What's New in Qt 5.5 5.4,以及5.5 所有module



What'sNew in Qt 5.5

Qt5.5为最新版,可是开发者为多目标更快地用直观用户界面开发应用。处理触控屏和平板所要求的最新UI范式转换更加容易。Qt5.5中最JavaScriptQML的增强支持,以及有C++基础和Qt Widgit支持,开发者能更高效和灵活。HTML5开发者将对包括Chromium-based Qt WebEngine and Qt WebChannelWEB一见如故。

Qt5高度兼容Qt 4. Qt4的应用软件的开发者能无缝迁移他们的当前功能,且逐渐开发新的功能,通过借助Qt5的所有的这些伟大的功能,使得成为可能。

借助由必不可少的喝扩展模块组成的新的模块化代码库,以及Qt Platform Abstraction的合并,Qt5的交叉移植能力更加简化。


QtEverywhere on Mobile


Qt now comes with production-ready ports for Android, iOS, and WinRT (including Windows Phone 8). Extensive work has gone into these platform ports, which now extend Qt’s multi-platform promise to cover desktop, embedded, and mobile platforms.


With full support for Android, iOS, and WinRT, Qt is a great solution for targeting the mobile markets with a single codebase. It is fast and easy to bring existing desktop or embedded application to mobile, by simply recompiling it.


You can install several demo applications that showcase the power of Qt on these mobile platforms. Here is a small list of such applications:


Demo applications:

Introduction to Qt 5 (Google Play)

Qt 5 Everywhere (Google Play)

SubAttack (App Store)

QtQuicksand (App Store)

Quick Forecast on App Store, Google Play, and Windows Store.

Qt Hangman on App Store and Google Play

Flyingbus on App Store and Google Play

Platform pages:

Qt for Android

Qt for iOS

Qt for WinRT


Qt Everywhere demo on Nexus 7



Amazing Graphics Capability and Performance


ShaderEffect on an Image

Qt 5 uses an OpenGL-based scene graph to accelerate the graphics of Qt Quick, making it possible to do visually appealing user interfaces with animations, impressive graphical effects and particle systems, even on the constrained hardware environments of mobile and embedded devices.


The benefits of this architectural change in the rendering engine are well demonstrated by the following projects:

Livecoding video effects with Qt5 - The Big Buck Bunny you never saw before. Video effects created using Qt Quick.

Pimp my video - Video effects implemented using the shader language with QML.

QtMediaHub - The power and convenience of Qt Quick.

QtonPi - Good example of Qt 5 running on the low cost hardware, Raspberry PI.



Qt5中的Qt Quick2.0

Qt Quick in Qt 5,增加了一个新类,替代旧的类QDeclarative*

Qt Quick2.0 provides the necessary infrastructure to develop QML applications. The latest version (v2.0) of this technology also introduces a set of new C++ classes as a replacement for the QDeclarative* equivalents in Qt Quick 1. New features in Qt Quick include:

Canvas for drawing. Canvas provides an API that is similar to the HTML5 Canvas API, along with some additional features.

Shader Effects which enable GLSL shader programs to be integrated directly into QML code and applied to items and images.

Particle Effects for creating a variety of 2D particle systems.

Sprites can be used in animating 2D graphical objects and as a source for particle systems.

Offline storage is a JavaScript API that conforms with the HTML5 Web Database API for storing data in Qt Quick applications.

Window provides a top-level window and the Screen type for accessing a screen's resolution and other details. This is useful for desktop applications developed using Qt Quick.

OpenGL-based rendering architecture for optimal performance.


Qt Quick's Particle System

The Qt Graphical Effects module provides a number of ready-made effects for use in Qt Quick applications, including soft drop shadow, blur, glow and colorize.


Excerpts from the Qt Graphical Effects module


Designing UI Made Simpler


Controls gallery example on Android


Controls gallery example on OS X

UI designing can be time consuming if there are not enough tools to help. Qt Quick does reduce the effort considerably compared to the traditional native (C or C++) approach, but the new Qt Quick Controls and Qt Quick Layouts take it a step further. These new modules provide ready-to-use UI controls and layouts to enable faster application development and with less code.


Qt Quick Controls and Qt Quick Layouts provide a vast set of UI controls ranging from the most basic TextField and Button to the more complex TableView and TabView. These controls are also made available in Qt Quick Designer.


Sensor and Location

Reacting to sensor value changes and locating a place onthe world map are the common use cases supported on most portable devices. Nowyou can support such use cases in your Qt application using the Qt Sensors and Qt Positioningmodules.



