2016 微软编程之美复赛题目中文翻译

Microsoft Academic Graph (MAG) is a large heterogeneous graph containing entities such as authors, papers, journals, conferences and relations between them. Microsoft provides Academic Knowledge API for this contest. The Entity attributes are defined here.

微软学术图谱(Microsoft Academic Graph ,MAG)是一个大型的,丰富多样的图,其包括的内容如:作者、论文、期刊、会议、以及上述实体之间的关系。微软为本次比赛提供了学术知识API(Academic Knowledge API )。实体属性的定义如下(见链接)。

Participants are supposed to provide a REST service endpoint that can find all the 1-hop, 2-hop, and 3-hop graph paths connecting a given pair of entity identifiers in MAG. The given pair of entity identifiers could be [Id, Id], [Id, AA.AuId], [AA.AuId, Id], [AA.AuId, AA.AuId]. Each node of a path should be one of the following identifiers: Id, F.Fid, J.JId, C.CId, AA.AuId, AA.AfId. Possible edges (a pair of adjacent nodes) of a path are:

参赛者需要提供REST服务终端。此服务应该能找到所有的1-hop、2-hop、3-hop图路径,这些路径连接了MAG中给定的实体标识符(entity indentifier)的对子。实体标识符对子的可能形式为:[Id, Id], [Id, AA.AuId], [AA.AuId, Id], [AA.AuId, AA.AuId]。一条路径的每一个节点都应为下列标识符中的中的一种:Id, F.Fid, J.JId, C.CId, AA.AuId, AA.AfId. 可能的一条路径的边(也即相邻节点对)如下:


For each test case, the REST service endpoint will receive a JSON array via HTTP with a pair of entity identifiers, where the identifiers are 64-bit integers, e.g. [123, 456]. The service endpoint needs to respond with a JSON array within 300 seconds. The response JSON array consists of a list of graph paths in the form of [path1, path2, …, pathn], where each path is an array of entity identifiers. For example, if your program finds one 1-hop paths, two 2-hop paths, and one 3-hop paths, the results may look like this: [[123,456], [123,2,456], [123,3,456], [123,4,5,456]]. For a path such as [123,4,5,456], the integers are the identifiers of the entities on the path. After receiving the response, the evaluator will wait for a random period of time before sending the next requests.

对于每种测试样例,REST服务终端将会收到以HTTP方式传输的JSON数组(json array),其带有成对的实体标识符,其中,标识符是64位整数,如[123, 456]。服务终端需要在300s内返回JSON数组。(参赛者的)服务器端响应的JSON数组中含有图中路径的列表,形式如下: [path1, path2, …, pathn]。每一条路径都是实体标识符的数组。比如,如果程序发现了一条1-hop路径,两条2-hop路径和一条3-hop路径,结果应该就有下面的形式:[[123,456], [123,2,456], [123,3,456], [123,4,5,456]]。对于一条路径,如[123,4,5,456],其中的整数是路径上的实体标识符。在收到服务器的响应后,评估程序(比赛的评分程序)将会等待随机的一段时间,然后再次发送请求。

Evaluation Metric 评分指标

The REST service must be deployed to a Standard_A3 virtual machine for the final test. There are no constraints on the programming language you can use.

参加最终测试的REST服务必须部署在Standard A3虚拟机上。参赛者使用的语言没有任何限制。

The test cases are not available before the final evaluation. When the evaluation starts, the evaluator system sends test cases to the REST endpoint of each team individually. Each team will receive 10 test cases (Q1to Q10). The response time for test case Qi is recorded as Ti(1≤i≤10). The final score is calculated using:

在最终评分前,测试用例将不会开放。当评分程序启动后,评分系统会将单独地将测试用例发送至每一参赛队伍的REST终端。每个队伍会受到10个测试用例(Q1到 Q10)。测试用例Qi的响应时间记为Ti,最终的得分使用如下公式计算:

where Ni is the size of the solution (the total number of correct paths) for Qi , Ki is the total number of paths returned by the REST service, Mi is the number of distinct correct paths returned by the REST service.






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