Here's a list of all of the "+CMS ERROR" codes for the GSM modem interface ... they can be found defined in the ETSI GSM specs. I figure it is worth posting as they are split between the GSM 07.05, GSM 03.40 and GSM 04.11 specs, and I frequently have to look this up for support incidents. (So if nothing else, I'll be able to search out here to find the list.)

CMS ERROR code list (GSM Modem error codes):

1 - "Unassigned (unallocated) number"
This cause indicates that the destination requested by the Mobile Station cannot be reached because, although the number is in a valid format, it is not currently assigned (allocated).

8 - "Operator determined barring"
This cause indicates that the MS has tried to send a mobile originating short message when the MS's network operator or service provider has forbidden such transactions.

10 - "Call barred"
This cause indicates that the outgoing call barred service applies to the short message service for the called destination.

21 - "Short message transfer rejected"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not wish to accept this short message, although it could have accepted the short message since the equipment sending this cause is neither busy nor incompatible.

27 - "Destination out of service"
This cause indicates that the destination indicated by the Mobile Station cannot be reached because the interface to the destination is not functioning correctly. The term "not functioning correctly" indicates that a signalling message was unable to be delivered to the remote user; e.g., a physical layer or data link layer failure at the remote user, user equipment off-line, etc.

28 - "Unidentified subscriber"
This cause indicates that the subscriber is not registered in the PLMN (i.e. IMSI not known).

29 - "Facility rejected"
This cause indicates that the facility requested by the Mobile Station is not supported by the PLMN.

30 - "Unknown subscriber"
This cause indicates that the subscriber is not registered in the HLR (i.e. IMSI or directory number is not allocated to a subscriber).

38 - "Network out of order"
This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is likely to last a relatively long period of time; e.g., immediately reattempting the short message transfer is not likely to be successful.

41 - "Temporary failure"
This cause indicates that the network is not functioning correctly and that the condition is not likely to last a long period of time; e.g., the Mobile Station may wish to try another short message transfer attempt almost immediately.

42 - "Congestion"
This cause indicates that the short message service cannot be serviced because of high traffic.

47 - "Resources unavailable, unspecified"
This cause is used to report a resource unavailable event only when no other cause applies.

50 - "Requested facility not subscribed"
This cause indicates that the requested short message service could not be provided by the network because the user has not completed the necessary administrative arrangements with its supporting networks.

69 - "Requested facility not implemented"
This cause indicates that the network is unable to provide the requested short message service.

81 - "Invalid short message transfer reference value"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a short message reference which is not currently in use on the MS-network interface.

95 - "Invalid message, unspecified"
This cause is used to report an invalid message event only when no other cause in the invalid message class applies.

96 - "Invalid mandatory information"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message where a mandatory information element is missing and/or has a content error (the two cases are indistinguishable).

97 - "Message type non-existent or not implemented"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message with a message type it does not recognize either because this is a message not defined or defined but not implemented by the equipment sending this cause.

98 - "Message not compatible with short message protocol state"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message such that the procedures do not indicate that this is a permissible message to receive while in the short message transfer state.

99 - "Information element non-existent or not implemented"
This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause has received a message which includes information elements not recognized because the information element identifier is not defined or it is defined but not implemented by the equipment sending the cause. However, the information element is not required to be present in the message in order for the equipment sending the cause to process the message.

111 - "Protocol error, unspecified"
This cause is used to report a protocol error event only when no other cause applies.

127 - "Interworking, unspecified"
This cause indicates that there has been interworking with a network which does not provide causes for actions it takes; thus, the precise cause for a message which is being send cannot be ascertained.

0...127 - Other values in this range are reserved, defined by GSM 04.11 Annex E-2 values

128 - Telematic interworking not supported x
129 - Short message Type 0 not supported x x
130 - Cannot replace short message x x
143 - Unspecified TP-PID error x x
144 - Data coding scheme (alphabet) not supported x
145 - Message class not supported x
159 - Unspecified TP-DCS error x x
160 - Command cannot be actioned x
161 - Command unsupported x
175 - Unspecified TP-Command error x
176 - TPDU not supported x x
192 - SC busy x
193 - No SC subscription x
194 - SC system failure x
195 - Invalid SME address x
196 - Destination SME barred x
197 - SM Rejected-Duplicate SM x
198 - TP-VPF not supported X
199 - TP-VP not supported X
208 - SIM SMS storage full x
209 - No SMS storage capability in SIM x
210 - Error in MS x
211 - Memory Capacity Exceeded X
212 - SIM Application Toolkit Busy x x
255 - Unspecified error cause

128...255 - Other values in this range are reserved, defined by GSM 03.40 subclause values

300 - ME failure
301 - SMS service of ME reserved
302 - operation not allowed
303 - operation not supported
304 - invalid PDU mode parameter
305 - invalid text mode parameter
310 - SIM not inserted
311 - SIM PIN required
312 - PH-SIM PIN required
313 - SIM failure
314 - SIM busy
315 - SIM wrong
316 - SIM PUK required
317 - SIM PIN2 required
318 - SIM PUK2 required
320 - memory failure
321 - invalid memory index
322 - memory full
330 - SMSC address unknown
331 - no network service
332 - network timeout
340 - no +CNMA acknowledgement expected
500 - unknown error

256...511 - Other values in this range are reserved

512... - manufacturer specific

17 - "Network failure".
This cause is sent to the MS if the MSC cannot service an MS generated request because of PLMN failures, e.g. problems in MAP.

