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原创 金融系统专业术语第一弹


2025-03-12 08:47:02 479

原创 金融系统中独立的第三方核身机构有哪些


2025-03-11 17:34:51 538

原创 适合于金融系统开发者的书籍大全

(作者:David H. Marshall, William J. Marshall, and Wayne W. McManus)(作者:Sophie Guibaud, Steven M. L. DeNero)》(作者:Becky B. W. Majors)(作者:Andrei Alexandrescu)(作者:Martin Kleppmann)(作者:Mark G. O'Brien)(作者:Daniel Drescher)(作者:James A. Hall)(作者:Chris W. Chiu)

2025-03-11 16:30:17 664

原创 RocketMQ与Kafka架构深度对比


2025-02-26 20:31:40 925

原创 RocketMQ与Kafka深度对比:特性与适用场景解析


2025-02-26 20:26:11 877

原创 SpringBoot整合Mybatis-Plus+Druid实现多数据源

Spring Boot是一个基于Spring框架的开源Java开发框架,旨在简化Spring应用程序的开发、配置和部署。它提供了一种快速、敏捷的方式来构建独立的、生产级别的Spring应用程序,同时还提供了许多开箱即用的功能和工具,如自动配置、内嵌式Web容器、健康检查、监控和管理等。Mybatis-Plus是一个基于Mybatis的增强工具,它在Mybatis的基础上扩展了许多实用的功能,可以帮助开发人员更加高效地完成数据库操作,提高开发效率和代码质量。

2025-02-26 17:03:37 827

原创 Spring Boot + Mybatis多数据源和动态数据源配置

首先要将spring boot自带的DataSourceAutoConfiguration禁掉,因为它会读取application.properties文件的spring.datasource.*属性并自动配置单数据源。使用动态数据源的初衷,是能在应用层做到读写分离,即在程序代码中控制不同的查询方法去连接不同的库。完成这些配置后,假设有2个Mapper titan.mapper.UserMapper和other.mapper.RoleMapper,使用前者时会自动连接titan库,后者连接ds2库。

2025-02-26 16:57:23 880

原创 Bybit最大资金盗窃事件技术分析 by CertiK

根据Bybit CEO Ben Zhou在漏洞发生两小时后于X平台直播中的说明,事件发生时Bybit团队正执行冷钱包至热钱包的常规资产转移流程,而他本人是Safe多签交易的最后一位签署者。在Bybit事件中,恶意界面隐藏交易真实意图,导致篡改后的数据被发送至Ledger设备,而签名者未在设备端验证细节,最终引发漏洞。升级后的恶意实现合约[16],包含了后门函数“sweepETH()”和“sweepERC20()”,攻击者通过调用这些函数,转移了冷钱包内所有资产,最终造成14亿美元的ETH被盗。

2025-02-24 20:30:25 1515

原创 Undertow Netty JDK的技术区别

要学习XNIO,必须得有JDK NIO的基础知识,本文假设读者已经学习过NIO,如果还没有可以阅读参考书籍[1],[2]。另外对Netty有所了解的话,就会融会贯通,比较容易的理解XNIO的基本原理,因为两个项目有很多相似之处。

2025-02-24 19:33:35 1352

原创 一文说清楚编码、摘要、加密、公钥、私钥、解密、签名、验签

对信息计算摘要值,有信息损失,例如 md5 摘要,sha1 摘要。​。

2025-02-21 20:06:37 431

原创 扫码登录的原理揭秘

整个过程中,一张特定二维码起到了连接请求登录方和已登录方桥梁的作用。所以,我们可以将二维码 ID、创建时间、过期时间等信息写入二维码,APP 终端通过解码二维码信息(这是终端媒介具备的基础功能),就能够识别出此二维码。这里的请求登录方为 Web 端,已登录方为 APP 端,登录凭证可以是用户信息,也可以是换取用户信息的凭证,而特定媒介是某一张二维码。在 Web 端,一般会有一个请求生成二维码的接口,此接口会返回二维码 ID 和二维码连接,ID 用于查询二维码最新状态,链接用于展示。

