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原创 好的Java资源

<br />JSR: http://www.jcp.org/en/home/index

2011-04-26 11:09:00 367

原创 Android development mirror site in China.

<br />http://androidappdocs.appspot.com/index.html<br />http://android.yyable.com/offline.html<br />http://xiaogui.org/android/docs/sdk/android-3.0.html<br />http://1doc.info/docs/sdk/android-3.0.html<br />http://www.ideasandroid.com/android/sdk/docs/<br /

2011-04-25 15:37:00 4364 1

原创 优秀的Android学习资源


2011-04-25 12:01:00 471

转载 Android 安全机制

1 Android 安全机制概述Android 是一个权限分离的系统 。 这是利用 Linux 已有的权限管理机制,通过为每一个 Application 分配不同的 uid 和 gid , 从而使得不同的 Application 之间的私有数据和访问( native 以及 java 层通过这种 sandbox 机制,都可以)达到隔离的目的 。 与此 同时, Android 还 在此基础上进

2014-11-05 15:48:59 515

转载 Activity的taskAffinity属性

http://yelinsen.iteye.com/blog/1122547Activity的taskAffinity属性博客分类: Android资讯Activity的归属,也就是Activity应该在哪个Task中,Activity与Task的吸附关系。我们知道,一般情况下在同一个应用中,启动的Activity都在同一个Task中,它们在该Task中

2014-11-04 16:04:57 545

转载 Android应用性能优化之使用SparseArray替代HashMap

Android应用性能优化之使用SparseArray替代HashMap柳志超博客 » Program » Andriod » Android应用性能优化之使用SparseArray替代HashMapposted in Andriod on 2012/10/23 by liuzcHashMap是java里比较常用的一个集合类,我比较习惯用来缓存一些处理后的结果。最近在做一个An

2014-11-04 15:58:34 614

原创 ubuntu 14.04 dev environment set up

1. Download android sdk2. apt-get install

2014-11-04 15:17:12 1214

转载 Java中的类,成员变量的值,在声明的时候直接赋值与在构造函数中再赋值,这个是无所谓的,还是有什么规矩?

当然有规矩,在多态情况下,这2种赋值方法尤其需要注意。比如类Demo有个Map类型成员变量,如果直接赋值,那么就必须要指定这个Map是何种Map,而通过构造函数赋值,这个就不确定了,有可能是各种Map的实现。所以,通过构造函数与set方法赋值,能够使程序更加的灵活,也能够体现多态的面向对象的特征。那么什么情况下直接赋值比较好呢?我建议一些不会变化(比如常量 )或者明确指定实现的依赖,比如记录日

2014-08-14 15:39:10 3917

原创 Android service tip!

1. Service is running main application thread, same as the UI thread, startService or bindService will not create a new thread, so if there are some long time work in service, service should create a

2012-05-02 10:39:58 544

转载 Android Application Task Activities的关系

http://www.cnblogs.com/ghj1976/archive/2011/04/28/2031586.htmlAndroid Application Task Activities的关系Posted on 2011-04-29 09:26 蝈蝈俊 阅读(2297) 评论(0) 编辑 收藏 什么是Android  Application?

2011-11-23 21:49:38 343

转载 Android的进程,线程模型

http://www.cnblogs.com/ghj1976/archive/2011/04/28/2031586.htmlAndroid的进程,线程模型Posted on 2011-04-28 12:18 蝈蝈俊 阅读(3024) 评论(1) 编辑 收藏 Android 包括一个应用程序框架、几个应用程序库和一个基于 Dalvik 虚拟机的运行时,所有

2011-11-23 21:48:43 370

转载 区分Activity的四种加载模式


2011-11-23 21:47:26 307

转载 Android four load mode. Safe

原文链接: http://unknownerror.net/2011-05/android-four-load-mode-safe-7929Suggest first read the following two articles, such ability can better understand the safe load mode:Android process, th

2011-11-23 19:36:48 1156

转载 How to discover memory usage of my application in Android

Question:would like to know how I can find the memory used on my Android application, programmatically.I hope there is a way to do it. Plus I would like to understand how to get the free memory of

2011-11-23 16:10:04 581

转载 Android程序完全退出的三种方法

Android程序完全退出的三种方法2010-06-12 15:46转自http://tonyyu.javaeye.com/blog/689683很多网友可能发现自己的Android程序有很多Activity,比如说主窗口A,调用了子窗口B,在B中如何关闭整个Android应用程序呢? 这里Android123给大家三种比较简单的方法实现。  首先要说明在B中直接使用finis

2011-11-23 11:14:41 410

转载 Browsing Android Source in Eclipse

http://stuffthathappens.com/blog/2008/11/01/browsing-android-source-in-eclipse/Google’s Android SDK includesandroid.jar, which contains the Android public API class files. They also provide

2011-11-19 18:49:40 582

转载 Android - what's the difference between the various methods to get a Context?

