Words Reciting 2016.5.3


strive [straɪv]

  • vi. 努力;奋斗;抗争
  • [ 过去式 strove 或 strived 过去分词 striven 或 strived 现在分词 striving ]
  • strive together 共同努力
  • We all want it and strive for it.

ethnic ['eθnɪk]

  • adj. 种族的;人种的
  • ethnic minority 少数民族
  • ethnic region 少数民族地区
  • ethnic groups 少数民族团体
  • a survey of Britain's ethnic minorities.

prestigious [pre'stɪdʒəs]

  • adj. 有名望的;享有声望的
  • prestigious teacher 名师产生 ; 名师
  • It's one of the best equipped and most prestigious schools in the country.
  • adj.有名望的;享有声望的


poverty-stricken ['pɔvəti,strikn]

  • adj. 为贫穷所困恼的,为贫穷所困扰的;非常贫穷的
  • poverty-- stricken area 贫困地区
  • They are trying to build up funds to relieve the poverty-stricken families.

mediocre [,miːdɪ'əʊkə]

  • adj. 普通的;平凡的;中等的
  • His school record was mediocre.
  • 同义词:
  • adj.普通的;平凡的;中等的
  • ordinary / general / secondary / middle / average

foothold ['fʊthəʊld]

  • n. 据点;立足处
  • Businesses are investing millions of dollars to gain a foothold in this new market.
  • 同义词:
  • n.据点;立足处
  • strong point

stadium ['steɪdɪəm]

  • n. 体育场;露天大型运动场

protest ['prəʊtest]

  • vi. 抗议;断言
  • vt. 抗议;断言
  • n. 抗议
  • adj. 表示抗议的;抗议性的
  • verbal protest 口头抗议 
  • protest against反对,对…提出抗议
  • without protest心甘情愿地;不反对地;[经]在“不保留异议”的情况下
  • under protest抗议着;极不乐意地
  • protest about对...提出抗议
  • It caused some protest and indignation.

parliament ['pɑːləm(ə)nt]

  • n. 议会,国会

coalition [,kəʊə'lɪʃ(ə)n]

  • n. 联合;结合,合并
  • Western Coalition 西方阵营
  • Since June the country has had a coalition government.

provisional [prə'vɪʒ(ə)n(ə)l]

  • adj. 临时的,暂时的;暂定的
  • n. 临时邮票
  • These times are provisional and subject to confirmation.

presence ['prez(ə)ns]

  • n. 存在;出席;参加;风度;仪态
  • in the presence of在…面前;有某人在
  • in presence of提示
  • physical presence实体存在;实际存在
  • military presence军事存在
  • internet presence网上广告
  • commercial presence商业存在

forge [fɔːdʒ]

  • n. 熔炉,锻铁炉;铁工厂
  • vi. 伪造;做锻工;前进
  • vt. 伪造;锻造;前进
  • n. (Forge)人名;(德)福格;(法)福尔热
  • forge ahead继续进行,取得进展
  • He again pledged to forge ahead with his plans for reform.
  • 同义词:
  • 继续进行,取得进展
  • pursue/proceed with

austerity [ɒ'sterɪtɪ; ɔː-]

  • n. 紧缩;朴素;苦行;严厉
  • Practise Austerity 过紧日子
  • 同义词:
  • n.紧缩;朴素;苦行;严厉
  • simplicity / contraction
  • We have entered the Age of Austerity.

driving force

  • [力] 驱动力,推动力
  • Technological innovation is the most important driving force for growth in any economy.

unleash [ʌn'liːʃ]

  • vt. 发动;解开…的皮带;解除…的束缚
  • vi. 不受约束;自由自在;放荡不羁
  • Unleash Potential 激发潜能
  • unleash upon 发泄在
  • The announcement unleashed a storm of protest from the public.
  • 同义词:
  • vt.发动;解开…的皮带;解除…的束缚
  • launch / drive
  • vi.不受约束;自由自在;放荡不羁
  • kick over the traces / have a free hand

punctuate ['pʌŋ(k)tʃʊeɪt]

  • vt. 不时打断;强调;加标点于
  • vi. 加标点
  • 同义词:
  • vt.不时打断;强调;加标点于
  • emphasize / stress / highlight
  • How do you punctuate the following sentence?

interconnect [ɪntəkə'nekt]

  • vt. 使互相连接
  • vi. 互相联系
  • 同根词:
  • 词根:interconnect
  • n.

    interdependence 互相依赖

    interconnection [计] 互连;互相连络

    interdependency 互相依赖;相关性

    intercommunication 相互联系,相互沟通;互相联络

    intercommunion 互相来往,交流;各教派间举行的圣餐


    intercommunicate 相通,互相联络;互相交往


facilitate [fə'sɪlɪteɪt]

  • vt. 促进;帮助;使容易
  • The new airport will facilitate the development of tourism.
  • 同义词:
  • vt.促进;帮助;使容易
  • promote / boost / further

entrepreneur [ˌɒntrəprəˈnɜː(r)]

  • n. 企业家;承包人;主办者
  • entrepreneur spirit 企业家精神;事业心
  • How would you define personal growth as an entrepreneur?

cross strait

  • Cross-Strait relations 海峡两岸关系 ; 海峡两岸关系 ; 两岸关系 ; 海峡两岸关系
  • This small free trade market in Xiamen city, is a major place for cross strait sales exchanges.

