他有点忘了的是,进入国内顶尖博士学位计划的难度越来越大。因为他相信我,他也并不知道我的研究生入学考试的成绩会是一塌糊涂,我的分数让这变成了一个很愚蠢的想法。所以我没有被卡内基梅隆大学入取。直的今天,我讲这个故事。没有人知道我被卡内基梅隆大学拒绝。我那时是个有点令人烦的小孩子。我走进安迪的办公室和把拒绝信件仍在他桌子上。我说,我只希望你知道你的推荐信在卡内基梅隆大学的份量。 [ ] 信还没落,他的手就放在电话机上说,“我来解决”。 [ ] 我说,别别别,我可不想这样做。那不符合我的教养。 [ 悲哀的声音 ] 或许有些其他学校的研究生院会同意入取我。 [ ] 他说,不,你要去卡内基梅隆大学。他说,我跟你订个协议。去参观其他学校。因为我的确被其他所有学校入取了。他说,去参观其他学校,如果你确实没有一个你喜欢的,那你让我给尼科打电话?尼科是尼科海伯曼。我说,好,就怎么定。我去了其他学校。再次就不说它们的名字 -[ 咳嗽 ] 伯克利,康乃尔。他们让我觉得如此不喜欢以至我对安迪说,你知道,我要找一份工作。他说,不,你不要找。他抄起电话用荷兰语讲话。 [ ] 他挂了电话说,尼科说,如果你是当真的,明天上午八时到他的办公室去。对你们这些人知道尼科的人,这实在很可怕。所以第二天早上 8 时到了尼科海伯曼的办公室跟他谈。坦白的说,我觉的他并不多想跟我会面,他一点也不热衷于此。他说,兰迪,我们为什么在这里?我说,因为安迪打电话给你?哈哈 [ ] 我说,自从你接受我的申请后,我有赢得了一个奖学金。海军研究办公室是一个非常有声望的奖学金。我赢得这项奖学金但我的申请材料上没有记录。尼科说,奖学金,钱,我们有的是钱。这是那时候了。他说,我们有足够的钱。为什么你觉得拿了奖学金,会对我们有任何差别吗?他看着我。有些改变人生的时刻,如果 10 年后,你回想起来,知道这些时刻,你就是有福的人。但当尼科凝视你的灵魂,(我)当时就知道 …。 [ ] 我说,我并不是指什么钱。这只是一项荣誉。全国只有 15 人拿到。我确实认为这是有价值的荣誉。我抱歉如果这显得狂妄。他笑了。一切都好了。

So. How do you get people to help you? You can't get there alone. People have to help you and I do believe in karma. I believe in paybacks. You get people to help you by telling the truth. Being earnest. I'll take an earnest person over a hip person every day, because hip is short term. Earnest is long term.



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