
root@Ubuntu32:/home/zhangbin/android/android-ndk-r9/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin# ls
arm-linux-androideabi-addr2line   arm-linux-androideabi-gprof
arm-linux-androideabi-ar          arm-linux-androideabi-ld
arm-linux-androideabi-as          arm-linux-androideabi-ld.bfd
arm-linux-androideabi-c++filt     arm-linux-androideabi-ld.mcld
arm-linux-androideabi-cpp         arm-linux-androideabi-nm
arm-linux-androideabi-elfedit     arm-linux-androideabi-objcopy
arm-linux-androideabi-g++         arm-linux-androideabi-objdump
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc         arm-linux-androideabi-ranlib
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.8     arm-linux-androideabi-readelf
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ar      arm-linux-androideabi-run
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-nm      arm-linux-androideabi-size
arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-ranlib  arm-linux-androideabi-strings
arm-linux-androideabi-gcov        arm-linux-androideabi-strip

root@Ubuntu32:/home/zhangbin/android/android-ndk-r9/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.8/prebuilt/linux-x86/bin# ./arm-linux-androideabi-ld --help
Usage: ./arm-linux-androideabi-ld [options] file...
  --help                      Report usage information
  -v, --version               Report version information
  -V                          Report version and target information
  --add-needed                Not supported
  --no-add-needed             Do not copy DT_NEEDED tags from shared libraries
  --allow-multiple-definition Allow multiple definitions of symbols
                              Do not allow multiple definitions
  --allow-shlib-undefined     Allow unresolved references in shared libraries
  --no-allow-shlib-undefined  Do not allow unresolved references in shared libraries
  --as-needed                 Only set DT_NEEDED for shared libraries if used
  --no-as-needed              Always DT_NEEDED for shared libraries
  -assert [ignored]           Ignored
  -b [elf,binary], --format [elf,binary]
                              Set input format
  -Bdynamic                   -l searches for shared libraries
  -Bstatic                    -l does not search for shared libraries
  -dy                         alias for -Bdynamic
  -dn                         alias for -Bstatic
  -Bgroup                     Use group name lookup rules for shared library
  -Bsymbolic                  Bind defined symbols locally
  -Bsymbolic-functions        Bind defined function symbols locally
  --build-id [=STYLE]         Generate build ID note
  --check-sections            Check segment addresses for overlaps (default)
  --no-check-sections         Do not check segment addresses for overlaps
  --compress-debug-sections [none,zlib]
                              Compress .debug_* sections in the output file
  --copy-dt-needed-entries    Not supported
  --no-copy-dt-needed-entries Do not copy DT_NEEDED tags from shared libraries
  --cref                      Output cross reference table
  --no-cref                   Do not output cross reference table
  --ctors-in-init-array       Use DT_INIT_ARRAY for all constructors (default)
  --no-ctors-in-init-array    Handle constructors as directed by compiler
  -d, --define-common         Define common symbols
  --no-define-common          Do not define common symbols
  -dc                         Alias for -d
  -dp                         Alias for -d
  --debug [all,files,script,task][,...]
                              Turn on debugging
  --defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol
  --demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle C++ symbols in log messages
  --no-demangle               Do not demangle C++ symbols in log messages
  --detect-odr-violations     Look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule
  --no-detect-odr-violations  Do not look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule
  -x, --discard-all           Delete all local symbols
  -X, --discard-locals        Delete all temporary local symbols
  --dynamic-list-data         Add data symbols to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list-cpp-new      Add C++ operator new/delete to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list-cpp-typeinfo Add C++ typeinfo to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list FILE         Read a list of dynamic symbols
  -e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set program start address
  --exclude-libs lib,lib ...  Exclude libraries from automatic export
  -E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols
  --no-export-dynamic         Do not export all dynamic symbols (default)
  --export-dynamic-symbol SYMBOL
                              Export SYMBOL to dynamic symbol table
  -EB                         Link big-endian objects.
  -EL                         Link little-endian objects.
  --eh-frame-hdr              Create exception frame header
  --no-enum-size-warning      (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible enum sizes
  -f SHLIB, --auxiliary SHLIB Auxiliary filter for shared object symbol table
  -F SHLIB, --filter SHLIB    Filter for shared object symbol table
  --fatal-warnings            Treat warnings as errors
  --no-fatal-warnings         Do not treat warnings as errors
  -fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time
  --fix-cortex-a8             (ARM only) Fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum.
  --no-fix-cortex-a8          (ARM only) Do not fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum.
