[DEV]How to compile TWRP touch recovery

All of TWRP 2.x source is public. You can compile it on your own. This guide isn't going to be a step-by-step, word-for-word type of guide. If you're not familiar with basic Linux commands and/or building in AOSP then you probably won't be able to do this.

You can currently use Omni 4.3, Omni 4.4, Omni 5.0, CM10.0, CM10.1, CM10.2, and CM11.0 source code. Omni 4.4 or 5.0 is recommended. Lately CM keeps making changes that make building TWRP more difficult and they make no effort to work with TWRP. You can build in CM but you may run into a few minor issues. If you don't know how to fix make file issues, then you should choose to use Omni instead. (If for some reason you need to compile in an older tree like CM9 or CM7, you will have to use the android-4.4 branch which we will not continue to update.)

If you are using CM, you'll need to replace CM/bootable/recovery with this:
Select the newest branch available. This step is not necessary with Omni because Omni already includes TWRP source by default.
If you are using CM 12.0 then you will probably want to cherry pick this patch into external/sepolicy:  http://review.cyanogenmod.org/#/c/89474/

If you are in a bind and want to try working with a smaller tree either due to disk space or download size, you can try using this manifest. It should work in most cases but there may be some situations where you will need more repos in your tree than this manifest provides:

Note: If you add or change any flags, you will need to make clean or make clobber before recompiling or your flag changes will not be picked up.

Now that you have the source code, you'll need to set or change a few build flags for your device(s). Find the BoardConfig.mk for your device. The BoardConfig.mk is in your devices/manufacturer/codename folder (e.g. devices/lge/hammerhead/BoardConfig.mk). First, scan the BoardConfig.mk file for
If your device has this line, it will have a path to a custom, prebuilt init.rc that is used in recovery. Most likely you will need to change the custom init.rc slightly. Find the recovery's init.rc file and open it. Near the top you will see something like this:
on init
	export PATH /sbin
	export LD_LIBRARY_PATH .:/sbin
Add the last line needed. This line is needed to get the linker running. Unlike ClockworkMod, TWRP is a dynamically linked recovery. Dynamic linking allows us to save a considerable amount of space to help make sure that TWRP recovery images will fit on more devices. It also lets us use dynamically linked touchscreen binaries as seen on the  Motorola   Photon and Atrix and the HP TouchPad without having to  mount   /system.

Your board config also needs to include architecture and platform settings. Usually these are already included if you're using device configs that someone else created, but if you created your own, you may need to add them. Without them, recovery may seg fault during startup and you'll just see the teamwin curtain flash on the screen over and over.

We usually put all of our flags at the bottom of the BoardConfig.mk under a heading of #twrp For all devices you'll need to set a resolution. TWRP needs to know the resolution at compile time so that it knows what stock theme to include. You can only use resolutions that have a theme so if you don't see your resolution, you'll have to pick one that's less than or equal to your resolution. You can find the list of stock themes in bootable/recovery/gui/devices. So if your device has a 540x960 display, you would add this:

Note that themes do not rotate, so the 1280x800 theme is intended for tablets and would not work on the  Samsung Galaxy   Note 1 that expects a 800x1280 type of theme.

