



//   In this and all other sample and example code,
//   use the following #define and #include statements listed
//   under #includes and #defines.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <wincrypt.h>
#define KEYLENGTH  0x00800000
void HandleError(char *s);

//  These additional #define statements are required.

//   Declare the function EncryptFile. The function definition
//   follows main.

BOOL EncryptFile(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szDestination,PCHAR szPassword);
BOOL DecryptFile(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szDestination,PCHAR szPassword);
char * EncryptStr(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szPassword);
char *DecryptStr(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szPassword);
//   Begin main.

void main(void)
 char *pCh=EncryptStr("ABCDEFGHIJKLMN","123456");//程序授权给XX使用
 char pBuff[1024];
 char *pCh2=DecryptStr(pBuff,"123456");
    PCHAR szSource;
    PCHAR szDestination;
    PCHAR szPassword;
    char  response;
 if(!(szSource=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 if(!(szDestination=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 if(!(szPassword=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 printf("Encrypt a file. /n/n");
 printf("Enter the name of the file to be encrypted: ");
 printf("Enter the name of the output file: ");
 printf("Use a password to encrypt this file? ( y/n ) ");
 if(response == 'y')
  printf("Enter the password:");
  printf("The key will be generated without using a password. /n");
  szPassword = NULL;
 // Call EncryptFile to do the actual encryption.
 if(EncryptFile(szSource, szDestination, szPassword))
  printf("Encryption of the file %s was a success. /n", szSource);
  printf("The encrypted data is in file %s./n",szDestination);
  HandleError("Error encrypting file!");
 //PCHAR szSource;
 //PCHAR szDestination;
 //PCHAR szPassword;
 //char  response;
 if(!(szSource=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 if(!(szDestination=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 if(!(szPassword=(char *)malloc(100)))
  HandleError("Memory allocation failed.");
 printf("Decrypt a file. /n/n");
 printf("Enter the name of the file to be decrypted: ");
 printf("Enter the name of the output file: ");
 printf("Was a password used to encrypt this file? ( y/n ) ");
 if(response == 'y')
  printf("Enter the password:");
  printf("The key will be generated without using a password. /n");
  szPassword = NULL;
 if(!DecryptFile(szSource, szDestination, szPassword))
  printf("/nError decrypting file. /n");
  printf("/nDecryption of file %s succeeded. /n", szSource);
  printf("The decrypted file is %s ./n",szDestination);
} // End of main

//   Code for the function EncryptFile called by main.

static BOOL EncryptFile(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szDestination,PCHAR szPassword)
      //   Parameters passed are:
      //     szSource, the name of the input, a plaintext file.
      //     szDestination, the name of the output, an encrypted file to be
      //         created.
      //     szPassword, either NULL if a password is not to be used or the
      //          string that is the password.
 //   Declare and initialize local variables.
 FILE *hSource;
 FILE *hDestination;
 PBYTE pbKeyBlob;
 DWORD dwKeyBlobLen;
 PBYTE pbBuffer;
 DWORD dwBlockLen;
 DWORD dwBufferLen;
 DWORD dwCount;
 // Open source file.
 if(hSource = fopen(szSource,"rb"))
  printf("The source plaintext file, %s, is open. /n", szSource);
  HandleError("Error opening source plaintext file!");
 // Open destination file.
 if(hDestination = fopen(szDestination,"wb"))
  printf("Destination file %s is open. /n", szDestination);
  HandleError("Error opening destination ciphertext file!");
 // Get handle to the default provider.
  printf("A cryptographic provider has been acquired. /n");
  HandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext!");
 //   Create the session key.
 if(!szPassword )
  // No password was passed.
  // Encrypt the file with a random session key and write the key
  // to a file.
  // Create a random session key.
   printf("A session key has been created. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptGenKey. /n");
  // Get handle to the encrypter's exchange public key.
            printf("The user public key has been retrieved. /n");
  HandleError("User public key is not available /
   and may not exist.");
  // Determine size of the key BLOB, and allocate memory.
   printf("The key BLOB is %d bytes long. /n",dwKeyBlobLen);
            HandleError("Error computing BLOB length! /n");
  if(pbKeyBlob =(BYTE *)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen))
   printf("Memory is allocated for the key BLOB. /n");
   HandleError("Out of memory. /n");
  // Encrypt and export session key into a simple key BLOB.
   printf("The key has been exported. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptExportKey!/n");
  // Release key exchange key handle.
  hXchgKey = 0;
  // Write size of key BLOB to destination file.
  fwrite(&dwKeyBlobLen, sizeof(DWORD), 1, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing header.");
   printf("A file header has been written. /n");
  // Write key BLOB to destination file.
  fwrite(pbKeyBlob, 1, dwKeyBlobLen, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing header");
   printf("The key BLOB has been written to the file. /n");
  // The file will be encrypted with a session key derived from a
  // password.
  // The session key will be recreated when the file is decrypted
  // only if the password used to create the key is available.
  // Create a hash object.
  if(CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_MD5,0,0,&hHash))
   printf("A hash object has been created. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!/n");
  // Hash the password.
   (BYTE *)szPassword,
   printf("The password has been added to the hash. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptHashData. /n");
  // Derive a session key from the hash object.
   printf("An encryption key is derived from the password hash. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptDeriveKey!/n");
  // Destroy the hash object.
  hHash = 0;
 //  The session key is now ready. If it is not a key derived from a
 //  password, the session key encrypted with the encrypter's private
 //  key has been written to the destination file.