Accelerating SVG image


Location-based weather information



Qt Cloud Backend,组合JSONQtAPIs与非结构化NO-SQL对象方法来为软件提供一个可靠和强有力的存储能力。

Enginio is the backend for Qt Cloud Services. New in Qt5.3, the Enginio modulecombines a no-SQL object approach with JSON and Qt APIs to provideapplications a reliable and powerful storage capability. The C++ and QML APIsprovided by the new module interact with the Qt Cloud servers from Digia.

Qt Cloud Servicesby Digia

Enginio- API for developers




Web Engine and HTML5


Qt Quick nano browser纳米浏览器

Qt WebEngine is a web content rendering engine based on Chromium featuring broad support for standard web technologies. It provides integration with both Qt Quick and traditional widgets. The module brings the latest in HTML5 advancements to Qt 5, including CSS filters, animations and video, and Canvas.


This Chromium-based Web Engine support in Qt is complemented with Qt WebChannel, which bridges the gap between QML/C++ and HTML/JavaScript. It enables sharing QObjects from QML/C++ with HTML/JavaScript-based clients.


Qt Multimedia provides a rich set of QML types and C++ classes to handle multimedia content. It also provides necessary APIs to access the camera and radio functionality. Qt 5 brings the Qt Multimedia module into the set of essential modules with support on all major platforms.


Video embedded into a Qt Quick application with a displacement effect



Qt is a cross-platform development framework enabling youto target multiple platforms with a single codebase. It provides common APIsacross all supported platforms to access a feature without having to worryabout how that feature is implemented on a platform. In some applications therewill be a need to use a platform-specific feature, and that's when thefollowing modules can be useful:

QtAndroid Extras enables you to integrate Java code into your Qt application.

QtMac Extras enables you to access specific features on OS X and iOS.

QtWindows Extras enables you to use Windows-specific features such as jumplists, progress indicator on a taskbar button, and so on.

QtX11 Extras enables you to access the display configuration on Linux (X11).

ModularizedQt Libraries


Qt 5 splits the Qt libraries into domain specificlibraries and modules. This means that an application can choose whichlibraries it requires and only compile, use and deploy those.

For a complete list of modules and libraries, see all Qt modules.

Widgets in Qt 5


The Qt Widgetshave been separated into their own module in Qt 5, the Qt Widgets module. It ispart of the essential modules.


Screen capture of a widget application.

Designing the UI for widget-based applications can bequick with Qt Designer.

Qt PlatformAbstraction


The windowing system dependent parts of Qt have beencompletely rewritten for Qt 5, based on the Qt Platform Abstraction, a pluginarchitecture which allows Qt to dynamically load a windowing system integrationbased on what system it is running on. This gives several benefits:

Centralize the windowing system integration codebase intoclasses shared for all platforms.

Simplify the work required when porting Qt to newplatforms.

Remove the windowing system dependency from Qt, making itpossible to have the same Qt binaries run against multiple windowing systems.For instance, the Qt Linux binaries can run against both X11 and Wayland.

NewConnection Syntax


In addition to the still available well known way toconnect signals and slots, new overloads of QObject::connect havebeen added allowing you to connect signals and slot using pointer to memberfunctions:


QObject::connect(sender,&Sender::valueChanged, receiver, &Receiver::updateValue);

The new syntax provides compile time checking of thecompatibility between signals and slots, automatic conversion of the argumentsif there is an implicit cast between the types, and solve many problemsoccurring because of typedef or namespaces.

Additionally, if your compiler supports C++11 lambdas,you can even connect directly to a lambda function.


connect(sender,&QObject::destroyed,[=](){ this->m_objects.remove(sender); });

For a detailed comparison with the original string-basedsyntax, see Differencesbetween String-Based and Functor-Based Connections.

Connectivityand Networking



Qt 5 provides better support for IPv6 and dual modenetworks. Most applications using host names and network layer transparentprotocols can now gain IPv6 support transparently. Such applications can alsochoose to receive both IPv4 and IPv6 connections or bind to only one of the twoconnection types. In the case of outgoing HTTP connections using QNetworkAccessManager, both IPv4and IPv6 connections are attempted in parallel, and the one that succeeds firstis used. This is useful in environments where one of the two types has limitedconnectivity.


Qt 5 also provides better ways to handle TCP socket-basedconnections and SSL certificates. This means developers can now:

bind a TCP socket to an IP address before connecting,

verify an SSL certificate chain,

and access legacy systems.




