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How to use the tools provided to train Tesseract 3.03–3.04 for a new language.

怎么使用工具针对一种新的语言对Tesseract 3.03–3.04训练呐?

Important note: Before you invest time and efforts on training Tesseract, it is highly recommended to read the ImproveQuality page.


Tesseract 3.04 provides a script for an easy way to execute the various phases of training Tesseract. More information on using it can be found on the page.

Tesseract 3.04 为更方便的执行各种各样的训练语句提供了一个脚本,更多的信息可以在tesstrain.sh页面看到

For training Tesseract 3.00–3.02 see Training Tesseract 3.00–3.02.

 Tesseract 3.00–3.02的训练 请看 Training Tesseract 3.00–3.02.
For training Tesseract 2.0x see TrainingTesseract2.

Questions about the training process

Training Procedure


Questions about the training process

If you had some problems during the training process and you need help, use tesseract-ocrmailing-list to ask your question(s).

PLEASE DO NOT report your problems and ask questions about training as issues!


Tesseract 3.0x is fully trainable. This page describes the training process, provides some guidelines on applicability to various languages, and what to expect from the results.

Please check the list of languages for which traineddata is already available as of release 3.04 before embarking on training.

3rd Party training tools are also available for training.

Background and Limitations

Tesseract was originally designed to recognize English text only. Efforts have been made to modify the engine and its training system to make them able to deal with other languages and UTF-8 characters. Tesseract 3.0 can handle any Unicode characters (coded with UTF-8), but there are limits as to the range of languages that it will be successful with, so please take this section into account before building up your hopes that it will work well on your particular language!


Tesseract 3.01 added top-to-bottom languages, and Tesseract 3.02 added Hebrew (right-to-left).

Tesseract currently handles scripts like Arabic and Hindi with an auxiliary engine called cube (included in Tesseract version 3.01 and up).

Traineddata for additional languages has been provided by Google for the 3.04 release.

Tesseract is slower with large character set languages (like Chinese), but it seems to work OK.


Tesseract needs to know about different shapes of the same character by having different fonts separated explicitly. The number of fonts is limited to 64 fonts. Note that runtime is heavily dependent on the number of fonts provided, and training more than 32 will result in a significant slow-down.

Additional Libraries required

Beginning with 3.03, additional libraries are required to build the training tools.


sudo apt-get install libicu-dev
sudo apt-get install libpango1.0-dev
sudo apt-get install libcairo2-dev

Building the training tools

Beginning with 3.03, if you're compiling Tesseract from source you need to make and install the training tools with separate make commands. Once the above additional libraries have been installed, run the following from the tesseract source directory:


make training
sudo make training-install

Data files required

To train for another language, you have to create some data files in the tessdata subdirectory, and then crunch these together into a single file,


using combine_tessdata. The naming convention is languagecode.file_name Language codes for released files follow the ISO 639-3 standard, but any string can be used. The files used for English (3.0x) are:

在使用combine_tessdata时,会遵循一个命名规则languagecode.file_name 而且遵循ISO 639-3 规则,下面是英文的训练文件

  • tessdata/eng.config
  • tessdata/eng.unicharset
  • tessdata/eng.unicharambigs
  • tessdata/eng.inttemp
  • tessdata/eng.pffmtable
  • tessdata/eng.normproto
  • tessdata/eng.punc-dawg
  • tessdata/eng.word-dawg
  • tessdata/eng.number-dawg
  • tessdata/eng.freq-dawg

... and the final crunched file is:


  • tessdata/eng.traineddata


  • tessdata/eng.user-words may still be provided separately.

tessdata/eng.user-words   这个文件需要分别提供

The traineddata file is simply a concatenation of the input files, with a table of contents that contains the offsets of the known file types. See ccutil/tessdatamanager.h in the source code for a list of the currently accepted filenames.

traineddata文件只是简单的对输入文件的一个联级,而且有一个表格存储着各个类型文件的偏移,可以打开 ccutil/tessdatamanager.h 文件中的源码来看一下,当前可以接受的文件名

Requirements for text input files

Text input files (lang.config, lang.unicharambigs, font_properties, box files, wordlists for dictionaries...) need to meet these criteria:


  • ASCII or UTF-8 encoding without BOM
  • 没有BOM的ASCll和UTF-8编码
  • Unix end-of-line marker ('\n')

  • The last character must be an end of line marker ('\n'). Some text editors will show this as an empty line at the end of file. If you omit this you will get an error message containinglast_char == '\n':Error:Assert failed....
  • 最后一个字符必须是标记行结束的'\n',一些文本编辑器在文件的末尾把其显示为一个空行。如果你忽略了这个,你将会得到一个错误信息包括:last_char == '\n':Error:Assert failed....

