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原创 FastReport 合并2份(或多份)报表一同打印


2021-08-08 11:46:26 1354

转载 MSSQL2005+分组添加序号

表名:a字段1 字段21 a2 a3 a4 b5 b7 c8 cselect 字段1=row_number()over(partition by 字段2 order by getdate()),字段2from a得到字段1 字段21...

2019-07-16 16:02:43 338

原创 SQL的日期格式


2016-12-14 15:51:06 6641

原创 分组字符合并SQL语句

SQL code/*标题:按某字段合并字符串之一(简单合并)描述:将如下形式的数据按id字段合并value字段。id value----- ------1 aa1 bb2 aaa2 bbb2 ccc需要得到结果:id value------ -----------1 aa,bb2 aaa

2011-05-10 08:25:00 1050 2

原创 DELPHI编译软件时带上当前IDE的版本号

即可得到一个大小为 90K左右的控制台程序 GetIDEVER.exe(这就是为什么用D2007编译的原因,目前我的电脑最低是2007,用最新的DXE12,编译出来得有4.5MB左右)我想得到的是IDE的版本号,比如当前最新版本的DELPHI是:Embarcadero® RAD Studio 12 Version。IDE提供的API中,好象没有与之相关的东西;想要得到这个版本号,也许只能用变通的方式。此时,只需要在你的单元文件中导入这个INC即可直接读取了。得到的也只是编译器的版本号。

2024-09-21 09:27:14 344

原创 ADOQuery 查询MSSQL存储过程一个莫名其妙的错误;

也能正常的返回想要的数据,,然后通过 ADO 查询时,总是提法 某 字段不存在的问题;在某过程调用另一过程时,切记两过程不要存在同名临时表名,否则就会出现类似的问题;只需要修改其中一个过程的 #T01 为其它名字即可解决问题;在 SSMS 中执行完成正常的的存储过程。这个才是造成问题的根本存在。

2024-07-09 21:34:05 146

原创 ADOQuery中使用Resync解决读取lookup数据不正确的问题

但仍然不完美,使用 Resync 会遍历QRY1 的每一行数据,最终会定位到最后一行数据。在 ADOQuery的fields 属性中,增加两个lookup字段 L_NAME ,L_QTY ,LOOKUP数据集 QTY_LOOK 到QTY1中。此时虽然可以刷新(相当于重新统计QRY1)的数据,但是这要重新在后台执行那个存储过程来”重置“QRY1的数据是可以解决这个问题。在使用 Delphi2007 的ADOQuery时,遇到一个看到的数据与读取 lookup 数据不一样的问题。就完美的解决了这种“

2024-06-14 15:45:33 411

原创 D2007使用DBGridEH导出EXCEL时中文乱码的解决方法


2024-06-07 09:13:24 155

原创 在使用FRP做内网穿透时,客户端FRPC经常莫名退出的解决方法

然后上官方( github.com/fatedier/frp )去查,也有人反馈问题,作者仿佛也很无奈的相子,此问题在2017年就提出来了,直至今天好象也没有得到解决;在家里自建了一个私人网络云盘,由于家里上网IP都是服务商动态分配的,所以公网IP地址是不固定的。(免费的限制挺在的),由于我自己有一个固定公网IP的电脑可以使用,所以就选择了免费开源的 frp。在使用过程中,发一个问题,frpc.exe 会经常莫名的退出了。服务端也可以这么做。把相关的“写死”在代码里面的东西,弄一个配置,这样就灵活些了。

2023-07-25 15:48:54 2704

原创 MSSQL 在执行DML,限制其影响数据的行数

msql dml

2023-07-14 09:32:22 304

原创 unigui 的 TUniDBLookupComboBox 只能选择不能输入的解决

都只能下拉选择,无法手工输入。虽然设置为 csDropDown 但是在实际运行中,却是:csDropDownList 的效果。在 ClinetEvents->ExtEvents 中添加下面代码即可实现。解决这个的办法就很简单;无论在这里设置为什么。

2023-06-06 09:28:08 444

原创 一个让人郁闷的DELPHI编译器错误:[dcc32 致命错误] Main.pas(1305): F2084 内部错误:URW1302

[dcc32 致命错误] Main.pas(1305): F2084 内部错误:URW1302[dcc32 致命错误] F2084 内部错误:AV097D960B(09760000)-R3AC6FF18-0[dcc32 致命错误] Main.pas(1305): F2084 内部错误:AV097D95CB(09760000)-R0000020E-0[dcc32 致命错误] Main.pas(1305): F2084 内部错误:AV097D95CB(09760000)-R00000003-0......