2025-02-21 20:01:35 300

原创 基本认证 vs OAuth 2.0 vs OpenID Connect

是基于 API 接口,通过发送账密、手机验证码到 服务器 后端的方式直接完成用户认证。提供 MFA、忘记密码等功能。协议主要用于资源授权。协议,简称,是 OAuth 2.0 协议的超集,能够用户并完成资源。在可以选择 OIDC 的情况下,。如果你希望实现或先用户再返回资源,建议使用。

2025-02-21 19:55:14 1008

原创 一文精通JWT Token、ID Token、Access Token、Refresh Token

用于授权访问资源,任何 Bearer 持有者都可以无差别地用它来访问相关的资源,而无需证明持有加密 key。一个 Bearer 代表授权范围、有效期,以及其他授权事项;一个 Bearer 在存储和传输过程中应当防止泄露,需实现 Transport Layer Security (TLS);一个 Bearer 有效期不能过长,过期后可用 Refresh Token 申请更新。

2025-02-21 19:29:32 1595

原创 认证 与 授权的异同点

认证是关于验证你的凭据,如用户名/邮箱和密码,以验证访问者的身份。系统确定你是否就是你所说的使用凭据。在公共和专用网络中,系统通过登录密码验证用户身份。身份认证通常通过用户名和密码完成,有时与认证可以不仅仅通过密码的形式,也可以通过手机验证码或者生物特征等其他因素。在某些应用系统中,为了追求更高的安全性,往往会要求多种认证因素叠加使用,这就是我们经常说的多因素认证。常见的认证方式用户名密码认证手机和短信验证码认证邮箱和邮件验证码认证人脸识别/指纹识别的生物因素认证OTP 认证。

2025-02-20 21:38:53 411

原创 零信任网络全解

零信任」既不是技术也不是产品,而是一种安全理念。根据 NIST《零信任架构标准》中的定义: 「零信任(Zero Trust)」提供了一系列概念和思想,假定网络环境已经被攻陷,在执行信息系统和服务中的每次访问请求时,降低其决策准确度的不确定性。零信任架构(ZTA)则是一种企业网络安全的规划,它基于零信任理念,围绕其组件关系、工作流规划与访问策略构建而成。

2025-02-20 21:31:54 511

原创 联邦认证全解


2025-02-20 21:27:39 284

转载 ElasticSearch 核心概念详解(index/type/doc/node/shard/replica/segment)

先写入内存 buffer,在 buffer 里的时候数据是搜索不到的;同时将数据写入 translog 日志文件。如果 buffer 快满了,或者到一定时间,就会将内存 buffer 数据 refresh 到一个新的 segment file 中,但是此时数据不是直接进入 segment file 磁盘文件,而是先进入 os cache。这个过程就是 refresh。

2025-02-20 20:25:17 103

原创 数据安全之GDPR全面讲解

GDPR(General Data Protection Regulation,通用数据保护条例)是欧盟于2018年5月25日正式实施的一项数据保护法规。其目的是加强个人数据的保护,赋予个人对其数据的更大控制权,并统一欧盟范围内的数据保护标准。GDPR适用于所有处理欧盟居民个人数据的企业,无论这些企业是否位于欧盟境内。

2025-02-07 13:15:08 1099

原创 关于身份认证中的SOC 2

SOC 2是由美国注册会计师协会(AICPA)开发的一种审计标准,基于五个“信任服务原则”——安全性、可用性、处理完整性、机密性和隐私,定义了管理客户数据的标准。与具有严格要求的PCI DSS不同,SOC 2报告因组织的特定商业惯例而具有独特性,组织可以设计特定的控制措施以遵循一项或多项信任原则。隐私原则规定系统在收集、使用、保留、披露和处置个人信息时,必须遵循组织的隐私声明和AICPA的普遍接受隐私原则(GAPP)。处理完整性原则关注系统是否能够在正确的时间、以正确的价格提供正确的数据。

2025-02-07 13:07:54 475

原创 Auth身份认证的一些必知的行业标准


2025-02-07 13:02:47 381

原创 Java通过谷歌邮箱Gmail直接发送邮件的三种方式


2025-01-05 21:41:14 1822

原创 2025:Massa重新定义去中心化的一年

当我们告别 2024 年时,这是回顾我们在主网上的第一年的好时机。这是一个充满成就和挑战的里程碑。从公开发售到上市,再到 MNS 的发布,2024 年是转型和基础进步的一年。然而,未来还有更大的抱负。2025 年,我们的目标是将 Massa 转变为终极去中心化云网络,为新的数字自由铺平道路。但在深入探讨未来之前,我们认为有必要花点时间强调一下过去一个季度发生的事情——这是一个重新调整、成长和为下一阶段的旅程做准备的时期。为成功奠定基础首先,自夏季结束以来,我们的团队设置发生了一些变化。

