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原创 Installing software from source in Linux

< Installing software from source in Linux - 1.2 >So you've downloaded a software package with tar.gz or tar.bz2 extension and have no idea what to do with it. Or perhaps you alread...

2011-01-06 20:31:56 284


1. to show current mysql version:>show variables like '%version%'; 2. create database or table with specified character set & collate:>create database default character set utf8 coll...

2011-01-04 08:28:38 138


1. Classic windows backgroup: R:58 G:110 B:165

2010-12-30 23:16:08 236

vim preferences

 How to use 4 spaces instead of tab in vim:  1 :set ts=4  2 :set number  3 :set autoindent  4 :set expandtab  5 :set softtabstop=4  6 :set shiftwidth=4:set showmode:set number:...

2010-12-26 15:06:16 149

How to build static library and how to use it in Linux

1. declare the interface of libray:  max.h  ------------------------------  int max(int,int);2. implement the interface:  max.c  ------------------------------  #include "max.h"  int max(int a, int ...

2010-12-23 08:46:57 144


There are two type of const:1. const int  *p;  <----- pointer 'p' is not const, while to what it points is const.e.g.:int i;const int ci = 5;const int *p;p = &i;p = &ci;*p = 1...

2010-12-22 21:33:14 140


1. highlight warning log message in eclipse console:Configure two separate appenders. One for the levels WARN and higher and one for the levels INFO and lower. Assign them to the std.err and std....

2010-12-22 13:29:40 91

Programming C in Linux

0. install compiler and associate environment.sudo apt-get install build-essentialor install with CD(without internet):sudo apt-cdrom addsudo aptitude updatesudo aptitude install build-es...

2010-12-22 13:28:47 121

Java Advance

1. A class with a given name can only be loaded once by a given classloader. 2. When the JVM is started, three class loaders are used:    1.Bootstrap class loader - loads the core Java librar...

2010-12-22 13:27:40 221


1.Generally speaking the only way to get a Container-Managed Resource is via dependency injection or lookup from within a Container-Managed Component. 2. Singleton a.Singletons have an '@Star...

2010-12-22 13:26:46 251


1. @Autowired vs. setter@Autowired can mark in field or setter, with @Autowired, setter is not necessary;If @Autowired is not apply to property, then setter is necesary for injection. 2. @C...

2010-12-22 13:25:41 144

JPA Toplink

1.persistence.xml--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><persistence version="1.0" xmlns="http://java.s...

2010-12-22 13:25:01 170

Apache Ant

1. Add additional command line arguments for <javac> task:<javac srcdir="${dist}/trsWeb" destdir="${dist}/build/trsWeb"    fork="true" classpath="${compile_classpath}" source="1.5&quo

2010-12-22 13:22:47 126

Trouble Shooting

1.Problem: log4j:WARN Document root element "log4j:configuration", must match DOCTYPE root "null".Solution: Add '<!DOCTYPE log4j:configuration SYSTEM "log4j.dtd">' to log4j.xml    e....

2010-12-22 13:22:13 273

Maven Basic

0. useful commands:    mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.apache.maven.archetypes -DartifactId=${myArtifactId} -Dversion=RELEASE -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=/path/to/file    mvn deploy:deploy-fi...

2010-12-22 13:20:49 160

Install Ubuntu9.10 in Oracle VirtualBox

1. How to use share folder in VirtualBox for Windows XP -> Ubuntu:  a. From VBox menu, Install Guest Additional first (your guest os should be running)  b. sudo mkdir /mnt/sf_xp  c. sud...

2010-12-22 13:12:44 146



2010-12-22 13:09:44 215

Utility bat scripts

1. To launch a application in command-line without open a cmd window:>start putty -load Ubuntu -l root -pw ***  2. copy /Y file1 directory2 ------ override without warning    xcopy /E...

2010-12-22 11:57:32 103

Ubuntu Beginer

 Ubuntu version========================================================uname -auname -r Ubuntu rpm / VMware / root / java / vi / putty / jboss============================================...

2010-12-22 00:26:04 156

How to boot up Ubuntu in text terminal mode?

Ubuntu9.10 boot by 'grub', to change the boot mode to text-mode, we just need to change boot settings in '/boot/grub/grub.cfg'. a. #vim /boot/grub/grub.cfg, you will find section like: menuent...

2010-12-22 00:21:08 119

Ubuntu scripts executing sequence after user sign in

1. Before user sign in, the '/etc/rc$runlevel.d/*' will be execute according the runlevel. 2. After user sign in, the Ubuntu9.10 will execute below scripts list below:a. first, the global '/etc/...

2010-12-21 23:03:04 131


1. primitivetypedef int Integer;Integer i; 2. arraytypedef int Arr[10];Arr a, b, c; 3. function pointer#include<stdio.h> typedef int (*pfn)(int, int); void main(){i...

