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原创 Life Before Loaders (part 1) Posted Jul 6, 2012 by Alex Lockwood

Life Before Loaders (part 1)PostedJul 6, 2012byAlex LockwoodThis post gives a brief introduction toLoaders and theLoaderManager. The first section describes how data was loaded

2020-07-25 00:58:25 233

原创 Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS (Precise Pangolin) setup AP log

sudo apt-get install hostapdsudo apt-get install dhcp3-server$ cat /etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf#interface=wlan0interface=wlan1driver=nl80211ssid=myAPcountry_code=CNhw_mode=gchann

2020-07-25 00:57:20 296

原创 All you need to know about tethering with your Android device


2020-07-25 00:55:45 213

原创 About Gtalk

问题:Gtalkhttp://androidxref.com/2.3.6/xref/frameworks/base/media/java/android/media/AudioService.java#706705 /** @see AudioManager#setMode(int) */706 public void setMode(int mode, IB

2020-07-25 00:52:29 132

原创 Usage of TelephonyManager API

package com.water.activity;import java.util.List;import android.app.Activity;import android.os.Bundle;import android.telephony.CellLocation;import android.telephony.Neighbo

2020-07-25 00:50:38 164

原创 SMS 3GPP 相关协议

http://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/123000_123099/123040/04.02.00_60/ts_123040v040200p.pdf9.2.2.1 SMSDELIVER typeBasicelements of the SMSDELIVER type:Abbr.Refer

2020-07-25 00:47:49 862

转载 Difference between DTO, VO, POJO, JavaBeans?

JavaBeansA JavaBean is a class that follows the JavaBeans conventions as defined by Sun. Wikipedia has a pretty good summary of what JavaBeans are:JavaBeans are reusable software components for Java t...

2018-03-08 10:15:37 296

转载 GDB: How to list all source files used for compilation Ask Question

You are probably looking for info sources. info functions could also be helpful.Don't forget you can do things like type break and then just press tab, which will list all relevant functions.

2017-11-17 17:36:34 338 1

转载 Why can't g++ find iostream.h?

Before the C++ language was standardized by the ISO, the header file was named , but when the C++98 standard was released, it was renamed to just (without the .h). Change the code to use #includ

2017-11-17 11:00:35 350

转载 从OpenGL 1.x 到 2.x的迁移(即从固定管线到可编程管线的迁移)

OPENGL – THEN AND NOWI had spent a fair amount of time on OpenGL about 10 years back, though I wouldn’t call myself an expert. Over these 10 years, I noticed OpenGL evolving and kept pace with i

2017-04-06 12:52:16 936

原创 Compiling PCL 1.6 for android - patch

~/pcl-superbuild/build/CMakeExternals/Source/pcl$ git diffdiff --git a/features/src/narf.cpp b/features/src/narf.cppindex 23d6813..6b99500 100644--- a/features/src/narf.cpp+++ b/features/src/n

2017-03-12 00:00:45 964 1

转载 Compiling PCL for android

Compiling PCL for android (in windows, cmake-gui)JULY 14, 2014 INS7ITIA3 COMMENTSI have been struggling with this for days. According to the several tries in http://www.pcl-users

2017-03-11 23:55:57 2704 2

转载 Qt5 builds failing — missing /usr/local/.//mkspecs/macx-clang on macOS

-- [Mason] Unpacking package to mason_packages/headers/geojson/0.3.2...CMake Error at /usr/local/lib/cmake/Qt5Core/Qt5CoreConfig.cmake:15 (message): The imported target "Qt5::Core" references the f

2017-02-28 14:50:39 3120

转载 ffmpeg through Homebrew

There are a few ways to get FFmpeg on OS X.One is to build it yourself. Compiling on Mac OS X is as easy as any other *nix machine, there are just a few caveats. The general procedure is get the sou

2017-02-26 21:44:11 465

转载 How to install Homebrew, OpenCV and Python for OS X El Capitan (10.11)

