
本文详细记录了如何在Python中安装科学计算库Mayavi2,包括卸载已有Python版本,安装Python(x,y)集成软件包,并提供安装过程中需要注意的路径设置和防火墙配置。此外,还强调了在Python(x,y)环境中配置numpy.py启动脚本以确保与社区推荐的导入方式一致。" 117952796,8031147,Mac上使用Docker搭建LNMP环境,"['Docker', 'LNMP', 'Nginx', 'MySQL', 'PHP']




1、http://cfa.everpcpc.com/scipy-doc/index.html (基本介绍了用python做科学计算)

2、http://www.cnblogs.com/youxin/p/3157685.html (介绍了安装依赖包的方法)


目前python除了在 Windows 下官方提供的安装版外,还有:



Mayavi 的参考手册,适合初学者和expert。 User guide: full table of contents An overview of Mayavi Introduction What is Mayavi2? Technical details Using Mayavi as an application, or a library? Scenes, data sources, and visualization modules: the pipeline model Loading data into Mayavi Installation Installing ready-made distributions Requirements for manual installs Doing it yourself: Python packages: Eggs Installing with easy_install Step-by-step instructions to install with eggs under Windows Under Mac OSX Snow Leopard The bleeding edge: Git Testing your installation Troubleshooting Using the Mayavi application Tutorial examples to learn Mayavi Parametric surfaces: a simple introduction to visualization Loading scalar data: the heart.vtk example Visualizing rich datasets: the fire_ug.vtu example Using Mayavi with scipy Exploring a vector field General layout of UI Visualizing data Modules Filters Interaction with the scene Mouse interaction Keyboard interaction From interactive usage to scripting The embedded Python interpreter Recording Mayavi actions to a script Command line arguments mlab: Python scripting for 3D plotting A demo 3D Plotting functions for numpy arrays 0D and 1D data 2D data 3D data Changing the looks of the visual objects created Adding color or size variations Changing the scale and position of objects Changing object properties interactively Figures, legends, camera and decorations Handling several figures Figure decorations Moving the camera Running mlab scripts Using mlab interactively Using together with Matplotlib’s pylab In scripts Animating the data Assembling pipelines with mlab Data sources Modules and filters Case studies of some visualizations Visualizing volumetric scalar data Visualizing a vector field Advanced use of Mayavi Organisation of Mayavi visualizations: the pipeline Anatomy of a Mayavi pipeline The link between different Mayavi entry points A pipeline example examined Data representation in Mayavi Introduction to TVTK datasets The flow of data Retrieving the data from Mayavi pipelines Dissection of the different TVTK datasets Inserting TVTK datasets in the Mayavi pipeline Objects populating the Mayavi pipeline Scene Source Filter ModuleManager: Colors and legends node Module Engine Base class: PipelineBase Class hierarchy Advanced Scripting with Mayavi Design Overview: Mayavi as a visualization framework Scripting the mayavi2 application Using the Mayavi envisage plugins Building applications using Mayavi Custom interactive dialogs Embedding a Mayavi scene in a Traits dialog A scene, with mlab embedded Making the visualization live Integrating in a WxPython application Integrating in a Qt application Tips and Tricks Off screen rendering Avoiding the rendering window Platform Summary Rendering using the virtual framebuffer Using VTK with Mesa for pure software rendering Extending Mayavi with customizations Customizing Mayavi2 Scripting Mayavi without using Envisage Computing in a thread Polling a file and auto-updating Mayavi Serving Mayavi on the network TCP server: the serve_tcp function UDP server: the serve_udp function Animating a visualization Animating a series of images Making movies from a stack of images Scripting from the command line Texture mapping actors Shifting data and plotting Using the UserDefined filter Sharing the same data between scenes Using mlab Using the core Mayavi API Changing the interaction with a scene Accelerating a Mayavi script Miscellaneous Citing Mayavi Getting help Tests for Mayavi Helping out Development quick start Improving the documentation Example gallery Mlab functions gallery Advanced mlab examples Interactive examples Advanced visualization examples Data interaction examples Misc examples MLab reference Plotting functions barchart contour3d contour_surf flow imshow mesh plot3d points3d quiver3d surf triangular_mesh Figure handling functions clf close draw figure gcf savefig screenshot sync_camera Figure decoration functions colorbar scalarbar vectorbar xlabel ylabel zlabel Camera handling functions move pitch roll view yaw Other functions animate axes get_engine orientation_axes outline set_engine show show_engine show_pipeline start_recording stop_recording text text3d title Mlab pipeline-control reference Sources Tools Data Modules and Filters Mayavi API reference Pipeline base objects Scene Source Filter ModuleManager Module PipelineBase Engine Main view and UI objects Scene UIs: DecoratedScene and MayaviScene SceneEditor MlabSceneModel EngineView and EngineRichView Known bugs and issues Changelog Mayavi 3.4.0 (Oct 15, 2010) Enhancements Fixes Mayavi 3.3.2 (May 25, 2010) Enhancements Fixes Mayavi 3.3.1 (Feb 24, 2010) Enhancements Fixes Mayavi 3.3.0 (July 15, 2009) Enhancements Fixes Mayavi 3.2.0 (March 23, 2009) Mayavi 3.1.0 Mayavi 3.0.3 Mayavi 3.0.1 and 3.0.2 Mayavi 3.0.0
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