 // Determine number of bytes to encrypt at a time.
 // This must be a multiple of ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE.
 // ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE is set by a #define statement.

 dwBlockLen = 1000 - 1000 % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;

 // Determine the block size. If a block cipher is used,
 // it must have room for an extra block.

 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen + ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;

 // Allocate memory.
 if(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen))
  printf("Memory has been allocated for the buffer. /n");
  HandleError("Out of memory. /n");
 // In a do loop, encrypt the source file and write to the source file.

  // Read up to dwBlockLen bytes from the source file.
  dwCount = fread(pbBuffer, 1, dwBlockLen, hSource);
   HandleError("Error reading plaintext!/n");
  // Encrypt data.
   HandleError("Error during CryptEncrypt. /n");
  // Write data to the destination file.
  fwrite(pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing ciphertext.");
 //  End the do loop when the last block of the source file has been
 //  read, encrypted, and written to the destination file.

 // Close files.


 // Free memory.


 // Destroy session key.


 // Release key exchange key handle.


 // Destroy hash object.


 // Release provider handle.

 CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
} // End of Encryptfile

//  This example uses the function HandleError, a simple error
//  handling function, to print an error message to the standard error
//  (stderr) file and exit the program.
//  For most applications, replace this function with one
//  that does more extensive error reporting.

void HandleError(char *s)
    fprintf(stderr,"An error occurred in running the program. /n");
    fprintf(stderr, "Error number %x./n", GetLastError());
    fprintf(stderr, "Program terminating. /n");
} // End of HandleError

static BOOL DecryptFile(
      PCHAR szSource,
      PCHAR szDestination,
      PCHAR szPassword)
 //   Declare and initialize local variables.
 FILE *hSource;
 FILE *hDestination;
 PBYTE pbKeyBlob = NULL;
 DWORD dwKeyBlobLen;
 PBYTE pbBuffer;
 DWORD dwBlockLen;
 DWORD dwBufferLen;
 DWORD dwCount;
 BOOL status = FALSE;
 // Open source file.
 if(!(hSource = fopen(szSource,"rb")))
  HandleError("Error opening ciphertext file!");
 // Open destination file.
 if(!(hDestination = fopen(szDestination,"wb")))
  HandleError("Error opening plaintext file!");
 // Get a handle to the default provider.
  HandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext!");
 //  Check for existence of a password.
  // Decrypt the file with the saved session key.
  // Read key BLOB length from source file, and allocate memory.
  fread(&dwKeyBlobLen, sizeof(DWORD), 1, hSource);
  if(ferror(hSource) || feof(hSource))
   HandleError("Error reading file header!");
  if(!(pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen)))
   HandleError("Memory allocation error.");
  // Read key BLOB from source file.
  fread(pbKeyBlob, 1, dwKeyBlobLen, hSource);
  if(ferror(hSource) || feof(hSource))
   HandleError("Error reading file header!/n");
  // Import key BLOB into CSP.
   HandleError("Error during CryptImportKey!");
  // Decrypt the file with a session key derived from a password.
  // Create a hash object.
   HandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");
  // Hash in the password data.
   (BYTE *)szPassword,
   HandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");
  // Derive a session key from the hash object.
   HandleError("Error during CryptDeriveKey!");
  // Destroy the hash object.
  hHash = 0;
 //   The decryption key is now available, either having been imported
 //   from a BLOB read in from the source file or having been created
 //   using the password. This point in the program is not reached if
 //   the decryption key is not available.
 // Determine the number of bytes to decrypt at a time.
 // This must be a multiple of ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE.
 dwBlockLen = 1000 - 1000 % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;
 // Allocate memory.
 if(!(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen)))
  HandleError("Out of memory!/n");
 // Decrypt source file, and write to destination file.
 do {
  // Read up to dwBlockLen bytes from source file.
  dwCount = fread(
   HandleError("Error reading ciphertext!");
  // Decrypt data.
   HandleError("Error during CryptDecrypt!");
  // Write data to destination file.
   HandleError("Error writing plaintext!");
 status = TRUE;
 // Close files.
 // Free memory.
 // Destroy session key.
 // Destroy hash object.
 // Release provider handle.
  CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
 return status;
} // End of Decryptfile

