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原创 Windows Live Writer试用心得

介绍Windows Live Writer是一款管理个人blog的客户端工具,目前是beta版本,官方网站是http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/。大家可以参考csdn上的使用教程“通过Live Writer Blog客户端来写blog ”来使用和测试。实战CSDN上的blog下载和安装后,按照教程上的进行对CSDN上的blog设置,

2006-12-16 14:14:00 1114

原创 【旧】《Eclipse从入门到精通》读书笔记(1)

《Eclipse从入门到精通》读书笔记(1) 概述从很多网站上知道eclipse这个最流行的免费JAVA开发工具,一直想学,就是没有合适的中文书籍和时间去学,要啃英文骨头就比较痛苦了。前不久从china-pub买了本《Eclipse从入门到精通》,粗粗翻了一遍,觉得应该是从入门到熟手差不多,关键还是“师傅领进门,修行在个人”呀。勘误和心得书既然已经翻过一遍,掌握了书的主要内

2006-12-16 13:00:00 2071 1

原创 【旧】C++Primer读书笔记(2)

C++Primer读书笔记(2) 读第二章的时候,遇到了一些困难,主要是文中的例子不完整,导致怎么也无法编译。当然,自己照着写一个也不困难,但是终究不爽。虽然从网上下载了附带的源代码,但是不太想看。算啦,先看第三章先。偶尔在网上下载到了C++ Primer第四版(英文),2005年二月出版的,很是犹豫到底看新的好还是继续看第三版,挣扎了许久,终于还是决定看中文版了。第三章讲的是数据

2006-12-16 12:58:00 935

原创 【旧】C++Primer读书笔记(1)

C++Primer读书笔记(1) 前天,在网上读到一篇文章,深深觉得打好基础是非常非常关键的一件事情。回想大学时,C/C++课程当初只安排了一个学期,其他诸如数据库系统、数据结构等也仅仅是涉猎而已,编译原理更是没有涉及。这个和专业也有关系,我们是偏向应用的,课程这样设置也就不足为奇了。可惜,毕业后走的确实另外一条道路,偏向于底层编程。经过好几年的摸爬滚打,什么技术都大致涉及过,知识也扩展了

2006-12-16 12:57:00 901

转载 【旧】是我在中关村论坛上见到的一篇文章,我觉得非常好,介绍给大家!

是我在中关村论坛上见到的一篇文章,我觉得非常好,介绍给大家!                                         这是我在中关村论坛上见到的一篇文章,我觉得非常好,介绍给大家!   作者:未知 日期:2003-7-14 来源:未知 我认为有些人的观点错了。错得一塌糊涂。 对于这个问题,我的基本观点是:任何实践都是理论的载体或表现形式。而理论也是由实践上升而来

2006-12-16 12:56:00 725

原创 【旧】敏捷软件开发宣言

敏捷软件开发宣言 Manifesto for Agile Software Development敏捷软件开发宣言We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: 我们正在通

2006-12-16 12:54:00 1036

原创 【旧】赞赏敏捷开发

赞赏敏捷开发 最近正在看《Agile Software Development: Principles, Patterns, and Practices》影印版(记得我同事买了本中文版,可惜他不久前离开公司,不能切磋切磋了),虽然看得很是吃力,不过也深为其中很多深刻的思想和原则而触动。其中如客户参与、测试驱动、结对编程和持续迭代等概念和原则,值得自己一试。所以,又从网上找了本电子书《M

2006-12-16 12:53:00 129

原创 【旧】对于软件项目管理的困惑

对于软件项目管理的困惑                                       作为一名软件公司的项目经理,对于项目管理的很多方面却是一知半解,不甚了了。看了很多书,知道了很多概念,如RUP、CMM、CMMI、UML、软件配置、需求管理、BUG管理、流程控制等,往往到了实际工作中却发现很多事情不是按照你的想象进行的。时间的压力、工作进度的失控等等,到了最后就变成

2006-12-16 12:51:00 956

原创 【旧】新兵报到

新兵报到 博客之名闻之久矣,然则比之以英文名blog,含义差之十万八千里,不知所云,不知何人所译也。然而博客这个名称流行的速度之快,普及之广,超乎人的想象,一瞬间,网络上全部都在谈论博客了。经过对很多前辈的博客的阅读和观摩,逐渐的也萌生起张罗自己的博客的念头来。一次偶然的机会,看到张珂的博客(张珂/whyitbe,我的老上司),正好有空,也就顺便申请了一个。此就是我这个博客的新兵来