22 - "Congestion".
This cause is sent if the service request cannot be actioned because of congestion (e.g. no channel, facility busy/congested etc.).

22 - "Memory capacity exceeded".
This cause indicates that the mobile station cannot store the incoming short message due to lack of storage capacity.

Note that error "22" is defined twice. It is likely that "CMS ERROR 22" would be due to the first definition, while the second definition is likely to only be a status code for delivery reports.

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WAVECOM AT命令编程必读 2008-04-17 16:20 1.相关的GSM AT指令 与SMS有关的GSM AT指令(from GSM07.05)如表1所示: 表1 相关的GSM AT指令 AT 指令 功 能 AT+CMGC Send an SMS command(发出一条短消息命令) AT+CMGD Delete SMS message(删除SIM卡内存的短消息) AT+CMGF Select SMS message formate(选择短消息信息格式:0-PDU;1-文本) AT+CMGL List SMS message from preferred store(列出SIM卡中的短消息PDU/text: 0/“REC UNREAD”-未读,1/“REC READ”-已读,2/“STO UNSENT”-待发,3/“STO SENT”-已发,4/“ALL”-全部的) AT+CMGR Read SMS message(读短消息) AT+CMGS Send SMS message(发送短消息) AT+CMGW Write SMS message to memory(向SIM内存中写入待发的短消息) AT+CMSS Send SMS message from storage(从SIN|M内存中发送短消息) AT+CNMI New SMS message indications(显示新收到的短消息) AT+CPMS Preferred SMS message storage(选择短消息内存) AT+CSCA SMS service center address(短消息中心地址) AT+CSCB Select cell broadcast messages(选择蜂窝广播消息) AT+CSMP Set SMS text mode parameters(设置短消息文本模式参数) AT+CSMS Select Message Service(选择短消息服务) 对短消息的控制共有三种模式: Block Mode 基于AT命令的PDU Mode 基于AT命令的Text Mode 使用Block模式需要手机生产厂家提供驱动支持,目前,PDU Mode 已取代 Block Mode, Text Mode比较简单,本文重点介绍模式PDU Mode,以西门子公司的产品TC35T为例。 2.计算机与TC35T的通信 (1)RS232串口连接 由于TC35T自带RS232串口线,故只需将其连接到计算机串口即可。打开超级终端,选择相应的串口,将端口参数设置为:速率—4800、奇偶校验位—无、数据位—8、停止位—1、流量控制—硬件。 (2)连接测试 输入“AT”然后回车,屏幕上返回“OK”表明计算机与TC35T已连接成功,TC35T能够正常工作。这时就可以测试各类AT命令。 当测试命令“AT+CMGS=?”时,如果返回“OK”标明TC35T支持该指令。该指令的完整语法如下: 如果此时TC35T处于PDU Mode(即“AT+CMGF?”返回“0”) AT+CMGS=PDU is given<^Z/ESC> 如果短消息发送成功,则返回“OK”,并显示信息号: +CMGS: [,] 如果短消息发送失败,则返回如下信息号: +CMS ERROR: 如果此时TC35T处于Text Mode(即“AT+CMGF?”返回“1”) AT+CMGS=[,toda]text is entered<^Z/ESC> 如果短消息发送成功,则返回“OK”,并显示信息号: +CMGS: [,] 如果短消息发送失败,则返回如下信息号: +CMS ERROR: 另外,由于使用的是TC35T,当有新的短消息到来时,需要TC35T产生提示,使用指令“AT+CNMI”。该指令的完整语法如下: AT+CNMI=[][,][,][,][,] 如果有新的短消息来到,则TC35T将自动返回下列提示: +CMTI: “SM”, 此时读出,然后用“AT+CMGR”指令即可读出短消息内容。 3.PDU数据格式分析: 例如,我们要将字符“Hi”字符发送到目的地“13677328099” PDU字符串为: 08 91 683108701305F0 11 00 0D 91 3176378290F9 00 00 00 02 C834 ⑴08—短信息中心地址长度。指(91)+(683108701305F0)的长度。 ⑵91—短信息中心号码类型。91是TON/NPI遵守International/E.164标准,指在号码前需加‘+’号;此外还有其它数值,但91最常用。 91—10010001 BIT No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name 1 数值类型 号码鉴别 数值类型(Type of Number):000—未知,001—国际,010—国内,111—留作扩展; 号码鉴别(Numbering plan identification):0000—未知,0001—ISDN/电话号码(E.164/E.163),1111—留作扩展; ⑶683108701305F0—短信息中心号码。