Stricter client authentication is one of the primaryconcerns for many applications handling confidential or critical data. Theopaque Private Keys support in Qt 5 enables applications to read private keysfrom devices such as PKCS#11 dongles for stricter client authentication. The qsslkey example illustratesreading private keys from a device.



The connectivity options are endless with Qt 5. The twonew modules, QtBluetooth and Qt NFC,enable developers to add support for sophisticated ways to connect and shareinformation in their application.


JSON Support

Qt applications that use simple data structures to storesmall amount of data, can now choose to use JSON documents over the complex databasebackends that need necessary drivers or plugins to access data. The fact thatJSON is a text-based open standard derived from JavaScript, makes it theobvious choice for QML applications as well.


The Qt Core provides a set of classes to enable parsingand generating JSON documents. These classes also allow you to convert betweenan in-memory binary representation of JSON to a standard textual JSON format.The goal is to make common operations on JSON faster.

User Input


Qt4中支持多点触控输入用c++Qt5扩展到支持Qt Quick。涵盖了包括触控点所有的信息,如触控点,压力和速度。

Qt 4 already had support for handling multi-point touchinput in C++. Qt 5 extends this support to include Qt Quick, covering all theinformation about the touch points, including the touch position, pressure, andvelocity.

The mouse event handling in Qt 5 has been improved fromits predecessor. Applications have more control to handle mouse events in QtQuick. The mouse area in a QML document can propagate the mouse wheel and clickevents and also ignore propagated events.

Besides this, Qt 5 adds support for more mouse buttons onplatforms where this is supported. This comes in handy for gaming applicationsdeveloped using Qt.



















 What's New in Qt 5.4

The focus for Qt 5.4 is mainly about improving thestability, performance, and first-time user experience of the product.

New Modules

  • WinRT now a supportedplatform

  • Windows Phone 8.1minimum supported version

    New Features in Qt 5.4

    Qt GUI Module

  • QOpenGLContext is now ableto adopt existing native contexts (EGL, GLX, and so on). This allowsinteroperability among Qt and other frameworks, such as game engines.

  • OpenGL ES 3.0/3.1support is improved. The header file for the highest usable ES version (gl31.h,gl3.h or gl2.h) is now automatically included by Qt's headers in -opengl es2builds. Vertex array objects, framebuffer blits and multisampling are nowsupported via the standard GLES3 functions, where applicable.

  • Selecting the dynamicOpenGL implementation on application startup is now available on Windows whenconfigured with _-opengl dynamic_. This allows using either opengl32.dll orANGLE's OpenGL ES 2.0 implementation in Qt and applications without the needfor two separate builds of the binaries.

  • QOpenGLWidget: The modernreplacement for QGLWidget and the counterpart of QQuickWidget.

  • QOpenGLWindow: Convenienceclass for performing OpenGL drawing onto a QWindow.

  • QRasterWindow: Covenienceclass for performing software-based drawing via QPainter onto a QWindow.

  • Support for 10-bit percolor channels images. These can be rendered to and from, though internally theraster engine will still use 8-bit per color channel. If used as the internalformat of a QOpenGLFramebufferObject,the OpenGL paint engine is able to render in full precision if supported by theOpenGL driver.

  • WinRT: Added supportfor native file dialogs.

    Qt Core Module

  • WinRT: Added supportfor native settings container (local and roaming).

  • QStorageInfo: Class forproviding information about currently mounted storage volumes and drives.

  • QByteArrayList:Convenience class adding similar extra methods on top of QList<QByteArray> as QStringList does to QList<QString>.

  • QTabletEvent: severalimprovements to the input information: added information about the stylusbuttons being pressed, the rotation and tangential pressures now have consistentranges across platforms, the proximity events now include the type of stylus orother tool in use, and manual tests and debug output are improved for betterverification of functionality.

    Qt Widgets Module

  • Improved scaling ofwidget styles based on DPI.

    Qt Quick Module

  • QQuickRenderControlis made public. This API allows efficient rendering of Qt Quick 2 scenes intoframebuffer objects. The contents can then be used in arbitrary ways in Qt-basedor 3rd party OpenGL renderers.

  • Introduced overlay andpull back headers and footers for ListView.

  • AddedQQuickFontMetrics, which provides a subset of QFontMetricsF's API.

  • AddedQQuickTextMetrics, which provides a declarative API for the QFontMetricsF functionarguments.

  • QQuickWidget is nowsupported on Android.

