The Embedded C++ Programming Guide Lines


A. Migrating from C language to C++ language

A.1 Character constant


​ In C, a character constant has type int. In C++, it has type char.


i = sizeof('a');

​ In C, this stores sizeof(int) (which is likely to be greater than 1) into i. In C++, it stores sizeof(char) (which is always 1) into i.


​ When migrating code from C to C++, rewrite expressions that depend on the size of a character constant to remove the dependency.

A.2 Object declaration at file scope


​ In C++, a declaration of an object at file scope without a storage class specifier is a definition of that object with external linkage. If the definition does not have an initializer, the object has initial value 0. (As in C, an object declared in a C++ program must be defined exactly once.)

​ In C, a declaration of an object at file scope without a storage class specifier and without an initializer is a tentative definition, which may appear more than once in a translation unit.


int a;      /* (1) */
int a = 10; /* (2) */

​ In C, (1) is a tentative definition. Since (2) is unequivocally a definition, C treats (1) as a mere declaration.

​ In C++, both (1) and (2) are definitions. In the presence of (1), (2) is a duplicate definition, and therefore an error.


​ In C++, a declaration of an object at file scope is just a declaration (and not also a definition) if and only if it has an explict extern specifier and no initializer.

​ Each object declared at file scope must be defined exactly once. All but one declaration must have both an explicit extern specifier and no initializer.

A.3 const type qualifier


​ In C, a const-qualified object at file scope without an explicit storage class specifier has external linkage. In C++, it has internal linkage.



extern const int n;


const int n = 10;

​ In C, object n of file2 has external linkage, so it can satisfy the reference to n (also with external linkage) in file1. In C++, object n in file2 has internal linkage, and will not satisfy the reference to n in file1.


​ Const-qualified objects with external linkage must have an explicit extern specifier.

A.4 Conversion to void *


​ In C, there is a standard conversion from void * to T * (for any object type T). In C++, there is no such conversion. Such conversions require a cast in C++.

​ The following Standard C library functions return void *:

calloc, malloc, realloc, bsearch, memcpy, memmove, memchr, memset

​ C++ requires an explicit cast when assigning the return value of such a function to a pointer to non-void type.


int* p;
p = malloc(10 * sizeof(int));

​ In C++, the assignment to p requires an explicit cast, as in:

p = (int *)malloc(10 * sizeof(int));


​ In C++, use operator new instead of calloc, malloc, or realloc. (See item A.12).

​ Ignore the return value of a memcpy, memmove, and memset. (They just return their first argument converted to void *.)

​ For all other functions that return void * (standard or user-defined), use an explicit cast when converting the return value to another pointer type.

A.5 Enumeration type


​ In C, enumerations are integral types. A program can convert from an enumeration type to an integral type, and back, without a cast. A C program can apply ++ and – to an enumeration object.

​ In C++, each enumeration is a distinct type. There are standard conversions from enumeration type to integral types, but not from integral types to enumeration types. A C++ program cannot apply built-in ++ and –, nor any compound assignment (such as +=) to an enumeration object.


enum RGB { red, green, blue } rgb;

​ ++rgb is an error in C++ if it uses the built-in ++ operator. It means the same as:

rgb = rgb + 1;

​ This is also an error unless you write it with a cast:

rgb = RGB(rgb + 1);

​ The best alternative is to implement an operator++ for type RGB, as in:

RGB &operator++(RGB &x)
  return x = RGB(x + 1);


​ When converting a C program to C++, provide typesafe implementations for operator++ and operator– as needed for enumeration types.

A.6 Type definition in cast, parameter declaration, or sizeof


​ In C, types can be defined in a cast expression, parameter declaration or sizeof expression. In C++ they cannot.


void func(struct TAG { int a; } st)
  // ...

​ Here, TAG is defined in the parameter declaration.


​ Define a type used in a parameter declaration in the scope enclosing the function declaration, or some larger enclosing scope.

​ Define a type used in a cast expression or sizeof expression in the scope enclosing the expression, or some larger enclosing scope.