由于位置上略有处理,实际号码应为:8613800731500(字母F是指长度减1)。这需要根据不同的地域作相应的修改。 ⑴、⑵、⑶通称短消息中心地址(Address of the SMSC)。 ⑷11—文件头字节。 11&h=00010001&b BIT No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Name TP-RP TP-UDHI TP-SPR TP-VFP TP-RD TP-MTI value 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 应答路径—TP-RP(TP-Reply-Path):0—不设置; 1—设置 用户数据头标识—TP-UDHL(TP-User-Data-Header-Indicator):0—不含任何头信息; 1—含头信息 状态报告要求—TP-SPR(TP-Status-Report-Request):0—需要报告; 1—不需要报告 有效期格式—TP-VPF(TP-Validity-Period-Format):00—不提供(Not present); 10—整型(标准);01—预留; 11—提供8位字节的一半(Semi-Octet Represented) 拒绝复制—TP-RD(TP-Reject-Duplicates):0—接受复制; 1—拒绝复制 信息类型提示—TP-MTI(TP-Message-Type-Indicator):00—读出(Deliver); 01—提交(Submit) ⑸00—信息类型(TP-Message-Reference) ⑹0B—被叫号码长度。 ⑺91—被叫号码类型(同⑵)。 ⑻3176378290F9—被叫号码,经过了位移处理,实际号码为“13677328099”。 ⑹、⑺、⑻通称目的地址(TP-Destination-Address)。 ⑼00—协议标识TP-PID(TP-Protocol-Identifier) BIT No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit No.7与Bit No.6: 00—如下面定义的分配Bit No.0—Bit No.5;01—参见GSM03.40协议标识完全定义;10—预留;11—为服务中心(SC)特殊用途分配Bit No.0—Bit No.5。 一般将这两位置为00。 Bit No.5:0—不使用远程网络,只是短消息设备之间的协议;1—使用远程网络。 Bit No.0—Bits No.4:00000—隐含;00001—电传;00010—group 3 telefax;00100—语音;00101—欧洲无线信息系统(ERMES);00110—国内系统;10001—任何基于X.400的公用信息处理系统;10010—Email。 ⑽00—数据编码方案TP-DCS(TP-Data-Coding-Scheme) BIT No. 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Bit No.7与Bit No.6 :一般设置为00;Bit No.5:0—文本未压缩,1—文本用GSM标准压缩算法压缩;Bit No.4:0—表示Bit No.1、Bit No.0为保留位,不含信息类型信息,1—表示Bit No.1、Bit No.0含有信息类型信息;Bit No.3与Bit No.2:00—默认的字母表,01—8bit,10—USC2(16bit),11—预留;Bit No.1与Bit No.0:00—Class 0,01—Class 1,10—Class 2(SIM卡特定信息),11—Class 3。 ⑾00—有效期TP-VP(TP-Valid-Period) VP value(&h) 相应的有效期 00 to 8F (VP+1)*5 分钟 90 to A7 12小时+(VP-143)*30分钟 A8 to C4 (VP-166)*1天 C5 to FF (VP-192)*1 周 ⑿02—用户数据长度TP-UDL(TP-User-Data-Length) ⒀C834—用户数据TP-UD(TP-User-Data)“Hi” 4.短消息编码 设需要发送的短消息内容为“Hi”,使用的GSM字符集为7位编码。首先将字符转换为7位的二进制,然后,将后面字符的位调用到前面,补齐前面的差别。例如:H翻译成1001000,i翻译成1101001,显然H的二进制编码不足八位,那么就将i的最后一位补足到H的前面。那么就成了11001000(C8),i剩下六位110100,前面再补两个0,变成00110100(34),于是“Hi”就变成了两个八进制数 C8 34。 5.短消息的发送与接收案例 鉴于TC35(T)支持TEXT格式,我们在试验中主要测试该格式。 (1)设置短消息中心 AT+CSCA="+8613800731500"(短消息中心); (2)设置短消息发送格式 AT+CMGF=1 (1-TEXT; 0-PDU); (3)发送短消息(短消息内容为“test”) AT+CMGS="13508485560"(目的地址) > test ^z ; (4)设置短消息到达自动提示: 设置短消息到达提示当短消息被接收,将获取指令: +CMTI:"SM",INDEX(信息存储位置) AT+CNMI=1,1,0,0,1(); (5)获取短消息内容(Once more),假设INDEX=8。 AT+CMGR=8 返回信息如下: +CMGR: "REC UNREAD","+8613508485560",,"01/07/16,15:37:28+32",Once more 6.注意事项 (1)短消息中心一般不会改动,如果短消息中心号码改动,在使用“AT+CSCA”语句时,记住TC35要重新启动,否则TC35不能正常工作(TC35T不存在此问题)。 (2)某些SIM卡带有密码,启动时需要输入密码。
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