vs2008_ucos\uCOSII_port\app_test.h.c app_cfg.h include.h cpu_def.h cpu.h.c--移植ucosii在VS2008-part1

//vs2008_ucos\uCOSII_port\app_test.h.c app_cfg.h include.h cpu_def.h cpu.h.c os_cfg.h

/*  UCOSII 2.86 在VS2008 上的移植
步骤1: 下载源码,将uCOS-II中的所有文件复制到uCOSII文件夹
            ucosii.c 此文件包含了所有的源代码
步骤2: 添加如下文件到 uCOSII_port文件夹,然后加入到工程
步骤3:添加文件包含路径,在main函数调用App_Test() 即可。
*                                             ucosii 测试函数
* Filename      : app_test.h
* Version       : V2.86
* 环境:VS2008
* 编者:张永辉 2013年5月27日
#ifndef APP_TEST_H
#define APP_TEST_H
int  App_Test (void);

*                                             OS测试函数
* Filename      : app_test.c
* Version       : V2.86
#include <includes.h>
#include "app_test.h"
*                                      LOCAL FUNCTION PROTOTYPES
static  void  App_TaskStart (void   *p_arg);

*                                             C ENTRY POINT
int  App_Test (void)
    INT8U  err;
    OSInit();               // Initialize OS
    OSTaskCreateExt((void (*)(void *)) App_TaskStart,
                    (void          * ) 0,
                    (OS_STK        * )&AppStartTaskStk[APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_STK_SIZE-1],
                    (INT8U           ) APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_PRIO,
                    (INT16U          ) APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_PRIO,
                    (OS_STK        * )&AppStartTaskStk[0],
                    (INT32U          ) APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_STK_SIZE,
                    (void          * ) 0,
                    (INT16U          )(OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CHK | OS_TASK_OPT_STK_CLR));
                                                      /* Give a name to tasks.    */
    #if  (OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE  >= 6)
        OSTaskNameSet(APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_PRIO, "Start", &err);

    #if  (OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE  >= 5)
        OSTaskNameSet(OS_TASK_IDLE_PRIO,          "Idle",  &err);

    #if ((OS_TASK_NAME_SIZE >= 5) && \
         (OS_TASK_STAT_EN   >  0))
        OSTaskNameSet(OS_TASK_STAT_PRIO,          "Stat",  &err);
    OSStart();              // Start OS
    return 0;
*                                           App_TaskStart()
* Description : Startup task example code
* Arguments   : p_arg      Argument passed by 'OSTaskCreate'. p_arg' is not used
* Returns     : none.
void  App_TaskStart (void  *p_arg)
    int i = 0;
   (void)&p_arg;                        /* Prevent compiler warning.                     */
    #if OS_TASK_STAT_EN > 0
        OSStatInit();                   /* Determine CPU capacity.                       */
    while (1)                           /* Task body, always written as an infinite loop.*/
        printf("Delay %d second and print\n",i++);
        OSTimeDlyHMSM(0, 0, 1, 0);

* Filename      : app_cfg.h
* Version       : V2.86
* Programmer(s) : SR
*                                           TASKS PRIORITIES
#define  APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_PRIO                        5
*                                              STACK SIZES
*                             Size of the task stacks (# of OS_STK entries)
#define  APP_OS_CFG_START_TASK_STK_SIZE                  128

*                                             EXAMPLE CODE
*                          (c) Copyright 1998-2008; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*                                          MASTER INCLUDE FILE
* Filename      : includes.h
* Version       : V2.86
* Programmer(s) : SR
#include    <stdio.h>
#include    <string.h>
#include    <ctype.h>
#include    <stdlib.h>
#include    <app_cfg.h>
#include    <ucos_ii.h>

