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转载 使用 malloc后free出错 错误所在

偶认为: 这个问题是指针使用过程中很容易出错而且自己又很难发现的一个易疏忽问题-----------即:指针人为的更改了原来的指向地址。以下是一个很好的案例,其中红色字体为正确解。 问题: 用malloc与free出错,望指导,谢谢  程序很简单,用于测试他们的用法,因为在一个大点定程序中出错想找原因。 #include void main() { char *test=ma

2012-03-15 23:25:01 6209 1

转载 基于Android NDK的学习之旅---数据传输一(基本数据类型和数组传输)

http://www.2cto.com/kf/201108/100902.html 之前的一些文章都有涉及到上层和中间层的数据传输,简单来说,也就是参数和返回值的使用。因为中间层要做的最多的也就是数据传输与转换,下面来介绍下这方面的知识。        数据传输可分为 基本数据类型传输 和 引用数据类型的传输 , 因为数组传输也比较特别(其实数组也是引用类型),所以这里也专

2012-03-06 13:39:03 168




TQ2440 RT3070AP源码包









linux那些事儿(EHCI Block SCSI Sysfs PCI USB U 盘 UHCI Hub)

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Understanding Linux Network Internals.chm 英文版

Copyright Preface The Audience for This Book Background Information Organization of the Material Conventions Used in This Book Using Code Examples We'd Like to Hear from You Safari Enabled Acknowledgments Part I: General Background Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Basic Terminology Section 1.2. Common Coding Patterns Section 1.3. User-Space Tools Section 1.4. Browsing the Source Code Section 1.5. When a Feature Is Offered as a Patch Chapter 2. Critical Data Structures Section 2.1. The Socket Buffer: sk_buff Structure Section 2.2. net_device Structure Section 2.3. Files Mentioned in This Chapter Chapter 3. User-Space-to-Kernel Interface Section 3.1. Overview Section 3.2. procfs Versus sysctl Section 3.3. ioctl Section 3.4. Netlink Section 3.5. Serializing Configuration Changes Part II: System Initialization Chapter 4. Notification Chains Section 4.1. Reasons for Notification Chains Section 4.2. Overview Section 4.3. Defining a Chain Section 4.4. Registering with a Chain Section 4.5. Notifying Events on a Chain Section 4.6. Notification Chains for the Networking Subsystems Section 4.7. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 4.8. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 4.9. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Chapter 5. Network Device Initialization Section 5.1. System Initialization Overview Section 5.2. Device Registration and Initialization Section 5.3. Basic Goals of NIC Initialization Section 5.4. Interaction Between Devices and Kernel Section 5.5. Initialization Options Section 5.6. Module Options Section 5.7. Initializing the Device Handling Layer: net_dev_init Section 5.8. User-Space Helpers Section 5.9. Virtual Devices Section 5.10. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 5.11. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 5.12. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Chapter 6. The PCI Layer and Network Interface Cards Section 6.1. Data Structures Featured in This Chapter Section 6.2. Registering a PCI NIC Device Driver Section 6.3. Power Management and Wake-on-LAN Section 6.4. Example of PCI NIC Driver Registration Section 6.5. The Big Picture Section 6.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 6.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 6.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Chapter 7. Kernel Infrastructure for Component Initialization Section 7.1. Boot-Time Kernel Options Section 7.2. Module Initialization Code Section 7.3. Optimized Macro-Based Tagging Section 7.4. Boot-Time Initialization Routines Section 7.5. Memory Optimizations Section 7.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 7.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 7.