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原创 2012年下半年信息系统项目管理师考试通过啦!

2013-01-24 11:04:42 1348

原创 软考-信息系统项目管理师-考试记录

高项考完了,情况很不乐观,决定写篇日志记录一下,来祭奠我近来的努力(虽说很不努力) 软考高项分三科:客观题(上午,150分钟)、案例分析和论文(下午,90分钟/120分钟),每科75分,三科均45分以上算过 客观题为75个单选空,一个1分,这个与其说是蒙,不如说是平时的积累,看书真的意义不太大。今年考的法律法规和规范偏多,都是死的题,但是我没有看或者说记住那么多。这里说一下,关于法

2012-05-26 19:09:20 2930 3

原创 Life Record

It is another year now, 2012.Record of 2011:Work: After came back from MS in BJ, I, with my team, started the UIP 2nd project based on the 1st one. It is really a difficult time for we were short

2012-04-06 15:56:46 1936 3

原创 Gossip

It is a long time since I came back from BJ MS and wrote last post. A few times I wanted to write sth. but when open the page I lost my view of what to write. (In fact, I am too lazy.) The por

2011-08-18 17:25:22 1204

原创 Custom Search Result Style Based On SharePoint Xslt Search Result Style

To make short of the matter. There are enough comments for the default xslt. We can also learn more from the parameter names. But first you need to learn the xslt grammar such as select value, t

2011-03-31 00:37:00 1439 2

原创 Two weeks in Microsoft

I've been working in Microsoft in these two weeks for a POC of Knowledge Management feature with SP2010 for China Mobile.What impresses me most is that Microsoft's environment is wonderful, flexib

2011-03-31 00:18:00 1384

原创 Super Drag BHO for IE9 (C#)

<br />A nab of mine wants a IE9 BHO with superdrag.<br /> <br />The purpose of writing this article is just for a record. Though it is easy, the process of studing on it is not easy, which took me more one night to search related information. Also, the mom

2011-03-26 01:06:00 2302

原创 Lose sharepoint site (forms-auth) administration rights

When you deploy a forms-auth site to sharepoint. Usually you have two web applications with one forms-auth and one windows-auth.      If you have changed the "Alternate access mappings" to your wind

2010-12-12 11:52:00 1220

转载 在Win7中安装程序集到GAC

微软为提高系统安全,自Vista推出后,在Windows系统中加入了一个新的东东——UAC(User Account Control),这样一个新的技术使得许多操作都受到了约束,尤其是对系统设置、文件的修改,Win7作为一个衍生品,也受到了UAC的保护。      在.NET项目开发中,针对一些类库项目或用户控件项目,当程序开发完成后,有时需要将开发的程序集,安装部署到GAC(Global A

2010-12-11 11:17:00 1812 1

翻译 Error in Site Data WebService while crawling

最近我在尝试跟踪一个MOSS2007中SSP的问题。错误信息是:"Error in the Site Data Web Service",在URL为/ssp/admin/content">http:///ssp/admin/content的位置。在查看Log之后我发现有个调用错误:GetWebDefaultPage。通过用SharePoint Designer打开这个content网站,发现没

2010-12-08 20:26:00 1321

原创 ListViewWebPart query issue while paging

If we change a ListView WebPart's query to implement search while paging, we may get the wrong result.Use javascript function like this when execute query can solve the problem.function FilteResul

2010-12-06 22:43:00 1692 1

原创 刷新共享对象管理器缓存时发生意外错误。System.InvalidOperationException:超时时间已到。超时时间已到,但是尚未从池中获取连接。出现这种情况可能是因为所有池连接均在使用,并

We may face this problem when in our sharepoint publishing site, we may face the error.刷新共享对象管理器缓存时发生意外错误。System.InvalidOperationException:超时时间已到。超时时间已到,但是尚未从池中获取连接。出现这种情况可能是因为所有池连接均在使用,并且达到了最大...

2010-12-03 11:28:00 4620

原创 Override the list view web part menu

Sometime we need to customize the menu of a list view web part to implement our own feature.For example, dynamically change the script of new menu, update menu, etc.What we shall do is to get the

2010-11-10 15:32:00 1514

转载 SharePoint随笔

关于SharePoint在企业信息化中的作用。1、稍微了解一点Sharepoint的领导 都会认为SharePoint开发很快,总是希望用一些文档库、简单的几个表单或是搜索来解决它们的问题,总是把“这个应用很简单”放在嘴边。但是其实还差得很远。2、感觉SharePoint上的应用很分散,这种极度低耦合的平台在内地很不好推。中国人比较喜欢有实在功能的东西。不像国外,普通用户的使用水平也很

2010-10-15 13:55:00 2149

原创 The Web application at could not be found. 特殊情况的错误原因

The Web application at  could not be found. Verify that you have typed the URL correctly. If the URL should be serving existing content, the system administrator may need to add a new request URL mapp

2010-08-30 17:40:00 2488

原创 QuickFlow体验

QuickFlow Introduction:A simple and powerfull workflow engine on SharePoint.It provider a flowchart flowcontainer to make the development of complex sharepoint workflow more easy.It's based on W

2010-08-13 17:36:00 1743

转载 Sharepoint 2010 Form 身份认证的实现(基于AD)

写之前,我发下感慨,我为了弄这个from认证花费了4天时间,而且每天都熬夜2点才睡觉,最后还是在和 foley 讨论下才真正成功实现了,这里form认证和2007不一样,它的用户是存在AD里面的,所以需要域服务器,外国的文章和MSND上也只提供了这种方式,现在我也没法实现2007那种SQL数据库保存用户的方法,因为在登录的时候会爆一个很BT得错误(经过多方努力,终于找到文档实现SQL保存用户了),...

