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原创 网络管理协议及其演进

NM Protocols and Paradigm Shift in Network Management 网络管理协议及其演进 NM Protocols started with Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) in 1988. The protocol was meant to handle Internet Protocol (IP) ba

2006-01-03 23:16:00 2321

原创 军事通信专网--MGE

军事通信专网研究Marconi 公司的MGEMGE即MilitaryGrade Enterprise.它特点1  安全!    可靠:     灵活&    适应号称是国土安全的理想选择o The MGE enables communication of disparate systems, elements and applications involving voice, video and

2006-01-03 23:09:00 3188





该系统是利用手机进出特定小区需与交换机交换位置信息的特性,采 用高集成度信令采集设备采集相关数据,实现在特定区域、特定时间对特 定用户群发送特定短信的个性化服务系统。 该系统具有安全性好、业务开展快、效益高和业务模块扩展性强等特 点。在目前具有极好的市场前景。



目前社交网站的缺陷在哪里?Google Me 会依据现实生活的社交网络构成进行搭 建吗?请看 Google UX 研究员眼中的社交网络。


Drupal 7专业开发

深入讨论Drupal核心知识,建立模块及优化性能,安全性等等,是Drupal开发人员的首选教程。 作者: Todd Tomlinson、John K. VanDyk 发行日期: 2010年10月


Drupal 7模块开发



Pearson Education,.Managing Yourself - Coach Yourself To Optimum Emotional Intelligence

'People skills' are now recognised as being THE single most important factor for success in business. Managing Yourself is a practical, easily absorbed and implemented guide to the assessment and then continuous personal improvement of your emotional intelligence. It provides the reader with easily understood and workable models of how they think, feel, relate to others and perform in the workplace. Often your emotions hold you back or deflect you off course. This book shows you how to master your emotions and get the results you deserve. Discovering how your unconscious and invisible maps significantly influence your emotional intelligence and the results you get in life, then provides the basis for highlighting areas to change. The book then provides a range of self-coaching techniques to adjust your maps where needed - and shift your interactions with others to be more effective and more productive. Unlike many other EI related books, Managing Yourself explores key elements of emotional intelligence using popular culture (sport, TV, cinema & music) making it much more readily absorbed. Additionally, the book provides a whole series of self-assessment/self-understanding exercises giving the reader a clear idea from the outset where they stand on EI your strengths and weaknesses, before providing very specific techniques for change. The outcome is workable accelerated plans that will improve your emotional intelligence and your business results. - Gain personal insight. - Identify poor quality thinking maps. - Learn how to monitor progress and measure improvements. Contents Managing Yourself What is EI? EI and the results you get Can you boost your EI? Dead Horses and Old Maps Old Maps Dead Horses A Room Without Chairs A Model of You Quadrant II Creating New Worlds Activities Where are you now? Johari World is a Circle Relax Knowing Me It’s a Wonderful Life Tooth Fairies I am : Therefore I think How do you Feel? As time goes by Activities Where are you now? Time logs Personal diaries What do you believe? Knowing You What is Empathy : Spock Vs Bones Non-verbal Radar PONS Reading people is easy – sometimes Activities Where are you now? Silent Movies Feelings 1% solution Step Forward Julie Andrews The Yale Experience A simple lesson from great therapists Advice to Julie Andrews Beware Doris Day The Power of Purpose ; Lorenzo’s Oil Activities Where are you now? Values Purpose Goals Milestones and actions Affirmations The 7% Solution Levels of Communication Creating Rapport Words Deeper And Deeper Integrity and Trust : You Can’t Fake It Activities Where are you now? Levels of Communication Trust Balance Sheet Magical Feelings Spock Vs Kirk Einstein’s Insight What do CEO’s Really Feel? Uses of Intuition Trusting Your Hunches Activities How am I Doing? Developing your sixth sense Noticing your signals Mindfulness Catching Monkeys and Empty Car Parks Change is Constant Chaos and Waves of Change Catching Monkeys and Empty Car parks Innovate Vs Adapt Killing Creativity Activities How am I Doing? Breaking habits Scamper Future Perfect Brainstorming Wise Council Marshmallows and Mental Toughness Who is Driving your Bus? Why Two Marshmallows are Good for You Getting Mentally Tough Which Emotions get Results : the McEnroe Paradox Activities Where are you Now? Distract Dispute Detach New Endings Just Do It Do This and Your Life gets Better Take Action



介绍了最短路径分析,给出了最短路径搜索例子; 介绍了启发式搜索及其算法;给出算法实现最短路径搜索的程序代码; 最后介绍了最小生成树。



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