In addition to the resolution, we have the following build flags:
RECOVERY_SDCARD_ON_DATA := true -- this enables proper handling of /data/media on devices that have this folder for storage (most Honeycomb and devices that originally shipped with ICS like Galaxy Nexus)
RECOVERY_GRAPHICS_USE_LINELENGTH := true -- fixes slanty looking graphics on some devices
BOARD_HAS_NO_REAL_SDCARD := true -- disables things like sdcard partitioning and may save you some space if TWRP isn't fitting in your recovery patition
TW_INCLUDE_DUMLOCK := true -- includes HTC Dumlock for devices that need it
TW_NO_BATT_PERCENT := true -- disables the display of the battery percentage for devices that don't support it properly
TW_CUSTOM_POWER_BUTTON := 107 -- custom maps the power button for the lockscreen
TW_NO_REBOOT_BOOTLOADER := true -- removes the reboot bootloader button from the reboot menu
TW_NO_REBOOT_RECOVERY := true -- removes the reboot recovery button from the reboot menu
TW_NO_USB_STORAGE := true -- removes the USB storage button on devices that don't support USB storage
RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN_SWAP_XY := true -- swaps the mapping of touches between the X and Y axis
RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN_FLIP_Y := true -- flips y axis touchscreen values
RECOVERY_TOUCHSCREEN_FLIP_X := true -- flips x axis touchscreen values
TW_ALWAYS_RMRF := true -- forces the rm -rf option to always be on (needed for some  Motorola   devices)
TW_NEVER_UNMOUNT_SYSTEM := true -- never unmount system (needed for some  Motorola   devices)
TW_INCLUDE_INJECTTWRP := true -- adds ability to inject TWRP into some  Samsung   boot images for  Samsung   devices that have recovery as a second ramdisk in the boot image
TW_DEFAULT_EXTERNAL_STORAGE := true -- defaults to external storage instead of internal on dual storage devices (largely deprecated)
TWRP_EVENT_LOGGING := true -- enables touch event logging to help debug touchscreen issues (don't leave this on for a release - it will fill up your logfile very quickly)

Here's some flags that may help you, but are not specific to TWRP (works in CWM too):
This flag has multiple options, but can be used to set different graphics modes that may be need to correct color space issues on some devices:

BOARD_HAS_FLIPPED_SCREEN := true -- flips the screen upside down for screens that were mounted upside-down
TARGET_PREBUILT_RECOVERY_KERNEL := path/to/kernel -- use to specify a kernel specifically for building recovery

TWRP 2.5 and higher supports some new recovery.fstab features that you can use to extend TWRP's backup/restore capabilities. You do not have to add fstab flags as most partitions are handled automatically.

Note that TWRP does not currently support the "fstab 2" version of fstab files seen in 4.3 or higher. You will still need to use the "old" format of fstab for TWRP (example of that format is below). To maximize TWRP's compatibility with your build tree, you can create a twrp.fstab and use PRODUCT_COPY_FILES to place the file in /etc/twrp.fstab When TWRP boots, if it finds a twrp.fstab in the ramdisk it will rename /etc/recovery.fstab to /etc/recovery.fstab.bak and then rename /etc/twrp.fstab to /etc/recovery.fstab. Effectively this will "replace" the fstab 2 file that your device files are providing with the TWRP fstab allowing you to maintain compatibility within your device files and with other recoveries.
PRODUCT_COPY_FILES += device/lge/hammerhead/twrp.fstab:recovery/root/etc/twrp.fstab
The fstab in TWRP can contain some "flags" for each partition listed in the fstab.