2022-06-19 20:27:26 902

原创 ADOConnection 打开EXCEL

'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;' + 'Data Source=' + Edt_ExcelFilePath.Text + ';' + 'Extended Properties=Excel 8.0;';

2022-01-20 11:16:06 753

原创 MSSQL FLOAT 的问题挺郁闷的

图中的 905 * 0.815 正常的计算结果为 737.575 ,四舍五入保留两位小数就应该是:737.58但是呢,如:jjjjj2 所显示竟然是:737.57 。其实真实的计算结果如:jjjj1所示:737.574999999。四舍五入保留两位小数自然就是不是预期应该的数了;这个名字,就是 float 的精度差的问题。将其转换为精度较好的类型后果再取四舍五入就好了。...

2021-07-09 10:51:01 254

原创 SQL 获取月份的天数

SELECT 32-DAY(getdate()+32-DAY(getdate()))

2021-06-16 15:32:42 3340

原创 取字符串中第一个数字 与 最后一个数字的位置

DECLARE @str NVARCHAR(255) = 'YX807.起8款小折盒各入1个配件(其中7仔入3种),起大折盒,放8个小折盒入盒放板。'SELECT PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', @str) AS 第一个数字位置 , LEN(@str) - PATINDEX('%[0-9]%', REVERSE(@str)) + 1 AS 最后一个数字位置...

2021-06-11 10:12:55 867 1

原创 PIVOT 与 UNPIVOT 的纵横互转

在 MSSQL2008R2 上测试,其它版本未知

2021-05-31 14:48:10 113

原创 InpubQuery的高级用法

procedure ShowErrorMsg(Amsg:string);begin Application.MessageBox(PChar(Amsg), 'error', MB_OK); abort;end;procedure TFrm_Main.Btn_1Click(Sender: TObject);var ss:array of string;begin SetLength(ss,3); if InputQuery('密码修改',[Chr(0)+'旧 密 码',Chr.

2021-04-30 21:36:28 221 1

原创 unigui 通过点击按钮打开一个新的网页

不能用 ShellExecute要用:unisession.addjs('window.open("http://www.163.com","newwindow")')

2021-04-27 13:56:56 637

原创 去掉 unigui 服务器端的 UniGUI Server 字样

uses uniGUIServerFormprocedure TUniServerModule.UniGUIServerModuleCreate(Sender: TObject);begin uniGUIServerForm.ServerForm.Caption :='测试一下效果,哈哈哈。';end;

2021-03-23 10:54:42 472

原创 FDQuery 不能通过TRY...except 捕获错误的解决方法

procedure TDM_SYS.PubP_BatchSaveStdData(MastTbl: TFDQuery);var n:Integer;begin try if MastTbl.State in [dsedit,dsinsert] then MastTbl.Post; MastTbl.ApplyUpdates(0); //通过DEBUG,可以定位错在这里 except on e:Exception do begin ShowErrorMsg...

2021-01-11 10:18:35 464

转载 unigui 验证码生成

转载自:https://blog.csdn.net/tvmerp/article/details/107736457//验证码生成单元unit AuthenticodeGenerate;interfaceuses SysUtils, Windows, ExtCtrls, Graphics;function GenerateAuthenticode(const Img: TImage; const Len: Integer = 4): string;implementati.

2020-08-21 22:53:04 364

原创 使用CleintDataset 蜂巢式主从结构,修改主表KEY字段出现 Cascaded updates not enabled

在provider的option属性中将 opCascadeDeletes 与 opCascadeUpdates 设置为 True 即可。

2020-06-04 13:31:53 259

转载 FireDAC 连接SQL Server需要注意的

TFDConnection:FetchOptions.Mode 设置为fmAll, 返回全部结果, 否则默认只返回前50条, 效果与open以后再执行FetchAll一样ResourceOptions.SilentMode 设置为True, 就不需要FDGUIxWaitCursor之类的东西了, 同样也不再会自动改变鼠标样式, 默认是需要的TFDQuery:Resour...

2020-04-17 14:12:50 548

转载 delphi bpl插件系统开发

一个插件系统需要什么?一个最小的插件系统当然需要插件本身,调用插件的容器,最后需要契约.契约是什么呢?契约就是两个对象相互沟通的一个标准,这个标准应该统一,这样容器才能和不同的插件通讯.我们可以使用接口来表述这个契约.例如type IPlugin =interface['{48BF4000-B028-4B57-9955-B1A8305DA39...

