Kids Return: [Python ]一个用ssh 来远程登录 多台机器并执行命令的脚本
Python ]一个用
ssh 来远程
登录 多台机器并执行命令的脚本
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要求安装了 pexpect 这个包先。
Usage: ./ -f cmdfile -l username -c cmd -n nodesfile -v -r
execut cmd on remote hosts (all hosts in ./hosts.txt by default)
-v verbose
-r recording hosts on which mission succeeded and failed
-l username
-c cmd to be executed remotely
-n file containing the nodes
-f file conaining the cmd
-h show the usage
就是指定一个文件比如nodes.txt以及命令以后,它可以自动 登录 到nodes.txt包含的节点里执行命令。可以在源文件里替换进你自己的密码,也可以使用公钥密钥 登录 不需输入密码。指定了v选项的话得到在远端每台主机上的详细输出。指定了r选项的话记录下那些节点成功那些节点失败。
要求安装了 pexpect 这个包先。
Usage: ./ -f cmdfile -l username -c cmd -n nodesfile -v -r
execut cmd on remote hosts (all hosts in ./hosts.txt by default)
-v verbose
-r recording hosts on which mission succeeded and failed
-l username
-c cmd to be executed remotely
-n file containing the nodes
-f file conaining the cmd
-h show the usage
就是指定一个文件比如nodes.txt以及命令以后,它可以自动 登录 到nodes.txt包含的节点里执行命令。可以在源文件里替换进你自己的密码,也可以使用公钥密钥 登录 不需输入密码。指定了v选项的话得到在远端每台主机上的详细输出。指定了r选项的话记录下那些节点成功那些节点失败。
- 1. #!/usr/bin/python
- 2. import sys
- 3. import os
- 4. import getopt
- 5. import pexpect
- 6. try:
- 7. from ansi_color import * #就是我前面帖子里关于ansi_color的几个定义
- 8. except ImportError:
- 9. def color_str(s, *args):
- 10. return s
- 11. fg_green = None
- 12. fg_red = None
- 13. fg_blue = None
- 14. password="123456" #替换成你自己的密码。
- 15. def do(cmds, dst, username, outfile):
- 16. global verbose, is_quiet, good_hosts
- 17. print "executing \"%s\""%(repr(cmds))
- 18. try:
- 19. prompt = "^.*\(.*\):|\$"
- 20. hostname = dst
- 21. sshcmd = '<b style="color: black; background-color: rgb(153, 255, 153);">ssh</b> %s'%(hostname)
- 22. if username != None:
- 23. sshcmd = sshcmd + " -l %s"%username
- 24. s = pexpect.spawn(command=sshcmd, timeout=20)
- 25. s.logfile_read = outfile
- 26. s.setecho(True)
- 27. i = -1
- 28. while (i<>0):
- 29. i = s.expect([prompt,"Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?","Password:"])
- 30. if i == 1:
- 31. s.sendline("yes")
- 32. elif i == 2:
- 33. s.sendline(password)
- 34. for cmd in cmds:
- 35. s.sendline(cmd)
- 36. s.expect(prompt)
- 37. s.sendline("exit")
- 38. s.close()
- 39. if verbose:
- 40. print
- 41. print "["+color_str("OK!", fg_green)+"]"
- 42. if recording:
- 43. print>>f_good, hostname
- 44. f_good.flush()
- 45. good_hosts.append(hostname)
- 46. except pexpect.ExceptionPexpect:
- 47. if verbose:
- 48. print
- 49. print "["+color_str("Fail!", fg_red)+"]"
- 50. if recording:
- 51. print>>f_bad, hostname
- 52. f_bad.flush()
- 53. bad_hosts.append(hostname)
- 54. def print_usage():
- 55. print "Usage:\t ./ -f cmdfile -l username -c cmd -n nodesfile -v -r"
- 56. print "execut cmd on remote hosts (all hosts in ./hosts.txt by default)"
- 57. print "\t-v verbose"
- 58. print "\t-r recording hosts on which mission succeeded and failed"
- 59. print "\t-l username"
- 60. print "\t-c cmd to be executed remotely"
- 61. print "\t-n file containing the nodes"
- 62. print "\t-f file conaining the cmd"
- 63. print "\t-h show the usage"
- 64. sys.exit(-1)
- 65. if __name__ == "__main__":
- 66. try:
- 67. opts, args=getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "l:f:n:c:vhr",["login_name", "cmdfile","nodesfile","command","help","verbose", "recording"])
- 68. except getopt.GetoptError, err:
- 69. print str(err)
- 70. print_usage()
- 71. if opts == [] and args == []:
- 72. print_usage()
- 73. hosts = None
- 74. cmds = None
- 75. outfile = open("/dev/null", "w")
- 76. verbose = False
- 77. username = None
- 78. recording = False
- 79. for o, ra in opts:
- 80. a = ra.strip(" \t\n")
- 81. if o in ("-h", "--help"):
- 82. print_usage()
- 83. elif o in ("-n", "--nodesfile"):
- 84. h = open(a, 'r')
- 85. hosts = [l.strip(" \t\n") for l in h]
- 86. elif o in ("-c", "--command"):
- 87. cmds = [a]
- 88. elif o in ("-f", "--cmdfile"):
- 89. cmdfile = open(a, "r")
- 90. cmds = [cmd.strip(' \n') for cmd in cmdfile]
- 91. elif o in ("-v", "--verbose"):
- 92. outfile = sys.stdout
- 93. verbose = True
- 94. elif o in ("-r", "--recording"):
- 95. recording = True
- 96. elif o in ("-l", "--login_name"):
- 97. username = a
- 98. if hosts is None:
- 99. print "using default ./hosts.txt"
- 100. h = open(os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("."), "hosts.txt"),'r')
- 101. hosts = [dst.strip(' \n') for dst in h]
- 102. if cmds is None:
- 103. print "-c or -f must specified"
- 104. print_usage()
- 105. if recording:
- 106. f_good = open("good_hosts.txt","w")
- 107. f_bad = open("bad_hosts.txt","w")
- 108. good_hosts =[]
- 109. bad_hosts =[]
- 110. for i in range(len(hosts)):
- 111. dst = hosts[i]
- 112. print "%d/%d: ["%(i+1, len(hosts))+ color_str(dst, fg_blue)+"]"
- 113. do(cmds, dst, username, outfile)
- 114. print "%d hosts suceed!"%len(good_hosts)
- 115. outfile.close()
- 116. h.close()