2006-12-16 12:50:00 794

原创 以前的blog网站之二

唉,刷新了一下,内容白写了,郁闷。。。。。。在记忆中,这个blog是写的比较多的一个,搜了半天,无果,还好终于试了出来,才终于没有留下遗憾。网址是:http://boyal.bokee.com/文章列表: 序号

2006-12-16 12:38:00 879

原创 以前的blog网站

从google搜了一下,发现了自己以前的一个blog网站,时间太久了,而且仅仅是建立了一下,所以半分映象也无。下面是详细的内容,只有一篇文章,是2004年的,距今已有2年有余了。网址是:http://arthurlee.cublog.cn/index.php 初次玩blog

2006-12-16 12:03:00 1207

原创 重拾blog

非常久没有写blog了,而今重新开始恢复起来,鼓励自己一下:坚持!!!唉,如果写blog能够有一个专业的客户端就非常方便了。 另,还是不习惯博客的中译名。

2006-12-16 11:55:00 721

Essential C# 7.0, 6th Edition.pdf

Welcome to one of the most venerable and trusted franchises you could dream of in the world of C# books—and probably far beyond! Mark Michaelis’ Essential C# series has been a classic for years, but it was yet to see the light of day when I first got to know Mark



There is no better time to learn Spark than now. Spark has become one of the critical components in the big data stack because of its ease of use, speed, and flexibility. This scalable data processing system is being widely adopted across many industries by many small and big companies, including Fa


Game Scripting Mastery.pdf

If you've been programming games for any reasonable amount of time, you've probably learned that at the end of the day, the really hard part of the job has nothing to do with illumination models, doppler shift, file formats, or frame rates, as the majority of game development books on the shelves would have you believe. These days, it's more or less evident that everyone knows everything. Gone are the days where game development gurus separated themselves from the common folk with their in-depth understanding of VGA registers or their ability to write an 8- bit mixer in 4K of code. Nowadays, impossibly fast hardware accelerators and monolithic APIs that do everything short of opening your mail pretty much have the technical details covered. No, what really make the creation of a phenomenal game difficult are the characters, the plot, and the suspension of disbelief


Making 8-bit Arcade Games in C.pdf

Why read this book? 1. You want to learn about the internals of Golden Age arcade games. 2. You want to experience what it would have been like to program these games if you had access to an advanced 8- bit C compiler. 3. You want to learn C on devices with slow CPUs and little RAM. You’ll learn all about the hardware of late 1970s-early 1980s arcade games, and we’ll create a few simple games with the C programming language along the way


Mastering Unity 2017 Game Development with C# - Second Edition.pdf

Greetings and welcome to Mastering Unity 2017! This book begins from a beginner's knowledge of Unity, and it helps you develop that knowledge into mastery of a certain kind. Specifically, it develops a general, overarching mastery in which you’ll learn Unity like a seasoned indie developer, capable of turning your hand to pretty much any department and feature set within Unity. The following chapter outline explains, in more detail, the full range of features that we’ll see, but the central aim of this book is to make you versatile and powerful with Unity; capable of encountering a problem and being able to solve it in the language of Unity’s feature set. In this book, we’ll concentrate for the most part on a practical example; we’ll build a first-person combat game, across multiple chapters, and this will test your typing skills in more ways than one, so let’s go!


Unity 5 Learning C# by Developing Games.pdf

Hello! future game developers. You are reading this course as you are probably curious person trying to learn more about a great game engine - Unity and specifically, programming in C#. Each module either pushes your skills in Unity into new areas or pushes them to the very limits of what they can be used for. This course takes a practical, project-based approach to teach you the specifics game development with the Unity 3D game engine. We walk through a series of hands-on projects and step-by-step tutorials using Unity and other free or open-source software. By the end of the course, you will be equipped to develop rich, interactive experiences using Unity.


