
Search(T, k)
//Search a B-Tree, T, for a key, k.
//if found k then return pointer to node containing k
//else return NULL




current_node = root(T)
While current_node is not NULL

NOTE: A recursive version of the above is given in the text.

B-Tree-Split-Child(x, i, y)
//Splits a node, y, in a B-Tree and moves y's median key up to y's parent, x.
//y is the ith child of x.
//This function will only be called if y is full; i.e., has 2t-1 keys.

Allocate a new node and call it z. //z will be the new sibling of y.
If y is a leaf then mark z as a leaf, else mark z as an internal node.
set the number of keys in z to t-1
copy the last t-1 keys of y into z.
if z is not a leaf then copy the last t pointers of y into z.
set the number of keys in y to t-1
insert a (child) pointer to node z into node x.
insert the original middle key of node y up into node x, moving other keys and pointers as necessary
increment the number of keys in x by one.
Update x, y and z on disk.

B-Tree-Insert(T, k)
//Insert the key, k, into tree, T.

r = root[T]
if the root is full (i.e., has 2t-1 keys) then
Allocate a new node and call it s. //s will be the new root.
root[T] = s //make s the root. r still points to original root.
set the number of nodes in s to 0.
set the only child pointer of s (c1[s]) to point to r. //r is now the child of s.
call B-Tree-Split-Child(s, 1, r) to split r and move its middle key up into s.
call B-Tree-Insert-NonFull(s, k) to insert the key, k, into the B-Tree with root, s.
else //root is not full
call B-Tree-Insert-NonFull(r, k) to insert the key, k, into the B-Tree with root, r.
end if

B-Tree-Insert-NonFull(x, k)
//Inserts the key, k, into a B-Tree. (k will ultimately be inserted into a leaf).
//Begin by attempting to insert k into nonfull node, x.

i = the number of keys in x.
if x is a leaf then since x is not full insert k into its proper place in x.
add one to the number of keys in x and update x on disk.
else //x is not a leaf
Move back from the last key of x until find child pointer to node
that is root of subtree in which k should be placed.
if this child node is full then call B-Tree-Split-Child(x, i, ci[x])
//Note: we split full nodes on the way down the tree so that if a child of that
//node needs to be split its parent will be able to accept the middle key.
set i = index of whichever child of x is root of subtree in which k should be placed.
call B-Tree-Insert-NonFull(ci[x], k) //Note: Recursive call
end if

//x is the root of the subtree to be searched.
//B-Tree-FindLargest returns a pointer to the node containing the largest key in the subtree whose root is x.

current_node = x
while current_node is not a leaf
current_node = largest child node of current_nodeend while
return current_node

B-Tree-Delete(x, k)
//k is the key to be deleted and
//x is the root of the subtree from which k is to be deleted.
//B-Tree-Delete returns true if it successfully deletes k else it returns false.
//Note: This function is designed so that whenever it is called recursively x has at least t keys.

if x is a leaf then if k is in x then delete k from x and return true
else return false //k is not in subtree
else //x is an internal node
if k is in x then
y = the child of x that precedes k
if y has at least t keys then
k' = the predecessor of k (use B-Tree-FindLargest)
Copy k' over k //i.e., replace k with k'
B-Tree-Delete(y, k') //Note: recursive call
else //y has t-1 keys z = the child of x that follows k
if z has at least t keys then
k' = the successor of k
Copy k' over k //i.e., replace k with k'
B-Tree-Delete(z, k') //Note: recursive call
else //both y and z have t-1 keys merge k and all of z into y //y now contains 2t-1 keys.
//k and the pointer to z will be deleted from x.
B-Tree-Delete(y, k) //Note: recursive call
else //k is not in internal node x. ci[x] points to the root, c, of the subtree that could contain k.
if c has t-1 keys then
if c has an immediate left/right sibling, z, with t or more keys then Let k1 be the key in x that precedes/follows c.
Move k1 into c as the first/last key in c.
Let k2 be the last/first key in the immediate left/right sibling, z.
Replace k1 in x with k2 from z (i.e., move k2 up into x).
Move the last/first child subtree of z to be the first/last child subtree of c. else //c and both of its immediate siblings have t-1 keys.
//we cannot descend to a child node with only t-1 keys so
merge c with one of its immediate siblings and
make the appropriate key of x the middle key of the new node, c.
//Note: This may cause the root to collapse, thus making c the new root.
B-Tree-Delete(c, k)





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