A.7 Transfer of control past the definition of a local object


​ In C, a goto or switch statement may transfer control beyond the definition of an object at block scope, possibly bypassing initialization. In C++, it may not.


goto LABEL;
  int v = 0;
  // ...
  // ...

​ This is valid in C, assuming the code following LABEL: does not depend on v being initialized to 0. It is always an error in C++.


​ Do not use goto or switch statements to bypass initialization of a local object.

A.8 Character array initialization


​ A C program can initialize an array of characters using a string literal that defines one more character (counting the terminating ‘\0’) than the array can hold.

​ A C++ program cannot.


char s[3] = "abc";

​ The size of the array is three, though the size of the string literal is 4. This is valid in C, but not C++.


​ Do not initialize an array of characters using a string literal with more characters (including the ‘\0’) than the array. Therefore, it is necessary to specify the correct size of a string literal (char s[4] = “abc”;).

​ However, because the result of the expectation always can be obtained even if the size of the string literal is changed, the method of not describing the size (char s[] = “abc”; ) is recommended.

A.9 Prototype declaration


​ A C++ program requires that you declare a function prototype before calling the function. In C, a call to an undeclared function is permissible. Moreover, a C++ program interprets the function declarator ‘f()’ as equivalent to ‘f(void)’ – a function with no arguments. In C, the same declaration leaves the number and types of the parameters unspecified.


extern void func();
// ...

​ The call to function ‘sub’ is an error because there is no prototype declaration. The call to function ‘func’ is also an error because its declaration says it has no arguments.


​ Always declare the prototype before calling a function. To emphasize that function ‘f’ is called with no arguments, write its declarator as ‘f(void)’.

A.10 Keywords add in C++


​ The following C++ keywords are not keywords in C:

​ asm bool catch class

​ const_cast delete dynamic_cast explicit

​ false friend inline mutable

​ namespace new operator private

​ protected public reinterpret_cast

​ static_cast template this throw

​ true try typeid typename

​ using virtual wchar_t


int class, new, old;

​ This declaration is valid in C, but not in C++.


​ Do not use a C++ keyword as an identifier.

A.11 Scope of nested types


​ In C, the name of a type defined inside a struct or union is actually in same scope as the name of the enclosing struct or union. In C++, the name of the nested type is within the scope of the enclosing struct or union.


struct S {
  int a;
  struct T {
    int t;
  } b;
  int c;
  enum E { V1, V2 } e;

struct T x;
enum E y;

​ The declarations for x and y are valid in C, but not in C++. In C++, the names T and E are not in scope outside the definition of struct S.


​ Do not define the name of a type as nested unless all uses of that name are also in the scope of the enclosing struct/union.

A.12 Dynamic memory management


​ There is no guarantee that new and delete apply the same memory management policy to the same memory as do malloc and free. Therefore, a program cannot delete memory unless that memory was previously acquired by new, and it cannot free memory unless that memory was acquired by malloc (or calloc or realloc).


int (*p)[10];
p = (int (*)[10])malloc(sizeof(*p));
// ...
delete p;

​ The delete expression has undefined behavior.


​ In C++, avoid malloc, calloc, realloc and free; use only new and delete.

A.13 ‘/*’ after ‘/’


​ Writing the C-style comment ‘/* */’ immediately after the token ‘/’ is interpreted as the C++-style comment ‘//’ instead.


i = j //* comment */ k ;

​ The sequence ‘//’ is interpreted as a comment delimiter. The expression is interpreted not as ‘i = j / k;’ but as ‘i = j’.


​ Avoiding writing a C-style comment ‘/**/’ immediately after the token ‘/’.

B. Guidelines for Code Size

B.1 Object initialization


​ There are various ways to specify the initialization of an object. Some initializations generate unnecessary temporary objects, and result in larger code size.