How little can you get away with?

You must create unicharsetinttempnormprotopffmtable using the procedure described below. If you are only trying to recognize a limited range of fonts (like a single font for instance), then a single training page might be enough. The other files do not need to be provided, but will most likely improve accuracy, depending on your application.

你必须用以下命令创建 unicharsetinttempnormprotopffmtable


Training Procedure

Some of the procedure is inevitably manual. As much automated help as possible is provided. The tools referenced below are all built in the training subdirectory.


You need to run all commands in the same folder where your input files are located.


Generate Training Images and Box Files

生成  training Images and Box Files

Prepare a text file


The first step is to determine the full character set to be used, and prepare a text or word processor file containing a set of examples. The most important points to bear in mind when creating a training file are:


Make sure there are a minimum number of samples of each character. 10 is good, but 5 is OK for rare characters.


There should be more samples of the more frequent characters - at least 20.


Don't make the mistake of grouping all the non-letters together. Make the text more realistic.

For example:

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. 0123456789 !@#$%^&(),.{}<>/?

is terrible! Much better is:


The (quick) brown {fox} jumps! over the $3,456.78 <lazy> #90 dog & duck/goose, as 12.5% of E-mail from is spam?

This gives the text-line finding code a much better chance of getting sensible baseline metrics for the special characters.


Automated method

New in 3.03

Prepare a UTF-8 text file (training_text.txt) containing your training text according to the above specification. Obtain truetype/opentype font files for the fonts that you wish to recognize. Run the following command for each font in turn to create a matching tif/box file pair.


training/text2image --text=training_text.txt --outputbase=[lang].[fontname].exp0 --font='Font Name' --fonts_dir=/path/to/your/fonts

Note that the argument to --font may contain spaces, and thus must be quoted. Eg:


training/text2image --text=training_text.txt --outputbase=eng.TimesNewRomanBold.exp0 --font='Times New Roman Bold' --fonts_dir=/usr/share/fonts

To list all fonts in your system which can render the training text, run:


training/text2image --text=training_text.txt --outputbase=eng --fonts_dir=/usr/share/fonts  --find_fonts --min_coverage=1.0 --render_per_font=false

In this example, the training_text.txt file contains text written in English. A 'eng.fontlist.txt' file will be created.

在这个例子中,training_text.txt文件的内容是用英文写的,一个'eng.fontlist.txt' 文件将被建立。

There are a lot of other command-line arguments available to text2image. Run text2image --help to get more information.

text2image还有许多命令行参数可用,运行text2image --help得到更多帮助

If you used text2image, you can move to Run Tesseract for Training step.

如果你已经用过text2image你可以直接到 Run Tesseract for Training这一步。

Old Manual method

  • The training data should be grouped by font. Ideally, all samples of a single font should go in a single tiff file, but this may be multi-page tiff (if you have libtiff or leptonica installed), so the total training data in a single font may be many pages and many 10s of thousands of characters, allowing training for large-character-set languages.
  • 训练字体需要按字体分组,理想状态下,每一种字体都要被在一个单独的tiff file文件内,但是这可能需要多页tiff ,(如果你安装了libtiff 或leptonica的话),所以总的训练可能需要多页,和数万的字符,允许训练大字符集的语言
  • There is no need to train with multiple sizes. 10 point will do. (An exception to this is very small text. If you want to recognize text with an x-height smaller than about 15 pixels, you should either train it specifically or scale your images before trying to recognize them.)
  • DO NOT MIX FONTS IN AN IMAGE FILE (In a single .tr file to be precise.) This will cause features to be dropped at clustering, which leads to recognition errors.
  • The example boxtiff files on the downloads page will help if you are not sure how to format your training data.

Next print and scan (or use some electronic rendering method) to create an image of your training page. Up to 64 training files can be used (of multiple pages). It is best to create a mix of fonts and styles (but in separate files), including italic and bold.

You will also need to save your training text as a UTF-8 text file for use in the next step where you have to insert the codes into another file.

