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  约束:X = A + B,且A和B至少存在一组。






分析:《编程之美》也提到了这种方法(穷举法,我这里使用的名字"暴力破解法"源自《算法导论》,它们的思路是一致的),算法时间复杂度为O(n^2),效率较低 。




 * @brief find two numbers value_a and value_b in the array
 * (with limit length) with given sum to make: sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[in]      array   input array
 * @param[in]      length  array length
 * @param[in]      sum     sum that makes sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[out]     value_a value_a in the array
 * @param[out]     value_b value_b in the array
 * @return if get value_a and value_b, return 1, else return 0
TYPE find_two_numbers(TYPE* array, TYPE length, TYPE sum,
        TYPE* value_a, TYPE* value_b)
    assert(array != NULL && length >= 2 && value_a != NULL && value_b != NULL);
    TYPE i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
        /// set value a
        *value_a = array[i];
        /// find value b
        *value_b = sum - array[i];
        for (j = i + 1; j < length; j++) {
            if (*value_b == array[j])
                return 1;
    return 0;


自己的思路:在前面问题分析中说过不太可能抛开数组只从给定的数X入手,可以从“对数组进行预处理”这个角度来思考问题。我们可以对数组从小到大进行排序,利用快速排序的时间复杂度是O(nlgn),接下来的我们可以发现,按照版本一的思路遍历数组求解A和B时,对于遍历数组时的一个数a1,我们先找到数组中满足a1 + am >= X的最小的数am,接下来进行第二层遍历寻找b1=X-a1这个数时,我们只需要让b1从am开始进行遍历即可。如果我们采用遍历的方式来搜索am(算法复杂度O(n)),那么算法的总时间复杂度与版本一是一致的,只是这里利用了比较语句而不是判断语句。但若采用更高效的搜索方法(如二分搜索等)来搜索am,那么算法的总时间复杂度肯定会比版本一的总时间复杂度低。



时间复杂度:快速排序算法时间复杂度O(nlgn);遍历数组中的每个数A的时间复杂度为O(n),而遍历过程中查找对应的数B(满足X = A + B)时使用二分查找算法,二分查找算法时间复杂度为O(lgn),所以查找A和B总的时间复杂度为O(nlgn)。排序算法和查找算法按序进行,因此总的时间复杂度也是O(nlgn)。




 * @brief select the last element as a pivoit.
 * Reorder the array so that all elements with values less than the pivot
 * come before the pivot, while all elements with values greater than the pivot
 * come after it (equal values can go either way). After this partitioning, the
 * pivot is in its final position. 
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
 * @return the position of the pivot(index from the array)
TYPE partition(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// pick last element of the array as the pivot
    TYPE pivot = array[index_end];
    /// index of the elments that not greater than pivot
    TYPE i = index_begin - 1;
    TYPE j, temp;
    /// check array's elment one by one
    for (j = index_begin; j < index_end; j++) {
        if (array[j] <= pivot) {
            /// save the elements not greater than pivot to left index of i.
            temp = array[j];
            array[j] = array[i];
            array[i] = temp;
    /// set the pivot to the right position
    array[index_end] = array[++i];
    array[i] = pivot;
    /// return the position of the pivot
    return i;

 * @brief quick sort method for input array from index_begin to index_end.
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
void quick_sort(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// sort only under the index_begin < index_end condition
    if ( index_begin < index_end) {
        /// exchange elements to the pivot position by partition function
        TYPE index_pivot = partition(array, index_begin, index_end);
        /// sort the array before the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_begin, index_pivot - 1);
        /// sort the array after the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_pivot + 1, index_end);

