Pligg安装啦啦rss导入模块(Rss Importer插件的使用)

Pligg安装啦啦rss导入模块(Rss Importer插件的使用)

by clin003 at 20070916 from:或


然后报错:  Feed Category Id (number): 1 <script type="text/javascript">Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);function init() {EditInPlace.makeEditable( {type: 'text', pagename: '', keyval: '', action: 'save', id: 'qeip_FeedCategory_-_8', save_url: '/beta/module.php?module=rss_import'} );}</script> -- The ID of the category to place these items into

Warning: MagpieRSS: fetch_rss called without a url in /www/beta/modules/rss_import/magpierss/ on line 238

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /www/beta/modules/rss_import/rss_import_main.php on line 373
-- feed field name: Click To Edit <script type="text/javascript">Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);function init() {EditInPlace.makeEditable( {type: 'select', pagename: '', keyval: '', action: 'save', id: 'qeip_FeedLink_FeedField_-_21', save_url: '/beta/module.php?module=rss_import', options: {}} );}</script> --- pligg field name: Click To Edit <script type="text/javascript">Event.observe(window, 'load', init, false);function init() {EditInPlace.makeEditable( {type: 'select', pagename: '', keyval: '', action: 'save', id: 'qeip_FeedLink_PliggField_-_21', save_url: '/beta/module.php?module=rss_import', options: {link_url: 'link_url', link_title: 'link_title', link_content: 'link_content', link_tags: 'link_tags', link_field1: 'link_field1', link_field2: 'link_field2', link_field3: 'link_field3', link_field4: 'link_field4', link_field5: 'link_field5', link_field6: 'link_field6', link_field7: 'link_field7', link_field8: 'link_field8', link_field9: 'link_field9', link_field10: 'link_field10', link_field11: 'link_field11', link_field12: 'link_field12', link_field13: 'link_field13', link_field14: 'link_field14', link_field15: 'link_field15'}} );}</script> --- Remove this link
-- Add a new field link



google reader的共享feed是这样子的:


2,选择 Admin » RSS Importer
3,Feed URL:下添加rss(feed)地址
4,点击 Examine this feed连接根据输出的title,link,content,在下部添加相应的field

Feed Name: BlogSearchForClin003Com
Feed URL:
Delete this feed
Export this feed
Examine this feed

- Feed Frequency (hours): 48 -- how often to check for new items.

- Feed Order: 1 -- Do we start with the last items first? 0 = no, 1 = yes

- Feed Random Votes: 1 -- Do we use a random number of votes? 0 = no, 1 = yes

- Feed Votes (if not random): 1 -- how many votes new items recieve (limit 200)

- Feed Votes Minimum (if random): 2 -- how many votes new items recieve (limit 200)
- Feed Votes Maximum (if random): 100 -- how many votes new items recieve (limit 200)

- Feed Items Limit: 3 -- how many new items to take from the feed when it's checked
- Feed URL Dupes: 0 -- Allow duplicate URL's 0=No, 1=Yes, Allow
- Feed Title Dupes: 0 -- Allow duplicate Title's 0=No, 1=Yes, Allow
- Feed Submitter Id (number): 2 -- The ID of the person who will be listed as the submitter
- Feed Category Id (number): 1 -- The ID of the category to place these items into

-- feed field name: title --- pligg field name: link_title --- Remove this link
-- feed field name: link --- pligg field name: link_url --- Remove this link
-- feed field name: description --- pligg field name: link_content --- Remove this link
-- Add a new field link



Lightbox v0.1 - disable
desc: Lightbox is a script used to overlay private messages on the current page
Page Statistics v0.2 - disable
desc: Page Statistics gives a detailed information on pageviews of each stories in your Pligg site
Admin Modify Formulas v0.1 - enable -- remove
desc: Allows GOD user to modify the formulas.
requires: scriptaculous version 0.1 - pass
RSS Importer v0.5 - disable
desc: Import RSS Feeds
Thickbox v0.1 - disable
desc: Thickbox is a script used to overlay content on the current page. For documentation on Thickbox, visit:
Profile Extra Fields v0.2 - disable
desc: Allows modules to add extra fields to the users profile.
Send Announcement v0.2 - enable -- remove
desc: Send Announcement allows you to send an email to all the users of your Pligg site.
Private Messaging v0.1 - disable
desc: Allow users to send private messages to each other.
requires: lightbox version 0.1 - pass
Embed Videos v0.51 - enable -- remove
desc: Embed various video sites into Pligg through simple tags. User Feeds v0.1 - disable
desc: Adds an additional field to users' profiles and then adds rss feeds for those users digg submit and vote feeds to a specified category.
requires: users_extra_fields version 0.2 - pass
Ajax Contact Form v0.1 - disable
desc: Add a contact form for your users to contact you







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