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Daemon marching in the dark

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转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Subroutines (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-26 10:53:00 792

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Directories (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-26 10:46:00 835

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - File Contents (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-26 10:43:00 894

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - File Access (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-26 10:39:00 898

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Pattern Matching (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-26 10:36:00 1038

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Hash (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-25 12:48:00 703

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Arrays (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

<!--google_ad_client = "pub-7795638474234109";/* 728x90, created 1/16/09 */google_ad_slot = "1489539655";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 90;// -->4. Arrays

2008-04-25 12:46:00 924

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Date and Time (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-25 12:43:00 1424

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - Numbers (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-25 12:40:00 805

转载 PLEAC-Perl 教程 - String (Perl进阶者极力推荐)

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2008-04-25 12:22:00 958

转载 Beginner's guide on using IRC

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2008-04-23 20:18:00 610

原创 Some more free UNIX SHELL info

来源: http://www.bylur.net/free/<!--google_ad_client = "pub-5143338080895292";/* 728x90, created 4/10/08 */google_ad_slot = "8165396160";google_ad_width = 728;google_ad_height = 90;//-->

2008-04-23 17:44:00 2123


国外一些可以申请免费的UNIX/Linux Shell帐号的信息,而且还带有免费的web空间,FTP,Mail等等.....<!--google_ad_client = "pub-5143338080895292";/* 728x90, created 4/10/08 */google_ad_slot = "8165396160";google_ad_width = 728;

2008-04-23 17:08:00 1721

转载 The Moron's Guide to Kerberos, Version 2.0

Brian Tung brian@isi.edu> What follows is a brief guide to Kerberos: what its for, how it works, how to use it. It is not for system administrators who want to know why they cant make the lates

2008-04-23 13:29:00 824

转载 Kerberos: An Authentication Service for Computer Networks

B. Clifford Neuman and Theodore TsoWhen using authentication based on cryptography, an attacker listening to the network gains no information that would enable it to falsely claim anothers identit

2008-04-23 13:27:00 1364

原创 Perl script for IE automation

# Here is a little script that I wrote to do some automatic URL browsing using IE# what it does is to read proxy server and port from a text named "proxylist.txt", under the same dir,# then test if

2008-04-23 12:41:00 1722

转载 MIPS version of OpenBSD 4.3?

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2008-04-21 17:50:00 469

翻译 OpenBSD 4.2 安装指南(大结局)

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2008-04-16 23:28:00 911

原创 OpenBSD 4.2 安装指南(5)

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2008-04-16 13:24:00 1929

原创 OpenBSD 4.2 安装指南(4)

4.9 - 安装之后发送你的 dmesg 到 dmesg@openbsd.org在这里要提醒一下大家, 这对于 OpenBSD 开发人员获知硬件的工作情况很重要,.一段来自 /usr/src/etc/root/root.mail 的引用If you wish to ensure that OpenBSD runs better on your machines, please do usa

2008-04-16 00:38:00 693

翻译 OpenBSD 4.2 安装指南(3)

4.7 - 安装 OpenBSD 需要多少空间 ?很明显,这个问题的答案会有很大的差别,根据你的系统的目的。但是下面这些数字可以作为一个起点来参考:(root) 60MB/usr 420MB (没有 X) 或者 550MB (安装 X)/var 25MB/tmp 50MBswap 32MB这里讲的是安装一个完整系统所要的最小空间. 这个容量包括了能让你运行一个可以连到互联网上的

2008-04-15 16:01:00 587

翻译 OpenBSD 4.2安装指南(2)

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2008-04-14 12:40:00 1644

翻译 OpenBSD 4.2 安装指南(1)

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2008-04-13 22:09:00 1586

原创 bsdplus 博瑞IT咨询成立了

 经过两个月左右的准备,我们的bsdplus consultings网站正式开通了。我们已经准备好了!经多这么多年的OpenBSD和FreeBSD的使用和部署,我觉得他们确实可以在企业的IT基础架构方面发挥很大的作用,帮助企业节省很多的开支,无论是中小企业,还是跨国公司,尤其是在下面几个方面,他们甚至比商业的系统更出色:× 路由交换、网络管理和防护   作为最早实现TCP/IP协议的网络系统,我一

2008-04-13 05:55:00 936

code reading

If you are a programmer, you need this book. You've got a day to add a new feature in a 34,000-line program: Where do you start? Page 333 How can you understand and simplify an inscrutable piece of code? Page 39 Where do you start when disentangling a complicated build process? Page 167 How do you comprehend code that appears to be doing five things in parallel? Page 132


perl cookbook

perl cookbook;perl cookbook;perl cookbook


linux cook book

Linux cook book, how to configure linux and perform daily tasks


Magento dev guide

Magento system development guide


ISCSI reference

ISCSI reference for Linux administrator


High performance mysql

In High Performance MySQL you will learn about MySQL indexing and optimization in depth so you can make better use of these key features. You will learn practical replication, backup, and load-balancing strategies with information that goes beyond available tools to discuss their effects in real-life environments. And you'll learn the supporting techniques you need to carry out these tasks, including advanced configuration, benchmarking, and investigating logs.


SSH, the Secure Shell, 2nd Edition

Everything you want to know about SSH is in our second edition of SSH, The Secure Shell: The Definitive Guide. This updated book thoroughly covers the latest SSH-2 protocol for system administrators and end users interested in using this increasingly popular TCP/IP-based solution.



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