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Chapter 8. Device Registration and Initialization Section 8.1. When a Device Is Registered Section 8.2. When a Device Is Unregistered Section 8.3. Allocating net_device Structures Section 8.4. Skeleton of NIC Registration and Unregistration Section 8.5. Device Initialization Section 8.6. Organization of net_device Structures Section 8.7. Device State Section 8.8. Registering and Unregistering Devices Section 8.9. Device Registration Section 8.10. Device Unregistration Section 8.11. Enabling and Disabling a Network Device Section 8.12. Updating the Device Queuing Discipline State Section 8.13. Configuring Device-Related Information from User Space Section 8.14. Virtual Devices Section 8.15. Locking Section 8.16. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 8.17. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 8.18. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Part III: Transmission and Reception Chapter 9. Interrupts and Network Drivers Section 9.1. Decisions and Traffic Direction Section 9.2. Notifying Drivers When Frames Are Received Section 9.3. Interrupt Handlers Section 9.4. softnet_data Structure Chapter 10. Frame Reception Section 10.1. Interactions with Other Features Section 10.2. Enabling and Disabling a Device Section 10.3. Queues Section 10.4. Notifying the Kernel of Frame Reception: NAPI and netif_rx Section 10.5. Old Interface Between Device Drivers and Kernel: First Part of netif_rx Section 10.6. Congestion Management Section 10.7. Processing the NET_RX_SOFTIRQ: net_rx_action Chapter 11. Frame Transmission Section 11.1. Enabling and Disabling Transmissions Chapter 12. General and Reference Material About Interrupts Section 12.1. Statistics Section 12.2. Tuning via /proc and sysfs Filesystems Section 12.3. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book Section 12.4. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book Chapter 13. Protocol Handlers Section 13.1. Overview of Network Stack Section 13.2. Executing the Right Protocol Handler Section 13.3. Protocol Handler Organization Section 13.4. Protocol Handler Registration Section 13.5. Ethernet Versus IEEE 802.3 Frames Section 13.6. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 13.7. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 13.8. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Part IV: Bridging Chapter 14. Bridging: Concepts Section 14.1. Repeaters, Bridges, and Routers Section 14.2. Bridges Versus Switches Section 14.3. Hosts Section 14.4. Merging LANs with Bridges Section 14.5. Bridging Different LAN Technologies Section 14.6. Address Learning Section 14.7. Multiple Bridges Chapter 15. Bridging: The Spanning Tree Protocol Section 15.1. Basic Terminology Section 15.2. Example of Hierarchical Switched L2 Topology Section 15.3. Basic Elements of the Spanning Tree Protocol Section 15.4. Bridge and Port IDs Section 15.5. Bridge Protocol Data Units (BPDUs) Section 15.6. Defining the Active Topology Section 15.7. Timers Section 15.8. Topology Changes Section 15.9. BPDU Encapsulation Section 15.10. Transmitting Configuration BPDUs Section 15.11. Processing Ingress Frames Section 15.12. Convergence Time Section 15.13. Overview of Newer Spanning Tree Protocols Chapter 16. Bridging: Linux Implementation Section 16.1. Bridge Device Abstraction Section 16.2. Important Data Structures Section 16.3. Initialization of Bridging Code Section 16.4. Creating Bridge Devices and Bridge Ports Section 16.5. Creating a New Bridge Device Section 16.6. Bridge Device Setup Routine Section 16.7. Deleting a Bridge Section 16.8. Adding Ports to a Bridge Section 16.9. Enabling and Disabling a Bridge Device Section 16.10. Enabling and Disabling a Bridge Port Section 16.11. Changing State on a Bridge Port Section 16.12. The Big Picture Section 16.13. Forwarding Database Section 16.14. Handling Ingress Traffic Section 16.15. Transmitting on a Bridge Device Section 16.16. Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) Section 16.17. netdevice Notification Chain Chapter 17. Bridging: Miscellaneous Topics Section 17.1. User-Space Configuration Tools Section 17.2. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 17.3. Tuning via /sys Filesystem Section 17.4. Statistics Section 17.5. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book Section 17.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book Section 17.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book Part V: Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) Chapter 18. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Concepts Section 18.1. IP Protocol: The Big Picture Section 18.2. IP Header Section 18.3. IP Options Section 18.4. Packet Fragmentation/Defragmentation Section 18.5. Checksums Chapter 19. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Linux Foundations and Features Section 19.1. Main IPv4 Data Structures Section 19.2. General Packet Handling Section 19.3. IP Options Chapter 20. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Forwarding and Local Delivery Section 20.1. Forwarding Section 20.2. Local Delivery Chapter 21. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Transmission Section 21.1. Key Functions That Perform Transmission Section 21.2. Interface to the Neighboring Subsystem Chapter 22. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Handling Fragmentation Section 22.1. IP Fragmentation Section 22.2. IP Defragmentation Chapter 23. Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4): Miscellaneous Topics Section 23.1. Long-Living IP Peer Information Section 23.2. Selecting the IP Header's ID Field Section 23.3. IP Statistics Section 23.4. IP Configuration Section 23.5. IP-over-IP Section 23.6. IPv4: What's Wrong with It? Section 23.7. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 23.8. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book Section 23.9. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book Section 23.10. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book Chapter 24. Layer Four Protocol and Raw IP Handling Section 24.1. Available L4 Protocols Section 24.2. L4 Protocol Registration Section 24.3. L3 to L4 Delivery: ip_local_deliver_finish Section 24.4. IPv4 Versus IPv6 Section 24.5. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 24.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 24.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Chapter 25. Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMPv4) Section 25.1. ICMP Header Section 25.2. ICMP Payload Section 25.3. ICMP Types Section 25.4. Applications of the ICMP Protocol Section 25.5. The Big Picture Section 25.6. Protocol Initialization Section 25.7. Data Structures Featured in This Chapter Section 25.8. Transmitting ICMP Messages Section 25.9. ICMP Statistics Section 25.10. Passing Error Notifications to the Transport Layer Section 25.11. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 25.12. Functions and Variables Featured in This Chapter Section 25.13. Files and Directories Featured in This Chapter Part VI: Neighboring Subsystem Chapter 26. Neighboring Subsystem: Concepts Section 26.1. What Is a Neighbor? Section 26.2. Reasons That Neighboring Protocols Are Needed Section 26.3. Linux Implementation Section 26.4. Proxying the Neighboring Protocol Section 26.5. When Solicitation Requests Are Transmitted and Processed Section 26.6. Neighbor States and Network Unreachability Detection (NUD) Chapter 27. Neighboring Subsystem: Infrastructure Section 27.1. Main Data Structures Section 27.2. Common Interface Between L3 Protocols and Neighboring Protocols Section 27.3. General Tasks of the Neighboring Infrastructure Section 27.4. Reference Counts on neighbour Structures Section 27.5. Creating a neighbour Entry Section 27.6. Neighbor Deletion Section 27.7. Acting As a Proxy Section 27.8. L2 