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转载 data source

- (NSInteger)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView numberOfRowsInSection:(NSInteger)section{ return 1;}- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *

2013-02-28 23:15:34 419

原创 Checklists

This is the second appHow it looks like pp2 : a to-do listThe app lets you organise to-do items into lists and then check off these items once you're done with them. You can set a reminder on a to

2013-02-28 22:19:40 463

转载 Communicate between objects

By MatthijsWhen you have two objects A and B, says two view controllers, that you want to make talk to each other, you can choose from the following options:NSNotifiationCenter.This is anonymo

2013-02-28 20:30:05 410

原创 Add a simple crossfade

Add a simple crossfade after the Start Over button is pressed, so the transition back to round one  won't seem so abrupt.pp146#import - (IBAction)startOver{    CATransition *tr

2013-02-28 01:04:35 351

原创 Loads the local HTML file into the web view in the app

- (void)viewDidLoad{    [superviewDidLoad];    // Do any additional setup after loading the view from its nib.        NSString *htmlFile = [[NSBundlemainBundle] pathForResource:@

2013-02-28 00:22:41 622

原创 AboutView -- Close the second window

1 Set the Action in the second window2 in .m file, implement the - (IBAction)close method.pp 120// AboutViewController.m-(IBAction)close{    [self.presentingViewControllerdismiss

2013-02-27 21:15:20 309

原创 AboutView -- Create the second window in the app

1. create the second window by new file -> objective-C class (subclass ofViewController). then .xib, .h and .m2. set Action in the first view to trigger the second window - (IBAction)showI

2013-02-27 20:54:21 321

原创 Action methods vs. normal methods

The difference between an action method and a regular method: Nothing.An action method is really just the same as any other method. The only special thing is the (IBAction) specifier. This allows In

2013-02-27 15:47:28 372

原创 Let the label display variable values on screen

To do that, we need to accomplish two things:1 Create a reference to the label so we can send it messages.2 Give the label new text to display@property (nonatomic,strong) IBOutletU

2013-02-27 15:39:17 310

原创 Generating the random number

You can't really get a computer to generate numbers that are truly random and unpredictable, but we can employ a so-called pseudo-random generator to spit out numbers that at least appear that way.

2013-02-27 12:17:21 371

原创 Properties vs instance variables

Properties and instance variables have a lot in common. In fact, when you use @synthesize to create the property, it is "backed" by an ivar. That means our slider property stores its value in an insta

2013-02-27 12:03:04 397

原创 Properties and Outlets

These three steps are necessary for just about any property you add to the view controller if that property refers to a view in the nib:1 add @property to the .h file,2 connect the outlet in Inter

2013-02-27 11:47:06 281

原创 ViewDidLoad

Do some setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.- (void)viewDidLoad{    [superviewDidLoad];// Do any additional setup after loading the view, typically from a nib.

2013-02-27 10:23:41 443

原创 lroundf() and sliders

We use the function lroudf() to round the decimal number to the nearest whole number.- (IBAction)sliderMoved:(UISlider *)slider{   currentValue = lroundf(slider.value);}pp62

2013-02-27 09:48:38 2085

原创 Converting the app to landscape

To convert our app from portrait into landscape, we have to do three things:1 Make the view from BullsEyeViewController.xib landscape instead of portrait.2 Change one line of code in BullsEyeViewC

2013-02-26 23:09:54 525

原创 Point and Pixel

So what is a point? On the iPhone 3GS and earlier models, as well as the corresponding iPod touch models and the iPad 1 and 2(including mini?), one point corresponds to one pixel. That's easy. Pixel

2013-02-26 21:01:18 654

原创 UIKit and other frameworks

iOS offers a lot of building blocks in the form of frameworks or "kits". The UIKit framework provides the user interface controls such as buttons, labels and navigation bars. It manages the view contr

2013-02-26 20:48:28 266

转载 How does an app work?

On iOS, apps are event-driven, which means that the objects listen for certain events tooccur and then process them. As strange as it may sound, an app spends most of its timedoing... absolutely not

2013-02-26 20:35:42 385

原创 AlertView

- (IBAction)showAlert{ UIAlertView *alertView = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Hello,World" message:@"This is my first app!"

2013-02-26 20:09:33 389

原创 Bull's Eye

If you have the imagination and perseverance there is no limit to what you can make these cool little devices do.pp16 start the first app Bull's EyeButtonpp27Alert View popuppp28ViewCo

2013-02-26 19:59:55 654

原创 Miscellanies of iOS 3) Managing Memory with ARC

pp101 Not just copy and paste anymore...              For the usage of review1. All Objective-C Objects are stored in a part of memory called the heap. When we send an alloc message to a class,

2013-02-03 10:19:07 378

原创 Miscellanies of iOS 2) Random Possessions

Chapter 2  Objective C                 The Big Nerd Ranch Guide1. But there is an important difference between a structure in C and a class in Objective-C: a class has methods. A method is similar t

2013-02-01 01:19:05 422



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