//  This example uses the function HandleError, a simple error
//  handling function, to print an error message to the standard error
//  (stderr) file and exit the program.
//  For most applications, replace this function with one
//  that does more extensive error reporting.

/*void HandleError(char *s)
fprintf(stderr,"An error occurred in running the program. /n");
fprintf(stderr, "Error number %x./n", GetLastError());
fprintf(stderr, "Program terminating. /n");
} // End of HandleError*/

static char* EncryptStr(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szPassword)
      //   Parameters passed are:
      //     szSource, the name of the input, a plaintext file.
      //     szDestination, the name of the output, an encrypted file to be
      //         created.
      //     szPassword, either NULL if a password is not to be used or the
      //          string that is the password.
 //   Declare and initialize local variables.
 PBYTE pbKeyBlob;
 DWORD dwKeyBlobLen;
 PBYTE pbBuffer;
 DWORD dwBlockLen;
 DWORD dwBufferLen;
 DWORD dwCount;
 static char ChBuff[1024]={0};//=new char(dwCount);
 // Get handle to the default provider.
  printf("A cryptographic provider has been acquired. /n");
  HandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext!");
 //   Create the session key.
 if(!szPassword )
  // No password was passed.
  // Encrypt the file with a random session key and write the key
  // to a file.
  // Create a random session key.
   printf("A session key has been created. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptGenKey. /n");
  // Get handle to the encrypter's exchange public key.
            printf("The user public key has been retrieved. /n");
  HandleError("User public key is not available /
   and may not exist.");
  // Determine size of the key BLOB, and allocate memory.
   printf("The key BLOB is %d bytes long. /n",dwKeyBlobLen);
            HandleError("Error computing BLOB length! /n");
  if(pbKeyBlob =(BYTE *)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen))
   printf("Memory is allocated for the key BLOB. /n");
   HandleError("Out of memory. /n");
  // Encrypt and export session key into a simple key BLOB.
   printf("The key has been exported. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptExportKey!/n");
  // Release key exchange key handle.
  hXchgKey = 0;
  // Write size of key BLOB to destination file.
  /*fwrite(&dwKeyBlobLen, sizeof(DWORD), 1, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing header.");
   printf("A file header has been written. /n");
  // Write key BLOB to destination file.
  fwrite(pbKeyBlob, 1, dwKeyBlobLen, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing header");
   printf("The key BLOB has been written to the file. /n");
  // The file will be encrypted with a session key derived from a
  // password.
  // The session key will be recreated when the file is decrypted
  // only if the password used to create the key is available.
  // Create a hash object.
  if(CryptCreateHash(hCryptProv, CALG_MD5,0,0,&hHash))
   printf("A hash object has been created. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!/n");
  // Hash the password.
   (BYTE *)szPassword,
   printf("The password has been added to the hash. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptHashData. /n");
  // Derive a session key from the hash object.
   printf("An encryption key is derived from the password hash. /n");
   HandleError("Error during CryptDeriveKey!/n");
  // Destroy the hash object.
  hHash = 0;
 //  The session key is now ready. If it is not a key derived from a
 //  password, the session key encrypted with the encrypter's private
 //  key has been written to the destination file.