2010-08-06 16:54:00 10177 3

转载 Sharepoint 2010 Form 身份认证的实现(基于SQL)

废话不说了,我们来看看怎么实现的吧:1:创建一个基于身份认证的应用程序(具体参见上篇基于AD)Office 365知识库彩蛋SQL-MembershipProvider 成员SQL-RoleManager 角色2:修改管理中心,我们创建的应用程序,还有Web服务里面的SecurityTokenServiceApplication 这个3个地...

2010-08-06 16:49:00 5444 3

翻译 SharePoint on Windows Server 2008 R2 - "用Windows资源管理器打开”失败

前提是你已经成功将SharePoint安装到了WindowsServer 2008 R2上。你已经创建了一个Web应用程序和一个网站集,我们假设是工作组网站并已经启动。首先我来描述一下我的环境:WSS 3.0 SP2 Windows Server 2008 R2. Yes, it’s 64-bit edition, it’s the only option SQL Server 20...

2010-07-27 16:19:00 7151

原创 面试经历_记回沈阳两个月稳定过渡期

沈阳东软医疗沈阳就东软最有名,东软医疗MS是从东软中独立出来成立子公司的部门,和飞利浦不同。在大连的时候面的,去的一个四星级的酒店(出差待遇也太好了= =),进去先做笔试题,1个半小时时间,是自己的题目,这点我比较认可,题目比较基础,涉及到CLR等概念, WPF,WCF的概念,继承抽象,简单程序输出等。答完后填了一张登记表,去里面的房间面试,面试官好像不是搞技术的,资深人力经理吧好像是...

2010-07-07 12:43:00 7348 6

原创 Embeding Video Players in web pages Summary

1. Windows Media Player   2. Real Player 3. Flash Player

2010-06-03 19:25:00 2535 1

转载 Key Software Development Trends

More than ever before, today’s developers are open to considering and using multiple technologies to enable them to build solutions smoothly and deliver them to their customers quickly. There are

2010-03-08 11:54:00 1429 1

Customizing Components using Templates demo

Customizing Components using Templates demo for Microsoft Graph Toolkit courses.





Extract InfoPath Forms Data To Excel Using The .NET Client Object Model

For lhqdyy9 Extract InfoPath Forms Data To Excel Using The .NET Client Object Model


oit2013 model sharepoint search architecture

In SharePoint 2013 the best of two Search Engines “SharePoint Search” and “FAST Search Server for SharePoint” was combined to make one Search Engine that would provide greater redundancy and for better scalability.



本书作者近距离地采访了与Facebook相关的人士,其中包括Facebook的创始人、员工、投资人、意向投资人以及合作伙伴,加起来超过了130人。这是真切详实的访谈,更是超级精彩的故事。作者以其细腻的笔触,精巧的叙事结构,解密了Facebook如何从哈佛的宿舍里萌发,创始人的内讧,权力之争,如何放弃华盛顿邮报的投资,怎样争取到第一个广告客户,而第一轮融资又如何获得一亿美元的估值,让人痴迷的图片产品如何上线,面对Twitter的竞争,与Google的世纪之争……一个创办仅7年,就拥有5亿活跃用户,年收入超过5亿美元,估值超过200亿美元的传奇企业再加上一个年仅26岁的的“娃娃CEO”,在你面前“裸奔”。激情澎湃的创业精神,智慧传奇的融资经历,一个聚合世界的社交帝国向你彻底开放,你还等什么? 转自皮皮书屋 http://www.ppurl.com


SharePoint Solutions Deployment-PowerShell

1 Key Deploy SharePoint Solutions



在花花微博上看到的,有点儿意思 图解了一些常用操作,看看总会有帮助的


Inside SharePoint 2010

SharePoint 2010 技术内幕 随书源码


SharePoint 2010 101 Code Samples

SharePoint 2010 101 Code Samples


SharePoint 2010 Forms Authentication Using Custom Membership and Role Providers

SharePoint 2010 Forms Authentication Using Custom Membership and Role Providers


Learning Microsoft's Business Collaboration Platform

Learning Microsoft's Business Collaboration Platform


Building the SharePoint User Experience

Building the SharePoint User Experience


SharePoint 2007 and Office Development Expert Solutions



Pro SharePoint Solution Development_Combining .NET, SharePoint and Office 2007




供广大朋友参考 呵呵



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