2024-12-29 09:05:50 950

原创 集成登录组件服务提供商调研

*Microsoft Entra:Microsoft Entra单点登录解决方案整合了多个服务,支持社交登录,用户可以利用多个凭证访问已授权的服务,具有强大的安全和用户自助功能【citation:8】【citation:1】。它旨在为用户提供更安全的访问体验,并集成多种身份管理功能【citation:10】。:Okta单点登录解决方案可以管理所有特定于应用程序的用户身份、访问权限和身份验证策略,支持多种多因素身份验证方式,并提供自助密码重置功能【citation:8】【citation:1】。

2024-12-24 14:48:55 751

原创 Websocket客户端从Openai Realtime api Sever只收到部分数据问题分析

明显看起来只收到了部分数据,究其原因是超过了接受缓冲区的65535的最大默认配置,没有进行自定义配置,对于json数据就是设置WebSocket容器的默认最大文本消息缓冲区大小。正常情况下,会从Openai Realtime api Sever收到正常的json数据,但是当返回音频数据时,总会返回非json数据。

2024-12-22 00:05:28 624

原创 Websocket客户端始终连接不上Server排查之Openai Realtime api

当尝试从openai 提供的openai-realtime-console websocket客户端连接到Netty实现的websocket server时,遇到总是无法连接的问题,而自己写的websocket client和postman的client则可以正常连接,那么原因出在哪里呢?如果客户端和服务器位于不同的域上,并且服务器未配置正确的跨域策略,则无法建立连接‌3。可以明显的看到服务端并没有使用sub-protocol(s),问题到这里就破案了,就是子协议不匹配的问题,那么问题解决起来就很容易了。

2024-12-21 23:33:47 1350 3

原创 高清蓝光光盘(Blu-ray Disc)中clpi、mpls、m2ts文件大揭秘

一个高清蓝光光盘(Blu-ray Disc)的标准的文件结构是一个文件夹下包含BDMV文件、srt字幕文件、CERTIFICATE目录文件三个文件。具体见下图:其中,srt是字幕文件,通常不同语言的命名代表不同语言的字幕,比如这里是中文字幕。BDWV 是核心的音频、视频、控制等资源文件,实际是个文件夹CERTIFICATE文件夹主要用于存储与蓝光光盘播放和内容保护相关的证书和元数据。

2024-12-18 13:58:55 1430

原创 Onchain 正在蚕食 Offchain

在 2022 年降温之后,在成熟的应用程序和可扩展的基础设施的推动下,链上经济进入了新的增长阶段。他们开发吸引用户并使其受益的产品和服务,随着用户群的扩大,它吸引了更多的开发者,建立了一个自我强化的循环,推动链上经济向前发展。过去两年,开发者生态系统和技术创新因资本的涌入而加速发展,2024 年第一季度出现小幅上涨,共吸引 603 笔交易,总金额达 24.9 亿美元,较上一季度增长 29%。越来越多的经济活动将转移到链上。这些进步正在扩展网络的功能,吸引越来越多的用户群,从而推动经济活动的增长。

2024-12-07 20:18:28 1111

原创 再谈多重签名与 MPC

尽管 MPC 技术在灵活性方面具有一些优势,并且一些底层解决方案(例如钱包即服务提供商)非常适合大规模引入大量用户(与用于管理大量加密资产的解决方案相比,安全性风险较小),但截至目前,MPC 解决方案还不完全适合成为保护大量资本的权威基础设施。:Multisig 技术已经经过多年的实战考验,Safe 是以太坊上最显著的例子,存储了 400 亿美元以上的资产,而 Squads 则是 Solana 上最大的团队所使用的。传统的加密钱包只有一个私钥,如果被盗,未经授权的人就可以访问和转移钱包中的资金。