 // Determine number of bytes to encrypt at a time.
 // This must be a multiple of ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE.
 // ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE is set by a #define statement.

 dwBlockLen = strlen(szSource) - strlen(szSource) % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;

 // Determine the block size. If a block cipher is used,
 // it must have room for an extra block.

 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen + ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;

 // Allocate memory.
 if(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen))
  printf("Memory has been allocated for the buffer. /n");
  HandleError("Out of memory. /n");
 // In a do loop, encrypt the source file and write to the source file.

  // Read up to dwBlockLen bytes from the source file.
  /*dwCount = fread(pbBuffer, 1, dwBlockLen, hSource);
   HandleError("Error reading plaintext!/n");
  // Encrypt data.
   TRUE, //feof(hSource),
   HandleError("Error during CryptEncrypt. /n");
  //char *chb=ChBuff;
  //delete []ChBuff;
  //BYTE b=pbBuffer[1];
  // Write data to the destination file.
  /*fwrite(pbBuffer, 1, dwCount, hDestination);
   HandleError("Error writing ciphertext.");
 //  End the do loop when the last block of the source file has been
 //  read, encrypted, and written to the destination file.

 // Close files.

 fclose(hDestination); */

 // Free memory.


 // Destroy session key.


 // Release key exchange key handle.


 // Destroy hash object.


 // Release provider handle.

 CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
 return (char*)ChBuff;
} // End of Encryptfile

static char* DecryptStr(PCHAR szSource,PCHAR szPassword)
 //   Declare and initialize local variables.
 PBYTE pbKeyBlob = NULL;
 DWORD dwKeyBlobLen;
 PBYTE pbBuffer;
 DWORD dwBlockLen;
 DWORD dwBufferLen;
 DWORD dwCount;
 static char ChBuff[1024]={0};//=new char(dwCount);

 BOOL status = FALSE;
 // Get a handle to the default provider.
  HandleError("Error during CryptAcquireContext!");
 //  Check for existence of a password.
  // Decrypt the file with the saved session key.
  // Read key BLOB length from source file, and allocate memory.
  if(!(pbKeyBlob = (BYTE *)malloc(dwKeyBlobLen)))
   HandleError("Memory allocation error.");
  // Read key BLOB from source file.
  // Import key BLOB into CSP.
   HandleError("Error during CryptImportKey!");
  // Decrypt the file with a session key derived from a password.
  // Create a hash object.
   HandleError("Error during CryptCreateHash!");
  // Hash in the password data.
   (BYTE *)szPassword,
   HandleError("Error during CryptHashData!");
  // Derive a session key from the hash object.
   HandleError("Error during CryptDeriveKey!");
  // Destroy the hash object.
  hHash = 0;
 //   The decryption key is now available, either having been imported
 //   from a BLOB read in from the source file or having been created
 //   using the password. This point in the program is not reached if
 //   the decryption key is not available.
 // Determine the number of bytes to decrypt at a time.
 // This must be a multiple of ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE.
 dwBlockLen = strlen(szSource) - strlen(szSource)  % ENCRYPT_BLOCK_SIZE;
 dwBufferLen = dwBlockLen;
 // Allocate memory.
 if(!(pbBuffer = (BYTE *)malloc(dwBufferLen)))
  HandleError("Out of memory!/n");
 // Decrypt source file, and write to destination file.
  // Read up to dwBlockLen bytes from source file.
  /*dwCount = fread(
   HandleError("Error reading ciphertext!");
  // Decrypt data.
   HandleError("Error during CryptDecrypt!");
  //char ChBuff[1024];//=new char(dwCount);
  // Write data to destination file.
   HandleError("Error writing plaintext!");
 status = TRUE;
 // Free memory.
 // free(pbBuffer);
 // Destroy session key.
 // Destroy hash object.
 // Release provider handle.
  CryptReleaseContext(hCryptProv, 0);
 return (char*)ChBuff;
} // End of Decryptfile





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