*                                               uC/CPU
*                                    CPU CONFIGURATION & PORT LAYER
*                          (c) Copyright 2004-2008; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*                                      CPU CONFIGURATION DEFINES
* Filename      : cpu_def.h
* Version       : V1.20
* Programmer(s) : ITJ
*                                       CPU WORD CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) :
* (1) Configure CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE & CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE in 'cpu.h' with CPU's word sizes :
*        CPU_WORD_SIZE_08             8-bit word size
*        CPU_WORD_SIZE_16            16-bit word size
*        CPU_WORD_SIZE_32            32-bit word size
*        CPU_WORD_SIZE_64            64-bit word size            See Note #1a
*    (a) 64-bit word size NOT currently supported.
*    (b) Ideally, CPU_WORD_SIZE #define's would be calculated at compile-time through use of
*        the sizeof() operator.  However, some compilers do NOT allow pre-processor directives
*        to include run-time macro's -- e.g. 'sizeof()'.
*(2) Configure CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE in 'cpu.h' with CPU's data-word-memory order :
*        CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG         Big-   endian word order (CPU words' most  significant
*                                                              octet @ lowest memory address)
*        CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE      Little-endian word order (CPU words' least significant
*                                                              octet @ lowest memory address)
                                  /* ----------------------- CPU WORD SIZE --------------------*/
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08       1 /*  8-bit word size = sizeof(CPU_INT08x).                    */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16       2 /* 16-bit word size = sizeof(CPU_INT16x).                    */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32       4 /* 32-bit word size = sizeof(CPU_INT32x).                    */
#define  CPU_WORD_SIZE_64       8 /* 64-bit word size = sizeof(CPU_INT64x) [see Note #1a].     */
                                  /* ------------------- CPU WORD-ENDIAN ORDER ----------------*/
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_NONE   0 /*                                                           */
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG    1 /* Big-   endian word order (CPU words' most  significant ...*/
                                  /*                           ... octet @ lowest mem addr).   */
#define  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE 2 /* Little-endian word order (CPU words' least significant ...*/
                                  /*                           ... octet @ lowest mem addr).   */
*                                   CRITICAL SECTION CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) :
*(1) Configure CPU_CFG_CRITICAL_METHOD with CPU's/compiler's critical section method :
*                                            Enter/Exit critical sections by ...
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN      Disable/Enable interrupts
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK      Push/Pop       interrupt status onto stack
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL    Save/Restore   interrupt status to local variable
*    (a) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN  is NOT a preferred method since it does NOT support
*        multiple levels of interrupts.  However, with some CPUs/compilers, this is the only
*        available method.
*    (b) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK    is one preferred method since it DOES support multiple
*        levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler allows in-line
*        assembly AND will correctly modify the local stack pointer when interrupt status is
*        pushed/popped onto the stack.
*    (c) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL  is one preferred method since it DOES support multiple
*        levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler provides C-level
*        &/or assembly-level functionality for the following :
*            (a) Save    interrupt status into a local variable
*            (b) Disable interrupts
*            (c) Restore interrupt status from a local variable
*(2) Critical section macro's most likely require inline assembly.  If the compiler does NOT
*    allow inline assembly in C source files, critical section macro's MUST call an assembly
*    subroutine defined in a 'cpu_a.asm' file located in the following software directory :
*        \<CPU-Compiler Directory>\<cpu>\<compiler>\
*            where
*                    <CPU-Compiler Directory>    directory path for common   CPU-compiler software
*                    <cpu>                       directory name for specific CPU
*                    <compiler>                  directory name for specific compiler
*(3) To save/restore interrupt status, a local variable 'cpu_sr' of type 'CPU_SR' MAY need to
*    be declared (e.g. if 'CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL' method is configured).  Configure
*    'CPU_SR' data type in 'cpu.h' with the appropriate-sized CPU data type large enough to
*    completely store the CPU's/compiler's status word.
                                              /* ------ CPU CRITICAL SECTION METHODS ------- */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_NONE           0 /*                                           */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN     1 /* DIS/EN       ints.                        */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK     2 /* Push/Pop     int status onto stk.         */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL   3 /* Save/Restore int status to local var.     */

*                                               uC/CPU
*               software available.  Your honesty is greatly appreciated.
*                                            CPU PORT FILE
*                                                Win32
*                                       Microsoft Visual Studio
* Filename      : cpu.h
* Version       : V1.21
* Programmer(s) : FGK
*                 ITJ
*                 SR
*                                               MODULE
*                                          CPU INCLUDE FILES
* Note(s) : (1) The following CPU files are located in the following directories :
*               (a) \<CPU-Compiler Directory>\cpu_def.h
*               (b) \<CPU-Compiler Directory>\<cpu>\<compiler>\cpu*.*
*                       where
*                               <CPU-Compiler Directory>    directory path for common   CPU-compiler software
*                               <cpu>                       directory name for specific CPU
*                               <compiler>                  directory name for specific compiler
*           (2) Compiler MUST be configured to include the '\<CPU-Compiler Directory>\' directory & the
*               specific CPU-compiler directory as additional include path directories.