 * @brief search the value in the array of the index by binary search method.
 * @param[in]      array  input array
 * @param[in]      count  array length
 * @param[in]      value  search value
 * @warning array index begin from 0
 * @return index if success, else return -1
TYPE binary_search(TYPE* array, TYPE count, TYPE value)
    assert(array != NULL && count >= 0);
    TYPE middle;
    TYPE index_begin = 0;
    TYPE index_end = count - 1;
    while (index_begin <= index_end) {
        middle = index_begin + ((unsigned)(index_end - index_begin) >> 1);
        if (array[middle] == value)
            return middle;
        else if (array[middle] < value)
            index_begin = middle + 1;
            index_end = middle - 1;
    return -1;

 * @brief find two numbers value_a and value_b in the array
 * (with limit length) with given sum to make: sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[in]      array   input array
 * @param[in]      length  array length
 * @param[in]      sum     sum that makes sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[out]     value_a value_a in the array
 * @param[out]     value_b value_b in the array
 * @return if get value_a and value_b, return 1, else return 0
TYPE find_two_numbers(TYPE* array, TYPE length, TYPE sum,
        TYPE* value_a, TYPE* value_b)
    assert(array != NULL && length >= 2 && value_a != NULL && value_b != NULL);
    /// sort array by quick sort method
    quick_sort(array, 0, length - 1);
    /// iterative for all value in array
    TYPE i;
    for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
        /// set value a
        *value_a = array[i];
        /// find value b
        *value_b = sum - array[i];
        /// search value by binary search method
        if (binary_search(array, length, *value_b) != -1)
            return 1;
    return 0;









2.然后令i = 0,j = n-1,看arr[i] + arr[j] 是否等于Sum,如果是,则结束。如果小于Sum,则i = i + 1;如果大于Sum,则 j = j – 1。这样只需要在排好序的数组上遍历一次,就可以得到最后的结果,时间复杂度为O(n)。

时间复杂度:O(nlgn + n) = O(nlgn);空间复杂度O(1)。



 * @brief select the last element as a pivoit.
 * Reorder the array so that all elements with values less than the pivot
 * come before the pivot, while all elements with values greater than the pivot
 * come after it (equal values can go either way). After this partitioning, the
 * pivot is in its final position. 
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
 * @return the position of the pivot(index from the array)
TYPE partition(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// pick last element of the array as the pivot
    TYPE pivot = array[index_end];
    /// index of the elments that not greater than pivot
    TYPE i = index_begin - 1;
    TYPE j, temp;
    /// check array's elment one by one
    for (j = index_begin; j < index_end; j++) {
        if (array[j] <= pivot) {
            /// save the elements not greater than pivot to left index of i.
            temp = array[j];
            array[j] = array[i];
            array[i] = temp;
    /// set the pivot to the right position
    array[index_end] = array[++i];
    array[i] = pivot;
    /// return the position of the pivot
    return i;

 * @brief quick sort method for input array from index_begin to index_end.
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
void quick_sort(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// sort only under the index_begin < index_end condition
    if ( index_begin < index_end) {
        /// exchange elements to the pivot position by partition function
        TYPE index_pivot = partition(array, index_begin, index_end);
        /// sort the array before the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_begin, index_pivot - 1);
        /// sort the array after the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_pivot + 1, index_end);

 * @brief find two numbers value_a and value_b in the array
 * (with limit length) with given sum to make: sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[in]      array   input array
 * @param[in]      length  array length
 * @param[in]      sum     sum that makes sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[out]     value_a value_a in the array
 * @param[out]     value_b value_b in the array
 * @return if get value_a and value_b, return 1, else return 0
TYPE find_two_numbers(TYPE* array, TYPE length, TYPE sum,
        TYPE* value_a, TYPE* value_b)
    assert(array != NULL && length >= 2 && value_a != NULL && value_b != NULL);
    /// sort array by quick sort method
    quick_sort(array, 0, length - 1);
    /// search by two pointers at the begining and end of the array
    TYPE i = 0, j = length - 1, sum_temp;
    while (i < j) {
        sum_temp = array[i] + array[j];
        if (sum_temp < sum) {
        } else if (sum_temp > sum) {
        } else {
            *value_a = array[i];
            *value_b = array[j];
            return 1;
    return 0;






