1. This example measures how the time required to solve a linear system varies with the order of a matrix.
for n = 1:100
A = rand(n,n);
b = rand(n,1);
x = A\b;
t(n) = toc;
2. c = clock returns a 6-element date vector containing the current date and time in decimal form:
c = [year month day hour minute seconds]
The first five elements are integers. The seconds element is accurate to several digits beyond the decimal point. The statement fix(clock) rounds to integer display format.
3. The following code returns the CPU time used to run surf(peaks(40)).
t = cputime; surf(peaks(40)); e = cputime-t
e =
4. e = etime(t2,t1) returns the time in seconds between vectors t1 and t2. The two vectors must be six elements long, in the format returned by clock:
T = [Year Month Day Hour Minute Second]
Calculate how long a 2048-point real FFT takes.
x = rand(2048,1);
t = clock; fft(x); etime(clock,t)
ans =