2019-12-14 22:50:41 700

转载 Method pointer and regular procedure

This is the difference between a "procedure" and a "procedure of object"TheOnClickis defined as aTNotifyEvent:type TNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject) of object;You cannot assign a pro...

2019-12-07 11:18:22 660

原创 uniGui 出现 [FireDAC][Phys][ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]连接占线导致另一个 hstmt

之前觉得好玩,用 UniGui 帮一个朋友(开一间小公司)弄了一个管理上的小东西。使用的是 Delphi D10.1(Berlin)+ UniGui + fireDac + MSSQL2008 弄的,运行得还不错;后来新版本的DELPHI D10.3.2(RIO)版出来,就想玩玩。然后发现 UniGui版安装不上,就装了

2019-11-14 09:17:08 2180

转载 Delphi出现 No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page 处理方法

当调用 TStrings.LoadFromFile(html_file_name, TEncoding.UTF8); 出现 No mapping for the Unicode character exists in the target multi-byte code page错误。这种错误在调用非UTF8编码的文件时会出错。处理方法如下 try tmpS...

2019-10-09 14:53:17 1975

转载 如何给注册表添加右键菜单

Win + R 组合键打开命令行 输入 regedit 打开注册表 找到 HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shell 目录,新建 name 项 来到 name 项目录,新建 command 项 来到 command 项目录,新建一个 字符串值 复制应用程序 *.exe 路径到 command 默认值 字符串值name 层新建一个 icon 项,键值添加图标路径即可给右键菜单添加...

2019-08-05 21:16:50 805

转载 Delphi之MIDAS三层完美解决方案----中间层构建


2019-04-01 08:27:13 2117 1

原创 数据表内的数据上下移动的方法;

一个很笨的方法procedure PubP_SetDatasetToEditStat(const D: TDataSet);begin if not (D.State in [dsEdit,dsInsert]) then D.Edit;end;//MoveType=0上移否则下移//NoMoveField 不移动数据列表,比如:主键列procedure PubP_Da...

2019-03-13 16:26:26 1248

转载 全国省市县SQL数据库(大全) MSSQL


2019-03-12 13:34:41 6355

转载 全国省市县SQL数据库(大全)

CREATE TABLE `city` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `pid` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `cityname` varchar(255) CHARACTER SET utf8 DEFAULT NULL, `type` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`)...

2019-03-12 13:25:52 2156 2

转载 FireDAC返回多结果集

以前使用ADO, 如果SQL返回的结果集有多个 可以通过NextRecordset来依次获取代码移植到FireDAC, 对于多结果集处理差不多, 但是还是有一些不一样的地方:1.TDataSet本身是不支持多结果集的, 所以不要再这个上面浪费精力2.切换到下一个结果集, ADO.NextRecordset 对应 FD.NextRecordSet3.判断是否有下一个结果集, ADO的...

2019-01-31 08:53:35 1081

转载 在Delphi中怎么实现排列组合

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);var s1,s2:string; str,str1:TStrings; i,j,m,n:Integer;begin s1:=Trim(self.Edit1.Text);//这里就是你的字符串‘4,6,8,12,16,17,20,28,29,30,31’ s2:=Trim(se...

2018-12-03 11:32:27 1772

原创 MSSQL将字符串转换成列表格式


2018-11-22 13:54:37 928

转载 delphi 各版本編譯器判斷

Delphi conditional VER<nnn>ProductProduct VersionPackage VersionVER300Delphi Seattle / C++Builder Seattle(Delphi:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Android) (C++Builder:Win32/Win64/OSX/iOS32/iOS64/Andr...