  --fix-arm1176               (ARM only) Fix binaries for ARM1176 erratum.
  --no-fix-arm1176            (ARM only) Do not fix binaries for ARM1176 erratum.
  --merge-exidx-entries       (ARM only) Merge exidx entries in debuginfo.
  --no-merge-exidx-entries    (ARM only) Do not merge exidx entries in debuginfo.
  --fix-v4bx                  (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn as MOV pc, rn for ARMv4
  --fix-v4bx-interworking     (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn branch to ARMv4 interworking veneer
  -g                          Ignored
  --gdb-index                 Generate .gdb_index section
  --no-gdb-index              Do not generate .gdb_index section
  --gnu-unique                Enable STB_GNU_UNIQUE symbol binding (default)
  --no-gnu-unique             Disable STB_GNU_UNIQUE symbol binding
                              Set shared library name
  --hash-bucket-empty-fraction FRACTION
                              Min fraction of empty buckets in dynamic hash
  --hash-style [sysv,gnu,both]
                              Dynamic hash style
  -I PROGRAM, --dynamic-linker PROGRAM
                              Set dynamic linker path
  --incremental               Do an incremental link if possible; otherwise, do a full link and prepare output for incremental linking
  --no-incremental            Do a full link (default)
  --incremental-full          Do a full link and prepare output for incremental linking
  --incremental-update        Do an incremental link; exit if not possible
  --incremental-base FILE     Set base file for incremental linking (default is output file)
  --incremental-changed       Assume files changed
  --incremental-unchanged     Assume files didn't change
  --incremental-unknown       Use timestamps to check files (default)
                              Assume startup files unchanged (files preceding this option)
  --incremental-patch PERCENT Amount of extra space to allocate for patches
  -init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time
  --just-symbols FILE         Read only symbol values from FILE
  --map-whole-files           Map whole files to memory (default on 64-bit hosts)
  --no-map-whole-files        Map relevant file parts to memory (default on 32-bit hosts)
  --keep-files-mapped         Keep files mapped across passes (default)
  --no-keep-files-mapped      Release mapped files after each pass
  --ld-generated-unwind-info  Generate unwind information for PLT (default)
                              Do not generate unwind information for PLT
  -l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAME
                              Search for library LIBNAME
  -L DIR, --library-path DIR  Add directory to search path
  --text-reorder              Enable text section reordering for GCC section names (default)
  --no-text-reorder           Disable text section reordering for GCC section names
  -nostdlib                    Only search directories specified on the command line.  仅仅搜寻命令行中指定的目录
  --rosegment                  Put read-only non-executable sections in their own segment
  -m EMULATION                Set GNU linker emulation; obsolete
  --mmap-output-file          Map the output file for writing (default).
  --no-mmap-output-file       Do not map the output file for writing.
  -M, --print-map             Write map file on standard output
  -Map MAPFILENAME            Write map file
  -n, --nmagic                Do not page align data
  -N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly
  --no-omagic                 Page align data, make text readonly
  --enable-new-dtags          Enable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS
  --disable-new-dtags         Disable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS
  --noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur
  --no-undefined              Report undefined symbols (even with --shared)
  -o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name
  -O LEVEL, -optimize LEVEL   Optimize output file size
  --oformat [binary]          Set output format
  -p                          (ARM only) Ignore for backward compatibility
  -pie                        Create a position independent executable
  --pic-executable            Create a position independent executable
  -no-pipeline-knowledge      (ARM only) Ignore for backward compatibility
  --plugin PLUGIN             Load a plugin library
  --plugin-opt OPTION         Pass an option to the plugin
  --posix-fallocate           Use posix_fallocate to reserve space in the output file (default).
  --no-posix-fallocate        Use fallocate or ftruncate to reserve space.
  --preread-archive-symbols   Preread archive symbols when multi-threaded
  --print-output-format       Print default output format
  --print-symbol-counts FILENAME
                              Print symbols defined and used for each input
  -Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility
  -q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in output
  -r, -relocatable            Generate relocatable output
  -i                          Synonym for -r
  --relax                     Relax branches on certain targets
  --retain-symbols-file FILE  keep only symbols listed in this file
  -R DIR                      Add DIR to runtime search path
  -rpath DIR                  Add DIR to runtime search path
  --rpath-link DIR            Add DIR to link time shared library search path  添加链接时要搜索的共享库的路径
  --section-ordering-file FILENAME
                              Layout sections in the order specified.