Shell Programming in Unix, Linux and OS X, 4th Edition.pdf

It’s no secret that the family of Unix and Unix-like operating systems has emerged over the last few decades as the most pervasive, most widely used group of operating systems in computing today. For programmers who have been using Unix for many years, this came as no surprise: The Unix system provides an elegant and efficient environment for program development. That’s exactly what Dennis Ritchie and Ken Thompson sought to create when they developed Unix at Bell Laboratories way back in the late 1960s.


Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB.pdf

In the age of the Internet, building a web application is no longer a tough task, but building the web application in the right way is not a trait mastered by many. Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB: A Reference Guide is aimed at taking readers to the next level and to transform them from beginner-level programmers to intermediate or advanced-level programmers. Building a Web Application with PHP and MariaDB: A Reference Guide is a well thought out guide that begins with the basics of PHP and MariaDB and covers complex topics such as caching, security, building a REST API, and performance optimization. Building a web application that will be secure, scale well under pressure, and have an API available to different subscribers is not a simple task, but this book will make this a simple, easy-to-learn, and a memorable journey.


Fundamentals of Deep Learning.pdf

This booked is aimed an audience with a basic operating understanding of calculus, matrices, and Python programming. Approaching this material without this background is possible, but likely to be more challenging. Background in linear algebra may also be helpful in navigating certain sections of mathematical exposition. By the end of the book, we hope that our readers will be left with an intuition for how to approach problems using deep learning, the historical context for modern deep learning approaches, and a familiarity with implementing deep learning algorithms using the TensorFlow open source library.


RESTful Web Services with Dropwizard

Dropwizard is a Java development framework for RESTful Web Services. It was initially built by Yammer to be used as the base of their backend systems. Dropwizard is production-ready; it encapsulates everything you will need for RESTful development.


seven databases in seven weeks

A guide to Modern Databases and the NoSQL Movement


Test iOS Apps with UI Automation

In this book, we’re going to focus on testing by scripting interactions through the user interface. This is known as full stackor integrationtesting in some circles. We’re launching the whole app, tapping and gesturing, waiting for animations, and reacting to results from the screen.


Boost.Asio C++ Network Programming.pdf

Network programming has been around for a very long time, and it's definitely not a task for the faint-hearted. Boost.Asio provides an excellent abstraction over it, making sure that with a minimal amount of coding, you can create beautiful client-server applications and have tons of fun doing it. And it throws some extra non-networking features, just as a bonus! Code that uses Boost.Asio is compact, easy to read, and if you follow what I describe in the book, it is bug-free.



Getting started with MongoDB is easy, but once you’re building applications with it more complex questions emerge. Is it better to store data using this schema or that one? Should I break this into two documents or store it all as one? How can I make this faster? The advice in this book should help you answer these questions. This book is basically a list of tips, divided into topical sections: Chapter 1, Application Design Tips Ideas to keep in mind when you design your schema. Chapter 2, Implementation Tips Advice for programming applications against MongoDB. Chapter 3, Optimization Tips Ways to speed up your application. Chapter 4, Data Safety and Consistency How to use replication and journaling to keep data safe—without sacrificing too much performance. Chapter 5, Administration Tips Advice for configuring MongoDB and keeping it running smoothly. There are many tips that fit into more than one chapter, especially those concerning performance. The optimization chapter mainly focuses on indexing, but speed crops up everywhere, from schema design to implementation to data safety.



PhoneGap is a library that allows developers to interface directly with a mobile device through the use of its JavaScript libraries. With the multitude of mobile platforms it is very difficult and expensive to create multiple applications in Java, Objective-C, or other native languages. Through the PhoneGap library, most web developers can convert their existing knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript into mobile phone applications with very little effort. In this book, I will explore many common features of mobile development and how they are accomplished with PhoneGap. This will include GPS location, maps, media, accelerometers, and much more.