2018-05-01 11:09:52 1274


字符串,在原来 DELPHI7直到 DELPHI2007调用时。直接使用 PCHAR()就好。但是从DELPHI2009开始支持了unicode。调用 以前旧版的DLL时,传参数就不能使用 PCHAR前者是: PansiChar 后者是 PWideChar如果将 PCHAR 直接换成 PAnsiChar 来传也是不会成功,需要选使用 AnsiStri

2017-09-22 16:06:18 6819

原创 启动DELPHI2007出现 EditorLineEnds.ttr 错误的解决方法

在网上找到了很多方法。其实解决这个问题的方法,最简单的就是把  EditorLineEnds.ttr  改名为  EditorLineEnds.ttf 然后,安装它,安装完成后就OK了。

2017-01-10 11:02:44 14743 1

原创 sql server cross/outer apply 用法

这是 sql server 帮助文档关于apply的描述:      使用 APPLY 运算符(2005或以上版本)可以为实现查询操作的外部表表达式返回的每个行调用表值函数。表值函数作为右输入,外部表表达式作为左输入。通过对右输入求值来获得左输入每一行的计算结果,生成的行被组合起来作为最终输出。APPLY 运算符生成的列的列表是左输入中的列集,后跟右输入返回的列的列表。      APPL

2016-11-23 15:27:02 7054




Raize Components 7.0 FS D11.0.7z



CrossVcl 1.53.7z

CrossVcl is a toolchain that permits the development macOS and Linux application using Embarcadero OSX compiler and VCL. Conceptually, CrossVcl is a combination of two major components: Runtimes: Brand-new implementations of WinAPI for macOS nad Linux, tightly integrated with the native OS runtime. Design Time Management: An IDE expert which allows to add OSX64 and Linux64 platform to VCL project and setup it with CrossVcl.


FastReport V6.4.8_ByJoe.7z

解决 fastreport 字符中出现 行首 为标点符号的问题.



此控件在树控件,速度绝对可以称为最快(没有之一) 10万个节点,不管是创建,还是清除,1秒钟内可以创建完成,而其它同类控件至少需要15秒;(我的电脑 I5-10500 + 32G + SSD(NVME)500G * 2) 有一个小细节须注意。 TreeView1.ITEMS.beginUpdate; // 生成树的代码 TreeView1.ITEMS.endUpdate; 如果前后不加上 BeginUpdate 与 EndUpdate 的话, 生成速度甚至不如同类控件;



想要学习DELPHI的控件开发,这个资料非常的值得一看。 Delphi控件开发 1~8 由CowNew开源团队撰写。 文章将通过一个简单的例子来为初学者介绍编写控件的一些基本方法和模式。   这个例子控件叫TLeiLabel,是在TLabel的基础上增加两个实用的功能:一是使文字具有立体形状,二是使文字具有超链接属性。下面就让我们一步步来实现这些功能。   一、使文字具有立体形状   首先定义类型T3DEffect和属性Style3D分别如下:   T3DEffect=(Normal,Raised,Lowered, Shadowed);   property Style3D:T3DEffect read FStyle3D write SetStyle3D default Normal;   再在private中定义变量:“FStyle3D:T3DEffect;”,并设置SetStyle3D()方法如下,这也是写方法的一般格式:   procedure TLeiLabel.SetStyle3D(Value: T3DEffect);    begin    if FStyle3D <> value then    begin    FStyle3D := value;    invalidate; //表示控件将重画    end;    end;   另外对于带阴影的文字还要定义阴影的偏移量ShadeXOffSet和ShadeYOffSet:   property ShadowXOffSet: integer read FXOffSet write SetFXOffSet default 5;   property ShadowYOffSet: integer read FYOffSet write SetFYOffSet default -5;   写方法SetFXOffSet()、SetFYOffSet()和上面的SetStyle3D()类似。   要重画控件一般要重载Paint方法,此处只是重画文字,我们只需重载DoDrawText方法。   DoDrawText的声明放在Protected中:   procedure DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Longint); override;   此处DoDrawText()根据四种类型(正常、凸起、凹进和阴影)分别画出不同的文字。 二、使文字具有超链接属性   定义一个属性URL表示要链接的网址或Email地址。   Property URL : String read FURL write SetURL;   写方法SetURL如下:   procedure TLeiLabel.SetURL(Value: String);   Begin   if FURL <> Value then FURL := Value ;   if FURL <> then   Cursor := crHandPoint;   end;   当点击此Label时要打开浏览器或收发邮件工具,这便要重载Click方法。    Procedure Click; Override;    procedure TLeiLabel.Click;    var s: string;    Begin    Inherited Click;    if FURL = then exit;    if LowerCase(Copy(FURL,1,7)) = http:// then    s := FURL    else if Pos(@,FURL) <> 0 Then    s := mailt + FURL    else    s := http:// + FURL;    ShellExecute(Application.Handle, open, PChar(s), NIL, NIL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);    end;   一般的超链接当鼠标移入时文字的颜色发生变化。为此加上属性HoverColor,表示鼠标移入时文字的颜色。   Property HoverColor : TColor Read FHoverColor Write SetHoverColor default clRed;   还要定义两个接收Windows消息CM_MOUSEENTER和CM_MOUSELEAVE(鼠标移进和移出)的过程:   Procedure CMMouseE