Here's a sample TWRP fstab for the  Galaxy S4   that we will use for reference:
/boot       emmc        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/boot
/system     ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system
/data       ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/userdata length=-16384
/cache      ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/cache
/recovery   emmc        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/recovery
/efs        ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/efs                            flags=display="EFS";backup=1
/external_sd     vfat       /dev/block/mmcblk1p1    /dev/block/mmcblk1   flags=display="Micro SDcard";storage;wipeingui;removable
/usb-otg         vfat       /dev/block/sda1         /dev/block/sda       flags=display="USB-OTG";storage;wipeingui;removable
/preload    ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/hidden                            flags=display="Preload";wipeingui;backup=1
/modem      ext4        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/apnhlos
/mdm		emmc		/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/mdm
Flags are added to the end of the partition listing in the fstab separated by white space (spaces or tabs are fine). The flags affect only that partition but not any of the others. Flags are separated by semicolons. If your display name is going to have a space, you must surround the display name with quotes.
/external_sd  vfat  /dev/block/mmcblk1p1  flags=display="Micro SDcard";storage;wipeingui;removable
The flags for this partition give it a display name of "Micro SDcard" which is displayed to the user. wipeingui makes this partition available for wiping in the advanced wipe menu. The removable flag indicates that sometimes this partition may not be present preventing mounting errors from being displayed during startup. Here is a full list of flags:
removable -- indicates that the partition may not be present preventing mounting errors from being displayed during boot
storage -- indicates that the partition can be used as storage which makes the partition available as storage for backup, restore, zip installs, etc.
settingsstorage -- only one partition should be set as settings storage, this partition is used as the location for storing TWRP's settings file
canbewiped -- indicates that the partition can be wiped by the back-end system, but may not be listed in the GUI for wiping by the user
userrmrf -- overrides the normal format type of wiping and only allows the partition to be wiped using the rm -rf command
backup= -- must be succeeded by the equals sign, so backup=1 or backup=0, 1 indicates that the partition can be listed in the backup/restore list while 0 ensures that this partition will not show up in the backup list.
wipeingui -- makes the partition show up in the GUI to allow the user to select it for wiping in the advanced wipe menu
wipeduringfactoryreset -- the partition will be wiped during a factory reset
ignoreblkid -- blkid is used to determine what file system is in use by TWRP, this flag will cause TWRP to skip/ignore the results of blkid and use the file system specified in the fstab only
retainlayoutversion -- causes TWRP to retain the .layoutversion file in /data on devices like Sony Xperia S which sort of uses /data/media but still has a separate /sdcard partition
symlink= -- causes TWRP to run an additional  mount   command when mounting the partition, generally used with /data/media to create /sdcard
display= -- sets a display name for the partition for listing in the GUI
storagename= -- sets a storage name for the partition for listing in the GUI storage list
backupname= -- sets a backup name for the partition for listing in the GUI backup/restore list
length= -- usually used to reserve empty space at the end of the /data partition for storing the decryption key when Android's full device encryption is present, not setting this may lead to the inability to encrypt the device
canencryptbackup= -- 1 or 0 to enable/disable, makes TWRP encrypt the backup of this partition if the user chooses encryption (only applies to tar backups, not images)
userdataencryptbackup= -- 1 or 0 to enable/disable, makes TWRP encrypt only the userdata portion of this partition, certain subfuldes like /data/app would not be encrypted to save time
subpartitionof= -- must be succeeded by the equals sign and the path of the partition it is a subpartition of. A subpartition is treated as "part" of the main partition so for instance, TWRP automatically makes /datadata a subpartition of /data. This means that /datadata will not show up in the GUI listings, but /datadata would be wiped, backed up, restored, mounted, and unmounted anytime those operations are performed on /data. A good example of the use of subpartitions is the 3x efs partitions on the LG Optimus G:
/efs1         emmc   /dev/block/mmcblk0p12 flags=backup=1;display=EFS
/efs2         emmc   /dev/block/mmcblk0p13 flags=backup=1;subpartitionof=/efs1
/efs3         emmc   /dev/block/mmcblk0p14 flags=backup=1;subpartitionof=/efs1
This lumps all 3 partitions into a single "EFS" entry in the TWRP GUI allowing all three to be backed up and restored together under a single entry.

If you have questions, feel free to stop by  #twrp on Freenode . If you post here I may not see it for a while as I have lots of threads out there and there's no way for me to keep track of them all. If you successfully port TWRP to a new device, please let us know! We love to hear success stories!

If you have code changes that you'd like to submit, please submit them through the  Omni Gerrit server Guide is here .

Once you get Omni or CM sync'ed and your TWRP flags set, you should do a source ./build/envsetup.sh We usually lunch for the device in question, so something like "lunch omni_hammerhead-eng".

After you lunch successfully for your device this is the command used for most devices:
make clean && make -j# recoveryimage
Replace the # with the core count +1, so if you have a dual core it's -j3 and a quad core becomes -j5, etc. If you're dealing with a "typical"  Samsung   device, then you'll need to
make -j# bootimage
Most  Samsung   devices have the recovery included as an extra ramdisk in the boot image instead of a separate recovery partition as found on most other devices.