#include  <cpu_def.h>
*                                    CONFIGURE STANDARD DATA TYPES
* Note(s) : (1) Configure standard data types according to CPU-/compiler-specifications.
*           (2) (a) (1) 'CPU_FNCT_VOID' data type defined to replace the commonly-used function pointer
*                       data type of a pointer to a function which returns void & has no arguments.
*                   (2) Example function pointer usage :
*                           CPU_FNCT_VOID  FnctName;
*                           FnctName();
*               (b) (1) 'CPU_FNCT_PTR'  data type defined to replace the commonly-used function pointer
*                       data type of a pointer to a function which returns void & has a single void
*                       pointer argument.
*                   (2) Example function pointer usage :
*                           CPU_FNCT_PTR   FnctName;
*                           void          *pobj
*                           FnctName(pobj);
typedef            void      CPU_VOID;
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_CHAR;                 /*  8-bit character            */
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_BOOLEAN;              /*  8-bit boolean or logical   */
typedef  unsigned  char      CPU_INT08U;               /*  8-bit unsigned integer     */
typedef    signed  char      CPU_INT08S;               /*  8-bit   signed integer     */
typedef  unsigned  short     CPU_INT16U;               /* 16-bit unsigned integer     */
typedef    signed  short     CPU_INT16S;               /* 16-bit   signed integer     */
typedef  unsigned  int       CPU_INT32U;               /* 32-bit unsigned integer     */
typedef    signed  int       CPU_INT32S;               /* 32-bit   signed integer     */
typedef            float     CPU_FP32;                 /* 32-bit floating point       */
typedef            double    CPU_FP64;                 /* 64-bit floating point       */
typedef            void    (*CPU_FNCT_VOID)(void);     /* See Note #2a.               */
typedef            void    (*CPU_FNCT_PTR )(void *);   /* See Note #2b.               */
*                                       CPU WORD CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) :
*   (1) Configure CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE & CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE with CPU's word sizes :
*           CPU_WORD_SIZE_08             8-bit word size
*           CPU_WORD_SIZE_16            16-bit word size
*           CPU_WORD_SIZE_32            32-bit word size
*           CPU_WORD_SIZE_64            64-bit word size            See Note #1a
*       (a) 64-bit word size NOT currently supported.
*   (2) Configure CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE with CPU's data-word-memory order :
*           CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG         Big-   endian word order (CPU words' most  significant
*                                                                 octet @ lowest memory address)
*           CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE      Little-endian word order (CPU words' least significant
*                                                                 octet @ lowest memory address)
                                                      /* Define  CPU         word sizes (see Note #1) */
#define  CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE    CPU_WORD_SIZE_32        /* Defines CPU address word size.  */
#define  CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE    CPU_WORD_SIZE_32        /* Defines CPU data    word size.   */
#define  CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE  /* Defines CPU data    word-memory order. */
*                                 CONFIGURE CPU ADDRESS & DATA TYPES
                                        /* CPU address type based on address bus size. */
typedef  CPU_INT32U  CPU_ADDR;
typedef  CPU_INT16U  CPU_ADDR;
typedef  CPU_INT08U  CPU_ADDR;
                                        /* CPU data    type based on data    bus size. */
typedef  CPU_INT32U  CPU_DATA;
typedef  CPU_INT16U  CPU_DATA;
typedef  CPU_INT08U  CPU_DATA;
typedef  CPU_DATA    CPU_ALIGN;         /* Defines CPU data-word-alignment size.       */
typedef  CPU_DATA    CPU_SIZE_T;        /* Defines CPU standard 'size_t'   size.       */
typedef  CPU_INT32U  CPU_STK;           /* Defines CPU stack size entry.               */
*                                      CPU ERROR CODES DATA TYPE
typedef  CPU_INT16U  CPU_ERR;
*                                   CRITICAL SECTION CONFIGURATION
* Note(s) :
*(1) Configure CPU_CFG_CRITICAL_METHOD with CPU's/compiler's critical section method :
*                                            Enter/Exit critical sections by ...
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN      Disable/Enable interrupts
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK      Push/Pop       interrupt status onto stack
*        CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL    Save/Restore   interrupt status to local variable
*    (a) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN  is NOT a preferred method since it does NOT support
*        multiple levels of interrupts.  However, with some CPUs/compilers, this is the only
*        available method.
*    (b) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK    is one preferred method since it DOES support multiple
*        levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler allows in-line
*        assembly AND will correctly modify the local stack pointer when interrupt status is
*        pushed/popped onto the stack.
*    (c) CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL  is one preferred method since it DOES support multiple
*        levels of interrupts.  However, this method assumes that the compiler provides C-level
*        &/or assembly-level functionality for the following :
*            (a) Save    interrupt status into a local variable
*            (b) Disable interrupts
*            (c) Restore interrupt status from a local variable
*(2) Critical section macro's most likely require inline assembly.  If the compiler does NOT
*    allow inline assembly in C source files, critical section macro's MUST call an assembly
*    subroutine defined in a 'cpu_a.asm' file located in the following software directory :
*        \<CPU-Compiler Directory>\<cpu>\<compiler>\
*            where
*                    <CPU-Compiler Directory>    directory path for common   CPU-compiler software
*                    <cpu>                       directory name for specific CPU
*                    <compiler>                  directory name for specific compiler
*(3) To save/restore interrupt status, a local variable 'cpu_sr' of type 'CPU_SR' MAY need to
*    be declared (e.g. if 'CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL' method is configured).  Configure
*    'CPU_SR' data type with the appropriate-sized CPU data type large enough to completely
*    store the CPU's/compiler's status word.
typedef  CPU_INT32U  CPU_SR;  /* Defines   CPU status register size (see Note #3).    */
/* Configure CPU critical method      (see Note #1) :   */
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_ENTER()           { CPU_IntDis(); }
#define  CPU_CRITICAL_EXIT()            { CPU_IntEn();  }
*                                         FUNCTION PROTOTYPES
void    CPU_IntDis    (void);
void    CPU_IntEn     (void);
*                                        CONFIGURATION ERRORS
#error   "CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE              not #define'd in 'cpu.h'               "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08   8-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16  16-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32  32-bit alignment]"