Header Caching Section 27.9. Protocol Initialization and Cleanup Section 27.10. Interaction with Other Subsystems Section 27.11. Interaction Between Neighboring Protocols and L3 Transmission Functions Section 27.12. Queuing Chapter 28. Neighboring Subsystem: Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) Section 28.1. ARP Packet Format Section 28.2. Example of an ARP Transaction Section 28.3. Gratuitous ARP Section 28.4. Responding from Multiple Interfaces Section 28.5. Tunable ARP Options Section 28.6. ARP Protocol Initialization Section 28.7. Initialization of a neighbour Structure Section 28.8. Transmitting and Receiving ARP Packets Section 28.9. Processing Ingress ARP Packets Section 28.10. Proxy ARP Section 28.11. Examples Section 28.12. External Events Section 28.13. ARPD Section 28.14. Reverse Address Resolution Protocol (RARP) Section 28.15. Improvements in ND (IPv6) over ARP (IPv4) Chapter 29. Neighboring Subsystem: Miscellaneous Topics Section 29.1. System Administration of Neighbors Section 29.2. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 29.3. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book Section 29.4. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book Part VII: Routing Chapter 30. Routing: Concepts Section 30.1. Routers, Routes, and Routing Tables Section 30.2. Essential Elements of Routing Section 30.3. Routing Table Section 30.4. Lookups Section 30.5. Packet Reception Versus Packet Transmission Chapter 31. Routing: Advanced Section 31.1. Concepts Behind Policy Routing Section 31.2. Concepts Behind Multipath Routing Section 31.3. Interactions with Other Kernel Subsystems Section 31.4. Routing Protocol Daemons Section 31.5. Verbose Monitoring Section 31.6. ICMP_REDIRECT Messages Section 31.7. Reverse Path Filtering Chapter 32. Routing: Li nux Implementation Section 32.1. Kernel Options Section 32.2. Main Data Structures Section 32.3. Route and Address Scopes Section 32.4. Primary and Secondary IP Addresses Section 32.5. Generic Helper Routines and Macros Section 32.6. Global Locks Section 32.7. Routing Subsystem Initialization Section 32.8. External Events Section 32.9. Interactions with Other Subsystems Chapter 33. Routing: The Routing Cache Section 33.1. Routing Cache Initialization Section 33.2. Hash Table Organization Section 33.3. Major Cache Operations Section 33.4. Multipath Caching Section 33.5. Interface Between the DST and Calling Protocols Section 33.6. Flushing the Routing Cache Section 33.7. Garbage Collection Section 33.8. Egress ICMP REDIRECT Rate Limiting Chapter 34. Routing: Routing Tables Section 34.1. Organization of Routing Hash Tables Section 34.2. Routing Table Initialization Section 34.3. Adding and Removing Routes Section 34.4. Policy Routing and Its Effects on Routing Table Definitions Chapter 35. Routing: Lookups Section 35.1. High-Level View of Lookup Functions Section 35.2. Helper Routines Section 35.3. The Table Lookup: fn_hash_lookup Section 35.4. fib_lookup Function Section 35.5. Setting Functions for Reception and Transmission Section 35.6. General Structure of the Input and Output Routing Routines Section 35.7. Input Routing Section 35.8. Output Routing Section 35.9. Effects of Multipath on Next Hop Selection Section 35.10. Policy Routing Section 35.11. Source Routing Section 35.12. Policy Routing and Routing Table Based Classifier Chapter 36. Routing: Miscellaneous Topics Section 36.1. User-Space Configuration Tools Section 36.2. Statistics Section 36.3. Tuning via /proc Filesystem Section 36.4. Enabling and Disabling Forwarding Section 36.5. Data Structures Featured in This Part of the Book Section 36.6. Functions and Variables Featured in This Part of the Book Section 36.7. Files and Directories Featured in This Part of the Book About the Authors