    Qt Quick Controls Module

  • Native Androidstyle support on Android v3.0 or later.

    Qt Bluetooth Module

  • Support for Bluez5.

  • Tech Preview ofBluetooth Low Energy (client side support only, on Bluez 4 & 5).

    QPA Plugins

  • The Wayland platformplugin is now part of the release.

  • XCB will now supportscreen with a depth of 30 (10 bit per color channel).

  • More font settings areparsed by fontconfig and GTK platform backends.

  • More categorizedlogging is in use so that you can enable it in the standard ways (qtlogging.inietc.) instead of needing to set obscure environment variables or uncomment#defines. The log also provides more complete information, especially aboutevents.

  • Support for integerdevice pixel ratios larger than one has been added to the XCB plugin. The ratiois controlled by the environment variable QT_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO.

    Qt WebKit Module

  • Added support forOpenGL accelerated 2D canvas to Qt WebKit Widgets.

  • The Qt WebKit moduleis considered done. It will be replaced by Qt WebEngine. This applies tothe widgets as well as to the QML API of Qt WebKit.

    Qt Windows Extras Module

  • Multiple thumbnailimages when hovering over an application's taskbar.

    Qt Sensors Module

  • Windows Phone: Addedcompass and ambient light sensors.

    Qt SQL Module

  • Windows Phone: Addedsupport for sqlite.

    Deprecated Features

    Qt OpenGL Module

  • The Qt OpenGL module(which contain classes that start with QGL) is now deprecated in favorof the Qt GUI module(which contains classes that start with QOpenGL). QGLWidget can now bereplaced by QOpenGLWidget.

    List of API Changes

    The pages below contain a list of API changes in Qt 5.4:


All Modules

Qt Essentials

Qt essentials define the foundation of Qt on all platforms. They areavailable on all supported development platforms and on the tested targetplatforms. They will remain source and binary compatible during Qt 5.

Essential modules are general and useful for a majority of Qt applications.A module that is used for a special purpose is considered an add-on module evenif it is available on all supported platforms.


The following table lists the Qt essentials:



Qt Core

Core non-graphical classes used by other modules.



Base classes for graphical user interface (GUI) components. Includes OpenGL.


Qt Multimedia

Classes for audio, video, radio and camera functionality.


Qt Multimedia Widgets

Widget-based classes for implementing multimedia functionality.


Qt Network

Classes to make network programming easier and more portable.



Classes for QML and JavaScript languages.


Qt Quick

A declarative framework for building highly dynamic applications with custom user interfaces.


Qt Quick Controls

Reusable Qt Quick based UI controls to create classic desktop-style user interfaces.

创建经典的桌面风格用户界面的基于可重用的Qt QuickUI控件

Qt Quick Dialogs

Types for creating and interacting with system dialogs from a Qt Quick application.

来自Qt Quick应用软件的用于创建和交互式系统对话框的类型

Qt Quick Layouts

Layouts are items that are used to arrange Qt Quick 2 based items in the user interface.

布局是一个项目,用于排列在用户接口中基于项目的Qt Quick2


Classes for database integration using SQL.


Qt Test

Classes for unit testing Qt applications and libraries.


Qt WebKit (Deprecated)


Classes for a WebKit2 based implementation and a QML API. Deprecated in favor of Qt WebEngine.

用于一个基于WebKit2实现和一个QML API的类。为支持Qt WebEngine而弃用

Qt WebKit Widgets (Deprecated)弃用

WebKit1 and QWidget-based classes from Qt 4.

来自Qt4的基于WebKit1 QWidget的类

Qt Widgets

Classes to extend Qt GUI with C++ widgets.


If you use qmaketo build your projects, the QtCore and Qt GUImodules are included by default. To link only against Qt Core, add thefollowing line to your .pro file:

QT -= gui

On Windows, if you do not use qmake or other buildtools such as CMake, youalso need to link against the qtmain library.



Qt Add-Ons

Qt Add-On modules bring additional value for specific purposes. These modules mayonly be available on some development platform. Many add-on modules are eitherfeature-complete and exist for backwards compatibility, or are only applicableto certain platforms. Each add-on module specifies its compatibility promiseseparately.

The Qt installers include the option of downloading the add-ons. For moreinformation, visit the GettingStarted with Qt page.


The following table lists the Qt add-ons:


Development Platforms

Target Platforms


Active Qt



Classes for applications which use ActiveX and COM




A Backend-as-a-Service solution to ease the backend development for connected and data-driven applications.

