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原创 Sharepoint 2013-Error occurred in deployment step ‘Add Solution’

ErrorError occurred in deployment step ‘Add Solution’: A feature with ID *************************** has already been installed in this farm.  Use the force attribute to explicitly re-install the fe

2013-07-29 12:17:21 1765

原创 This solution contains no resources scoped for a Web application and cannot be deployed to a .....

Today when i use PowerShell to run Install-SPSolution:Install-SPSolution –Identity MySolution.wsp -AllWebApplications -GACDeploymentfor deploying one solution, it occures the following messa

2013-07-25 17:33:59 1987

原创 How to see the Master Page option Under Look and Feel in site settings?

For Sharepoint 2010 & SharePoint 2013, if you want to change the exisiting master page or you want to customize the Master Page, then you have to set in the following setting:Master page (http://...

2013-07-25 17:19:11 1197

原创 Sharepoint 2013-A file specified in the modules section of this template already exists.

Recently, i did sharepoint skin by using feature. I Ran into an issue where I was only able to activate my feature only once after deployment. When I deactivate the feature and then try to activate th

2013-07-25 16:58:06 2318

原创 Sharepoint 2013-A feature with ID has already been installed in this farm

Error : Error occurred in deployment step‘Add Solution’: A feature with ID 0f95d342-22b6-4638-8c9f-3eb2ab720eed has already been installed in this farm.  Use the force attribute toexplicitly re-inst

2013-07-25 16:47:05 1726

原创 Error:Your step-into request resulted in an automatic step-over of a property or operator.

解决方法:Tools->Options->Debugging->General> uncheck the option 'Step over properties and operators'

2012-05-09 14:14:31 3564

原创 GoogleMap API Javascript 订单跟踪

需求:网购客户已经成功下单,网上商店已将包裹通过快递公司发货,并将快递单号发给客户。客户可以从相应的快递公司上查看自己的包裹到了哪里,此时同时要求查看google map上跟踪的状态。解决方案:客户在网上商店的链接上能查看到自己的订单,是通过webservice来与快递公司通信。下面是将已知Locations的经纬度用google map api在地图上标记出来。如下图所示

2012-03-26 17:45:39 1602

转载 Google Map开发系列(四)——使用JavaScript创建地图步骤详解

一段经过精简的代码:         var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("mapContainer"));     map.setCenter(new GLatLng(33.0, 106.0), 3);新建一个空白的文本文件,把上面这段代码copy过去,不要改变代码的任何顺序,然后把这个文本文件保存为html

2012-03-22 11:51:33 630

转载 Google Map开发系列(三)——加载谷歌地图API的URL详细解读

谷歌地图的API类库是通过script标签导入的,形式如下:      http://ditu.google.com/maps?file=api&hl=zh-CN&v=2&key=abcdefg" type="text/javascript">    我们使用API的时候关心的就是这个script的src属性了,这个属性也就两个部分:路径:http://ditu.google.com/ma

2012-03-22 11:50:26 924

转载 Google Map开发系列(二)——使用谷歌地图API应该有所了解的一些技术外背景

这些内容,常用谷歌地图的应该也都知道,我也只写我知道的,了解这些对使用API还是有帮助的。    1 、 谷歌地图主页    谷歌地图对应不同的地区都会有一些专门的主页,首次登陆时会显示这些地区,比如,香港的:http://maps.google.com.hk ,台湾的:http://maps.google.com.tw ,日本的:http://maps.google.co.jp

2012-03-22 11:49:03 809

转载 Google Map开发系列(一)——谷歌地图API密钥(API Key)的解读和使用技巧

好了,通過前一篇的介紹,大家對Google Map都有所瞭解了吧。不過還得一步步的來。先瞭解API Key吧。所谓API密钥(API Key),其实就是一个字符串,在使用script标签导入API类库的时候作为请求参数传给谷歌的地图服务器,形式就是:        我的API Key是:ABQIAAAAMWyR7XvYN8KE9N6m_jcU4BRlfWJrPzRGiYSzS4l55_z1

2012-03-22 11:48:11 1636

转载 Google Map开发系列——寫在前面的

Google Maps API是Google自己推出编程API,可以让全世界对Google Maps有兴趣的程序设计师自行开发基于Google Maps的服务,建立自己的地图网站。以下是我在Google Maps API开发过程中找到的一些API的编程资源,包括中文文档,中文说明,示例等等,希望对Google Maps编程感兴趣的程序员有所帮助。  中文资料部分 (包括中文的文档说明等,以下的