2024-12-07 15:10:32 1272

原创 动态流程架构图绘制软件


2024-12-06 16:52:44 879

原创 Memcached 和 Redis 的比较

Redis 使用单线程的 IO 复用模型,自己封装了一个简单的 AeEvent 事件处理框架,主要实现了 epoll 、 kqueue 和 select ,对于单纯只有 IO 操作的请求来说,单线程可以将速度优势发挥到最大,但是 Redis 也提供了一些简单的计算功能,比如排序、聚合等,对于这些操作,单线程模型实际会严重影响整体吞吐量, CPU 计算过程中,整个 IO 调度都是被阻塞住的。Memcached 使用预分配的内存池的方式,使用 slab 和大小不同的 chunk 来管理内存。

2024-11-27 16:00:30 981

原创 RAG 与 HyDE

更具体地说,该模型使用对比学习进行训练,它还可以用作近无损压缩器,其任务是过滤掉虚假文档的幻觉细节。- 将假设答案 H、检索到的上下文 C 和查询 Q 传递给 LLM 以生成最终答案。这会产生一个向量嵌入,预计它与实际文档的嵌入的相似度要高于问题与真实文档的相似度。这个答案不必完全正确。传统 RAG 系统的一个关键问题是问题在语义上与答案不相似。多项研究表明,与传统嵌入模型相比,HyDE 提高了检索性能。下面的视觉效果说明了这种方法与传统 RAG 的不同之处。但这不会严重影响性能,因为检索器模型是嵌入的。

2024-11-26 21:09:35 395

原创 AI应用中基于okhttp3实现SSE技术的各种解决方案实现

SSE 是指 Server-Sent Events(服务器推送事件),是一种基于 HTTP 的、服务器向客户端单向推送数据的技术。它允许服务器实时发送数据到客户端,而不需要客户端明确地请求。SSE 主要用于实现服务器向客户端的实时更新,比如新闻更新、股票报价、实时监控等场景。SSE 的优点在于其简单性和易用性,特别适用于那些需要服务器向客户端实时推送信息的场景。虽然它与 WebSocket 相比有一些限制(比如单向通信),但对于一些应用场景而言,SSE 是一个简单而有效的选择。单向通信。

2024-11-20 14:33:55 622

原创 Netty实现WebSocket Client三种典型方式

【代码】Netty实现WebSocket Client三种典型方式。

2024-11-08 19:30:24 665

原创 Netty实现WebSocket Server是否开启压缩深度分析


2024-11-07 20:18:36 964

原创 单个Springboot服务到底能抗多大的并发?深度


2024-10-22 14:52:25 2022 2

原创 信创之国产操作系统

开放麒麟”(openKylin) 社区是在开源、自愿、平等和协作的基础上,由基础软硬件企业、非营利性组织、社团组织、高等院校、科研机构和个人开发者共同创立的一个开源社区,致力于通过开源、开放的社区合作,构建桌面操作系统开源社区,推动Linux开源技术及其软硬件生态繁荣发展。它是863计划重大攻关科研项目的一部分,旨在打破国外操作系统的垄断。华为鸿蒙HarmonyOS系统是面向万物互联的全场景分布式操作系统,支持手机、平板、智能穿戴、智慧屏等多种终端设备运行,提供应用开发、设备开发的一站式服务的平台。

2024-10-18 18:19:50 1499

原创 深析Springboot服务单机到底能抗多大的并发


2024-10-18 14:40:49 616

原创 Tomcat怎么调整参数以优化性能


2024-10-16 14:45:14 575

原创 配置中心Spring cloud config、Apollo、Nacos对比

目前在国内开发者社区比较热,在Github上有超过5k颗星,在国内众多互联网公司有落地案例,可以说Apollo是目前配置中心产品领域Number1的产品,其成熟度和企业级特性要远远强于Spring Cloud体系中的Spring Cloud Config产品。也许经过的迭代更久,功能上比Nacos更加完善,权限管理做的全面,配置上可能会做的更细节一些,不过操作比较繁琐,比较适合多业务 多团队的业务场景。Nacos内置监听心跳检测机制,每5秒、15秒、30秒对服务进行心跳探测,标注为健康、不健康、剔除;