Qt Android Extras



Provides platform-specific APIs for Android.

Qt Bluetooth


Android, iOS, Linux and OS X

Provides access to Bluetooth hardware.

Qt Canvas 3D



Enables OpenGL-like 3D drawing calls from Qt Quick applications using JavaScript.

Qt Concurrent


Classes for writing multi-threaded programs without using low-level threading primitives.

Qt D-Bus



Classes for inter-process communication over the D-Bus protocol.

Qt Graphical Effects



Graphical effects for use with Qt Quick 2.

Qt Image Formats



Plugins for additional image formats: TIFF, MNG, TGA, WBMP.

Qt Mac Extras



Provides platform-specific APIs for OS X.




Provides access to Near-Field communication (NFC) hardware.

Qt OpenGL


OpenGL support classes.

Note: Provided to ease porting from Qt 4.x. Please use the QOpenGL classes in Qt GUI for new code

Qt Platform Headers


Provides classes that encapsulate platform-specific information, tied to a given runtime configuration of a platform plugin.

Qt Positioning



Provides access to position, satellite and area monitoring classes.

Qt Print Support



Classes to make printing easier and more portable.

Qt Declarative (Deprecated)



Qt Declarative is provided for Qt 4 compatibility. The documentation is available through the Qt 4.8 Qt Quick documentation.

Qt Quick Extras



Provides a specialized set of controls that can be used to build interfaces in Qt Quick.

Qt Quick Widgets



Provides a C++ widget class for displaying a Qt Quick user interface.

Qt Script (Deprecated)



Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x compatibility. Please use the QJS* classes in the Qt QML module for new code.

Qt Script Tools



Additional components for applications that use Qt Script.

Qt Sensors


Android, Qt for iOS, WinRT and Mer.

Provides access to sensor hardware and motion gesture recognition.

Qt Serial Port


Windows, Linux, and OS X.

Provides access to hardware and virtual serial ports.




Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files. Supports a subset of the SVG 1.2 Tiny standard.

Qt WebChannel



Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients.

Qt WebEngine


Windows, Linux, and OS X.

Provides a QML API to run web applications using the Chromium browser project.

Qt WebEngine Widgets


Windows, Linux, and OS X.

Provides a C++ API to run web applications using the Chromium browser project.

Qt WebSockets



Provides WebSocket communication compliant with RFC 6455.

Qt Windows Extras



Provides platform-specific APIs for Windows.

Qt X11 Extras



Provides platform-specific APIs for X11.



C++ implementations of SAX and DOM.

Note: Deprecated, please use QXmlStreamReader and QXmlStreamWriter for new functionality.

Qt XML Patterns


Support for XPath, XQuery, XSLT and XML schema validation.





In addition to the modules released as part of Qt 5, the following modulesand tooling build on top of the Qt libraries to provide additional value. Theyhave their own release schedule, and are available under different Qt licenses.See the Downloads page for moreinformation.





Qt for Device Creation

Tools for fast, easy, and fully-integrated embedded device application development. Includes most other Value-Add features.


Qt Charts

UI Components for displaying visually pleasing charts, driven by static or dynamic data models.


Qt Quick Compiler

Enables compiling .qml source files into application binaries, improving load times and security for code assets.


Qt Data Visualization

UI Components for creating stunning 3D data visualizations.


Qt Purchasing

Enables in-app purchase of products in Qt applications on mobile platforms.


Qt Virtual Keyboard

A framework for implementing different input methods as well as a QML virtual keyboard. Supports localized keyboard layouts and custom visual themes.


Qt Quick 2D Renderer

Enables the use of Qt Quick UI on devices without OpenGL capability.

激活没有OpenGL能力的设备上的Qt Quick UI的使用


TechnologyPreview Modules技术预览模块

The following modules are still in development but are available astechnology previews.



Qt Location

Displays map, navigation, and place content in a QML application.

Qt WebView

Displays web content in a QML application by using APIs native to the platform, without the need to include a full web browser stack.


Functionality for near-realtime simulation systems with support for 2D and 3D rendering.


Qt Tools

Qt Tools run on all the supported development platforms and facilitate thedevelopment and design of applications.

The following table lists the Qt tools:



Qt Designer

Classes for extending Qt Designer.扩展Qt Designer的类

Qt Help

Classes for integrating online documentation into applications, similar to Qt Assistant.


Qt UI Tools

Classes to handle the forms created in Qt Designer.

处理在Qt Designer中创建的表格的类



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