civil servant

  • 公务员;文职人员

freak [friːk]

  • n. 怪人,怪事;畸形人;反复无常
  • adj. 奇异的,反常的
  • freak out 使处于极度兴奋中;崩溃
  • Weir broke his leg in a freak accident playing golf.

sphere [sfɪə]

  • n. 范围;球体
  • vt. 包围;放入球内;使…成球形
  • adj. 球体的
  • Because the earth spins, it is not a perfect sphere.
  • ...the sphere of international politics.
  • 同义词:
  • n.范围;[数]球体
  • extent/boundary/region/scope/spectrum/territory/range
  • vt.包围;放入球内;使…成球形
  • case / invest

juggle ['dʒʌg(ə)l]

  • vi. 玩杂耍;欺骗;歪曲
  • vt. 歪曲;欺骗
  • n. 玩戏法;欺骗
  • juggle with欺骗;歪曲;玩弄
  • I suppose you have to be a professional to juggle the market, not an amateur like me.

confess [kən'fes]

  • vt. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认
  • vi. 承认;坦白;忏悔;供认
  • confess to 承认 ; 坦白 ; 坦诚 ; 供认
  • He had confessed to seventeen murders.
  • 同义词:
  • vt.承认;坦白;忏悔;[法]供认
  • accept/recognize/agree/acknowledge/grant
  • vi.承认;坦白;忏悔;[法]供认
  • accept / recognize

problematic [prɒblə'mætɪk]

  • adj. 问题的;有疑问的;不确定的
  • Some places are more problematic than others for women travelling alone.
  • 同义词:
  • adj.问题的;有疑问的;不确定的
  • indefinite/unsure

in this regard

  • 就这一点而言

in this respect

  • 在这方面

in this connection

  • 在这一点上

in this case

  • 既然这样,假若这样
  • 同义词:
  • 既然这样,假若这样
  • in the circumstances

blend [blend]

  • vt. 混合
  • vi. 混合;协调
  • n. 混合;掺合物
  • Blend the butter with the sugar and beat until light and creamy.

by necessity

  • 不得已;必然地,不可避免地

be incompatible with

  • 与…不相容

breakthrough ['breɪkθruː]

  • n. 突破;突破性进展
  • make a breakthrough 有重大发展或突破
  • The company looks poised to make a significant breakthrough in China.

yearning ['jɜːnɪŋ]

  • adj. 向往的;渴望的;怀念的
  • n. 渴望;怀念;同情
  • v. 渴望;向往;想念(yearn的ing形式)
  • Infinite yearning 无限向往
  • yearn for渴望
  • yearn towards向往…;想念

bountiful ['baʊntɪfʊl; -f(ə)l]

  • adj. 丰富的;慷慨的;宽大的
  • 同义词:
  • adj.丰富的;慷慨的;宽大的
  • abundant/generous/full/handsome/ample
  • State aid is less bountiful than it was before.

beckon ['bek(ə)n]

  • vt. 召唤;吸引
  • vi. 吸引;(招手或点头)示意
  • n. 表召唤的点头;手势
  • He beckoned to the waiter.
  • 同义词:
  • vt.召唤;吸引
  • attract/absorb/engage/draw/summon
  • vi.吸引;(招手或点头)示意
  • attract / turn one on
  • n.表召唤的点头;手势
  • motion / sign

definitely ['defɪnɪtlɪ]

  • adv. 清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地
  • I'm definitely going to get in touch with these people.
  • 同义词:
  • adv.清楚地,当然;明确地,肯定地
  • certainly/surely/specifically/particularly/plain

hit out over

  • 猛打

arbitrate ['ɑːbɪtreɪt]

  • vt. 仲裁;公断
  • 同义词:
  • vt.仲裁;公断
  • umpire
  • Someone must arbitrate between them.

enthrall [ɪn'θrɔːl]

  • vt. 迷住,使着迷
  • 同义词:
  • vt.迷住,使着迷
  • possess/spell

worshipper ['wɜːʃɪpə]

  • n. 崇拜者;礼拜者;爱慕者
  • 同义词:
  • n.崇拜者;礼拜者;爱慕者
  • adorer/venerator

worship ['wɝʃɪp]

  • n. 崇拜;礼拜;尊敬
  • vt. 崇拜;尊敬;爱慕
  • vi. 拜神;做礼拜
  • money worship拜金主义
  • ancestor worship祖先崇拜;祭祖;敬奉祖先
  • hero worship英雄崇拜
  • idol worship偶像崇拜
  • freedom of worship信仰自由
  • Whatever is at the center of your life is what you worship.

outlook ['aʊtlʊk]

  • n. 展望;观点;景色
  • vt. 比……好看;用目光压倒
  • vi. 朝外看
  • moral outlook 道德观 ; 德育观 ; 道德观念
  • life outlook 人生观 ; 生活观 ; 生命观 ; 生命观念
  • I adopted a positive outlook on life.
  • outlook on对…的看法;对…眺望
  • world outlook世界观
  • outlook for…的前途;…的远景
  • outlook on life人生观
  • market outlook市场前景;市场展望
  • economic outlook经济前景
  • mental outlookn. 精神境界,精神面貌=
  • positive outlook乐观看法
  • optimistic outlook乐观的前景





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