Clarification for large amounts of training data The 64 images limit is for the number of FONTS.Each font should be put in a single multi-page tiff and the box file can be modified to specify the page number for each character after the coordinates. Thus an arbitrarily large amount of training data may be created for any given font, allowing training for large character-set languages. An alternative to multi-page tiffs is to create many single-page tiffs for a single font, and then you must cat together the tr files for each font into several single-font tr files. In any case, the input tr files to mftraining must each contain a single font.

Make Box Files

See the separate Make Box Files page.

Run Tesseract for Training

For each of your training image, boxfile pairs, run Tesseract in training mode:

tesseract [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif [lang].[fontname].exp[num] box.train


tesseract [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tif [lang].[fontname].exp[num] box.train.stderr

NOTE that although tesseract requires language data to be present for this step, the language data is not used, so English will do, whatever language you are training.

The first form sends all the errors to a file named tesseract.log. The second form sends all errors to stderr.

Note that the box filename must match the tif filename, including the path, or Tesseract won't find it. The output of this step is which contains the features of each character of the training page. [lang].[fontname].exp[num].txt will also be written with a single newline and no text.

Important Check for errors in the output from apply_box. If there are FATALITIES reported, then there is no point continuing with the training process until you fix the box file. The new box.train.stderr config file makes is easier to choose the location of the output. A FATALITY usually indicates that this step failed to find any training samples of one of the characters listed in your box file. Either the coordinates are wrong, or there is something wrong with the image of the character concerned. If there is no workable sample of a character, it can't be recognized, and the generated inttemp file won't match the unicharset file later and Tesseract will abort.

Another error that can occur that is also fatal and needs attention is an error about "Box file format error on line n". If preceded by "Bad utf-8 char..." then the UTF-8 codes are incorrect and need to be fixed. The error "utf-8 string too long..." indicates that you have exceeded the 24 byte limit on a character description. If you need a description longer than 24 bytes, please file an issue.

There is no need to edit the content of the [lang].[fontname].exp[num].tr file. The font name inside it need not be set.

For the curious, here is some information on the format.

Generate the unicharset file

Tesseract’s unicharset file contains information on each symbol (unichar) the Tesseract OCR engine is trained to recognize.

Currently, generating the unicharset file is done in two steps using these commands:unicharset_extractor and set_unicharset_properties.

NOTE: The unicharset file must be regenerated whenever inttempnormproto and pffmtableare generated (i.e. they must all be recreated when the box file is changed) as they have to be in sync.

For more details about the unicharset file format, see this appendix.


Tesseract needs to know the set of possible characters it can output. To generate the unicharsetdata file, use the unicharset_extractor program on the box files generated above:

unicharset_extractor ...


New in 3.03

This tool, together with a set of data files, allow the addition of extra properties in the unicharset, mostly sizes obtained from fonts.

training/set_unicharset_properties -U input_unicharset -O output_unicharset --script_dir=training/langdata

After running unicharset_extractor and set_unicharset_propertie, you should get aunicharset file with all the fields set to the right values, like in this example.

The font_properties file

Now you need to create a font_properties text file. The purpose of this file is to provide font style information that will appear in the output when the font is recognized.

Each line of the font_properties file is formatted as follows:
fontname italic bold fixed serif fraktur
where fontname is a string naming the font (no spaces allowed!), and italicboldfixed,serif and fraktur are all simple 0 or 1 flags indicating whether the font has the named property.


timesitalic 1 0 0 1 0

The font_properties file will be used by the shapeclustering and mftraining commands.

When running mftraining, each fontname field in the *.tr file must match an fontname entry in the font_properties file, or mftraining will abort.

Note: There is a default font_properties file, that covers 3000 fonts (not necessarily accurately) located in the langdata repository.


When the character features of all the training pages have been extracted, we need to cluster them to create the prototypes.

The character shape features can be clustered using the shapeclusteringmftraining andcntraining programs:


shapeclustering should not be used except for the Indic languages.

shapeclustering -F font_properties -U unicharset ...

shapeclustering creates a master shape table by shape clustering and writes it to a file namedshapetable.


mftraining -F font_properties -U unicharset -O lang.unicharset ...

The -U file is the unicharset generated by unicharset_extractor above, and lang.unicharset is the output unicharset that will be given to combine_tessdata.

mftraining will output two other data files: inttemp (the shape prototypes) and pffmtable (the number of expected features for each character).

NOTEmftraining will produce a shapetable file if you didn't run shapeclustering. You mustinclude this shapetable in your traineddata file, whether or not shapeclustering was used.


cntraining ...

