用WinINet Api 开发FTP客户端 (一)

FTP Sessions
FTP 会话

The Win32 Internet functions can be used to provide applications with the ability to navigate and manipulate directories and files on an FTP server. Applications that use a CERN proxy exclusively must use the InternetOpenUrl function because CERN proxies do not support FTP. For more information on how to use InternetOpenUrl, see Accessing URLs directly.
Win32 Internet 函数能够给应用程序提供浏览和操作FTP服务器上文件和目录的能力。

To begin an FTP session, use InternetConnect to create the valid FTP session handle to be used by the FTP functions provided with the Win32 Internet functions.
为了开始一个FTP会话,需要用Win32 Internet 函数的InternetConnect命令来创建一个有效的FTP会话句柄。

The Win32 Internet functions provide the capability to navigate between directories; enumerate, create, remove, and rename directories; and rename, upload, download, and delete files on an FTP server.
这些Win32 Internet 函数能够提供对FTP服务器上的目录的操作例如:在目录间导航、列举目录、建立目录、删除目录、目录改名;以及对文件的操作例如:更改文件名、更新、下载和删除文件等。

Navigation is provided by the FtpGetCurrentDirectory and FtpSetCurrentDirectory functions. These functions utilize the FTP session handle created by a previous call to InternetConnect to determine which directory the application is currently in or to change to a different subdirectory.

Directory enumeration is performed by using the FtpFindFirstFile and InternetFindNextFile functions. FtpFindFirstFile uses the FTP session handle created by InternetConnect to find the first file that matches the given search criteria and returns a handle to continue the directory enumeration. InternetFindNextFile uses the handle returned by FtpFindFirstFile to return the next file that matches the original search criteria. The application should continue to call InternetFindNextFile until there are no more files left in the directory.

New directories are created by using the FtpCreateDirectory function. This function uses the FTP session handle created by InternetConnect and creates the directory specified by the string passed to the function. The string can contain a directory name relative to the current directory, or a fully qualified directory path.

To rename either files or directories, the application can call FtpRenameFile. This function replaces the original name with the new name passed to the function. The name of the file or directory can be relative to the current directory, or a fully qualified name.

To upload or place files on an FTP server, the application can use either FtpPutFile or FtpOpenFile (along with InternetWriteFile). FtpPutFile can be used if the file already exists locally, while FtpOpenFile and InternetWriteFile can be used if data needs to be written to a file on the FTP server.

To download or get files, the application can use either FtpGetFile or FtpOpenFile (with InternetReadFile). FtpGetFile is used to retrieve a file from an FTP server and store it locally, while FtpOpenFile and InternetReadFile can be used to control where the downloaded information is going (for example, it could be used to display the information in an edit box).

Deleting files on an FTP server is done by using the FtpDeleteFile function. This function removes a file name that is either relative to the current directory or a fully qualified file name from the FTP server. FtpDeleteFile requires an FTP session handle returned by InternetConnect.
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