OPENCV, PYTHON 3, AND HOMEBREW WALKTHROUGHPosted: June 21, 2016 By: Gravity Jack Category: News / Developer Tips Comment: 3Post by Gravity Jack research team member, Marc Rol

2017-02-26 20:48:27 913

转载 PCL Installation and Configuration on OSX

P.hD Diary - PCL Installation and Configuration on OSXAs a part of my investigatory phase right now I was looking for good libraries that work good with Kinect. My personal computer is an old

2017-02-26 18:10:57 567

转载 OpenCV on Mac OSX: A step-by-step guide

OpenCV on Mac OSX: A step-by-step guideI’m using OpenCV for my 4th year design project and setting it up was a huge pain. I had to look through a whole bunch of different sites to figure o

2017-02-12 17:31:07 614

转载 Mac OS X下如何使用OpenGL

Mac OS X下如何使用OpenGL 收藏Jian-Yong 发表于 4年前 阅读 13743 收藏 8 点赞 4 评论 3https://my.oschina.net/rockbaby/blog/102732作为3D的工业标准,OpenGL在苹果上可以说无处不在,用起来也是分外的舒服。 一般OpenGL需要

2017-02-12 14:54:16 712

转载 配置GLEW+GLFW并使用Xcode写OpenGL应用


2017-02-12 14:41:52 8277 9

转载 brew install glfw3

I will suggest installing glfw via homebrew http://brew.sh/ The advantage being you can always uninstall it neatly by doing brew uninstall glfw3!You need to have the "Command Line Tools for Xcod

2017-02-12 01:01:33 1416

转载 osx在命令行中运行不了cmake命令

CMake http://www.cmake.org/ 我是下载的CMake的dmg文件,图形界面安装,但安装完后在命令行中运行不了cmake命令,需要将cmake命令添加到环境变量中 打开 home 目录下的 .bash_profile 文件加入下面两句: # Add Cmake Root to Path export CMAKE_ROOT=/Application

2017-02-12 00:02:12 2120

转载 The Evolution of a Programmer

The Evolution of a ProgrammerHigh School/Jr.High 10 PRINT "HELLO WORLD" 20 ENDFirst year in College program Hello(input, output) begin writeln('Hello World') end.

2016-12-20 14:42:37 449

转载 Principles of OOP

Principles of OOPIf you come from a structured-programming background, the OOP value proposition might not be clear yet. After all, the attributes of a person and any logic to retrieve (and conver

2016-08-21 12:51:52 522

转载 SQL queries contain complex joins, subqueries, and some aggregates

In the following section we will see an example of an advanced query:Where we get the,Department's names with all the students for each departmentStudents name separated with comma andShowing

2016-06-28 10:39:22 500

转载 android adb, retrieve database using run-as

adb shell and piping binary dataIf you're unaware, running "adb shell" creates a pseudoterminal. This means that all LF characters are rewritten as CRLFs. If you're piping binary data back to your

2016-04-18 13:22:20 1529

原创 访问 blogspot 的一种办法

在https://raw.githubusercontent.com/racaljk/hosts/master/hosts中找到blogspot行,   www.blogspot.com将自己要访问的blog加入220.255.2.153   android-developers.blogspot.com但是图片无法加载出来,待

2016-03-28 16:21:39 2435

转载 Android adjustpan not working after the first time

Android adjustpan not working after the first timeup vote19down votefavorite4My problem: starting from the second time the software keyboard is shown on the scr

2016-03-01 16:09:59 1831

转载 Issue 182191: Adjustpan works only first time if EditText's gravity is center or center_horizontal

Reported by [email protected], Aug 7, 2015This bug has originally appeared on StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15317157/android-adjustpan-not-working-after-the-first-time/260

2016-03-01 16:08:19 762

转载 How to “repo init” on a disconnected system?