This will output the normproto data file (the character normalization sensitivity prototypes).

Dictionary Data (Optional)

Tesseract uses up to 8 dictionary files for each language. These are all optional, and help Tesseract to decide the likelihood of different possible character combinations.

Seven of the files are coded as a Directed Acyclic Word Graph (DAWG), and the other is a plain UTF-8 text file:

word-dawgdawgA dawg made from dictionary words from the language.
freq-dawgdawgA dawg made from the most frequent words which would have gone into word-dawg.
punc-dawgdawgA dawg made from punctuation patterns found around words. The "word"part is replaced by a single space.
number-dawgdawgA dawg made from tokens which originally contained digits. Each digit is replaced by a space character.
bigram-dawgdawgA dawg of word bigrams where the words are separated by a space and each digit is replaced by a ?.
user-wordstextA list of extra words to add to the dictionary. Usually left empty to be added by users if they require it; see tesseract(1).

To make the DAWG dictionary files, you first need a wordlist for your language. You may find an appropriate dictionary file to use as the basis for a wordlist from the spellcheckers (e. g. ispell,aspell or hunspell) - be careful about the license. The wordlist is formatted as a UTF-8 text file with one word per line. Split the wordlist into needed sets e.g.: the frequent words, and the rest of the words, and then use wordlist2dawg to make the DAWG files:

wordlist2dawg frequent_words_list lang.freq-dawg lang.unicharset
wordlist2dawg words_list lang.word-dawg lang.unicharset

For languages written from right to left (RTL), like Arabic and Hebrew, add -r 1 to thewordlist2dawg command.

Other options can be found in wordlist2dawg Manual Page

NOTE: If a dictionary file is included in the combined traineddata, it must contain at least one entry. Dictionary files that would otherwise be empty are not required for the combine_tessdata step.

Words with unusual spellings should be added to the dictionary files. Unusual spellings can include mixtures of alphabetical characters with punctuation or numeric characters. (E.g. i18n, l10n,,,, utf8, ucs2)

If you need example files for dictionary wordlists, uncombine (with combine_tessdata) existing language data file (e.g. eng.traineddata) and then extract wordlist with dawg2wordlist

The unicharambigs file

The unicharambigs file is a text file that describes possible ambiguities between characters or sets of characters, and is manually generated.

To understand the file format, look at the following example:

2       ' '     1       "       1
1       m       2       r n     0
3       i i i   1       m       0

The first line is a version identifier.

The remaining lines are tab separated fields, in the following format:

<number of characters for match source> <characters for match source> <number of characters for match target> <characters for match target> <type indicator>

Type indicator could have following values:

0A non-mandatory substitution.This informs tesseract to consider the ambiguity as a hint to the segmentation search that it should continue working if replacement of 'source' with 'target' creates a dictionary word from a non-dictionary word. Dictionary words that can be turned to another dictionary word via the ambiguity will not be used to train the adaptive classifier.
1A mandatory substitution.This informs tesseract to always replace the matched 'source' with the 'target' strings.
Example lineExplanation
2 ' ' 1 " 1A double quote (") should be substituted whenever 2 consecutive single quotes (') are seen.
1 m 2 r n 0The characters 'rn' may sometimes be recognized incorrectly as 'm'.
3 i i i 1 m 0The character 'm' may sometimes be recognized incorrectly as the sequence 'iii'.

Each separate character must be included in the unicharset. That is, all of the characters used must be part of the language that is being trained.

The rules are not bidirectional, so if you want 'rn' to be considered when 'm' is detected and vise versa you need a rule for each.

Version 3.03 and on supports a new, simpler format for the unicharambigs file:

'' " 1
m rn 0
iii m 0

In this format, the "error" and "correction" are simple UTF-8 strings separated by a space, and, after another space, the same type specifier as v1 (0 for optional and 1 for mandatory substitution). Note the downside of this simpler format is that Tesseract has to encode the UTF-8 strings into the components of the unicharset. In complex scripts, this encoding may be ambiguous. In this case, the encoding is chosen such as to use the least UTF-8 characters for each component, ie the shortest unicharset components will make up the encoding.

Like most other files used in training, the unicharambigs file must be encoded as UTF-8, and must end with a newline character.

The unicharambigs format is also described in the unicharambigs(5) man page.

The unicharambigs file may also be non-existent.