2024-09-29 18:27:19 987

原创 什么是 Elasticsearch?一篇搞懂


2024-09-28 17:24:38 1436

A16Z 2022 加密报告.pdf

1. 总结、调研、分析了Layer 1、Layer 2、DeFi等 2.非常好的PPT模版


Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning CS224N/Ling284

1.The foundations of the effective modern methods for deep learning applied to NLP • Basics first: Word vectors, feed-forward networks, recurrent networks, attention • Then key methods used in NLP in 2024: transformers, encoder-decoder models, pretraining, post-training (RLHF, SFT), efficient adaptation, model interpretability, language model agents, etc. 2. A big picture understanding of human languages and the difficulties in understanding and producing them via computers 3. An understandin


RFC9220 - HTTP Datagrams and the Capsule Protocol

This document describes HTTP Datagrams, a convention for conveying multiplexed, potentially unreliable datagrams inside an HTTP connection. In HTTP/3, HTTP Datagrams can be sent unreliably using the QUIC DATAGRAM extension. When the QUIC DATAGRAM frame is unavailable or undesirable, HTTP Datagrams can be sent using the Capsule Protocol, which is a more general convention for conveying data in HTTP connections.


RFC9297 - Bootstrapping WebSockets with HTTP/3

The mechanism for running the WebSocket Protocol over a single stream of an HTTP/2 connection is equally applicable to HTTP/3, but the HTTP-version-specific details need to be specified. This document describes how the mechanism is adapted for HTTP/3.


RFC9114 - HTTP/3

The QUIC transport protocol has several features that are desirable in a transport for HTTP, such as stream multiplexing, per-stream flow control, and low-latency connection establishment. This document describes a mapping of HTTP semantics over QUIC. This document also identifies HTTP/2 features that are subsumed by QUIC and describes how HTTP/2 extensions can be ported to HTTP/3.


RFC9000 - QUIC: A UDP-Based Multiplexed and Secure Transport

This document defines the core of the QUIC transport protocol. QUIC provides applications with flow-controlled streams for structured communication, low-latency connection establishment, and network path migration. QUIC includes security measures that ensure confidentiality, integrity, and availability in a range of deployment circumstances. Accompanying documents describe the integration of TLS for key negotiation, loss detection, and an exemplary congestion control algorithm.


RFC8446 -The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3

Abstract This document specifies version 1.3 of the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol. TLS allows client/server applications to communicate over the Internet in a way that is designed to prevent eavesdropping, tampering, and message forgery. This document updates RFCs 5705 and 6066, and obsoletes RFCs 5077, 5246, and 6961. This document also specifies new requirements for TLS 1.2 implementations. Status of This Memo This is an Internet Standards Track document. This document is a product o



Storage parameter flexibility • Storage permanence • Redundancy persistence • Data transmission incentivization • Universality of storage tracking Filecoin’s tokenomics support growing the total network’s storage space. Crust’s tokenomics ensure hyper-redundancy with fast retrieval speeds. Sia is all about privacy Arweave is all about permanence Storj’s business model seems to heavily factor in their billing and payment approach. Swarm’s bonding curve model


Chainbase+Web3+APi+Data warehouse

1.Chain API Service:提供安全稳定的多链节点 JSONRPC 集群⽀持,轻松访问多链⽹络 2.Web3 API Service:⽀持多种协议索引,快速⽀持业务应⽤场景(如Token、NFT、DeFi、Domain...)数据查询 3.All-In-One Dashboard:通过⼀站式控制台完成创建、调试、监控和运维 Web3 应⽤程序



1.Substreams 是 The Graph Network 的数据服务世界中即将推出的服务之一,它允许您以毫秒级的延迟查询 Solana 历史数据和实时数据。 2.The Graph 是 Web3 的核心开发者工具及中间件,作为去中心化网络的索引查询层,对区块链数据进行结构化和分类,使用户可以轻松高效地对其进行检索。



1.Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays 2.由“中继器”传输的“笔记”和“其它东西 3.不依赖于任何可信任(trusted)的中心化服务器,因此具有“韧性/可迅 速恢复性”(resilient) 4.基于公钥密码学的“密钥和签名”原理,所以它防篡改 5.不需要依赖P2P技术就能运行


GO 中 Chan 实现原理分享

本文聚焦: 1.chan是什么 2.chan的底层数据结构 3.chan的读写基本流程 4.与sync的区别


storj dcs video use case

Video Storage & Streaming


Aurora - 去中心化的以太坊 Layer2

Aurora is a L2 Network





Poly Network 技术架构

To build the next generation internet



Present-day blockchain architectures all suffer from a number of issues not least practical means of extensibility and scalability. We believe this stems from tying two very important parts of the consensus architecture, namely canonicality and validity, too closely together. This paper introduces an architecture, the heterogeneous multi-chain, which fundamentally sets the two apart.


