'* Module1.bas *
'* 调用成功(分析歌词成功)后:LyricsAlalysys=True,并返回排好序的歌词数组LRCgeci, *
'* 以及歌曲名GeMing、歌手GeShou、专辑ZhuanJi、编者GeCiFrom;否则返回LyricsAlalysys=False *
'* 最后一个FOR循环是对歌词排序,歌词排序是同步播放的关键! *
'* 特别声明:转载请用IP地址,严禁原文转载! *
'* 作者:Chenjl1031(东方之珠) *
Option Explicit
Public LRCgeci() As String 'LRC歌词按行存放在数组中
Public iDimention As Integer
Public GeMing As String, GeShou As String, ZhuanJi As String, GeCiFrom As String
Public LrcOffset As String 'LRC歌词时间偏移量
Public Function LyricsAlalysys(LyricsName As String) As Boolean 'LRC歌词分析函数
Dim FileNumber As Integer, FileCount As Integer, i As Integer, j As Integer, K As Long, L As Integer
Dim TimeLabelLength As Integer '时间标签的长度
Dim Chenjl1031 As Boolean
Dim MyValue As String
Dim sRow As String
Dim TimeLabel As String
Dim miniute As String, second As String, msecond As String 'miniute代表分,second代表秒,msecond代表毫秒
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String
On Error Resume Next
GeMing = "未知" '存放歌曲名
GeShou = "未知" '存放歌手名字
ZhuanJi = "未知" '存放专辑名字
GeCiFrom = "未知" '存放歌词来自何处,即编者
FileCount = 0: j = 0: TimeLabelLength = 0: Chenjl1031 = True
If Dir(Player.MyPath & "Lyrics/" & LyricsName & ".lrc") <> "" Then
LyricsAlalysys = True
LrcOffset = "0" '存放歌词偏移量
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open (Player.MyPath & "Lyrics/" & LyricsName & ".lrc") For Input As #FileNumber '打开文件,从中读取LRC歌词
Do While Not EOF(FileNumber)
Line Input #FileNumber, MyValue '读取一行歌词到变量MyValue
MyValue = Trim(MyValue)
For i = 1 To Len(MyValue)
sRow = Mid(MyValue, i, 1)
If sRow = "[" Then
FileCount = FileCount + 1 'FileCount计数用来确定歌词有多少行
L = i + 1
sRow = Mid(MyValue, L, 1)
If IsNumeric(sRow) Then
Do While Chenjl1031
sRow = Mid(MyValue, L + 1, 1)
If IsNumeric(sRow) Or sRow = ":" Or sRow = "." Then
TimeLabelLength = TimeLabelLength + 1
End If
If sRow = "]" Then TimeLabelLength = TimeLabelLength + 3: Chenjl1031 = False: Exit Do
L = L + 1
End If
End If
If InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[ti:") > 0 Then
i = InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[ti:")
Mid(MyValue, i, 4) = " "
MyValue = Mid(MyValue, 2, Len(MyValue) - 2)
GeMing = IIf(Trim(MyValue) <> "", Trim(MyValue), "未知") '存放歌曲名
j = j + 1
End If
If InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[ar:") > 0 Then
i = InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[ar:")
Mid(MyValue, i, 4) = " "
MyValue = Mid(MyValue, 2, Len(MyValue) - 2)
GeShou = IIf(Trim(MyValue) <> "", Trim(MyValue), "未知") '存放歌手名字
j = j + 1
End If
If InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[al:") > 0 Then
i = InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[al:")
Mid(MyValue, i, 4) = " "
MyValue = Mid(MyValue, 2, Len(MyValue) - 2)
ZhuanJi = IIf(Trim(MyValue) <> "", Trim(MyValue), "未知") '存放专辑名字
j = j + 1
End If
If InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[by:") > 0 Then
i = InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[by:")
Mid(MyValue, i, 4) = " "
MyValue = Mid(MyValue, 2, Len(MyValue) - 2)
GeCiFrom = IIf(Trim(MyValue) <> "", Trim(MyValue), "未知") '存放歌词来自何处
j = j + 1
End If
If InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[offset:") > 0 Then
i = InStr(LCase(MyValue), "[offset:")
Mid(MyValue, i, 8) = Space(8)
MyValue = Mid(MyValue, 2, Len(MyValue) - 2)
LrcOffset = IIf(Trim(MyValue) <> "", Trim(MyValue), "0") '存放歌词偏移量
j = j + 1
End If
Close #FileNumber
ReDim LRCgeci(Trim(Str(FileCount - j - 1))) '重新定义实际歌词的行数数组,有FileCount - j个元素
FileCount = 0
FileNumber = FreeFile
Open (Player.MyPath & "Lyrics/" & LyricsName & ".lrc") For Input As #FileNumber '打开文件,从中读取LRC歌词
Do While Not EOF(FileNumber)
Line Input #FileNumber, MyValue '读取一行歌词到变量MyValue
MyValue = Trim(MyValue)
sRow = Mid(MyValue, 2, 2)
j = 0: i = 0
If IsNumeric(sRow) Then '判断是否时间标签行
i = i + 1
Do While True
j = j + TimeLabelLength
sRow = Mid(MyValue, j + 2, 2)
If IsNumeric(sRow) Then '判断是否时间标签行
i = i + 1 'i累加后即为每一行时间标签的个数
Exit Do
End If
For j = 1 To i 'Step 1
TimeLabel = Mid(MyValue, (j - 1) * TimeLabelLength + 1, TimeLabelLength)
If TimeLabelLength > 2 Then miniute = Mid(TimeLabel, 2, 2)
If TimeLabelLength > 5 Then second = Mid(TimeLabel, 5, 2)
If TimeLabelLength > 8 Then msecond = Mid(TimeLabel, 8, 2)
K = Val(miniute) * 60000 + Val(second) * 1000 + Val(msecond) - Val(LrcOffset)
s1 = Trim(Str(K))
If Len(s1) = 1 Then s2 = "[0000000" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 2 Then s2 = "[000000" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 3 Then s2 = "[00000" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 4 Then s2 = "[0000" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 5 Then s2 = "[000" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 6 Then s2 = "[00" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) = 7 Then s2 = "[0" & s1 & "]"
If Len(s1) >= 8 Then s2 = "[" & s1 & "]"
LRCgeci(Trim(Str(FileCount))) = Trim(s2 & Mid(MyValue, i * TimeLabelLength + 1, Len(MyValue) - (i * TimeLabelLength))) 'i代表时间标签的个数
FileCount = FileCount + 1
End If
iDimention = FileCount - 1
Close #FileNumber
For i = 0 To FileCount - 2
For j = 0 To FileCount - 2 - i
If Val(Mid(LRCgeci(j), 2, 8)) > Val(Mid(LRCgeci(j + 1), 2, 8)) Then
sRow = LRCgeci(j)
LRCgeci(j) = LRCgeci(j + 1)
LRCgeci(j + 1) = sRow
End If
Next j
Next i
LyricsAlalysys = False
End If
End Function