2012-03-22 11:47:19 625

原创 移动表字段顺序,更改字段的属性

想要移动已建立的表的字段顺序,If you want to modify a table property through the UI which requires a table recreation, then you need to change the following options in Management Studio:Tools ->Options-> Designe

2012-03-12 17:20:12 1101

原创 HOW TO: FIX ERROR - "the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"

在导入Excel数据表时,程序抛出异常:"the 'microsoft.ace.oledb.12.0' provider is not registered on the local machine"。如何解决呢? try installing this first: http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=

2012-03-08 14:25:15 1717

原创 MVVM : MouseDoubleClick of Listbox

xaml:添加引用xmlns:i="http://schemas.microsoft.com/expression/2010/interactivity"添加控件                                        ScrollViewer.VerticalScrollBarVisibility="Auto"

2012-03-05 12:21:15 1321

原创 MVVM :How to select multiple items in listbox

接触MVVM模式已经有两个月了,关于V-VM这两部分比较好处理,就是那个可恶的Model部分难搞。追根究底,控件的使用不太好办啊。这次遇见“如何在listbox上多项选择,双击添加进另一个listbox”。(1) View:添加引用xmlns:vm="clr-namespace:Project.ViewModel;assembly=Project.ViewModel"添加控件

2012-03-05 11:52:14 1238

原创 Sharepoint2010-the scrollbar disappears in chrome and other browsers

The website of Sharepoint 2010 disappears in chrome and other browsers, it will show untill you refresh the page. how to fix it???

2011-12-01 17:20:58 518

原创 < telerik:GridEditCommandColumn/> and <telerik:GridButtonColumn> imagebutton hover

When i change the styles for Telerik, i want the imagebutton used in and   display different image when mouse hover it. i didn't know where is a property that i can set to show an alternative image

2011-11-24 18:33:44 2244

原创 error connecting to undo manager of source file

i think this is some problem with VS, Solutions:1. remove this page2. add this page again3. rebuildfixed

2011-11-16 11:00:23 626

原创 How to rotate an image with CSS under different browser

How to rotate an image with CSS under different browser

2011-11-08 17:33:50 550

原创 数据库连接字符串有什么区别?

data source=;initial catalog=;uid=;pwd=;SERVER=;DATABASE=;UID=;PWD=;

2011-11-01 18:48:34 572

原创 system.runtime.interopservices.sehexception external component has thrown an exception

system.runtime.interopservices.SEHexception :external component has thrown an exception

2011-11-01 10:16:59 7407 1

原创 unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPsite' to type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb'

ERROR:unable to cast object of type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPsite' to type 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb' during deploy MOSS 2010 solution 原因:程序中有涉及到spweb的引用,注释掉就可以了。如果是想发布到web上,将下面的scope设置为web

2011-10-26 14:32:53 813

原创 SharePoint 2010 suddenly occures: 404 - File or directory not found

问题描述:404 - File or directory not found.The resource you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable.这个问题在平时发布网站时经常出现,可是sharepoint的机制却有所不同。在它所安装的l

2011-10-21 17:42:48 4176

原创 Custom Mater Page with MOSS

1. 按照http://www.thesharepointblog.net/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=815f255a-d0ef-4258-be2a-28487dc9975c&ID=42http://sharepointchick.com/archive/2010/03/26/deploying-a-custom-master-page-in-sharepo

2011-10-21 17:31:40 627

原创 Could not load file or assembly "xxx" or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file sp

Exception: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.web.Interfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.原因:

2011-10-19 11:48:43 1235

原创 How-to-design-and-deploy-a-new-master-page-for-sharepoint-2010

This article explains how to create a newmaster page with a custom stylesheet and some custom images.  We do this with the following steps:

2011-10-18 10:37:42 1072

原创 How to synhronize source files with Visual Studio for team work

Not only will the control system track changes you make to files version by version, but it will also let you work with other team members a

2011-10-14 17:42:50 916

原创 How to run Visual Studio 2010 as administrator- by default

Sometimes, we need to develop with running VS 2010 as administrator, you can make this behaviour automatic by setting the following steps.