InfoPower 4K v20.0.2.3 for XE10.3 RIO_ByJoe.7z

在各种群或是网上找到的类似 InfoPower 4K v20.0.2.3 for D10.3 Rio Full Source 基本上想顺利的安装上都相当的不容易。仿佛是对BDE的支持问题导致很多地方编译通不过 于是我整理了一下。 简化的安装方法,只需要编译安装一个DPK。


FastReport QRCode

让你的 FastReport 支持 QRCode 二维码





TscExcelExport 3.6 full source

* The warnings 'unsafe code', 'unsafe type' and 'unsafe typecast' should be ignored. In Delphi 7, 2005, 2006, Turbo Delphi and 2007 these warnings can be disabled in your project options. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 1.0 (February 2000) Version 1.2 - Improved connection to Excel Version 1.3 - Added Orientation of titles - Added StyleColumnWidth Version 1.4 - Improved GetColumnCharacters - Added Border properties and background colors for Titles, Data and Summary - Added Summary properties (SummarySelection, SummaryFields, SummaryCalculation) Version 1.5 - Improved speed of exporting data - Improved exporting string-fields - Added ConnectTo property Version 1.6 - Suppression of reference to Dataset.RecordCount (thanks to G閞ard Beneteau) - Added VisibleFieldsOnly property Version 1.7 - Notification when disconnecting dataset - Very fast export by using a variant matrix (thanks to Frank van den Bergh) Version 1.8 - Bug in exporting titles (thanks to Roberto Parola) - Setting format of cells before exporting data (thanks to Asbj鴕n Heggvik) - Added BlockOfRecords property : little bit faster and more control of memory - Added properties to set begin row of titles and data Version 1.9 - Added properties (Orientation, WrapText, Alignment) to font (thanks to David Balick) (property OrientationTitles is removed) - Added HeaderText (thanks to David Balick) - Improved some routines Version 2.0 - Added read only property with row number of last data row - Added property with the Excel tabsheet so after the export it is possible to access the cells in Excel - Added event OnExportRecords Version 2.1 - Bugfixes Version 2.2 - Bugfix when exporting filtered dataset (thanks to Heinz Faerber) - New column width styles : cwFieldDisplayWidth, cwFieldDataSize, cwEnhAutoFit (idea from Scott Stanek) Version 2.3 - Added properties begin column data/titles and header (idea from Knjazev Sergey) - Added property ShowTitles Version 2.4 - Support for Delphi 6.0 Version 2.5 - D6 : problem when using disconnect Version 2.6 - Bugfixes and some improvements - Added method LoadDefaultProperties to reset all properties - Improvement SetFormat (thanks to Enrico Chiaramonte) - Improvements using borders (thanks to Ot醰io) - Added event OnGetCellBackgroundColorEvent (thanks to Yuri Plotnikov) - Added events to export data without using a TDataset and new property DataPipe : dpDataset, dpCustom (thanks to David Balick) - Event OnExportRecords will be triggered after exporting the record Version 2.7 - Some bugfixes - Added new unit scExcelExportReg which contains a component editor - Added exceptions to prevent access violations (EFileNotExists, ENoDatasetConnected, EDatasetNotActive, ENoActiveWorkbook) - Added new property Filename which can be used to add data to existing file - Add data to existing worksheet when name of given worksheet already exists - Added new feature to group rows (thanks to Vadim Mescheryakov & Stijn Vansummeren) - Added new group options properties : ClearContents, BorderRange, IntervalFontSize - New events for exporting without dataset : OnGotoFirstRecord, OnGotoNextRecord Version 2.81 - Created a package for Delphi5 and Delphi6 to make installation easier - Added new public method Connect. Can be used to make a connection to Excel before exporting data. When exporting more datasets at the same time, the Disconnect method should be used after using the ExportDataset method ! - Added new read only property Connected. - Text property of field in stead of Value property is exported so OnGetText events can be used Version 2.91 - Improvements SetFormat (before exporting data) - Added support for fieldtype ftTimeStamp - Added fieldtype ftMemo, ftOraClob, ftFmtMemo, these kinds of fields are exported using AsVariant not the Text property like other fields - Improvement for regional settings of floats (thanks to Jorge Pinetta) - Improvement ShowTitles and BeginRowData properties (thanks to Jordi March i Nogu? - Added FooterText properties - Small changes for Delphi 7.0 Version 3.0 - Bugfix for Delphi 5 (added