Dynamic connectivity --Union-Find

refer to :http://algs4.cs.princeton.edu/15uf/

test date:
10 8

4 3
3 8
6 5
9 4
2 1
5 0
7 2
6 1

discription: n nodes, k linked pairs, calculate total sets
solution: set a same id for the connected nodes

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class QuickFindUF
     int *id;
     int count;
     int num;

     QuickFindUF(int n);
         if (NULL == id)
             delete []id;
             id = NULL;

     int getcnt()
          return count;

     int find(int p)
         return id[p];

     bool connected(int p, int q)
         return id[p] == id[q];

     void unite(int p, int q);


QuickFindUF::QuickFindUF(int n)
     num = n;
     count = n;
     id = new int[n];
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
          id[i] = i;


void QuickFindUF::unite(int p, int q)
     if (connected(p, q))
     int pid = id[p];
     for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
     if (id[i] == pid)
           id[i] = id[q];

int main()
     int n;
     cin >> n;
     QuickFindUF *uf = new QuickFindUF(n);
     int cnt;
     cin >> cnt;
     int p, q;
     for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
          cin >> p >> q;
          if (uf->connected(p, q))
          uf->unite(p, q);
      cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
      delete uf;
      uf = NULL;

      return 0;

discription: n nodes, k linked pairs, calculate total sets
solution: if <p, q> is linked, set q to p's parent

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class QuickUnionUF
     int *id;
     int count;
     int num;

     QuickUnionUF(int n);
         if (NULL != id)
            delete []id;
            id = NULL;

     int getcnt()
           return count;

     int find(int p);

     bool connected(int p, int q)
          return find(p) == find(q);

     void unite(int p, int q);

QuickUnionUF::QuickUnionUF(int n)
      num = n;
      count = n;
      id = new int[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
           id[i] = i;

int QuickUnionUF::find(int p)
      while (p != id[p])
           p = id[p];
      return p;

void QuickUnionUF::unite(int p, int q)
        int i = find(p);
        int j = find(q);
        if (i == j)
        id[i] = j;

int main()
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        QuickUnionUF *uf = new QuickUnionUF(n);
        int cnt;
        cin >> cnt;
        int p, q;
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
               cin >> p >> q;
               if (uf->connected(p, q))
              uf->unite(p, q);
         cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
         delete uf;
         uf = NULL;

         return 0;

discription: n nodes, k linked pairs, calculate total sets
solution: set a same id for the connected nodes,weighted
the size of the tree

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class WeightedQuickUnion
       int *id;  // id[i] = parent of i
       int *sz;  // sz[i] = number of objects in the subtree rooted at i
       int count;// the num of sets
       int num;  // the initial node number

      WeightedQuickUnion(int n);
          if (NULL != id)
                delete []id;
                id = NULL;
          if (NULL != sz)
                delete []sz;
                sz = NULL;

      int getcnt()
              return count;
      //find the root of p
      int find(int p);

      bool connected(int p, int q)
           return find(p) == find(q);

      void unite(int p, int q);

WeightedQuickUnion::WeightedQuickUnion(int n)
       num = n;
       count = n;
       id = new int[n];
       sz = new int[n];
       if (NULL != id && NULL != sz)
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                   id[i] = i;
                   sz[i] = 1;

int WeightedQuickUnion::find(int p)
       while (p != id[p])
               p = id[p];
       return p;

void WeightedQuickUnion::unite(int p, int q)
       int i = find(p);
       int j = find(q);
       if (i == j)
       if (sz[i] < sz[j])
             id[i] = j;
             sz[j] += sz[i];
            id[j] = i;
            sz[i] += sz[j];

int main()
       int n;
       cin >> n;
       WeightedQuickUnion *uf = new WeightedQuickUnion(n);
       int cnt;
       cin >> cnt;
       int p, q;
       for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
             cin >> p >> q;
             if (uf->connected(p, q))
             uf->unite(p, q);
        cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
        delete uf;
        uf = NULL;

        return 0;


discription: on the basis of QuickUnion, compress the path of root
solution: set id[x] = x'root directly,not id[x] = x's parent

#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class QuickUnionPathCompressionUF
     int *id;
     int count;
     int num;

     QuickUnionPathCompressionUF(int n);
         if (NULL != id)
            delete []id;
            id = NULL;

     int getcnt()
           return count;

     int find(int p);

     bool connected(int p, int q)
          return find(p) == find(q);

     void unite(int p, int q);