​ For example:

T x(i);         // (1)

T x = i;        // (2)

T x = T(i);     // (3)

T x;            // (4)
x = i;          //

​ (1) This applies a constructor directly to object x without using a temporary object, as if by calling:

x.T(i);         // apply constructor to x

​ (2) In some implementations, this applies a constructor directly to x as above. In others, it constructs a temporary object, and initializes x from the temporary, as if by calling:

temp.T(i);      // apply constructor to temp
x.T(temp);      // apply copy constructor to x
temp.~T();     // apply destructor to temp

​ (3) This is the same as (2).

​ (4) This initializes x using T’s default constructor, then later assigns a new value to x using an assignment operator. The assignment operator may release resources that x is using and acquire new resources.

x.T();          // apply default constructor to x
x.operator=(i); // apply assignment operator to x


​ Use declarations of form (1) above in preference to the other forms.

B.2 Inline specifier


​ Inline expansion reduces the overhead of function entry and exit, but it may increase code size.

​ Member functions in class definitions are expanded inline by default.


​ Use inline specifier for only small functions. A member function for which inline expansion is not appropriate should be defined outside the class definition, so that it is not inline expanded.

B.3 Temporary objects for return values


​ Calling a Function that returns an object by value may create and destroy a temporary object, thus increasing by code size and execution time.


class Matrix {
  int a, b;
  Matrix &operator+=(const Matrix &);
  friend Matrix operator+(const Matrix &, const Matrix &);

Matrix operator +(const Matrix &, const Matrix &)
  // ...

void func()
  Matrix a, b;
  a = a + b;    // (1)
  a += b;       // (2)

​ (1) calls operator+, which returns a Matrix by value. In some implementations this creates (and later destroys) a temporary Matrix object.

​ (2) calls operator+=, which generates no temporary Matrix objects.


​ For objects of class types, use compound assignment operators (such as += in preference to + and =) to avoid creating and destroying temporary objects unnecessarily.

B.4 Operators new and delete


​ Implement class-specific operators new and delete as needed to improve the speed and memory utilization of dynamic memory management.

B.5 Initialization of global objects


​ The order of initialization of global objects is implementation-dependent. However, the order of initialization in a single translation unit is guaranteed to be the order of declaration.



int a = f();


int b = f();


int f(void)
  static int a = 0;
  return a++;

​ The program may initialize ‘a’ with 0 and ‘b’ with 1, or vice versa, depending on the order the implementation chooses to initialize them.

​ It is possible to make the initialization order well defined by moving the declaration of ‘b’ in file2 to file1, as in:


int a = f();
int b = f();


// ...


int f(void)
  static int a = 0;
  return a++;

​ The order of initialization is a, then b.


​ Avoid coding which depends on the initialization order of global objects across translation units.

C. Guidelines for speed

C.1 new and delete for array of class objects


​ Declaration of an array of class objects calls its element’s constructor for each element. The program calls the destructor for each element when the array goes out of scope. The processing time of the constructor/destructor may be unexpectedly long. This can be a problem for real-time processing.


​ Avoid creating and destroying a large array of class objects during time-critical processing.

C.2 Object declaration in loops


​ When a class variable is declared in a loop, its constructor and destructor are called in each iteration. The overhead of construction and destruction may slow the loop.


for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
  FOO a;
  // ...


​ Avoid declaring a class variable inside a loop. Declare it outside the loop instead.

D. Guidelines for ROMable code

D.1 const objects in ROM


​ In general, a const-qualified object can reside in ROM if it:

​ – has static storage duration,

​ – is initialized by a constant expression, and

​ – has a POD (plain old data) type.

​ A POD type is any of:

​ – a scalar (arithmetic, enumeration or pointer) type

​ – a class, struct, or union all of whose data members are public and of POD types, and with no user-defined constructor or destructor, no base classes, and no virtual functions

​ – an array with elements of POD type


static const char lang[] = "EC++";

class A {
  int a;

const A x;

​ ‘lang’ may be placed in ROM; ‘x’ may not.


​ Declare objects to be placed in ROM with POD types and with constant initializers.

Note: The form of presentation used here, and several of the specific guidelines, were inspired by the excellent book by Thomas Plum and Dan Saks, ‘C++ Programming Guidelines’ (Plum Hall Inc., 1991).





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