#elif   ((CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE != CPU_WORD_SIZE_08) && \
         (CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE != CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) && \
#error   "CPU_CFG_ADDR_SIZE        illegally #define'd in 'cpu.h'               "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08   8-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16  16-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32  32-bit alignment]"

#error   "CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE              not #define'd in 'cpu.h'               "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08   8-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16  16-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32  32-bit alignment]"

#elif   ((CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE != CPU_WORD_SIZE_08) && \
         (CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE != CPU_WORD_SIZE_16) && \
#error   "CPU_CFG_DATA_SIZE        illegally #define'd in 'cpu.h'               "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_WORD_SIZE_08   8-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_16  16-bit alignment]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_WORD_SIZE_32  32-bit alignment]"

#error   "CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE            not #define'd in 'cpu.h'   "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG   ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE]"

#error   "CPU_CFG_ENDIAN_TYPE      illegally #define'd in 'cpu.h'   "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_BIG   ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_ENDIAN_TYPE_LITTLE]"

#error   "CPU_CFG_CRITICAL_METHOD        not #define'd in 'cpu.h'             "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN  ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK  ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL]"

#error   "CPU_CFG_CRITICAL_METHOD  illegally #define'd in 'cpu.h'             "
#error   "                         [MUST be  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_INT_DIS_EN  ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_STK  ]"
#error   "                         [     ||  CPU_CRITICAL_METHOD_STATUS_LOCAL]"
*                                             MODULE END

*                                               uC/CPU
*                                    CPU CONFIGURATION & PORT LAYER
*                          (c) Copyright 2004-2009; Micrium, Inc.; Weston, FL
*                                            CPU PORT FILE
*                                                Win32
*                                       Microsoft Visual Studio
* Filename      : cpu_c.c
* Version       : V1.21
* Programmer(s) : FGK
#include  <includes.h>
*                                            CPU_IntDis()
* Description : This function disables interrupts for critical sections of code.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : none.
* Note(s)     : none.
void  CPU_IntDis (void)
*                                             CPU_IntEn()
* Description : This function enables interrupts after critical sections of code.
* Argument(s) : none.
* Return(s)   : none.
* Note(s)     : none.
void  CPU_IntEn (void)





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