  --section-start SECTION=ADDRESS
                              Set address of section
  --sort-common [={ascending,descending}]
                              Sort common symbols by alignment
  --sort-section [none,name]  Sort sections by name.  '--no-text-reorder' will override '--sort-section=name' for .text
  --spare-dynamic-tags COUNT  Dynamic tag slots to reserve (default 5)
  -s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols
  -S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging information
  --strip-debug-non-line      Emit only debug line number information
  --strip-debug-gdb           Strip debug symbols that are unused by gdb (at least versions <= 7.4)
  --strip-lto-sections        Strip LTO intermediate code sections
  --stub-group-size SIZE      (ARM only) The maximum distance from instructions in a group of sections to their stubs.  Negative values mean stubs are always after the group. 1 means using default size.

  --no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O (included only for compatibility with GNU ld)
  -G, -shared                 Generate shared library
  -Bshareable                 Generate shared library
  --split-stack-adjust-size SIZE
                              Stack size when -fsplit-stack function calls non-split
  -static                     Do not link against shared libraries
  --icf [none,all,safe]       Identical Code Folding. '--icf=safe' Folds ctors, dtors and functions whose pointers are definitely not taken.
  --icf-iterations COUNT      Number of iterations of ICF (default 2)
  --print-icf-sections        List folded identical sections on stderr
  --no-print-icf-sections     Do not list folded identical sections
  --keep-unique SYMBOL        Do not fold this symbol during ICF
  --gc-sections               Remove unused sections
  --no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)
  --print-gc-sections         List removed unused sections on stderr
  --no-print-gc-sections      Do not list removed unused sections
  --stats                     Print resource usage statistics
  --sysroot DIR               Set target system root directory
  -t, --trace                 Print the name of each input file
  -T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script
  --threads                   Run the linker multi-threaded
  --no-threads                Do not run the linker multi-threaded
  --thread-count COUNT        Number of threads to use
  --thread-count-initial COUNT
                              Number of threads to use in initial pass
  --thread-count-middle COUNT Number of threads to use in middle pass
  --thread-count-final COUNT  Number of threads to use in final pass
  -Tbss ADDRESS               Set the address of the bss segment
  -Tdata ADDRESS              Set the address of the data segment
  -Ttext ADDRESS              Set the address of the text segment
  -u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOL
                              Create undefined reference to SYMBOL
  --unresolved-symbols ignore-all,report-all,ignore-in-object-files,ignore-in-shared-libs
                              How to handle unresolved symbols
  --verbose                   Synonym for --debug=files
  --version-script FILE       Read version script
  --warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols
  --no-warn-common            Do not warn about duplicate common symbols (default)
  --warn-constructors         Ignored
  --no-warn-constructors      Ignored
  --warn-execstack            Warn if the stack is executable
  --no-warn-execstack         Do not warn if the stack is executable (default)
  --no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files
  --warn-multiple-gp          Ignored
  --warn-search-mismatch      Warn when skipping an incompatible library
  --no-warn-search-mismatch   Don't warn when skipping an incompatible library
  --warn-shared-textrel       Warn if text segment is not shareable
  --no-warn-shared-textrel    Do not warn if text segment is not shareable (default)
  --warn-unresolved-symbols   Report unresolved symbols as warnings
  --error-unresolved-symbols  Report unresolved symbols as errors
  --no-wchar-size-warning     (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible wchar_t sizes
  --whole-archive             Include all archive contents
  --no-whole-archive          Include only needed archive contents
  --wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL
  -y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOL
                              Trace references to symbol
  --undefined-version         Allow unused version in script (default)
  --no-undefined-version      Do not allow unused version in script
  -Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility
  -(, --start-group           Start a library search group
  -), --end-group             End a library search group
  --start-lib                 Start a library
  --end-lib                   End a library 
  -z combreloc                Sort dynamic relocs
  -z nocombreloc              Do not sort dynamic relocs
  -z common-page-size=SIZE    Set common page size to SIZE
  -z defs                     Report undefined symbols (even with --shared)
  -z execstack                Mark output as requiring executable stack
  -z initfirst                Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime
  -z interpose                Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable
  -z lazy                     Mark object for lazy runtime binding (default)
  -z loadfltr                 Mark object requiring immediate process
  -z max-page-size=SIZE       Set maximum page size to SIZE
  -z muldefs                  Allow multiple definitions of symbols
  -z nocopyreloc              Do not create copy relocs
  -z nodefaultlib             Mark object not to use default search paths
  -z nodelete                 Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime
  -z nodlopen                 Mark DSO not available to dlopen
  -z nodump                   Mark DSO not available to dldump
  -z noexecstack              Mark output as not requiring executable stack
  -z now                      Mark object for immediate function binding
  -z origin                   Mark DSO to indicate that needs immediate $ORIGIN processing at runtime
  -z relro                    Where possible mark variables read-only after relocation
  -z norelro                  Don't mark variables read-only after relocation
  -z text                     Do not permit relocations in read-only segments
  -z notext                   Permit relocations in read-only segments (default)
  -z textoff                  Permit relocations in read-only segments (default)
./arm-linux-androideabi-ld: supported targets: elf32-i386 elf32-i386-freebsd elf32-i386-nacl elf32-x86-64 elf32-x86-64-freebsd elf32-x86-64-nacl elf64-x86-64 elf64-x86-64-freebsd elf64-x86-64-nacl elf64-sparc elf32-sparc elf64-powerpcle elf64-powerpc elf32-powerpcle elf32-powerpc elf32-bigarm elf32-bigarm-nacl elf32-littlearm elf32-littlearm-nacl
./arm-linux-androideabi-ld: supported emulations: elf_i386 elf_i386_nacl elf32_x86_64 elf32_x86_64_nacl elf_x86_64 elf_x86_64_nacl elf64_sparc elf32_sparc elf64lppc elf64ppc elf32lppc elf32ppc armelfb armelfb_nacl armelf armelf_nacl
Report bugs to <>


arm-linux-androideabi-ld options
--help                      Report usage information
  -v, --version               Report version information
  -V                          Report version and target information
  --add-needed                Not supported
  --no-add-needed             Do not copy DT_NEEDED tags from shared libraries
  --allow-multiple-definition Allow multiple definitions of symbols
                              Do not allow multiple definitions
  --allow-shlib-undefined     Allow unresolved references in shared libraries
  --no-allow-shlib-undefined  Do not allow unresolved references in shared libraries
  --as-needed                 Only set DT_NEEDED for shared libraries if used
  --no-as-needed              Always DT_NEEDED for shared libraries
  -assert [ignored]           Ignored
  -b [elf,binary], --format [elf,binary]
                              Set input format
  -Bdynamic                   -l searches for shared libraries  用-l来搜索共享库
  -Bstatic                    -l does not search for shared libraries
  -Bsymbolic                  Bind defined symbols locally
  -Bsymbolic-functions        Bind defined function symbols locally
  --build-id [=STYLE]         Generate build ID note
  --check-sections            Check segment addresses for overlaps (default)
  --no-check-sections         Do not check segment addresses for overlaps
  --compress-debug-sections [none,zlib]
                              Compress .debug_* sections in the output file
  --copy-dt-needed-entries    Not supported
  --no-copy-dt-needed-entries Do not copy DT_NEEDED tags from shared libraries
  --cref                      Output cross reference table
  --no-cref                   Do not output cross reference table
  -d, --define-common         Define common symbols
  --no-define-common          Do not define common symbols
  -dc                         Alias for -d
  -dp                         Alias for -d
  --debug [all,files,script,task][,...]
                              Turn on debugging
  --defsym SYMBOL=EXPRESSION  Define a symbol
  --demangle [=STYLE]         Demangle C++ symbols in log messages
  --no-demangle               Do not demangle C++ symbols in log messages
  --detect-odr-violations     Look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule
  --no-detect-odr-violations  Do not look for violations of the C++ One Definition Rule
  -x, --discard-all           Delete all local symbols
  -X, --discard-locals        Delete all temporary local symbols
  --dynamic-list-data         Add data symbols to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list-cpp-new      Add C++ operator new/delete to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list-cpp-typeinfo Add C++ typeinfo to dynamic symbols
  --dynamic-list FILE         Read a list of dynamic symbols
  -e ADDRESS, --entry ADDRESS Set program start address
  --exclude-libs lib,lib ...  Exclude libraries from automatic export
  -E, --export-dynamic        Export all dynamic symbols
  --no-export-dynamic         Do not export all dynamic symbols (default)
  -EB                         Link big-endian objects.
  --eh-frame-hdr              Create exception frame header
  -EL                         Link little-endian objects.
  --no-enum-size-warning      (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible enum sizes
  --fatal-warnings            Treat warnings as errors
  --no-fatal-warnings         Do not treat warnings as errors
  -fini SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at unload-time
  --fix-cortex-a8             (ARM only) Fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum.