extra compiler directives) - Improvements constants of Borders, Colors, ... - Use OnGetText event for memo field when it is assigned, otherwise export contents of memo - Improvement exporting string data when DataPipe = dpCustom - New demonstration program Version 3.1 - Bugfix for displayformat (InitFormatNumbers was disabled) - Improvements for exporting currency fields (a kind of curency displayformat is created so that the result in Excel looks the same as in your Delphi program) - Improvement for setting displayformat for cells. This has to be done before exporting. In previous version this was done from row 1 to 9999. When exporting more records they had no displayformat. Now displayformat for each block of rows is set. This will also increase the file size ! - Added resource strings for the exceptions. Now these error messages can be translated. - Added scAVG (average) as new TSummaryCalculation type Version 3.11 - Added support for displayformat of datetime fields Version 3.12 - Bugfix displayformat of time field Version 3.2 (May 2004) - Bugfix displayformat with thousand seperators - Bugfix date time fields with Excel 2003 (internal American datetime format should be used) - Tested with MS Excel 2003 Version 3.3 (February 2005) - Bugfixes : ExcelVersion, Excel 2003, ... - Created 2 packages, a run-time (ExcelExportPack) and a design-time (dclExcelExportPack) - Added package for Delphi (BDS) 2005 - Added new OnCellStyle event which can be used to change the background color and font color, size, name and bold style of a cell - Added new OnFieldCellStyle event which can be used to change the background color and font color, size, name and bold style of a cell when datapipe is set to dpCustom - Added ftBCD and ftFMTBCD datatype in IsValueField function - Added ftFMTBCD datatype to CanConvertFieldToCell function Version 3.31 (February 2005) - Empty datetime fields are exported as '' instead of 31/12/1899 (thanks to Peter Hannah) Version 3.4 (April 2006) - Bugfix Memo fields, maximum length 910 (thanks to Douglas Neckers) - Bugfix set font and style when there are more then 26 columns (thanks to Horst Borscht) - Made properties ExcelApplication and ExcelWorkbook public - Added IsExcelAppActive function - Added ENotSupported exception - Added Quit option for Disconnect method - Added support for ExcelXP type library - Added FileFormat XML (XML spreadsheet, only with ExcelXP type library) - Added scExcelExportConfig.inc unit with compiler directives for choosing Excel type library (97, 2000, XP) - Added package and package group for Delphi (BDS) 2006 Version 3.41 (May 2006) - Bugfix compiler directives in Delphi 5 - Added SummaryDisplayFormat property Version 3.42 (June 2006) - Bugfix BeginRowHeader - Added PropertyGroups parameter to LoadDefaultProperties Now a set of property groups can be given : pgFont, pgPositions, pgSummary, pgGroup, pgText, pgOther - Improvement WorkSheetName. By setting the WorkSheetName property an existing or new worksheet can be focused after the export. Version 3.5 (September 2006) - Bugfix setting column width - Added properties for merging of header and footer cells (MergeHeaderCells, MergeFooterCells) - Added AutoFilter property for titles of dataset - Added support for Excel 2007 (b鑤a) - Added ffXLSX for saving files in Excel 2007 Open XML format - Added support for OnGetText event for numeric fields - Added public property for LCID so it can be used after exporting - Using default font and size of Excel by setting Size = -1 and Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' -> Excel97/2003 : Arial size 10, Excel 2007 : Calibri size 11 - Tested with Turbo Delphi Explorer (Win32) Version 3.51 (October 2006) - Added readonly TypeLibrary property Version 3.6 (June 2007) - Added support for Delphi 2007 - Retested support for Excel 2007 - Tested with Windows Vista - Started with converting comments to XML documentation - Added public method FindFirstEmptyRow


Ehlib (完整源代码)

EhLib 4.3 Build 4.3.21 source included version. ---------------------------------------------- The Library contains components and classes for Borland Delphi versions 5, 6, 7, 8 & 9 , Borland C++ Builder versions 5 & 6, Borland Developer Studio 2006, CodeGear Delphi 2007 and CodeGear RAD Studio 2009.


NexusDB 2.0706.exe




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