How to “repo init” on a disconnected system?up vote4down votefavorite2I have mirrored a repository withrepo init -u --mirrorrepo syncand copied it (by

2016-01-14 16:28:17 786

转载 a brief introduction to Loaders and the LoaderManager

Life Before Loaders (part 1)Posted Jul 6, 2012byAlex LockwoodThis post gives a brief introduction toLoaders and theLoaderManager. The first section describes how data was loaded

2015-11-21 17:38:48 919

转载 SSH原理与运用

SSH原理与运用(一):远程登录作者: 阮一峰SSH是每一台Linux电脑的标准配置。随着Linux设备从电脑逐渐扩展到手机、外设和家用电器,SSH的使用范围也越来越广。不仅程序员离不开它,很多普通用户也每天使用。SSH具备多种功能,可以用于很多场合。有些事情,没有它就是办不成。本文是我的学习笔记,总结和解释了SSH的常见用法

2014-12-03 14:05:08 630

转载 蓝牙PAN是什么

人们所携带的电子信息设备越来越多,像笔记本电脑、移动电话、PDA等已不再只是商务人员的必备工具,正逐步进入百姓的日常生活。  这些信息设备的功能越来越强大,同时尺寸却越来越小,但是人们已不能仅仅满足于它们各自独立工作,而是迫切需要各种设备之间能方便地进行信息的交互。因此,在小范围内能够将个人设备互联而组成的网络―――个人局域网(PAN)便应运而生。蓝牙(Bluetooth)作为一种小范围无线连

2014-08-31 18:11:39 7316

转载 A Guide To Reverse Tethering

By Kevin Pocock on February 04, 2013Using a mobile device such as a smartphone to act as a hotspot for a computer has become common practice. It’s handy for getting internet access on a la

2014-08-31 18:02:31 987

转载 All you need to know about tethering with your Android device

BY ANKIT BANERJEE OCTOBER 17, 2013It’s stating the obvious to say that smartphones have had a huge impact on various aspects in our lives, and a primary cause for the “always connected” soci

2014-08-31 18:00:41 803

转载 Bluetooth DUN 蓝牙拨号网络 (http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_59b22a2e0100ildk.html)

Bluetooth DUN 蓝牙拨号网络 (2010-05-13 14:21:56)转载▼标签: 杂谈分类: MTK蓝牙拨号网络(DUN)是一种无线上网技术,是指连接到互联网的使用蓝牙手机作为调制解调器。蓝牙顿提供了低波段的选择在没有本地热点提供高速无线互联网接入。蓝牙是一种无线协议,无线通信允许发生在个人局域网(

2014-08-31 13:11:22 2847

转载 Bluetooth

BluetoothMaemo devices have a built-in Bluetooth radio that allows you to do things like tether to a cellphone for a data connection, transfer files between devices, and connect input devices.

2014-08-31 13:08:13 594

转载 Bluetooth DUN

Bluetooth DUNBluetooth DUN (dial-up networking) allows one to set up Bluetooth networking using a cellular device and a device supporting Bluetooth SPP/DUN profile.While Bluetooth PAN offers

2014-08-31 13:06:02 976

转载 Bluetooth PAN

Bluetooth PANThis allows you to use your Maemo device to use Bluetooth PAN to connect via another device to another network such as the Internet.The Connection manager is used for this purpo

2014-08-31 13:04:56 1532

转载 The ultimate Android tethering guide

The ultimate Android tethering guideBy Sarah Jacobsson Purewal, PCWorldSep 5, 2012 6:00 PMe-mailprintTethering: It's one of the most convenient features your smartphone has,

2014-08-31 12:56:43 1277

转载 什么是 Bluetooth 个人区域网 (PAN)?

什么是 Bluetooth 个人区域网 (PAN)?Windows 7 Bluetooth 个人区域网 (PAN) 是一种可让您利用便携式计算机、移动电话和手持设备之间的无线链接创建以太网网络的技术。您可以连接到以下类型的启用 Bluetooth 的设备(这些设备都使用 PAN):个人区域网用户 (PANU) 设备、组式临时网络 (GN)

2014-08-31 12:52:16 11827



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