  --no-fix-cortex-a8          (ARM only) Do not fix binaries for Cortex-A8 erratum.
  --merge-exidx-entries       (ARM only) Merge exidx entries in debuginfo.
  --no-merge-exidx-entries    (ARM only) Do not merge exidx entries in debuginfo.
  --fix-v4bx                  (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn as MOV pc, rn for ARMv4
  --fix-v4bx-interworking     (ARM only) Rewrite BX rn branch to ARMv4 interworking veneer
  -g                          Ignored
                              Set shared library name
  -i                          Ignored
  --hash-bucket-empty-fraction FRACTION
                              Min fraction of empty buckets in dynamic hash
  --hash-style [sysv,gnu,both]
                              Dynamic hash style
  -I PROGRAM, --dynamic-linker PROGRAM
                              Set dynamic linker path
  --incremental               Do an incremental link if possible; otherwise, do a full link and prepare output for incremental linking
  --no-incremental            Do a full link (default)
  --incremental-full          Do a full link and prepare output for incremental linking
  --incremental-update        Do an incremental link; exit if not possible
  --incremental-base FILE     Set base file for incremental linking (default is output file)
  --incremental-changed       Assume files changed
  --incremental-unchanged     Assume files didn't change
  --incremental-unknown       Use timestamps to check files (default)
                              Assume startup files unchanged (files preceding this option)
  --incremental-patch PERCENT Amount of extra space to allocate for patches
  -init SYMBOL                Call SYMBOL at load-time
  --just-symbols FILE         Read only symbol values from FILE
  --map-whole-files           Map whole files to memory (default on 64-bit hosts)
  --no-map-whole-files        Map relevant file parts to memory (default on 32-bit hosts)
  --keep-files-mapped         Keep files mapped across passes (default)
  --no-keep-files-mapped      Release mapped files after each pass
  -l LIBNAME, --library LIBNAME
                              Search for library LIBNAME
  -L DIR, --library-path DIR  Add directory to search path
  -nostdlib                    Only search directories specified on the command line.
  --rosegment                  Put read-only non-executable sections in their own segment
  -m EMULATION                Set GNU linker emulation; obsolete
  -M, --print-map             Write map file on standard output
  -Map MAPFILENAME            Write map file
  -n, --nmagic                Do not page align data
  -N, --omagic                Do not page align data, do not make text readonly
  --no-omagic                 Page align data, make text readonly
  --enable-new-dtags          Enable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS
  --disable-new-dtags         Disable use of DT_RUNPATH and DT_FLAGS
  --noinhibit-exec            Create an output file even if errors occur
  --no-undefined              Report undefined symbols (even with --shared)
  -o FILE, --output FILE      Set output file name
  -O LEVEL, -optimize LEVEL   Optimize output file size
  --oformat [binary]          Set output format
  -p                          (ARM only) Ignore for backward compatibility
  -pie                        Create a position independent executable
  --pic-executable            Create a position independent executable
  -no-pipeline-knowledge      (ARM only) Ignore for backward compatibility
  --preread-archive-symbols   Preread archive symbols when multi-threaded
  --print-symbol-counts FILENAME
                              Print symbols defined and used for each input
  -Qy                         Ignored for SVR4 compatibility
  -q, --emit-relocs           Generate relocations in output
  -r, -relocatable            Generate relocatable output
  --relax                     Relax branches on certain targets
  --retain-symbols-file FILE  keep only symbols listed in this file
  -R DIR                      Add DIR to runtime search path
  -rpath DIR                  Add DIR to runtime search path
  --rpath-link DIR            Add DIR to link time shared library search path
  --section-ordering-file FILENAME
                              Layout sections in the order specified.
  --section-start SECTION=ADDRESS
                              Set address of section
  --sort-common [={ascending,descending}]
                              Sort common symbols by alignment
  --spare-dynamic-tags COUNT  Dynamic tag slots to reserve (default 5)
  -s, --strip-all             Strip all symbols
  -S, --strip-debug           Strip debugging information
  --strip-debug-non-line      Emit only debug line number information
  --strip-debug-gdb           Strip debug symbols that are unused by gdb (at least versions <= 6.7)
  --strip-lto-sections        Strip LTO intermediate code sections
  --stub-group-size SIZE      (ARM only) The maximum distance from instructions in a group of sections to their stubs.  Negative values mean stubs are always after the group. 1 means using default size.