Notes about 4.4 Kit Kat ROMs and SELinux
There's absolutely no SELinux support in ICS trees or older. libselinux is not included in these trees and some dependencies for libselinux don't exist elsewhere in these older trees so there's no way to get SELinux support unless you move to a newer tree. I recommend using a 4.3 based tree or higher.

SELinux support is included in all builds of TWRP so long as you build in a tree that has libselinux present. However, for SELinux support to work, your kernel must support EXT4 security labels as well. If you're using an older kernel, your TWRP won't support SELinux and you will get errors when installing 4.4 Kit Kat ROMs due to set_metadata not being able to set SELinux contexts. You'll see an error in the recovery log stating something along the lines of "Operation not supported on transport endpoint." This means you need to add proper support to the kernel you are using in recovery. (Yes, at least in most cases, recovery has its own kernel.)

In the kernel source I was testing, the needed flag was CONFIG_EXT4_FS_SECURITY=y and the option was called Ext4 Security Labels under the file systems menu. If you want full SELinux in your kernel you will need to add auditing support (usually found under general setup) then enable SELinux under security options. There's multiple flags and some dependencies involved so your setup may vary slightly.

The android-4.4 branch of TWRP from Omni now includes a check during boot. You will see text in the log and in the console indicating the SELinux status. This should help you identify what issue(s) you may have with SELinux support.

Deprecated build flags:
For TWRP < 2.5:
The below is how you can add custom / special partitions to the list of partitions available for backup. The SP1_NAME must match the name of a partition defined in recovery.fstab. The SP1_DISPLAY_NAME is the name displayed on the backup page if it needs to be different than SP1_NAME. SP1_BACKUP_METHOD defines how the partition should be backed up (files or image). And SP1_MOUNTABLE determines if the partition can be mounted.
SP1_NAME := "pds"
SP2_NAME := "osh"
SP2_DISPLAY_NAME := "Webtop"
SP3_NAME := "preinstall"


So, now, hopefully you've compiled TWRP for your device and gotten it working. Now, you'd like to know how to get TWRP officially supported for your device so that it can be installed automatically with GooManager. In order for us to add "official support" for your device we'll need the following:
1) Device configuration files to compile TWRP from source for your device. This means that you cannot have repacked a recovery.img by hand to get it working. We need to be able to compile it from source so that we can easily release future updates.
2) A copy of a build prop for your device (it's in /system/build.prop) so that we can add the correct device information to GooManager
3) We'll build a copy of TWRP and send it to you for validation. Once you've validated that we can build a working image for your device, we'll add it to GooManager.

Note that we won't take credit for your port. You'll still get to post it on XDA to collect all the credit that goes with releasing something new for your device. Also note that it's not always possible to provide automated installs for all devices.

You can now boot TWRP in an emulator. If you're trying to help develop TWRP, this can be a huge help as you don't have to risk your device and you can do everything directly on your computer.

Download this set of device configuration files.

Compile a recoveryimage using those device files. In the Android SDK, click on Tools -> Manage AVDs. Click New. Set it up as the following:
Device: Galaxy Nexus
Target: ICS or newer though anything will probably work here
CPU: ARM (armeabi-v7a)
Check the box for hardware keyboard (your computer's keyboard will work in TWRP)
Up to you if you want to have the skin with controls present
Front Camera: None
Back Camera: None
RAM: 1024 VM Heap: 64
Internal Storage: 200
SD Card: Size: 500 MiB

Then click OK.

Once you have your AVD and your recoveryimage, you can boot TWRP in the emulator by browsing to your android-sdk/tools folder and run this command:
./emulator -avd TWRP -ramdisk CMFOLDER/out/target/product/twrp/ramdisk-recovery.img

Note that ADB doesn't work right away. About 10 to 15 seconds after TWRP finishes booting, ADB will come online. We start ADB via init.rc so even if TWRP fails to boot due to some kind of code error that you may have made, ADB should still work. Enjoy!





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