java多线程读书笔记6 多线程并发同步的使用(转载)


Java Threads, 3rd Edition [Book] (

 要记住这个是用"线程同步的要领":同步的目的不是防止所有的race condition(资源竞争问题),而是为了防止有问题的race condition.


If we compare our first implementation of the ScoreLabel class (using synchronized methods) to our second (using an explicit lock), it's easy to conclude that using the explicit lock is not as easy as using the synchronized keyword. With the keyword, we didn't need to create the lock object, we didn't need to call the lock object to grab and release the lock, and we didn't need to worry about exceptions (therefore, we didn't need the try/finally clause). So, which technique should you use? That is up to you as a developer. It is possible to use explicit locking for everything. It is possible to code to just use the synchronized keyword. And it is possible to use a combination of both. For more complex thread programming, however, relying solely on the synchronized keyword becomes very difficult, as we will see.


How are the lock classes related to static methods? For static methods, the explicit locks are actually simpler to understand than the synchronized keyword. Lock objects are independent of the objects (and consequently, methods) that use them. As far as lock objects are concerned, it doesn't matter if the method being executed is static or not. As long as the method has a reference to the lock object, it can acquire the lock. For complex synchronization that involves both static and nonstatic methods, it may be easier to use a lock object instead of the synchronized keyword. 



静态同步方法 static 方法 应该使用class级别的锁,类锁(类级别锁)Xxx.class 就是类级别锁对象

Synchronizing entire methods is the simplest technique, but as we have already mentioned, it is possible that doing so creates a lock whose scope is too large. This can cause many problems, including creating a deadlock situation. It may also be inefficient to hold a lock for the section of code where it is not actually needed. 


Using the synchronized block mechanism may also be a problem if too many objects are involved. As we shall see, it is also possible to have a deadlock condition if we require too many locks to be acquired. There is also a slight overhead in grabbing and releasing the lock, so it may be inefficient to free a lock just to grab it again a few lines of code later. Synchronized blocks also cannot establish a lock scope that spans multiple methods.




synchronized method 和synchronized block
即使需要同步化整个method的时候,也是有可能仅使用“同步块”的机制。为了澄清这一点,何时对程序代码块做同步化与何时对整个方法做同步化是由程序设计师的个人爱好来决定的,只要注意到lock scope一定是越小越好就可以了。将整个method同步化是最简单的同步技巧,但是已经提过,如此做有可能让lock scope(锁定的范围)过大。这会引发许多问题,包括了死锁的产生,它也会让确实没有需要的程序段无效率地持有lock。

java语言中的synchronized关键字,这个关键字让我们能够对method与程序块做同步化 synchronized(this){}
——reentrantLock类和 Lock interface.(可以用ReentrantLock类型对象的lock()方法和unlock()方法精确锁的范围)ReentrantLock implements Lock
ReentrantLock是Lock 接口的具体实现。

尽量用synchronized 块而不是synchionized方法,如果能够用可以用ReentrantLock类型对象的lock()方法和unlock()来精确同步代码范围则更好,使用原则是:尽量精确并缩小同步代码的范围

Lock 这个interface

public interface Lock{

void lock();//开始锁定方法
void lockInterruptibly() throws InterruptedException;
boolean tryLock();
boolean tryLock(long tiem,TimeUnit unit) throws InterruptedException;
void unlock();//解除锁定方法
Condition newCondition();



如果无法获取得到lock的时候想要执行其他的task该怎么办?Lock interface提供了尝试取得lock的一个选项。

What if we want to do other tasks if we can't obtain the lock? The Lock interface provides an option to try to obtain the lock: the tryLock( ) method. It is similar to the lock() method in that if it is successful, it grabs the lock. Unlike the lock() method, if the lock is not available, it does not wait. Instead, it returns with a boolean value of false. If the lock is obtained, the return value is a boolean value of true. By inspecting the return value, we can route the thread to separate tasks: if the value returned is false, for instance, we can route the thread to perform alternative tasks that do not require obtaining the lock.


如果我们只想等待一段特定的时间来锁呢?tryLock()方法的重载版本允许您指定等待的最长时间。此方法采用两个参数:一个指定时间单位的数量,另一个指定第一个参数的解释方式的TimeUnit对象。例如,要指定50毫秒,long值设置为50,TimeUnit值设置为TimeUnit。毫秒。TimeUnit类是J2SE 5.0中新增的,它以更容易理解的单位指定时间。在Java的早期版本中,大多数基于时间的功能都是以纳秒或毫秒(取决于方法)为单位指定的。 

This method is similar to the lock() method in that it waits for the lock, but only for a specified amount of time. It is similar to the tryLock() method in that it may return without acquiring the lock: it returns with a value of true if the lock is acquired and false if not.








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