  --no-keep-memory            Use less memory and more disk I/O (included only for compatibility with GNU ld)
  -G, -shared                 Generate shared library
  -Bshareable                 Generate shared library
  --split-stack-adjust-size SIZE
                              Stack size when -fsplit-stack function calls non-split
  -static                     Do not link against shared libraries
  --icf [none,all,safe]       Identical Code Folding. '--icf=safe' Folds ctors, dtors and functions whose pointers are definitely not taken.
  --icf-iterations COUNT      Number of iterations of ICF (default 2)
  --print-icf-sections        List folded identical sections on stderr
  --no-print-icf-sections     Do not list folded identical sections
  --keep-unique SYMBOL        Do not fold this symbol during ICF
  --gc-sections               Remove unused sections
  --no-gc-sections            Don't remove unused sections (default)
  --print-gc-sections         List removed unused sections on stderr
  --no-print-gc-sections      Do not list removed unused sections
  --stats                     Print resource usage statistics
  --sysroot DIR               Set target system root directory
  -t, --trace                 Print the name of each input file
  -T FILE, --script FILE      Read linker script
  --threads                   Run the linker multi-threaded
  --no-threads                Do not run the linker multi-threaded
  --thread-count COUNT        Number of threads to use
  --thread-count-initial COUNT
                              Number of threads to use in initial pass
  --thread-count-middle COUNT Number of threads to use in middle pass
  --thread-count-final COUNT  Number of threads to use in final pass
  -Tbss ADDRESS               Set the address of the bss segment
  -Tdata ADDRESS              Set the address of the data segment
  -Ttext ADDRESS              Set the address of the text segment
  -u SYMBOL, --undefined SYMBOL
                              Create undefined reference to SYMBOL
  --verbose                   Synonym for --debug=files
  --version-script FILE       Read version script
  --warn-common               Warn about duplicate common symbols
  --no-warn-common            Do not warn about duplicate common symbols (default)
  --warn-constructors         Ignored
  --no-warn-constructors      Ignored
  --warn-execstack            Warn if the stack is executable
  --no-warn-execstack         Do not warn if the stack is executable (default)
  --no-warn-mismatch          Don't warn about mismatched input files
  --warn-multiple-gp          Ignored
  --warn-search-mismatch      Warn when skipping an incompatible library
  --no-warn-search-mismatch   Don't warn when skipping an incompatible library
  --warn-shared-textrel       Warn if text segment is not shareable
  --no-warn-shared-textrel    Do not warn if text segment is not shareable (default)
  --warn-unresolved-symbols   Report unresolved symbols as warnings
  --error-unresolved-symbols  Report unresolved symbols as errors
  --no-wchar-size-warning     (ARM only) Do not warn about objects with incompatible wchar_t sizes
  --whole-archive             Include all archive contents
  --no-whole-archive          Include only needed archive contents
  --wrap SYMBOL               Use wrapper functions for SYMBOL
  -y SYMBOL, --trace-symbol SYMBOL
                              Trace references to symbol
  --undefined-version         Allow unused version in script (default)
  --no-undefined-version      Do not allow unused version in script
  -Y PATH                     Default search path for Solaris compatibility
  -(, --start-group           Start a library search group
  -), --end-group             End a library search group
  --start-lib                 Start a library
  --end-lib                   End a library 
  -z combreloc                Sort dynamic relocs
  -z nocombreloc              Do not sort dynamic relocs
  -z common-page-size=SIZE    Set common page size to SIZE
  -z defs                     Report undefined symbols (even with --shared)
  -z execstack                Mark output as requiring executable stack
  -z initfirst                Mark DSO to be initialized first at runtime
  -z interpose                Mark object to interpose all DSOs but executable
  -z lazy                     Mark object for lazy runtime binding (default)
  -z loadfltr                 Mark object requiring immediate process
  -z max-page-size=SIZE       Set maximum page size to SIZE
  -z muldefs                  Allow multiple definitions of symbols
  -z nocopyreloc              Do not create copy relocs
  -z nodefaultlib             Mark object not to use default search paths
  -z nodelete                 Mark DSO non-deletable at runtime
  -z nodlopen                 Mark DSO not available to dlopen
  -z nodump                   Mark DSO not available to dldump
  -z noexecstack              Mark output as not requiring executable stack
  -z now                      Mark object for immediate function binding
  -z origin                   Mark DSO to indicate that needs immediate $ORIGIN processing at runtime
  -z relro                    Where possible mark variables read-only after relocation
  -z norelro                  Don't mark variables read-only after relocation
  -z text                     Do not permit relocations in read-only segments
  -z textoff                  Permit relocations in read-only segments (default)

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