Putting it all together

That is all there is to it! All you need to do now is collect together all the files (shapetable,normprotointtemppffmtableunicharset) and rename them with a lang. prefix (for example eng.), and then run combine_tessdata on them as follows:

combine_tessdata lang.

Although you can use any string you like for the language code, we recommend that you use a 3-letter code for your language matching one of the ISO 639-2 codes.

The resulting lang.traineddata goes in your tessdata directory. Tesseract can then recognize text in your language (in theory) with the following:

tesseract image.tif output -l lang

More options of combine_tessdata can be found on its Manual Page or in comment of its source code.

You can inspect some of the internals of traineddata files in 3rd party online Traineddata inspector.


The *.tr file format

Every character in the box file has a corresponding set of entries in the .tr file (in order) like this:

<fontname> <character> <left> <top> <right> <bottom> <pagenum>
mf <number of features>
<x> <y> <length> <dir> 0 0
cn 1
<ypos> <length> <x2ndmoment> <y2ndmoment>
if <number of features>
<x> <y> <dir>
tb 1
<bottom> <top> <width>

The Micro Features (mf) are polygon segments of the outline normalized to the 1st and 2nd moments. The mf line will followed by a set of lines determined by <number of features>.
x is x position [-0.5,0.5]
y is y position [-0.25,0.75]
length is the length of the polygon segment [0,1.0]
dir is the direction of the segment [0,1.0]

The Char Norm features (cn) are used to correct for the moment normalization to distinguish position and size (eg c vs C and , vs ')

if - Int Features

tb - Geo features

The unicharset file format

Tesseract’s unicharset file contains information on each symbol (unichar) the Tesseract OCR engine is trained to recognize.

The first line of a unicharset file contains the number of unichars in the file.

After this line, each subsequent line provides information for a single unichar. The first such line contains a placeholder reserved for the space character.

Each unichar is referred to within Tesseract by its Unichar ID, which is the line number (minus 1) within the unicharset file. Therefore, space gets unichar 0.

Each unichar line in the unicharset file should have these space-separated fields:
character properties glyph_metrics script other_case direction mirrornormed_form

  • character
    The UTF-8 encoded string to be produced for this unichar.
  • properties
    An integer mask of character properties, one per bit. From least to most significant bit, these are: isalpha, islower, isupper, isdigit, ispunctuation.
  • glyph_metrics
    Ten comma-separated integers representing various standards for where this glyph is to be found within a baseline-normalized coordinate system where 128 is normalized to x-height.
    • min_bottommax_bottom
      The ranges where the bottom of the character can be found.
    • min_topmax_top
      The ranges where the top of the character may be found.
    • min_widthmax_width
      Horizontal width of the character.
    • min_bearingmax_bearing
      How far from the usual start position does the leftmost part of the character begin.
    • min_advancemax_advance
      How far from the printer’s cell left do we advance to begin the next character.
  • script
    Name of the script (Latin, Common, Greek, Cyrillic, Han, NULL).
  • other_case
    The Unichar ID of the other case version of this character (upper or lower).
  • direction
    The Unicode BiDi direction of this character, as defined by ICU’s enum UCharDirection. (0 = Left to Right, 1 = Right to Left, 2 = European Number…​)
  • mirror
    The Unichar ID of the BiDirectional mirror of this character. For example the mirror of open paren is close paren, but Latin Capital C has no mirror, so it remains a Latin Capital C.
  • normed_form
    The UTF-8 representation of a "normalized form" of this unichar for the purpose of blaming a module for errors given ground truth text. For instance, a left or right single quote may normalize to an ASCII quote.

An example of the unicharset file

N 5 59,68,216,255,87,236,0,27,104,227 Latin 11 0 1 N
Y 5 59,68,216,255,91,205,0,47,91,223 Latin 33 0 2 Y
1 8 59,69,203,255,45,128,0,66,74,173 Common 3 2 3 1
9 8 18,66,203,255,89,156,0,39,104,173 Common 4 2 4 9
a 3 58,65,186,198,85,164,0,26,97,185 Latin 56 0 5 a

More about the properties field

Here is another example. For simplicity only the first two fields in each line are shown in this example. The other fields are omitted.

; 10 ...
b 3 ...
W 5 ...
7 8 ...
= 0 ...
CharPunctuationDigitUpperLowerAlphaBinary numHex.

In columns 2-6, 0 means 'No', 1 means 'Yes'.

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