Security audit report for imtoken wallet

This security audit is a requested service authorized by the client. The service is mainly about application penetration testing which helps to find the vulnerabilities and threats of the target. All the penetration testing items are done by simulating the real world malicious attacks against the target, which mimics human hackers’ activities by manual penetration testing with automated tools.


Decentraland is a blockchain-based virtual world

Decentraland is a virtual reality platform powered by the Ethereum blockchain. Users can create, experience, and monetize content and applications. Land in Decentraland is permanently owned by the community, giving them full control over their creations. Users claim ownership of virtual land on a blockchain-based ledger of parcels. Landowners control what content is published to their portion of land, which is identified by a set of cartesian coordinates (x,y). Contents can range from static 3D


The Bitcoin Standard

The Bitcoin Standard Bitcoin的表演



力场的定位是一个以公链共建挖矿为核心的社区平台以及 UGC(用户生成贡 献)平台。力场的愿景是成为公链生态第一社区,无力场,不公链。 力场的使命是赋能公链生态,以(贡献)行为挖矿为切入点,形成公链、KOL、 用户、Dapp 共生、共建、共利的区块链用户社区。


A Novel Metastable Consensus Protocol Family for Cryptocurrencie

This paper introduces a new family of leaderless Byzantine fault tolerance protocols, built on a metastable mechanism. These protocols provide a strong probabilistic safety guarantee in the presence of Byzantine adversaries, while their concurrent nature enables them to achieve high throughput and scalability.


Measuring Ethereum Network Peers

Ethereum, the second-largest cryptocurrency valued at a peak of $138 billion in 2018, is a decentralized, Turing-complete computing platform. Although the stability and security of Ethereum—and blockchain systems in general—have been widely-studied, most analysis has focused on application level features of these systems such as cryptographic mining challenges, smart contract semantics, or block mining operators.


Firework Games White Paper

Firework Games will be the most advanced and forward-looking blockchain game platform. Our vision is to provide an open and inclusive diverse game world based on the pure blockchain technology, which will change the game industry in modern society. Everyone is freely allowed to create, to play and to enjoy his own role in the parallel world.


CS251 Final Exam 2021

You may use any (non-human) resource to answer the questions. You may not collaborate with others.


Generic Construction of Ring Signatures with Efficient

We introduce a novel generic ring signature construction, called DualRing, which can be built from several canonical identification schemes (such as Schnorr identification).DualRing differs from the classical ring signatures by its formation of two rings: a ring of commitments and a ring of challenges. It has a structural difference from the common ring signature approaches based on accumulators or zero-knowledge proofs of the signer index.


The Gridex Protocol

The Gridex Protocol is a permissionless and non-custodial trading protocol consisting of a set of persistent, non-upgradable smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike the current mainstream decentralized exchanges based on the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model, Gridex is based on order books. With our novel Grid Maker Order Book (GMOB) model, we have significantly reduced the resource consumption of running an order book based system, allowing us to deploy and run it on the Ethereum.


Efficient Zero-Knowledge Arguments for Arithmetic Circuits

We provide a zero-knowledge argument for arithmetic circuit satisfiability with a communication complexity that grows logarithmically in the size of the circuit. The round complexity is also logarithmic and for an arithmetic circuit with fan-in 2 gates the computation of the prover and verifier is linear in the size of the circuit. The soundness of our argument relies solely on the well-established discrete logarithm assumption in prime order groups.


KishuInu Whitepaper

$KISHU is an ERC20 token which started on the Ethereum blockchain April 17, 2021. The max supply is 100 quadrillion and one of its key functionalities is its decentralized usage rewards mechanism. For every active user transaction a 2% $KISHU reward is granted to holders’ decentralized wallets only, fostering a healthy distrubuted network and community usage. The more $KISHU is actively used, the more rewards are granted!