Pro Spring 3.pdf

Pro Spring 3.pdf





SQL基础教程 第3版



VMware Workstation 8.0.x 序列号生成器

VMware Workstation 8.0.x keygen,针对8.0.1/2/3都适用。


C++ Templates(简体中文版).pdf

C++ Templates(简体中文版).pdf


O'Reilly 2010 - Apprenticeship Patterns

O'Reilly 2010 - Apprenticeship Patterns.pdf O'Reilly 2010 - Apprenticeship Patterns.pdf


The Rails 3 Way第二版

经典之作呀。 As I write this new introduction in the spring of 2010, the official release of Rails 3.0 is looming, and what a big change it represents. The “Merb-ification” of Rails is almost complete! The new Rails is quite different from its predecessors in that its underlying architecture is more modular and elegant while increasing sheer performance signifi- cantly. The changes to Active Record are dramatic, with Arel’s query method chaining replacing hashed find parameters that we were all used to. There is a lot to love about Rails 3, and I do think that eventually most of the community will make the change. In most cases, I have not bothered to cover 2.x ways of doing things in Rails if they are significantly different from the Rails 3 way—hence the title change. I felt that naming the book “The Rails Way (Second Edition)” would be accurate, but possibly misleading. This new edition is a fully new book for a fully new framework. Practically every line of the book has been painstakingly revised and edited, with some fairly large chunks of the original book not making the new cut. It’s taken well over a year, including six months of working every night to get this book done! Even though Rails 3 is less opinionated than early versions, in that it allows for easy reconfiguration of Rails assumptions, this book is more opinionated than ever. The vast majority of Rails developers use RSpec, and I believe that is primarily because it is a superior choice to Test::Unit. Therefore, this book does not cover Test::Unit.I firmly believe that Haml is vastly, profoundly, better than ERb for view templating, so the book uses Haml exclusively.






Modern web application user interface design requires rapid development and proven results. jQuery UI, a trusted suite of official plugins for the jQuery JavaScript library, gives you a solid platform on which to build rich and engaging interfaces with maximum compatibility, stability, and a minimum of time and effort. jQuery UI has a series of ready-made, great looking user interface widgets, and a comprehensive set of core interaction helpers designed to be implemented in a consistent and developer-friendly way. With all this, the amount of code that you need to write personally to take a project from conception to completion is drastically reduced. Specially revised for version 1.7 of jQuery, this book has been written to maximize your experience with the library by breaking down each component and walking you through examples that progressively build upon your knowledge, taking you from beginner to advanced usage in a series of easy-to-follow steps. In this book, you'll learn how each component can be initialized in a basic default implementation and then see how easy it is to customize its appearance and configure its behavior to tailor it to the requirements of your application. You'll look at the configuration options and the methods exposed by each component's API to see how these can be used to bring out the best of the library. Events play a key role in any modern web application if it is to meet the expected minimum requirements of interactivity and responsiveness, and each chapter will show you the custom events fired by the component covered and how these events can be intercepted and acted upon.


iOS 5 Essentials

Apple's iOS platform, with iPads, iPhones, and iPod touches is the hottest thing in software development right now. An exquisite OS and hardware demands great development tools, and Apple has provided those tools in the form of Xcode. Xcode, just like iOS, is built with ease-of-use in the mind. Whether you're new to iOS development, or a seasoned pro, this book will guide you through developing in iOS 5 and Xcode 4 with the same ease-of-use that Xcode is known for. It's like this book and iOS 5 development were meant for each other. Just like Xcode 4, iOS 5 has a lot of new development features, including one of the most-anticipated feature-iCloud. With iCloud, you can store your application's files and settings in the cloud. This book covers these great new features. With this book, you'll be developing for iOS 5 and using Xcode 4's newest features in no time.








iOS 5 Core framework iCloud












Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual

Intel 64 and IA-32 Architectures Optimization Reference Manual


TCP/IP Fundamentals for Microsoft Windows

This online book is a structured, introductory approach to the basic concepts and principles of the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) protocol suite, how the most important protocols function, and their basic configuration in the Microsoft® Windows Vista™, Windows Server® 2008, Windows® XP, and Windows Server 2003 families of operating systems. This book is primarily a discussion of concepts and principles to lay a conceptual foundation for the TCP/IP protocol suite and provides an integrated discussion of both Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6).


Leader/Followers Pattern

The Leader/Followers architectural pattern provides an efficient concurrency model where multiple threads take turns sharing a set of event sources in order to detect, demultiplex, dispatch, and process service requests that occur on these event sources.


Half Sync/Half Async Pattern

The Half-Sync/Half-Async architectural pattern decouples synchronous tasks from asynchronous tasks in complex concurrent systems.



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