bzr concise

user reference

更新:update。支持参数:-r 提交序号。将目标提交合入并切换到该提交序号。
提交:add + commit + push
合入/更新分支:pull。Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch。支持路径位置作为参数。将路径作为默认位置:–remember。指定提交序号:-r 序号。忽略当前分支上与目标分支的不同部分:–overwrite。
切换分支:switch。Set the branch of a checkout and update。即使当前分支的提交会丢失也提交:–force。指定提交序号:-r 序号。新建分支:-b。
合并分支:在需要合入到的分支上,merge。merge后,看状态,是pending merge,需要commit。
回退:revert。回退到某个提交,但不修改文件:-r 提交序号。回退某些文件的修改:加文件名。

man bzr

  • bzr add [FILE…]
    Add specified files or directories.
  • bzr alias [NAME]
    Set/unset and display aliases.
  • bzr annotate FILENAME
    Show the origin of each line in a file.
  • bzr bind [LOCATION]
    Convert the current branch into a checkout of the supplied branch.
    Create a new branch that is a copy of an existing branch.
  • bzr break-lock [LOCATION]
    Break a dead lock on a repository, branch or working directory.
  • bzr cat FILENAME
    Write the contents of a file as of a given revision to standard output.
  • bzr check [PATH]
    Validate working tree structure, branch consistency and repository history.
  • bzr checkout [BRANCH_LOCATION] [TO_LOCATION]
    Create a new checkout of an existing branch.
  • bzr clean-tree
    Remove unwanted files from working tree.
  • bzr commit [SELECTED…]
    Commit changes into a new revision.
  • bzr conflicts
    List files with conflicts.
  • bzr deleted
    List files deleted in the working tree.
  • bzr diff [FILE…]
    Show differences in the working tree, between revisions or branches.
  • bzr export DEST [BRANCH_OR_SUBDIR]
    Export current or past revision to a destination directory or archive.
  • bzr help [TOPIC]
    Show help on a command or other topic.
  • bzr ignore [NAME_PATTERN…]
    Ignore specified files or patterns.
  • bzr ignored
    List ignored files and the patterns that matched them.
  • bzr info [LOCATION]
    Show information about a working tree, branch or repository.
  • bzr init [LOCATION]
    Make a directory into a versioned branch.
  • bzr init-repository LOCATION
    Create a shared repository for branches to share storage space.
  • bzr join TREE
    Combine a tree into its containing tree.
  • bzr log [FILE…]
    Show historical log for a branch or subset of a branch.
  • bzr ls [PATH]
    List files in a tree.
  • bzr merge [LOCATION]
    Perform a three-way merge.
  • bzr missing [OTHER_BRANCH]
    Show unmerged/unpulled revisions between two branches.
  • bzr mkdir DIR…
    Create a new versioned directory.
  • bzr mv [NAMES…]
    Move or rename a file.
  • bzr nick [NICKNAME]
    Print or set the branch nickname.
  • bzr pack [BRANCH_OR_REPO]
    Compress the data within a repository.
  • bzr plugins
    List the installed plugins.
  • bzr pull [LOCATION]
    Turn this branch into a mirror of another branch.
  • bzr push [LOCATION]
    Update a mirror of this branch.
  • bzr reconcile [BRANCH]
    Reconcile bzr metadata in a branch.
  • bzr reconfigure [LOCATION]
    Reconfigure the type of a bzr directory.
  • bzr remerge [FILE…]
    Redo a merge.
  • bzr remove [FILE…]
    Remove files or directories.
  • bzr remove-tree [LOCATION]
    Remove the working tree from a given branch/checkout.
  • bzr renames [DIR]
    Show list of renamed files.
  • bzr resolve [FILE…]
    Mark a conflict as resolved.
  • bzr revert [FILE…]
    Revert files to a previous revision.
  • bzr revno [LOCATION]
    Show current revision number.
  • bzr root [FILENAME]
    Show the tree root directory.
    Mail or create a merge-directive for submitting changes.
  • bzr serve
    Run the bzr server.
  • bzr shelve [FILE…]
    Temporarily set aside some changes from the current tree.
  • bzr sign-my-commits [LOCATION] [COMMITTER]
    Sign all commits by a given committer.
  • bzr split TREE
    Split a subdirectory of a tree into a separate tree.
  • bzr status [FILE…]
    Display status summary.
  • bzr switch [TO_LOCATION]
    Set the branch of a checkout and update.
  • bzr tag TAG_NAME
    Create, remove or modify a tag naming a revision.
  • bzr tags
    List tags.
  • bzr testament [BRANCH]
    Show testament (signing-form) of a revision.
  • bzr unbind
    Convert the current checkout into a regular branch.
  • bzr uncommit [LOCATION]
    Remove the last committed revision.
  • bzr unshelve [SHELF_ID]
    Restore shelved changes.
  • bzr update [DIR]
    Update a tree to have the latest code committed to its branch.
  • bzr upgrade [URL]
    Upgrade branch storage to current format.
  • bzr version
    Show version of bzr.
  • bzr version-info [LOCATION]
    Show version information about this tree.
  • bzr view [FILE…]
    Manage filtered views.
  • bzr whoami [NAME]
    Show or set bzr user id.




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