2011-10-14 17:18:52 657

原创 Css代码标准规范-注释

1. 对代码进行注释添加结构性注释,在创建的样式表时,第一件事是在开头添加一个注释块, 描述这个样式表的用途,创建日期或版本号,创建者以及如何与创建者联系:/*--------------------------------------------------------

2011-10-13 17:28:30 666

原创 sharepoint 2010:如何修改search box的样式

方法一,使用jQuery修改search box的icon1.sharepoint 2010的master page上,search box是使用DelegateControl来生成的,                   实际上是:2

2011-09-28 14:07:02 1270

转载 Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007与Windows SharePoint Services 3.0的区别(WSS V3和MOSS2007的区别 )

Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007 :用于信息管理的 Microsoft Office 服务器集成套件,简称为:MOSS2007;Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 : WSS是一种通用方法,各种规模的组

2011-09-28 13:45:16 1081

原创 Sharepoint 2010:如何在Master page引用jQuery

1. 以管理员的身份登录网站,进入Site Actions>Site settings>Site Adimistration>Site libraries and lists>Customize "Style Library",找到存放js的url,在浏览器上打开。2

2011-09-28 13:37:11 1672

原创 Sharepoint 2010:如何定制Master page精华帖整合

最近要对Sharepoint 2010改变样式和母版页,在网上花了很多时间搜集资料研究,多是国外网站:http://www.thesharepointblog.net/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?List=815f255a-d0ef-4258-be2a-284

2011-09-27 18:18:01 907

原创 浏览器快捷键

页面放大:ctrl + 加号   或者 ctrl + 鼠标滑轮上划;页面缩小:ctrl + 减号   或者 ctrl + 鼠标滑轮下划;页面恢复:ctrl + 零

2011-09-21 12:07:44 418

转载 WIN7 快捷键

一、功能型快捷键 F1:显示帮助窗口 F2:更改当前选择项的名称 F3:打开高级搜索窗口 F4:在资源管理器或IE中显示地址栏下拉菜单 F5:刷新当前活动窗口或桌面 F6:在当前活动窗口的各个区块之间切换 F10;显示当前窗口的菜单项并用下划线标注快捷键首选字母 F11:在资源管理器及IE中切换全屏显示 Shift+F10:打开当前选择项的“内容菜单(通常是右键菜单)二、WIN键快捷键 W

2011-06-22 12:26:00 342

转载 WIN7 快捷键

一、功能型快捷键 F1:显示帮助窗口 F2:更改当前选择项的名称 F3:打开高级搜索窗口 F4:在资源管理器或IE中显示地址栏下拉菜单 F5:刷新当前活动窗口或桌面 F6:在当前活动窗口的各个区块之间切换 F10;显示当前窗口的菜单项并用下划线标注快捷键首选字母 F11:在资源管理器及IE中切换全屏显示 Shift+F10:打开当前选择项的“内容菜单(通常是右键菜单)二、WIN键快捷键 W

2011-06-22 12:26:00 578

转载 win7中的快捷键

一、功能型快捷键 F1:显示帮助窗口 F2:更改当前选择项的名称 F3:打开高级搜索窗口 F4:在资源管理器或IE中显示地址栏下拉菜单 F5:刷新当前活动窗口或桌面 F6:在当前活动窗口的各个区块之间切换 F10;显示当前窗口的菜单项并用下划线标注快捷键首选字母 F11:在资源管理器及IE中切换全屏显示 Shift+F10:打开当前选择项的“内容菜单(通常是右键菜单)二、WIN键快捷键 Win:打开/关闭开始菜单 Win + Pause/Break:打开系统“属性”窗口 Win + B:将当前焦点移动到任务

2011-05-20 10:02:00 1371 1

原创 常用的html 特殊字符表示

<br />HTML原代码      显示结果 <br /><                  <  <br />>                 >  <br />&             &<br />"             "

2011-05-05 16:35:00 861

原创 WIN7 进程解释汇总

<br />【audiodg.exe】是Windows操作系统中控制音频的一个程序,此程序相关开发厂家Microsoft,属于Windows音频设备图形隔离程序,属系统进程,audiodg.exe进程的中文名字是Windows音频设备管理程序,程序具体位置在Windows操作系统C:/windows/audiodg.exe目录下<br /> <br />【avp.exe】是卡巴斯基杀毒软件的相关程序<br /> <br />【BCMWLTRY.EXE】是Broadcom公司无线网络相关软件<br /> <b

2011-05-05 12:10:00 4460


jQuery 设计风格,供大家学习使用。有关于jQuery核心函数,对象访问,插件机制,多库共享等



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