QuickUnionPathCompressionUF::QuickUnionPathCompressionUF(int n)
      num = n;
      count = n;
      id = new int[n];
      for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
           id[i] = i;

int QuickUnionPathCompressionUF::find(int p)
   int root = p;
   // find p's root
      while (root != id[root])
           root = id[root];
   // set id[p] to p's root iteratively
   while (root != p)
    // backup p's parent
    int t = id[p];
    // set id[p] to p's root
    id[p] = root;
    p = t;
   return root;

void QuickUnionPathCompressionUF::unite(int p, int q)
        int i = find(p);
        int j = find(q);
        if (i == j)
        id[i] = j;

int main()
        int n;
        cin >> n;
        QuickUnionPathCompressionUF *uf = new QuickUnionPathCompressionUF(n);
        int cnt;
        cin >> cnt;
        int p, q;
        for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
               cin >> p >> q;
               if (uf->connected(p, q))
              uf->unite(p, q);
         cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
         delete uf;
         uf = NULL;

         return 0;


discription: on the basis of WeightedQuickUnion, compress the path of root
solution: set id[x] = x'root directly,not id[x] = x's parent
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF
       int *id;  // id[i] = parent of i
       int *sz;  // sz[i] = number of objects in the subtree rooted at i
       int count;// the num of sets
       int num;  // the initial node number

      WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF(int n);
          if (NULL != id)
                delete []id;
                id = NULL;
          if (NULL != sz)
                delete []sz;
                sz = NULL;

      int getcnt()
              return count;
      //find the root of p
      int find(int p);

      bool connected(int p, int q)
           return find(p) == find(q);

      void unite(int p, int q);

WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF::WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF(int n)
       num = n;
       count = n;
       id = new int[n];
       sz = new int[n];
       if (NULL != id && NULL != sz)
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                   id[i] = i;
                   sz[i] = 1;

int WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF::find(int p)
   int root = p;
   // find p's root
      while (root != id[root])
           root = id[root];
   // set id[p] to p's root iteratively
   while (root != p)
    // backup p's parent
    int t = id[p];
    // set id[p] to p's root
    id[p] = root;
    p = t;
   return root;

void WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF::unite(int p, int q)
       int i = find(p);
       int j = find(q);
       if (i == j)
       if (sz[i] < sz[j])
             id[i] = j;
             sz[j] += sz[i];
            id[j] = i;
            sz[i] += sz[j];

int main()
       int n;
       cin >> n;
       WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF *uf = new WeightedQuickUnionPathCompressionUF(n);
       int cnt;
       cin >> cnt;
       int p, q;
       for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
             cin >> p >> q;
             if (uf->connected(p, q))
             uf->unite(p, q);
        cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
        delete uf;
        uf = NULL;

        return 0;


discription: on the basis of WeightedQuickUnion, compress the path of root
and weighted the height of the tree
solution: set id[x] = x'root directly,not id[x] = x's parent and make
the height of the tree as small as possible
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;

class WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF
       int *id;  // id[i] = parent of i
       int *hi;  // hi[i] = height of subtree rooted at i
       int count;// the num of sets
       int num;  // the initial node number

      WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF(int n);
          if (NULL != id)
                delete []id;
                id = NULL;
          if (NULL != hi)
                delete []hi;
                hi = NULL;

      int getcnt()
              return count;
      //find the root of p
      int find(int p);

      bool connected(int p, int q)
           return find(p) == find(q);

      void unite(int p, int q);

WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF::WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF(int n)
       num = n;
       count = n;
       id = new int[n];
       hi = new int[n];
       if (NULL != id && NULL != hi)
            for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i)
                   id[i] = i;
                   hi[i] = 0;
// return the root of p
int WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF::find(int p)
       int root = p;
       // find p's root
       while (root != id[root])
            root = id[root];
       // set id[p] to p's root iteratively
       while (root != p)
              // backup p's parent
              int t = id[p];
              // set id[p] to p's root
              id[p] = root;
              p = t;
        return root;

void WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF::unite(int p, int q)
        int i = find(p);
        int j = find(q);
        if (i == j)
        // make the low tree pointer to the hign tree
        if (hi[i] < hi[j])
              id[i] = j;    
        else if (hi[i] > hi[j])
             id[j] = i;
             id[i] = j;

int main()
       int n;
       cin >> n;
       WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF *uf = new WeightedQuickUnionByHeightUF(n);
       int cnt;
       cin >> cnt;
       int p, q;
       for (int i = 0; i < cnt; ++i)
             cin >> p >> q;
             if (uf->connected(p, q))
             uf->unite(p, q);
        cout << "the result cnt = " << uf->getcnt() << endl;
        delete uf;
        uf = NULL;

        return 0;






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