  对于“任意个数字”问题时解法:根据上面的思路,可以逐步增加数字的个数m并结合两个指针两端扫描法综合求解,数字个数为1时时间复杂度O(1),数字个数为2时时间复杂度O(n^2),数字个数为3时时间复杂度O(n^3),当数字个数m大于数组长度(N)一半时,我们可以先求整个数组的和S(注意溢出),遍历时改为遍历N-m个数并结合两个指针两端扫描法对(N-m)个数求和与(S - X) 判断,相等时得解,但此时解时另外m个数(数组中剔除遍历时用到的N-m个数)。这样,“任意个数字”时算法的时间复杂度最高情况下为O(n^(k)),k = n / 2。可以预计到时间复杂度会比直接采用暴力破解法降低一个数量级n。







思路:找最接近的解,可转化为求使得abs(A+B - X)最小的值,通过遍历A和B时记录使前面等式达到更小时A和B的值来实现。遍历过程中,当等式值为0时,说明存在,直接输出;若等式一直不为零,则完全遍历A和B后再输出A和B的值,此时A和B就是最接近的解了。





 * @brief select the last element as a pivoit.
 * Reorder the array so that all elements with values less than the pivot
 * come before the pivot, while all elements with values greater than the pivot
 * come after it (equal values can go either way). After this partitioning, the
 * pivot is in its final position. 
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
 * @return the position of the pivot(index from the array)
TYPE partition(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// pick last element of the array as the pivot
    TYPE pivot = array[index_end];
    /// index of the elments that not greater than pivot
    TYPE i = index_begin - 1;
    TYPE j, temp;
    /// check array's elment one by one
    for (j = index_begin; j < index_end; j++) {
        if (array[j] <= pivot) {
            /// save the elements not greater than pivot to left index of i.
            temp = array[j];
            array[j] = array[i];
            array[i] = temp;
    /// set the pivot to the right position
    array[index_end] = array[++i];
    array[i] = pivot;
    /// return the position of the pivot
    return i;

 * @brief quick sort method for input array from index_begin to index_end.
 * @param[in,out]  array          input and output array
 * @param[in]      index_begin    the begin index of the array(included)
 * @param[in]      index_end      the end index of the array(included)
void quick_sort(TYPE* array, TYPE index_begin, TYPE index_end)
    /// sort only under the index_begin < index_end condition
    if ( index_begin < index_end) {
        /// exchange elements to the pivot position by partition function
        TYPE index_pivot = partition(array, index_begin, index_end);
        /// sort the array before the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_begin, index_pivot - 1);
        /// sort the array after the pivot position
        quick_sort(array, index_pivot + 1, index_end);

 * @brief find two numbers value_a and value_b in the array
 * (with limit length) with given sum to make: sum closest to value_a + value_b
 * @param[in]      array   input array
 * @param[in]      length  array length
 * @param[in]      sum     sum that makes sum = value_a + value_b
 * @param[out]     value_a value_a in the array
 * @param[out]     value_b value_b in the array
 * @return if get value_a and value_b, return 1, else return 0
TYPE find_best_two_numbers(TYPE* array, TYPE length, TYPE sum,
        TYPE* value_a, TYPE* value_b)
    assert(array != NULL && length >= 2 && value_a != NULL && value_b != NULL);
    /// sort array by quick sort method
    quick_sort(array, 0, length - 1);
    /// search by two pointers at the begining and end of the array
    TYPE i = 0, j = length - 1, sum_diff_min = INT_MAX, sum_diff;
    while (i < j) {
        sum_diff = abs(array[i] + array[j] - sum);
        /// record closet value_a and value_b
        if (sum_diff < sum_diff_min) {
            sum_diff_min = sum_diff;
            *value_a = array[i];
            *value_b = array[j];
        if (sum_diff < 0) {
        } else if (sum_diff > 0) {
        } else {
            /// get value_a and value_b with no error
            return 1;
    /// get value_a and value_b with error
    return 0;






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