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1026973/android-whats-the-difference-between-the-various-methods-to-get-a-contextQ:In various bits of Android code I've seen: public class MyActivity ext

2011-11-15 16:38:21 327

转载 JDK泛型中的问号(?)的用途 (泛型集合类的作为参数的时候的继承问题)

http://www.blogjava.net/dreamstone/archive/2007/02/10/99195.htmlJdk1.5中支持了泛型,在泛型的使用过程中经常会遇到这样一类问题类Parentpublic class Parent { //your code}类Childpublic class Child extends Par

2011-11-15 12:04:21 603

原创 UI常用的颜色


2011-11-15 12:00:48 537

转载 Avoiding memory leaks

http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2009/01/avoiding-memory-leaks.htmlAvoiding memory leaksPosted by Romain Guy on 19 January 2009at10:09 PMAndroid applications are, at least on the

2011-11-01 11:45:28 516

转载 Whats the difference between Thread.setPriority() and android.os.Process.setThreadPriority()

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5198518/whats-the-difference-between-thread-setpriority-and-android-os-process-setthreQuestion:So if I have code like:Runnable r = ...;Thread  thre

2011-11-01 11:42:30 2815

转载 動態連接器(rtld)提供符號的動態連接,裝載共享objects和解析標號的引用。

http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/chimei-015/article?mid=309&prev=330&l=f&fid=36每個object要想使它對其他的ELF文件可用,就要用到符號表(symbol table)中 symbol entry.事實上,一個symbol entry 是個symbol結構,它描述了這個 symbol的名字和該symbol的va

2011-11-01 11:27:00 946

转载 Android Memory Usage

http://elinux.org/Android_Memory_UsageAndroid Memory UsageFrom eLinux.orgJump to: navigation, searchThe memory of an Android sys

2011-09-07 10:43:27 2019

转载 Android自带的一些可用于Activity的Theme

http://kurtchen.com/blog/2010/03/10/android-theme/在 AndroidMenifest.xml 中定义 Activity 的时候我们可以使用 android:theme 来设置 Activity 的主题,比如:?

2011-09-07 10:28:52 696

转载 how to completely get rid of an activity's GUI (avoid a black screen)

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4551868/how-to-completely-get-rid-of-an-activitys-gui-avoid-a-black-screenQuestion:I'm trying t

2011-09-07 10:25:45 560

转载 Share Link - Perform action in background

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2487281/share-link-perform-action-in-backgroundQuestion:I have an application that will accept

2011-09-07 10:23:11 508

转载 Using the Android Application class to persist data

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4208886/using-the-android-application-class-to-persist-dataQuestion:I'm working on a fairly complex

2011-09-07 10:17:04 423

转载 Measure data roaming traffic on Android?

Question:Just back from a very nice vacation in Iceland, and await the data roaming bill from my phone company. I hope for the best havi

2011-09-07 10:14:13 1140

转载 Android Application Class Lifecycle

Question:The android app I am working on overrides the Application class to store lightweight state (username, gps location, etc) in s

2011-09-07 10:10:26 912

转载 Android上的流量监控思路

http://www.kernelchina.org/?q=node/565Android上的流量监控思路Submitted by appleleaf on Thu, 2011-01-06 10:59技术看点看了一下linux提供的AP

2011-09-07 10:08:17 1953 1

转载 C通过JNI调用JAVA——创建Object数组参数

http://wind6266.blog.163.com/blog/static/6710907201112424521713/C通过JNI调用JAVA——创建Object数组参数  2011-02-24 14:47:00|  分类:C / C++ |  标签

2011-09-07 10:04:39 1915

转载 [Android]ListView性能优化之视图缓存

http://www.cnblogs.com/over140/archive/2011/03/23/1991100.htmlhttp://www.ideasandroid.com/archives/295[Android]ListView性能优化之视图缓存 前

2011-09-07 09:57:37 439

转载 获取Android的Java源代码并在Eclipse中关联查看的最新方法

获取Android的Java源代码并在Eclipse中关联查看的最新方法作者:lizongbo 发表于:01:59. 星期六, 一月 1st, 2011 版权声明:可以任意转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处和作者信息及本版权声明。http://618119

2011-08-18 17:09:44 478

原创 [SDK学习]Managing Projects from the Command Line

Managing Projects from the Command Line In this document Creating an Android ProjectUpdating a ProjectSetting up a L

2011-07-20 17:02:38 459

原创 读书笔记[Android Beginning 2] chapter 5 Employing Basic Widgets

Every GUI toolkit has some basic widgets: fields, labels, buttons, and so on. Assigning LabelsThe simplest widget is the label, referred to

2011-07-18 17:51:47 567

原创 读书笔记[Android Beginning 2] chapter 4 Using XML-Based Layouts

Dynamic instantiation of widgets is reserved for more complicated scenarios, where the widgets are not known at compile time (e.g.,populatin

2011-07-10 12:35:05 396

转载 每天写出好代码的5个建议

成为一个优秀的程序员和成为其他优秀的专业人员一样,需要尽可能多的做一些有质量的工作。有句很流行的话可以总结:做,正确做事,立马就做。(Do it. Do it right. Do it right now)  0. 将一天要做的事情列成清单  完成复杂活动(activity)的最好方法是将其拆分成简单的各项活动。每天早上,将你一天要完成的活动进行拆分,然后制定一个相应的日程

2011-07-01 09:47:00 310

原创 读书笔记[Android Beginning 2] chapter 2 Create a Skeleton Application

<br />A button is an Android widget, and widgets are the user interface elements that you use in your application.<br /><br /><br />The onCreate() method is invoked when the activity is started. The first thing you should do is chain upward to the supercla

2011-05-23 15:53:00 364

原创 读书笔记[Android Beginning 2] chapter 1

Chapter 2 Projects and Targets========AndroidManifest.xml contains the "table of contents" for your application, listing all of the major ap

2011-05-23 12:00:00 470

原创 怎样在使用KVM切换器的情况下设置Ubuntu 10.04.2的分辨率?

1. 使用gtf命令生成Mode_Line~$ gtf 1600 1200 60  # 1600x1200 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 74.52 kHz; pclk: 160.96 MHz  Modeline "1600x1200_60.00"  160.96  1600 1704 1880 2160  1200 1201 1204 1242  -HSync +Vsync2. 创建/etc/X11/xorg.conf3. 添加内容注意: Horizsync 和 Vertrefr

2011-05-10 14:45:00 2276

Linux Kernel Development2nd ed.chm

Linux Kernel Development



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