2010-12-21 22:52:39 91

Install ttylinux

1. gcc tbz ftp: ftp://ftp.int.ru/pub/FreeBSD/ports/i386/packages-8-stable/lang/2. mount cdrom: mount /dev/hdc /mnt/cdrom Install ttylinux in VritualBox1. download http://ttylinux.net/Downlo...

2010-12-19 21:15:32 199

原创 Data Abstraction and Problem solving with Java

1.求数组中的最大数2.1+2+3+...+n3.求n个整数的积4.求n个整数的平均值5.求n个自然数的最大公约数与最小公倍数6.有一对雌雄兔,每两个月就繁殖雌雄各一对兔子.问n个月后共有多少对兔子?7.已知:数列1,1,2,4,7,13,24,44,...求数列的第 n项.8. Eight Queen problem.

2007-08-09 17:25:00 1297

原创 2007-8-3 Eclipse plug-in

11:24 2007-8-31. Tomcat5.5.23 can only run on JDK5.0 or later version.2. Struts 2.0 just can run on Tomcat5.5.23 or later version.11:41 2007-8-31. There are three other view technologies that can repl

2007-08-05 16:17:00 591

原创 body events

1. onbeforeunload    This event trigger when the page will unload, the browser will popup a confirm message box to ask whether you want to navigate from this page to another page, it is browser behavi

2007-07-26 10:57:00 572

原创 JSP---web.xml

1. JSP EL just support by JSP2.0 or above, the servlet 2.3 works for JSP1.2. If we want to use EL in JSP page, we should declare the version of servlet  as 2.4 in web.xml.      "-//Sun Microsystems, I

2007-07-20 00:39:00 698

原创 SCJP 2007-06-14

1. There are only abstract or final is permitted in local inner class.2. An Anonymous inner class means that  creating an object of an anonymous class thats inherited from ClassName.

2007-06-15 00:05:00 551

原创 scjp 2007-06-11

1. String s1 = new String("MyString");    String s2 = new  String("MyString");    s1 == s2;Answer:  false.2. A  abstract  class  provides a  way  to  defer  implementation to  subclass. 3. A class loc

2007-06-11 09:09:00 477

原创 SCJP2007-06-10

1. Cant override static method to non-static method. 

2007-06-10 19:20:00 639

原创 深入理解JavaScript中的函数

        概述  函数是进行模块化程序设计的基础,编写复杂的Ajax应用程序,必须对函数有更深入的了解。JavaScript中的函数不同于其他的语言,每个函数都是作为一个对象被维护和运行的。通过函数对象的性质,可以很方便的将一个函数赋值给一个变量或者将函数作为参数传递。在继续讲述之前,先看一下函数的使用语法: function f

2007-05-12 23:17:00 642

原创 a rmi simple demo

     这个例子模拟了一个远程请求对象属性的过程。有一个远程对象Dog在网络上,现在要得到它的名字(strName)属性。程序在客户端设一个存根(Dog_Stub)类,在服务器端启动一个骨架(dog_Skeleton)类,这两个类都实现了Dog接口,Dog_Stub与 Dog_Skeleton通过Socket进行远程通信。当客户程序DogClient向Dog_Stub发出获取名字属性的请求时,D

2007-05-12 10:41:00 668

转载 一个JNI的小例子

最近要在JAVA程序里调用C++写的.dll文件,要用到JNI技术,找了些资料,自己做了个小例子.步骤如下:JAVA 代码:public class testdll{  static {   System.loadLibrary("DLL");  } public native static int get(); public native static void set(int i);

2007-05-12 02:25:00 6405 3

原创 Oracle Commands

1. select   table_name   from   user_tables;     //当前用户的表       select   table_name   from   all_tables;     //所有用户的表    select   table_name   from   dba_tables;       //包括系统表    select   table_name  

2007-04-19 00:37:00 708

原创 hashcode

Java 理论与实践: 哈希 有效和正确定义hashCode()和equals()  

2007-04-17 22:22:00 760 2

原创 log4j.properties

## LOGGERS ###define a logger named helloAppLogger log4j.rootLogger=DEBUG,console,file## APPENDERS ### define an appender named console, which is set to be a ConsoleAppenderlog4j.appender.console=org.

2007-04-12 18:06:00 525

原创 Can you explain the result of the following example? Oh, my!

class Base { public boolean foo(Base b) { return true; } } class Sub extends Base { public boolean foo(Sub s) { return false; } } public class Test { public static void main(St

2007-04-05 16:30:00 654

原创 How to redirect Sysout.out?

Use System.setOut()package io;import java.io.FileOutputStream;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.PrintStream;public class Redirection {    public static void main(String args[]) throws IOExcept

2007-04-04 13:52:00 624

原创 Can we put a continue in a switch-case statement?

// Guess the print out, then run it.// A good IQ testpublic class A { public static void main(String args[]) { int x = 0; while (x System.out.print(" " + x);

2007-04-04 13:19:00 638

原创 Degester

                        mysql            oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver            com.mysql.jdbc.Driver                            See JDBC documentation for detail.            -->            jdbc:m

2007-04-03 23:13:00 868





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