写一个块设备驱动 实例

块设备驱动 实例 共分15章 对于刚开始写嵌入式块设备驱动的开发人员有很好的参考价值


Essential.Linux.Device.Drivers 英文版

Copyright Prentice Hall Open Source Software Development Series Foreword Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Chapter 1. Introduction Evolution The GNU Copyleft Kernel.org Mailing Lists and Forums Linux Distributions Looking at the Sources Building the Kernel Loadable Modules Before Starting Chapter 2. A Peek Inside the Kernel Booting Up Kernel Mode and User Mode Process Context and Interrupt Context Kernel Timers Concurrency in the Kernel Process Filesystem Allocating Memory Looking at the Sources Chapter 3. Kernel Facilities Kernel Threads Helper Interfaces Looking at the Sources Chapter 4. Laying the Groundwork Introducing Devices and Drivers Interrupt Handling The Linux Device Model Memory Barriers Power Management Looking at the Sources Chapter 5. Character Drivers Char Driver Basics Device Example: System CMOS Sensing Data Availability Talking to the Parallel Port RTC Subsystem Pseudo Char Drivers Misc Drivers Character Caveats Looking at the Sources Chapter 6. Serial Drivers Layered Architecture UART Drivers TTY Drivers Line Disciplines Looking at the Sources Chapter 7. Input Drivers Input Event Drivers Input Device Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 8. The Inter-Integrated Circuit Protocol What's I2C/SMBus? I2C Core Bus Transactions Device Example: EEPROM Device Example: Real Time Clock I2C-dev Hardware Monitoring Using LM-Sensors The Serial Peripheral Interface Bus The 1-Wire Bus Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 9. PCMCIA and Compact Flash What's PCMCIA/CF? Linux-PCMCIA Subsystem Host Controller Drivers PCMCIA Core Driver Services Client Drivers Tying the Pieces Together PCMCIA Storage Serial PCMCIA Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 10. Peripheral Component Interconnect The PCI Family Addressing and Identification Accessing PCI Regions Direct Memory Access Device Example: Ethernet-Modem Card Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 11. Universal Serial Bus USB Architecture Linux-USB Subsystem Driver Data Structures Enumeration Device Example: Telemetry Card Class Drivers Gadget Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 12. Video Drivers Display Architecture Linux-Video Subsystem Display Parameters The Frame Buffer API Frame Buffer Drivers Console Drivers Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 13. Audio Drivers Audio Architecture Linux-Sound Subsystem Device Example: MP3 Player Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 14. Block Drivers Storage Technologies Linux Block I/O Layer I/O Schedulers Block Driver Data Structures and Methods Device Example: Simple Storage Controller Advanced Topics Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 15. Network Interface Cards Driver Data Structures Talking with Protocol Layers Buffer Management and Concurrency Control Device Example: Ethernet NIC ISA Network Drivers Asynchronous Transfer Mode Network Throughput Looking at the Sources Chapter 16. Linux Without Wires Bluetooth Infrared WiFi Cellular Networking Current Trends Chapter 17. Memory Technology Devices What's Flash Memory? Linux-MTD Subsystem Map Drivers NOR Chip Drivers NAND Chip Drivers User Modules MTD-Utils Configuring MTD eXecute In Place The Firmware Hub Debugging Looking at the Sources Chapter 18. Embedding Linux Challenges Component Selection Tool Chains Embedded Bootloaders Memory Layout Kernel Porting Embedded Drivers The Root Filesystem Test Infrastructure Debugging Chapter 19. Drivers in User Space Process Scheduling and Response Times Accessing I/O Regions Accessing Memory Regions User Mode SCSI User Mode USB User Mode I2C UIO Looking at the Sources Chapter 20. More Devices and Drivers ECC Reporting Frequency Scaling Embedded Controllers ACPI ISA and MCA FireWire Intelligent Input/Output Amateur Radio Voice over IP High-Speed Interconnects Chapter 21. Debugging Device Drivers Kernel Debuggers Kernel Probes Kexec and Kdump Profiling Tracing Linux Test Project User Mode Linux Diagnostic Tools Kernel Hacking Config Options Test Equipment Chapter 22. Maintenance and Delivery Coding Style Change Markers Version Control Consistent Checksums Build Scripts Portable Code Chapter 23. Shutting Down Checklist What Next? Appendix A. Linux Assembly Debugging Appendix B. Linux and the BIOS Real Mode Calls Protected Mode Calls BIOS and Legacy Drivers Appendix C. Seq Files The Seq File Advantage Updating the NVRAM Driver Looking at the Sources


使用ADS1.2 进行嵌入式软件开发

讨论如何将一个开发/调试环境下的嵌入式应用程序转移到最终独立运行的目标系统中去,并提到了ARM ADS1.2开发工具包的一些功能特性及其在这个过程中所起到的作用。



实验1 ARM 汇编指令编程实验1 实验2 C 和ARM 汇编混合编程实验8 实验3 C 语言实现LED 控制实验15 实验4 外部中断应用实验 22 实验5 看门狗定时器应用实验 32 实验6 DMA 控制器实验38 实验7 PWM 控制蜂鸣器实验48 实验8 UART 通信实验57 实验9 红外模块控制实验 68 实验10 实时时钟设计实验79 实验11 IIC 总线应用实验90 实验12 Nor flash 应用实验 103 实验13 Nand flash 应用实验114 实验14 TFT LCD 显示实验138 实验15 触摸屏控制实验153 实验16 ADC 应用实验167 实验17 IIS 音频总线实验178 实验18 USB 设备实验188 实验19 SD 卡接口实验215 实验20 TFTP 以太网通讯 228 实验21 Camera 应用实验239 实验22 BootLoader 实验250 实验23 Linux-26 内核移植实验261 实验24 Linux 驱动程序开发实验270 实验25 QT/Embedded 实验280 实验26 WinCE50 开发实验294 附录一 S3C2440A 启动代码314 附录二 GEC2440 核心板电路图327 附录三 GEC2440 主板电路图335



The Linux Kernel Module Programming Guide中文版

















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