On the Instability of Bitcoin Without the Block Reward

Bitcoin provides two incentives for miners: block rewards and transaction fees. The former accounts for the vast majority of miner revenues at the beginning of the system, but it is expected to transition to the latter as the block rewards dwindle. There has been an implicit belief that whether miners are paid by block rewards or transaction fees does not affect the security of the block chain.


Shorter Proofs for Privacy-Enhanced Distributed Ledger

We present a new short zero-knowledge argument for the range proof and the arithmetic circuits without a trusted setup. In particular, the proof size of our protocol is the shortest of the category of proof systems with a trustless setup. More concretely, when proving a committed value is a positive integer less than 64 bits, except for negligible error in the 128-bit security parameter, the proof size is 576 byte long, which is of 85.7% size of the previous shortest one due to Bunzetal.


Attacking Threshold Wallets

Threshold wallets leverage threshold signature schemes (TSS) to distribute signing rights across multiple parties when issuing blockchain transactions. These provide greater assurance against insider fraud, and are sometimes seen as an alternative to methods using a trusted execution environment to issue the signature. This new class of applications motivated researchers to discover better protocols, entrepreneurs to create start-up companies, and large organizations to deploy TSS-based.


This paper provides an architectural overview of the Avalanche

Avalanche is a high-performance, scalable, customizable, and secure blockchain platform. It targets three broad use cases: 15 – Building application-specific blockchains, spanning permissioned (private) and permissionless (public) deployments. – Building and launching highly scalable and decentralized applications (Dapps). – Building arbitrarily complex digital assets with custom rules, covenants, and riders (smart assets).


Avalanche Native Token ($AVAX) Dynamics

This paper discusses the key implementation details, in particular the token economics (tokenomics), of the native token of the Avalanche platform, called 5 $AVAX. The native token secures the network, pays for fees, and provides the basic unit of account between the multiple blockchains deployed on the larger Avalanche network. For additional details on Avalanche, which serves as a versatile and universal platform, allowing anyone to launch new blockchains with their own rules, virtual machine


ZKSwap是一个基于 ZK-Rollup 的 Layer2 代币Swap协议

是一种基于 ZK-Rollup 技术的 Layer-2 AMM 去中心化交易协议 ZKSwap,在 Layer-2 上实现了 uniswap 的所有功能,在保证去中心化交易的核心 价值的同时,实现实时交易,把 Uniswap 的 TPS(每秒可以处理的交易数量) 提升了多个数量级,同时交易的过程几乎不需要消耗任何 Gas 费用。 ZKSwap 系统由链上智能合约,链下 ZKSwap Server,零知识证明系统和前端 用户界面组成。


ZEND White Paper

You agree that you are acquiring ZEND to participate in zkLend and to obtain services on the ecosystem thereon. The Company, the Distributor and their respective affiliates would develop and contribute to the underlying source code for zkLend. The Company is acting solely as an arms’ length third party in relation to the ZEND distribution, and not in the capacity as a financial advisor or fiduciary of any person with regard to the distribution of ZEND.


KZen Curv Security Audit

KZen Curv is a library written in Rust providing low-level elliptic curve cryptography functionalities (ECC), as well as higher-level protocols such as key-exchange, secret sharing, zero-knowledge, and multi-party computation. KZen Curv 是一个用 Rust 编写的库,提供低级椭圆曲线加密 功能 (ECC) 以及更高级别的协议,例如密钥交换、秘密 共享、零知识、多方计算。






元宇宙是与现实世界高度互通的虚拟世界,具有同步和拟真、开源和创 造、永续、闭环经济系统四大核心属性。元宇宙的兴起将伴随着 AR/VR、 云计算、AI、5G 等技术的进化,人类对虚拟世界的构建和发展将造就互 联网的终极形态——METAVERSE。随着 ROBLOX 上市受到追捧,元宇宙 正从概念走向现实,国内对标公司或如雨后春笋般出现,产业链发展值 得重视。


Code Assessment of Liquidations 2.0 Smart Contracts

First and foremost we would like to thank the Maker Foundation for giving us the opportunity to assess the current state of their Liquidations 2.0 system. This document outlines the findings, limitations, and methodology of our assessment. Initially, our code assessment resulted in a number of findings regarding security and correctness. After the submission of the intermediate reports all findings have been resolved. These have been marked accordingly and can be found in the Resolved Findings s



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